Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Oct 1926, p. 41

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October 15, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 41 Methodist Parish Enlarge Facilities of New Trier Confectionery Bids Farewell to The Kc\\' Trier Confectionery, Main Stansell Family st reet ~ncl C entral av enpe, operated Dr. Gilbert Stansrll, pastor of the \\'ilmette Parish Methodi st church :-i n cc the autumn of 1921 is le<n·ing the ,·illage to assume charg e oi the First '\I cthodist church at Elgin, Ill. BOYS MONEY Tue sday evening of thi s we ek .a l'l'Ct: ption and dinner wa s given at the \\ · i Ime tt c \\ · o·nl an· s club in honor of Dr. and ~1 r s. Stan ~ ell 1)\· the memb er s (li the ~1 cthocli:-.t pari sl;, with th e as. . i:-tance o i the \\'ilmette ~1ini s t e r s ' t·nion. The program a:-. follows: by Lultas Br o thers, h as be en under going extensive rearrangement "·hich include s in stallation of a modern 18- . f?ot fountain, with electric refrigera tlOn. \Vhcn completed th e establishm ent will be in a po sition to se rve hot luncheon :-; in addition t o its fountain pr oduct s and canclic". A completelv C'quipped kitchen has been add ed to the confectionery. A quick and steady way to make X-Mas money. Every home, office and many stores need several packages of our new Hang Straight Invisible Picture Hanger Eliminates all screw eyes, wall hook and flimsy wire. Pictures will always h~mg straight and rigid; Each package contains everything to hang five pictures. Nothing more to buy~ Illustrated directions inclosed. Send us one dollar and by return mail we will send you post · paid 8 packages of Hangers. Yon sell them to your friends ~nd neighbors for 20 cents per package. Your profit will be 60 crnts on each lot sold. Mln y boys and girls sell eight packages in half an hour. You take no risk, money refunded on all unsold packages returned. Sta(t right now before anyone else gets busy in your neighborhood. Th e \Ve st' s pionel'r el~vated rail ior the r l'C l'ption \\'as r oad started ope rati o n in Chicago on ~la y 27, 1892, with ~ team dummie s. The Tn\·lwation ........ l)r. Stt·ph··rl .\ . Llo y d first division wa s electrified in 1895. Toa~tmaster· ...... :\Tr. Ar·thur L . Fullo ·r East St. Louis st arted telegraphic <.,luarlPttl·, "Spring· Song" . . . . . . l'in s upi ~!iss Ad1·laitl·· .J otll·S, :\Jr. 1 ·:. H . I ll'l'- communication with the Ea:-;tern sea!fJdH·r. :\!i ss :\lar·garl't St;ll't't~rd, .\It ·. (Jr- hoard i11 D ece mh er. H~-+7, wh en the villt · nor<'IH ·I'S. :\lr. C ia~ ·. :ll'('lllll)lHlliSI. · fir st wire \\'a :-i co mpl ete d and dedicated. Til· · Official 1Joa1·d ·;· ._.~ ·~ ,~..-...c~.-.o.-.()~{)---('~J~J---t·!· )lr. 1 I arT~· Kinn ·· \'· ,.,J] so l", "Tn·· ·s" . . . . . . . . . . . . I :ash:l<'k · " \\'h· ·JI Sn11~· I s S\\'l·t·l" .... :-:.tlls ~<tlll'i ! · : · :\!iss :\l n r ~ard ::-:t<tfforcl :\lr. l'l ·l'to ·r J[ ,·aps, a·.,.··lll]J.tlli,..t \\ 'ilrn ··tto · :\l inist·· r ~· uni·,n l' i:tll io Sewing Machines I ! Repairing All Makes I WOUl'\\'t· \\'ill nw.k1· your o ld ma chin e a~ g·oocl ns nt·w. GUAR.\~TEED lltrho ·rl ~ ·<lrl··l··ll :-;,,J,-- 1-:11 nat· ·all. " li t ;t ]Jt·. I .- Salet~ Picture Ranger Co. Chicago, Ill. f:,,;,, ...... /,, .,. ,, \\ 1' 1' :-;, d ft ·go ·t to ..... J: :to·h . " ('. !'\kowron e · :!ll l'routr .\ IIIH'X Ph. Wlllll<'tkn 9i~' ·:··._,c ....,.,,._,,,,._.,,_.,,...,,,__.c ,...,tJ._,t.._,,,._.,,._. ·:'.! I II ~ 63 E. Adams Street ) ·," 111. " \\' !11 · 11 ll :tr ri.-t ~loo11 :-. I h o· I 'r· ·:w lr· ·l' c;, 10·:.\lr . Erl,,·in :\l"rl· ·.1 · ~t:ll'i'··nl ·~u : trldlt·, " Iri sh F· dk :--; ,,11~.. . . . '1'!. I 'huro ·h ~Jf' . J f:tl'l' ,\' '\\' . .\J II)IS 11·:11 · " II I ' 1·'· ·"1·· Ur. :-=,t;t i1.-il'l1. u ndn " !J""t' p:t .,,r.ttt· l11 ·rc ·the ~l ethocli-..t clllln·IJ h:t-.. t'll_; ,, t·d :1 rt:lllark:thlt- cl n eltijllllt'tlt. l':tllll' " ' \\'ilnrt·ttt· ir·Jill .\ ltvr·!vt·ri. ~D. l' ri t'r t " hi: y:t,·,,r:.ilt' tlt,·rt· lll· \\:t~ ;, ...... ci:tt~· lll l 'JI<t: r "' t.hl· ll t·J.lllL'Jiin \ll·illcH!h: t·hu:·t·rr :ti \lnllll ':t]lidt'. lfc i- :t g-radu:ttv ,,j ;;tt· · L' ni,·t·r . . i t' ()f "!J :tttan·1r1g.t ;trHI C :1r rl'lt Dihlical In- I ·you are Cordially Invited to Attend Our ·titutl·. Ug-in claim:; the cli ... tiill·tic,rJ ,,1 h:t\·i :...: thl' ftr.. . t del'tric..: light and JIO\\ l'r i ,J ~111 t i 11 Ill i 1w i :-.. an c . . t a h Ii . . h rnv 11 t h u i It :n the early ..:ightil' ... by CIJri-..ti:til C'. \ \·ut·..,ten ic lcl. GRAND OPENING of · SALES and SERVICE DEPARTMENTS Beauty Lies in for Oakland and Pontiac Sixes . Healthy EYES It's not so much the size or color of the EYES that makes them ~autiful. Rather, it's the glow which radiatf!s from them. Ur.less i<eptalwayscleanand healthy, EYES lacktthis alluring lustre. Millions of women throughout the world promote EYE health· and beauty with Murine. It cleanses EYES of irritating par# tides nnd keeps them clear and bright. Contains no belladonna. Ovr illustf'ated books on 11E"Ye Care" of' "E~·e Beauty" are fREE on requat. I With a Complete Line of All Body Types on Display Tt!URSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY October 14, 15, 16 - SHoREEN MoToR CoMPANY 2524 W. Railroad Ave. We will continue to operate our Ford repair and parts departments Evanston, Ill. The Murine Company l)£pt. 33, Chicago - .. tiJlllJf.~~JYRL - .JJ· EYES - ~1 11111111111 1 11111 111111111 11 1 11111 rrlulrlllil l lllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllttlllllllllllllllltlllltlntrlllltlllllltttlllllllllllltll i llllttrrnrrrlltllrlltlltlllllllllllllllllllllrlrrrlllllllllllllrrlrrrrrnrr ll rrrr rrr rlrr rl urlrlrrlrllllrrllllllll l lllrr l llllllrlrrrrr r llllrull l llllllliiiG

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