Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Oct 1926, p. 40

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WILMETTE LIFE October 15, 1926 TBERMOLIMB Heating Oils-A Grade for Every Burner Courteo~ and Efficient Service HUGHES 6 COMPAMY General Offices, 844 Rush St. North Shore plant, Howard at McCormick Blvd. Telephones: Niles Center 217 Superior 6481-2-3-4 Rogers Park 0982 Greenleaf 3456 ling by Mrs. W. E. Suits and Mrs. L. K. Gillson at Mrs. Suits' home, 718 Forest avenue. Mrs .. Emma Butz and Mrs. B. Greenleaf and Seventh H Burge will assist the hoste~ses. ·)Irs. William G~se, pastor. E.' L. Scheidenhelm, the chairman of this Circle requests that the members ('Ome Services . for Octobtehr IT7- Vl'rgl'ns" will prepa;ed to sew for the bazaar. "The Pa·r able of e en . of ·be th~ serm~n th.eme at the ser~lC~f a Tuesday evening· the RooseYelt Troop worsh1p. Tlus w1ll be tre ~conbles of No 2 meets at 7 :15 at headqua rtt:rs. series of messages on t 1 e apt D · 'd King scoutmaster. Jesus. av1 · English Lutheran . l Marmon New Models Now on Display 4 Wheel Brakes and Other Improvements II The Men's club hold their first mt-t-ting of the year at a 7 o'clock dinner on Tu..-s· day evening. All members. o~ cl~ur<'l~~s and organized club~ and So('IetJ.es lf! " 11mette are invited. The nwetmg IR foJ· t he ]JUrJ)OSt' of flbcussing the ~O\' (· mb"r election. The work nH:t·ting ot the )Iissionary · ~odl'l;\' ' \\'ill ht· nt>ld Thutsda~·. October The Junior choir mt-d fur rt-h~ar:--al H, at tlw hOJm· of :;\Tr:-;. Frank Rayson, on \\.cdne:-;day aftl'rnoon at 4 o dul'k, 244 Laurel avt>nue. under tht· dirt·ction of :'ITt·. :'IIeCormad-: and :Mrs. L . F. Gates. The Luther league will l10ld its s~cond Oetobe:r meeting at tht: home of MISS 'L'he Church F ·1 mil\' Xight dinnt: l' will t'aroline Buehholz, 22:i C(·ntral avenue, be h~ld at t; ::{0 'o'clock \\'Nlnt>~day with Friday, OctobE>r 15. thE> "Big Sing;" )('(l by :\Ir. :\IeCorm;wk lo;,'(l('l· . , 11 ,,· ill h· · h c· ld Fri-~ and d<'votional st·r\'iC'P r ondu<·lt·<l by ! 1r . . H·,l · l)O\\""'"n Olll ~' Lloy<l following. <:··t your reRervat1on · day, October :w. to tlw church offi C' t> by Tue sday noon. Bible school at :1 :45. 'Uraded lesso~~ in all departmt-nts. The aclult class Will discuss the Je~son-"1\Ioses Honored in His Death." The attendance banner f~r last month was won !Jy )lrR. Staab s class of girls. - 6015 Broadway, Longbeach 6428 Call F. C. Heaney for a . demon .. stration in this new Marmon Our nwmbt·r~ and frit>IHl:-; al'l' l't·qu<·Stt'<l to kN·p in mind tlw \\. ilmdtC' S0hool of Religious Education whi<'h '~·ill. be held on ~ix TuPRda~· C'\'t·ning-s twglnning- O(·tobl'l' 2f., at the Central !o;Chool. Congregational Church l\li~IS'I'EH~ Tlw ('ozv ('c.rrwr f"irr·Je>, Mrs. A. E. Klun(h·r, ciw irman, will !wid an ;dl·<l:t~· m<·l'ting· Ht tlw ('hur<' h on Thtu:~clay w~r\1 a ··Box lundwon" at noon . lt 1s th·· a~m of tlil' committrt' in c hargt· that tht· lac!J· ·:-In·ing an<l finil';h · mm~t of thP S(·wing· r.n hand fm· thf' ba:~.aar. Stephen A. Lloytl \Villiam E. 1\Ic('orm:l<'k On Friday tht> Sea. Scout:-- nwl'l at I ::\{) p. m. Ewart Cook, skipper. Sunday morning all tlf·partnH · nt~ of the Church sehool open their· :·wr\'iceH at 9:30 o'clock. At-10 ::10 the .Junior <'ongn·g·ation conYen s in the auditprium of the church where the Junior choir leads the singing. Mr. McCormaek will pr'Pach on "Tht· Hat1PY Prince:" at this service. 'l'hur:-;cla,· P\'t·ning th· · Yt)UIIg P· · <·Pl· · ·~ choir practi<·· · at I : 1 ;; , P.,rtt·r \\·. ll· · <~ 1·~ . ctin·ctor. ~f r. and ~I r . . John Bentley ha\'t.~ ar rived . fr.om California for a vi~it ni about three weeks at the home oi t h · former's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. E . G. Bentley of 804 Elmwo ~ d avenue. Mrs. Bentley was Miss \'ir ginia Kendall, formerly of \Vilmet!l' . Marmon North Shore If ' Th Sunday morning st·n·icP of wor1Irs. !-;hip at 11 o'clock. Thr !o;ermon by Dr. Llovrt will bC' on the subjN~ t of "QUl·~tion aYC!l\lC' ing · noubt and Conficlf·nt Prai:-t·." club 'at Tlw \VilnwttC' Sunda;\· En·ning- duh mr·t·ts in this C'hm·rh at I: :10 Jl. m. Strickland <iillilan will ~JW:tk and Miss Pnwn Hulbt·rt will :;ing. On Tuc·~day tht· . 't"ighlwrhood ('ir<·h· will lH! C'ntertain1·d at an all-day me: .t~lrs. -o- Ursa! Sutton of 1725 Forest entertained her fi\·e-hundred luncheon and cards at hl' r hom(' Tuesday aftrrnoon. -0- Thomas F. l'ook, 625 ElcH·Il t:l strrct, ,,·ho has hc.C'n ill for the prist six \\'ecks, has returnerl irom tht r-.·. anston hospital. Start the Day with Bowman's Milk OR zest, for vim, for all day vigor drink Bowman's Milk. Use it with cereals, on fruit, and as a refreshing, energizing drink. Rich in all of the precious vitam5nes it is a health-food beyond compare. There is a flav .lry deliciousness in Bowman's Milk that wins instant favor. It has always been the standard of quality. .Fifty-one years of da.irying experience assures Bowman's Milk reaching you as fresh, rich and pure as when taken from the cow. If you have never tasted Bowman's Milk, do so today. Telephone our nearest distributing statiora or order from one of our courteous milkmen. Fountain Square F Oriental Rugs You May Buy With Confidence ... Oriental Rugs for Homes of Modest Income vVhen you can buy such Rugs at such prices, one can hardly see how it is anything but sheer econotny to ovvn Orientals! Exqt1isitely beautiful-painstakingly wove!1 to last for generations. Wilmette 55 $55 Silky Lilahans, $35 (average size 3 x 4 1-2) Beluchistans, $25 DAI A.V COMPANY' Mtlil \. ·· (average size, 3 x 5) $375 Chinese Rug, $295 9 x 12-very fine . . Second Floor ..

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