Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Oct 1926, p. 35

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October 15, 1926 WI L ME T T ,E sibility of oppression. It is the real thing. It is not imposed by ' a wicked and ~~bi.trar~ legislature, but by the constttut1on Itself and that we must 1 amend. There is no other way. GovHarrison B. Riley, President of e:1~n.1en~s must live. . The work of ct'vlllzatlon must go on, and if legi slaTitle and Trust Company, tio n is imp oss ible to broaden the Address Realtors sources of tax supply, by reason of constitutional limitatio ns, then the People of large incomes 'Yho own I pr~s~nt sou.rces of supply must carry little property, people employmg com- the lncrcas111g burden. petent tax agents, and those who con"It is common and just that an 111trol organizations of such magnitude crease of governmental powers should that the assessor can only make a be scrutinized with care QY the people feeble guess as to values, make up the j lc st ne\\. powers bring new oppresopposition to the tax relief amend- sions. It is also true that the various ment to the state constitution to be citizens considering the que stion will placed before the voters at the No- view the propo . ed change with carevemher. elections, Harrison B. Riley, ful thought as to the possible effect president of the Chicago Title and ' upon their own fortune s. Trust company told the tenth annual Some Want No Change convention of tlw Illinoi~ As so~ iation "But \vh en the objection s proceed of Real Estate Boards 111 · ess1on at from tho se not now ove r taxed, their Kankakee last .week. argument s ~hould be considered with Protest agamst passage ~f the some care, and particularly should amendment to penmt the legislature that he the case where the complaints to distribute s.tatc taxes more equit- are light -min ded and deal with mere ably over vanous forn.1s of . weal~h, possibilitie s. co!11es from a small bu~ mfluenttal ..cThose of large inc omes and small onty who are !lot no\\ over-taxed, de- propertv; o r those cmploving competclarcd ~~ r. Rtle~', ,,·ho ar;;ser~ed that ent tax- agents: or those- \\·ho control the heav~· tax on real e.stat~ ~~ ~lowly concerns oi such magnitude that the confiscating the land s ot Ilhnms. asses.,or ca n only make a feeble guess Tn answer to char~es th at. the as to \'alue. tell us that no change in amcn.dmcnt would pcrn!1t opp;css10n of taxing methods is de sirable . c~ rtam clas ses ~Jr. R1ley satcl: "The pmn~r to tax is the PO\\'er to Declares Farmers Oppressed . destrm· according to the legali stic "Those wh o op pose the amendment theon... The )10\\'Cr to tax o nly one arc convinced that a change in our cla ss· oi wealth. the land. turns th e tax syste m will n o t impro ve their for - theon· into a iact. Out of \Yhich . tunr s. The se people arc sat isfitd ior grows the prl'scnt demand ior th e they s uff er n o opp ress ion. Th eir ox i:-. construction of lines of transportation not gored. .. h,· specia l asses"ment. the impor ta"But the people wh o are opp ressed. , t i-on of experts . ~o ~ ca ll ed. to ~aise aswhose ox is gored. are people oi moe\- sessed \'a lu e of lane_! and ~he 1act that tratc means- th e iarm cr, th e home- the mmcr or user ot land 1s slowly but ow n er the tenant:' and sma ll mer- f .;ure ]y being deprived of his property cha nt ,· as well as t h'ose puritanical in,· hy dtte hut unju :.;t pro~es.s of tl1e _Ia~\·." who sc hedule th C' ir personal property 1femhers of the Illtnot s A~so~1at1on at fair value. Thi s is n ot a mere pos- of Real Estate Boa rd s arc mak111g an LIFE JS SAYS TAX AMENDMENT OPPOSED BY MINORITY intensive campaign for the tax relief amendment to be carried into every part of the state. A. C. Everingham, of the state headquarters jn Chicago, addressed the convention on "The Tax AmendmentOrganization for Results," and reports were made bv various local boards on I activities con~erning the amendment. , -------Mrs. ]. Hugh Foster, '921 ~rccnwood avenue, who underwent a senous operation at the St. Francis hospital rece.ntly, is gradually re'Covering. She will not be at home for two or three weeks . 1 First Mortgage Gold Realty · Bonds secured by North Shore property improvements are an ideal investment for October funds. :-=.=;:::;:::;:::;:::=;::::::::;::=:;::=:;::.:::= SlhS MONEY Have funds to loan on chol·c e improved North Shore Suburban residence property at 6~% lnt{'rest. See us on renewals. · E. G. Paalinl' &: Co. 5 N. LaSalle St. MaiD U5l 15(;4 Sherman Avenue Evanston mm- 1 . Residet\ce Glencoe . 1 1 The Mcilvaine Oil Burner With the Mcilvaine, no deli-cate machinery is needed. On . the Mcilvaine the only flame is the oil flame-no gas pilot light-and the only control of the oil and air supply. .Exceptionally attractive . and we.ll b~ilt home in Glencoe with a ten mile v1ew overlooking beautiful Skokie Valley. Almost an acre of ground. 30x 18 foot l~v ing room. 14x 16 foot sun parlor wtth awninged, open porch above. Four master bedrooms, two tile baths, two servant rooms with bath. Warm and dry basement can be used as billiard room or children's playroom. Vapor heat, William's Oil-o-matic burner. Priced considerably under surrounding homes of same type. Full information from exclusive agent. HOKANS2~ JEN~~. North Shore Properties Telephone Greenleaf 1611 500 Davis Streot MciLVAINE OIL BuRNER SALES Phone Winn. 147 I EVANSTON 788 Elm St. WINNETKA -------------

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