Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Oct 1926, p. 33

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October 15, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 33 rhe new Adams 8 Wabash Station (Chicago], of the North Shore Line will be opened on November (Extracts from publishers' comnunts.) '·I Am a \\·oman and a Jew" · - Leah Morton All will be stirred by this narrative of fervor , spirit an intense drama. 1111 11 11111 lst at 223 South Wabash Avenue, in the same block as the present station but a few doors south. Work on the new station is nearing completion, and when placed in service on November lstt it will be one of the finest electric railway stations in the country. There will be two floors and a mezzanine. the latter being devoted exclusively to an attractively furnished waiting and rest room for ladies. In addition to ticket offices. a waiting room and an informatio~ bureau, the first floor will house a splendidly-equipped restaurant operated by the North Shore Line. Like the present station at 209 South Wabash Avenue, the new station will be the most accessible of all railroad stations in Chicago. "~ummer Storm"- Frank Swinnerton A swift, dramatic story of two young "·omen in the summertime of life. 111 1 11111 "l Teart s of Hickory"-] olm Trotwood A thrilling historical novel. 11111111 1, " :\ :\ovcli st'. Tour of the \\"oriel" -Vincente Blasco Ibane z Acro5s seven ocean s and the thre e tnost fam o us riYcr s in history . 111 11 11 11 "Thi ::; Believing \Vorld"- Lewi s Brown e An int ensely int eresting sto ry of all re ligion s, pa st and present. 111111111 tna take the · '· Religion in the Making" - A. !\. \ \ ' hi tc hcacl :\ brillian t examination o f th e flux o i religi o us co ncepti ons and thou g ht ni the pre sent day. 1[11111 11 "Power"-Lion Feuchtwanger. 70,000 people or oYer bou g ht it Germany. 111111 w 111 '· Ra mbles \Yith Anatole France" - Sand o r Kem e ri Tran slated fr om th e Hungarian and illu st rated with hitherto unpubli shed pho tograph 5. JIIIII IQ "Lo rd Raingo"-Arnold Benn ett ' 'Lord R aingo" deals with li ic o f Lo rd Beaverbrook, the own er of t\YO nt- \\·s papcrs in England and of wh om Arnold Bennett is a great admirer. 1 1 1 1 111 ~ ··From Pa scal t o Proust" -G. Turquet -11 ilne s Fa scinating analysi s of modern philos ophy and .Psychology upon con - ~ tl'lllporary wnters., .. 111111111 "He re . \\'e Are Again " -Rohert E. Sherwood R ecollection s of an old circus clown . I ll. il l' "T IlL· Dt,·il'.., (;uard"- T a lb ot :\fund,·. A tale of \Yi c rd ad,·enture s. · 11 !1 11 1 11 "Th e Ninth \\'a,·e"- Carl Van Doren A critic's first noHl reveals the essential step s by which the average tnan moves from fifteen to fifty. 1:1 111111 TUST about any tim~ you're ready to go, a North Shore Line J too. Every hour there's a fast train for Milwaukee. train is ready "Th e Fiddler in BarJe,·'l :_Robert Nathan He ha · attempted to couple in it the fanta sy of "The Puppet Ma ster" \Yith the pa::;tora l quality of "autumn ." 1111 11111 "Goodbye Stranger"- Stclla Benson She tells the story of an English fairy \\'ho is married to an American optimist. tiiii ii! L "The \Vorld That \\'as" -John G. Bowman It is full of the charm of childhood and of beaut iful outdoor t hings t hat a sm all boy love d. 111111111 Seven Milwaukee Limiteds every day operate via the Shore Line Route. stopping here for passengers. At other hours, you can take Waukegan Limiteds to North Chicago Junc:doa., where direct connections are made with Milwaukee Limited trains operadDa via the Skokie Valley Route. Service to Milwaukee' on the North Shore Line is convenient, frequent and reliable. Electiically'operated, the high..speed North Shore Une trains am clean and comfortable-your trip is a pleasure all the way. In every detail of its operation, North Shore Une service ia desigDed to meet ,our needs and suit ':JOWT convenience. · . . For schedules, fares and other informaticm, inquire at tided oiiU:& Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad Co. The high ..speed electrically ..operated railroad I WILMETTE PASS ENGER STATION Telephone Wilmette 2 "T he H um an Adve n t ur e" - ]. H . Breas ted and J. H . Robin so n A dy namic, o rig in al and absolut ely up-to -da te history o f our world. 111111111 5 14 Baggage Checked "The Hard- Boiled Virgin - ·France s Ne wman Throws light on a most inter esting type of modern woman . 1-105

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