Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Oct 1926, p. 32

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32 WILMETTE LIFE October 15, 1926 I NEWJE§lllBS(Q)(Q)OC§ AJNJD) Iffi(Q)(Q)ll{ JREVITJEW§l DID YOU KNOW- ~®wiicew~ ©~ N®~ Jffi©©llK~ "THE DAXCI:\"C Wnllmrncetttt® lLiilb)lr~lfY NEW BOOKS FICTION-Introduction to Sally, Arnim · Into the Void, Converse (myste'ry story); G?d Wills It, Davis; Tampico, Hergeshe~mer; Green Mansions, Hudson; Fa1ry Gold, Mack~n zie · Attbrights, Marshall; Casuartna Tr~e Maugham; Gabrielle, Maxwell: Cotf~x Bookplate, Miller (detective story): Devil's Guard, Mundy; Far End Sinclair; Ninth Wave, Van Doren· 'Red-haired Girl, Wells (detective ·Books-Books BOOKS A happy week for booklovers, this-with such a list to choose from. That a new publishi11g house began its career September IS-William. Morrow a1td company? That the ex-crown prince Wilhelm of Germany has written a book iJJ which he places the blame of the war on the sho·u.lders of na· tious other than Germany! That the attthor of Mohammed, R. F. Dibble, is in Europe prepariug a. book on M art·i?£ Luther f That Theodore Dreiser returtzs to this country in November for the dramatlzation of "An AmeriTragrdy?" FtooR"-Jolm Bttchau. In Quest of the Perfect Book By W illi4m Dana Orcutt Ss.oo Little, Brown a Co. . It would seem to us that the author had ended one's quest in this very book-for it has achieved a physical perfection of design and finish that is utterly satisfying. It is described as "the Reminiscences and Reflections of a Bookman . ... " and the author as an "architect of books." He has evidently studied books and their making, type, paper, the harmonizing of make-up and subject matter, wit h loving and patient thoroughness. OW BOAT A N, Ntnll, dt ·I ·tltr t/ uso BIG" EDNA FERBER A ·lorlout romaaC!e ia tbe be art of A.merio1 Do you love mystery? Not the kind that has to do with a spot of blood on the floor b~t the kind that deals with the Greek Islands, with the mysteriou s religious rites of forgotten centuries. with the doomed house of Plakos and its lovely daughter. Vernon M ilburne has had for many years a ·dream, recurring on a cert~in night of spring, a dream about whtch he only knows that each year something comes nearer him. So strong is the hold of tl·e dream that Vernon cons·e crates himself to it s cause and only holds himself in readiness for its ful fillment whatever it may be . Now in life, such a course would end in a "flop" of one's hopes, but not so under Mr. John Buchan's skillful pen. There it blossoms into a breathle ss ly thrilling tale of remote islands, surly peasants ahd an old pagan rit e con·secratrd in the Valley of the "Dancing Floor." ~111111111111111111111111111111111111111 sto~y). RELIGIONThis Believing World, Browne; Book Nobody Knows, Barton. POETRYSongs in Silhouette, Dene; Sea and the Dune s, Kemp; Ships in Harbour, Morton; Selected Poems, Reese; Selected Poems, Sandburg. PLAYSCake, Bynnrr: Granite, Dane; Success, Milne. TRAVELRoundabout to Canterbury, Brook s: On the Trail of Ancient Man, An drews: East of Siam, Franck; Ireland Beautiful. Nutting; Paris That Is >;ot in the Guide Book, \Voon; Man Eater·s of TsaYo, Patterson; New Hampshire lleautiful. Nutting: Massachusett s Beautiful, ~utting; Connecticut Beautiful. Nutting: Pennsylvania Beautiful, Nutting. BIOGRAPHYFathers of the Revolution, Guedelle: ~fen and Rubber , Firestone; ~ly Lift· and \Vork, Ford; Today and Tomor row, Ford: Letters, James; Mohammed, Dibble; Sam Noble, A1Jle ~ea man, Noble. 11 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 Thais By Anatole Franee John Lane, The Bodney Head, Ltd. Ss.oo Another of that exquisite style in which some of Cabell's and many of France's books have been published. Illustrated by Frank C. Pape. !!!!!!!'!!~ "SAVJOGRS or. Socn~:rv"-Strpl!r,r ."'vft- Kemta. Stt·phen McKenna who ha s before been successful in writing trilogies or works of more than one volume has rt>sumed this former hahit iri "Savioms of Society" which is the fir st part of "The Realists." Mr. ~cKenna , who has been going steadily downward in the quality thou~h not in the quantity of his production of late years, ha s in "Saviours of Society" made an attempt to grasp at somethinJr more vigorous. There is a fairly good plot and it is worked out with a good deal of skill though a rather too great wordiness. The title "The Realists." comes from the fact th;jt Mr. McKenna feels that since the War a new type of politician has come into being in England. one who instead of dealing in the old reticences and insincerities of politics look s facts squarely in the face and deals in rcal.ism. -ES'l'Hf:R GouLD . It Happened in Peking By Louise Jordan Miln Stoke· $1.00 The action in this delightful romance takes place during the Boxer rebellion, with the ancient city of Peking as a background . Page Mr. Tutt By Arthur Ttain "Scribntr's · ~ I Su.S I I ArJ·ptJ·ons · ~ I I I Just Paragraphs Lewi ." Rromll'. author oi "This Be lieving \\'oriel" which has ju st he en puhlishcd, is now in Russia st udyin~ the religiou s de\'c1opmcnt under Communist rule. 111111111 Dear to the hearts of most of the Saturday Evening Post's circulation, this new book about the Tutts should have a royal welcome. Nine easy-to-read stories about how they .overcome legal trickery by trickery just a little more legal! 1o r a II Magazines taken in our book department Book lHpllttmtnt Firat Floor A literary event The publication of The Collected Parodies of Louia U ntermeyet Harcourt, Brace $1. 7 5 I I Early Autumn By Louia Bromfield author of "The Green Bay Tree" and "Possession!' The third "panel" in the screen of American life, "Early Autumn" is a story of New England where the struggle h between the reaching out for the present and the clinging to the !)ast. Ring Lardner. whtl in the old <Ia \·-. used to he known as Chicago's ha s.t·l?all humorist, is devtloping a strain of grim realism v.:hich will soon makt· Theodore Drei se r sound like a comit· sheet. But in art ~Ir. Lardner ha..; traveled a long ""ay since the day s when he used to make us ,,·onder wheth e r it was worth while turning over to page 102 for his column. 111111111 .. The main features of this clever book are his Mother Goose rhymes as they might have been written by modern poets todaythe odes of Horace as they might have been written by various other poets, earlier and modern and "Heavens" of which James Branch Cabell said once "It seems to me for sheer damnable cleverness without any parallel." People of modern tastes in writing will want this book. I I The Czecho-Slovakian right s to "Dark Laughter" have just been S()ld and there is · an insistent rumor that the book will be dramatized in the near future. I I Stokes $2.00 II DOROTHY CANFIELD'S ~ew Novel SZ.OO II One of Fatnol'a Best Nouela fl HARCOURT BRACE & CO. HER SON'S WIFE "A Muterpiec:e"-Wm. Lyou Phelpall Custody Children Where There Are Children . Da:-e There Be Divorce? Introduction to Sally By ~~Elizabeth" Doubleday P·gt $1.50 ADVENTURE ·By JEFFERY THE HIGH FARNOL We'd like to see the person who could read one page of this delicious book without wanting it! Sally is modestly described as the most beautiful girl in the world, and her incredible adventures are told with a naive gayety that has, however, an unmistakable flavor of mischief. A perfect book to give to somebody who needs to laugh! -~..,..........,rs FOUNT · A romantic tale of lusty adventure by the famous author of "T h e B r o a d Highway." S .z. o o at all Bookulleu By Everett Youn1 Not the ordinary "brilliant society novel." 'It catches your emotions and you find yourself caring supremely what happens to Clodi Dillon. IN SQUARE-EV,NSTON LITILE, BROWN & CO Publisbus. Boston Henry Holt & Co. $2.50

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