Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Oct 1926, p. 31

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Oc tober 15, 1926 ' WILMETTE LIFE . KA'.rZ VILLAGE THEATRE th e bas is for the plot of "Rollin g T homas Me ig han's newest Para· · Home," W illi am A. Seite r's latest Unr mo un t feat ure, "Tin Gods," is a real versa! prod uction starring Regina ld knockout! It is to be shown at the Denny, wh ich comes to the Village Yillage theater next Monday and Tues- theat<:>r next Friday and Saturday. Orda,·. October 18· and 19. tober 22 and 23. ~upporting Tom, arc the two fea- . J?enny plays the role of the amtured women, Renee Adoree, heroine ~~ l t l ott s wa nde:.er who strays trom HOWAAD 6VI. IETWEEN 11 t ." A~O t:L.6AK SJR& i ··The Big- Parade" and Aileen l~owcrs Fa ll s to conquer the world ~~ringle, fairy princes~ of a hm1drcd a~ld . sha~ne tl~c R'oc.kefe ller an.d Mor- 1 The Theatre for the Great North Shore >lots. \Villiam Po,,·cll, Ha le Hamilton I g-ans :nth . ht s busmess sagacity and ~nd a little boy, De lb crt \\'hit ten, Jr., fi '!a 11 eta! \\'tza rdry · I - 1. do capable work fhcre mil aLo he an Our Gang <L :-.o ,. .. . · Cf·lltecly, .. ~I ary, Ouecn of Tots." a nel l "'1m Go.~ls 1s the old, yet ever . new a Pathe ne\\'~ reel. · ;-;ton· of the man who came back." Tnni ~s. introd u ce~ .as the husband of NORSHORE THEATRE I a . poht~ca ll y al~lh t t lous . woma.n · who \\'ith collegiate life again in S\ra\', ;·tllllS l.11s love by her lack of Interest the Freshman duly enrolled and sui)tn .the tr. ,h<_>me.. Due t~ her neglect, ducd, and college sport news on ever.r- 1 · t_hrtr, clu ld ~~ ktll.ed, and ronuny lea yes one's lips, the :t\orshore t heatre catches Practically every star of t he fi rst magnitor South Amenca. the ~pirit and announces a "Campus t ude is included in t he pictures presented at :\ conH:dy. "'Beaut~· ~ Ia :\fud,"' and I \\'eek" to start next Thur ·dav. the Norshore theat re, firs t in t he Evanston :1 Pathe ne\\':; reel will complete the The principal feature of thi"s unu~hill. ual l?rog-ran1 i:.- the college romance, district. Attend often. See the best in screen Lionel Barrymore. hrother of John j "Th~ Campu~ . Flirt"' .starring Bebc ent erta inment. and Ethel, the eldest son of the great 1 Dat11els and tntroducmg to fi lms, \ 1au rice Barrvmorc, has recently com- ' Charle s Paddock of cinderpath fame. -NOW PLAYINGpletcd his mo·s.t pretentious screen of - The picture prese1. 1ts a. seric~ oi Ycry icring. "'The Bells," which will he the ~lllll:itng- . coll<:g~ sttuattons to embel~ Emil Janninga-Lya De Putti feature attraction next \\'cdncsda\· ancl tsh the romanttc tlieme. El Brendel, Thursdav October 20 and 21. ~ stage C(llllcdian is in the cast and the ··The n'ells," which provided the im- subtitles, a feature in themselves, were tlJOrtal Sir Henry Irving with his writ t.en hy Rube Goldberg, the carPlus a large stage show ! greatest role. wa~ · adap ted for the to?mst. _ . ~ . ~crccn and directed by James Young. fhc itaturt' ::.tarttng ~unclay ts -STARTING SUNDAYr~ \\·as p~uduced by Chad\\'ick Pictures I :---\cross th~· Pacific"' .th~ fir:;t importRah! Rah! Rah! l orporat ton, sponsors of several of ·:nt 0hn hchU! on Incidents of the B~~r~· m?r(s finest photodr.amas: . . I ~·q~a.t~lsh :\n.JL'r~e<m \\·ar. \fonte Blue NORTHWEST E ·RN I h1 s ltlltt<d Barrymore mvas1on 111 - plct.' ~ the lcachng role . tn the field of true stage cla:-.:;ics for I CAMPUS WEEK! hi~ screen vehicles promise~ a ran: THE CAMPUS Great college frolic with treat for the lovers nf the best in mo- · ""'I'hL· Blut· Eagle." featured by na\· ;.tl ROLLIN PEASE tion pictures. ~r<.'nt~ itt \\'hich Col. Sterrett Ford. ·\\' ith this picture \\'ill he shown "idl'ly kno\\'n military expert. appears. Northwestern's own baritone ") ~·llyfish," a ~f errnaid comedy .. and a and starring Gl.'orgc O'Brien and Janet plus P,ttlte review. Ganwr. is the current screen showing \\'hat young n· 1an has not dreamed . at -the Camptr:-. theater. \\-hen the bill c·i returning tu the old lwllll' tm\·n in I changes Saturday the tre,,· picture will in the college romance :t littlOU . ine and a fortune at his com - be a \restern desert story, "3 Bad "THE CAMPUS FLIRT" 1 11 and. to he \n:lcomed 1)\· tht· clwcr - ~fen"' \\·ith settings in the Black Hills in L£ ,·illagcr;-; ~ · country. :\ext \\'cdne;-;clay the feature It is douhtiul ii all\· enthttsia;-;tic ,,·ill hl' '"\Vomanpower," the scree n '11t1th ner set iorth to . \\TI.':-.t \\'<'Jith ,·er:;ion of Harold :\facGrath's Red ;111 d ianlt.' iront the unh·crse \rithout Book story, "'You Can't Al\\'ays Tel l," Jl 1~· tnt·ntal re~ervation that he \\'Otdd the ston· oi a son of a wealt hy i\e w rt'turn and sho\\' the hmnc iolks the,· Yorker . and a supper club dancer. l 1:td not appreci;ttL·d hi:; exceptional It features Lou Tcllcgan and Kat hryn .. THE BIG PICTURES FIRST" t:tll'nt:;. Perry. Th is distinctly human trait pro\·icle · (MORE MOVIES ON PAGE 36) BAL.t\BAM · HOBBATRB 31 The Leading Screen Stars Are Seen at The Norshore !- BEBE DANIELS NEW EVANSTON NOW SHOWING ·r -·--:·-·-·-·-----·-···~· I Village Theatre I WILMETTE, ILL. I ,.xEwS '-AMPU Cont. from 1:30 to 11 P. :M. FIRST RUN PICTURES 'fodny - Belle Bennett .... Ronald Colman ··stella Dallas" Greatest Classic of the Screen · MONDAY, ·TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY . ! I' I i ' i I Your Home Theater I J. B. Koppel, Manarlnl DfrecttJr 1 Pho11e Wilmette lUI I E l·enlngfJ 7:30·9; Mat. Taes., 1:3" I I Pats)' Ruth MiUer.-Douglas Fairbanks Jr. Saturday 4t4t~ BAD MEN" ··l·oken Beaaets or Hollywood" also CAST OF 29,000 With Geo ·. O'Brien Olh f.' Bord f.' n - J. F. ~lac.Oonaltt )Jon., 1'ne s., Oct. 18·19 VAN-BIBBER COMEDY-"KING BOZO" I lion., Tu··· Oet. 18 a·d ID THOMAS MEIGHAN I 6tPOKER FACES' i .,.TIM GODS" 1 EDWARD HORTON I I I I .\J s o, Pathe News and "A Ia lUutt" eomeay. Wed., Thurs., Oct. 20 and 21 I ~~rRE BELLS" I I .\Jso, 1 Mermaid romecly an·l I·athe Jlnlew. IJIO~I<~ L BARRY~JOUE I I ~ I I I I A Knockout of a Comedy T H ~N EV~T~I!I~I!! R N · NOW SHOWING LO U R A IJA PLANTE Rlebud Butbelmess W('dn esday, Oct. 20 4tWoman Powe·' Uulph Grans - Kathryn Perry Lou Tf.'llegen, l\furgar ~t Lh·tngston Thurs., Oct. !1·22 ·The Amateur Gentleman' AND 2nd CHAPTER GENE TUNNEY - - - - -MONDAY and TUESDAY All Stu Cast WEDN.ESDAY and THURSDAY Lew Cod~ ... Ma·eeUne Day }'rl., Snt., Oct. 22 and !3 REGINAL DENNY I I ""ROLLING I ROME" I i 4t6tTRE LAST FRONTIER', Wllllum Boyd - ~larguerlte De La ::\lotte --:- J. Farrell l'IatDonald 1,600 Indian s - 3,000 B~n'aloes and 10,000 Others ··variet7"'---------------- .\Jso, Path e NewR and "Our Gang" romedy. ·~··-·-----·---~-,.-.~.... I Sat. l'U nts., 2 and f p. m. ~ ··Tbe Ga7' Deceiver"

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