Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Oct 1926, p. 28

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28 WILMETTE LIFE October 15, 1926 Society Women -Will Be Patronesses for Shut-In Sale Work of Shut-Ins to Be Offered in Pre-Holiday Sale B,. JEAN TEN BROECK Christmas sales, Christmas parties! Reports of these are persistent even at this early day and now comes word of a pre-holiday sale given by a philanthropic organization which has a large north shore following. The Vocational Society for Shut-Ins will give one of the first and one of the largest sales, perhaps, of articles attractive and suitable for Christmas gifts, on Thursday, Ocotber 21, at the home of Mrs. D. H. Burnham, Sr., 232 Dempster street, Evan ston, commencing at 10 o'clock in the morning and continuing until evening. Varieties of a quilted articles, ex- .. pensive and inexpensive, dressed dolls, table linens, luncheon cloths, new handkerchiefs, and applique cushions will be among the sale offerings, which our informant tells us, will be the largest the society has ever had. The hostesses for the day will include Mrs. Charles Dennis, Mrs. Thomas Lord, Mrs. Robert Lord, Mrs. Frank Elliott, Mrs. Newell C. Knight, Mrs. Hubert Burnham, Miss Theodosia Clark and Mrs. Fred Wessel. Mrs. Edward Arthur Weil was a The patroness li s t includes Mrs . bride of September 30. She was Miss Thomas Ecldy, Mrs. Harrison B. Riley, Katherine Newman, daught er of Mr. Mrs. Iqvin Rew, Mrs. Robert Scott, and Mrs. Mar-c Newman of Chicago, Mrs. James Patten, Mrs. Edward P. We11es, Mrs. Julian Armstrong, Mrs. formerly of Winnetka. She is a gradRobert S. Clark, Mrs. William H . Har- uate of New Trier High school, and ~er, Mrs. Carl R .. Latham, Mrs. Wil- attended the University of Wisconsin . ham Parkes, Mrs. John Wilder, Mrs. The Weils are "roughing it" in Wi sArundel Hopkins, Mrs. E. R. Hurl- consin , and upon their return will re but, Mrs. Arthur F. Towne and Mrs. side at the Shoreland, South Shore drive, Chicag o, until spring. John Hardin. 11111111 11111111111111111111111111111111 1111111 1 1111 1 11111 111111 111 111111111 111 11111 11 1111111 On Wedding Trip Children in Bridal Pink Prevails in Gowns of Wedding Attendants Party on Occasion Cnu sual among the early autumn marriages was that which took place Frida,· morning, October 8, at the St. Fran cis Xavier church. With Bi shop E dw a rd F. Hoban officiating, ass isted hv th e Rev. Bernard Bra dy and the Rev. Fra nci s J Magn e r, Mr. and Mrs . \Ve ndclin P . Sc ng o f 401 La k e av e nu e again were marri ed 0 1~ th e t~v e nty fifth annive rsa ry of th c tr weddtng. ).·[ r s. Sc ng wo re a white sa tin gown trimm ed in silver, with a lo ng court train lin ed \\'ith sil ve r. A tull e ve il edged with sil ve r ' vas att ac hed to a Dutch ca p of sik e r lace, and th e orange blossoms she \\'O.re o n her. \red ding day were caught m · h e r v ~ tl and trintm ed her train. S he ca rn t d a ;hower houque t o f whit e ro ~ e ~. va lie ~· lilic :-;, an d sil ve r ribh c· n:' . Th t· ir wedding' party was cOi iq >osrd nt ost h· of th eir childre n. Th e ir oldes t da ug l; ter, ?\1 i ~s Edna . w a~ m a id o f ho n or. a nd th eir d aug ht e r:-. , ~fi ~~ \Yini irc d, \li s:- ~Iurie !, ~[i ss M a r y Jan e. a nd th r ir two littl e fo ste r daught e r ~. El sie a nd Loui se , a nd th eir da ughter in -law. 'M r s. v\"end e lin Charl e ~ Sen g . were brides maid s. Th eir chiffon gm\'n s ca rri ed o ut th e rainbo,,· schem e of th e ,,·r ddin g . for th ey we re o f or chid. viole t. blu e. gree n. ye ll ow, peac h. and pink. Th e fiv e old er g irl s w on: poke bonn ets oi velvet. ma tc hing th e ir froc ks, but oi a dee pe r sh ack, and th e t \\' 0 lit ti c brid es maid s wo rl' large pi cture ha1s with silve r str eam e rs. Th e~· a ll ca rri ed houqu ct:; th a t blend ed \\·i1h the co lo r o i t heir dr essc..-. \V end clin Cha rl c-1 ~ e n g ac ted as h i, ia th er 's he:-;t m a n. 1[ r . Sc ng 's bro th er. 1"1111 ~1 1 11 1 11 11111111111 111 1111111111 11 11 111 Fr ank Sc ng . his bro th e rs-i n -law. F.ct \r arcl Sch age r a nd v\'illi am P . \\'hit e. Dance Tomorrow Will and the b ro th e r of th e bishon, H e n ry · Be Society Function /.;· Hol~~n. we r e the u sh er s. T".,·o littl e T o morrow e vening marks th e ad - so ns. \ mcent a.mt Jo e, were a lso memvent o f th e subscription· .dance season hers of t he h~tdal part y. at th e Woman's club of Wilmette, the In th e eve ntng Mr . a nd ~fr s. Se ng proc eeds of which, it is announc ed. gave a (!inn er .and dan ce for 250 gue.st s will he given over .to the building fund at th e Sove re tgn ho tel. The followm.g of the club . Mrs. George Edward day .they le.ft fo r th e pla ce o f th r tr \Vatk, 1240 Lake avenue, chairman of marnag e. Ptckfield, Conn .. _for a se c th e s ubscription dance committ ee , and ond h o.n e yn ~oon. Th ey wtll . al so go her committee members , Mrs. H . W . . on to 1\_r w .' ork he fo n · r ctttrtlln g a f1 r r Mons , Mrs.]. B. Denman , Mrs. Danie l a fortnt g ht s ah srnc e . R. Brower, Mrs . T. E. Thompson, Mrs. 1111111 III IIIIIIIIIII III IHIIIIIIIIII III 111 1111 ]. H. Stackhouse, Mrs. H. ]. Newto n and Mrs. R. A. Wheelock are selling Hospital Auxiliary to the few tickets stilt availahl e for mem bers and their friends. Give Bazaar This Month 111111 1111111111 111111111 111 111 1111 11111 1111111 Wilmette Girl Joins the Marian Seng Weds Evanston Ran_ks of Autumn Brides Man in Morning Service Large yellow chry santhemums and palms decorat ed the· Fourth Presbyterian church of Chic~go, when, on Satur~ay afternoon, O~tober 9, Miss Mary Ehz~beth Sprague and William James Ferns, .son of Mrs. F. M. Ferris of Evanston, were married . The Rev. John Timothy Stone read the service at . 4 o'clock, and immediately afterward s, a small , informal reception was held at the home of the lJride,s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Page Sprague, 1603 Isabella street. The bride 's gown wa s of white satin and georgett e. simply fashioned , and s he wore a long train of tulle · and carried a bouquet of white rose s and valle~ lilies. Her only attendant, Miss Bermce Allen. of Evanston, wore a gown of orchtd georgette and carried roses of orchid shade. . J o hn Hull Ferris served his brother a s be st man, and ushering \\'ere Gerald Bradbury of Chicago and Earl Copper of Lake Forest. · The bride and groo m are spending their honeymoon in th e summer home of Mrs. Alice Gronert, an aunt of Mr. F~rri s , at Lake \Vawasee , · Ind., and wtll be ~t home after January 1 in Glencoe 111 the house Mr. Ferris is building. Mrs. Ferris is a member of the Delta Delta Delta sorority, and attended the University of Illinoi s and Northwestern university. III II II 11111111111111 1111111111111111111 111 11 11 The marriage of Mi ss Beatrice M e t ze] daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. M~tzel 307 Cumberland road, Kcnil \\·orth 'to William Pari sh \Vhit e, so n of M ;, and Mrs . George E. White of \\'ilm e ttc, wa s solemnized on ~aturd~y eve ning, October 9, at 8 :30 o clock l11 St. Augustine's church , \Vilmette , Dr . Hub e rt Carleton perfo rming- the ce remotn·. The recepti on was held a t th e Ke u~lworth club. The bride wa s gowned in whit e chiffon velvet made in bouffa nt styl e. trimm ed with rose point la ce and carried a bouquet of whit e ro ses, liliesof -the -valley and orchid s. The maid of honor, Miss \Vinifred lvletzel, wone light pink ta ffeta trimmed in orchid chiffon and carried la\·endcr sweet peas and pink baby ro ses. The matron of h onor, 'Y[n. Jam es P. Prindle, wor e a g r ee n me ta l cl o th g own and carried yell ow lnhy roses and lavender sweet pea -;. 'f iw hrid't'smaids, Mrs. Nath a ni el W . J ant es of Evanston, Mrs. Truman M c t zci oi Hig-hland Park, Mi ss Margare t 1\r. ilso n and Miss Eleanor Buckman of \\'i! mette and Miss Eth el Berge r of Kenilworth , were in frock s of a rk epcr shade of pink taffet a trimm ed in a n even darker shad e. Their bouqu e ts w e re of pink baby roses a nd pi nk swe e t peas. Ballard Higbee of \Yilm ctt c s't· n -c tl Mr. \\' hit e a s bes t ntan , a n c1 th e us he rs \H're Jack Murph y and J ac k Thon1p son. a lso o f thi s village. Jam es P. Prindl e and Nathaniel v\'. Jam es of Eva nsto n and Truma;, M rtzc l ,,f Hi.~ll land P a rk. ~[r. a nd Mr s. \\' hit<·. w ho a re mo · tarin g to \Vashin g ton a nd A tla n tic C'ity . expect to he aw ay hvo "·eeb. of Silver Wedding The marriage of Miss Marian S eng and Jerome K. Flaherty, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Flaherty of Evanston , will be solemnized Saturday morning, October 16, at 11 in the morning in 1he St. Fran cis Xavi e r church. M g r. Thomas Shannan and the Rev. Bernard Brady will conduct the service. Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Seng, father and mother of the bride, will give the wedding breakfast and reception at their lfome, 435 Lake avenue, immediately after the ceremony. Mrs. Charles Holland of Chicago, sister of Miss Seng, will be her maid of honor. Her brother, Francis Seng, will serve Mr. Flaherty as best man, and the us hers will be another brother, Raymond Seng, and Charles Holland of Chicago, John Hughes and Edgar Hartn'ey of Evanston. Mrs. Holland gave a luncheon and bridge in honor of her sister Wednesday at the Blackstone hotel, and this evening Mr. and Mrs. Seng are giving the bridal dinner at the Edgewater Beach hotel. IIIII II 11111111111111111111111111111 1111 1111111 En~aged to Marry At Wellesley Luncheon The Chicago Wellesley club is having a luncheon Tuesday, October 19. at the Union League club, in honor of Mrs. Marie Warren Potter of the class of 1907, who is president of the national Wellesley Alumna association, and the author of the Wellesley Semi-centennial pageant, "The Winged Soul," presented during the June commence ment week of 1925, at the college. Mrs. Potter is making a tour of all of the Wellesley clubs in the United States. Mrs. Roberta Burn s Boak o f 724 Eleventh street, Wilmette, announce s the engagement of her daughter, Laura, to Morris Hutchin s Ruger. son of Mrs . F. H. Ruger of New York City. The exact date for tl1e wedding has not been set, although it will prob ably take place during the late fall or winter. Mis. Boak is now attending Northwestern university and spent last year at Virginia college. Mr. Ruger is · a graduate of Columbia university. """' 111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111 Country Club Notes The members of the Guilmette Country club have organized a dramatic club to be called "The Country Club Players" and the plays will be given under the supervision of Mrs. Max Zabel and C. C. Henderson. The 1111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111 talent used in producing them will not bt'" strictly confined to members of Mrs. George D. \Vhite of 1101 the country club. Greenwood avenue is giving a large The club was organized at a special luncheon and bridge at her home today. meeting on October· 5. The Junior auxiliary of the Infant Welfare society will meet at the home of Mrs. Leland V. Pierson, 804 Forest avenue. Monday, October 18, at 2 o 'clark. The assistant hostesses will he Mrs. Marguerite Tavlor. Mrs. W . M. Badger and Mrs. P. T. Redfern. 1111111 1111111111 111 111111 1111111111111111 111111' Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hope of Coronado, Cal., announces the marriage of their daughter, Roberta Aborn, to Louis Hunter Gwinn ensign in the United States Navx, on' Saturday, October 9, at Coronado. · The Hopes formerly we residents of Wilmette. A sal e offering varie.d attraction s witt he the St. Francis · hopsital bazaar giv en at 355 Ridg e avenue. Evat1ston. W ednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October 27, 28, 29 and 30. Th e bnaar will OJWn with an "old fa shioned dinn er" in charge of the staff doctors' wives, Wednesday, October 27, at 6 o'clock. The hospital auxiliary will be in charge of the card and bun-co party to be given at 2 o'clock the folowing afternoon. Thursday evening the student n.ursc s will give a play, on Fri day night the St. Francis alumnae will entertain and the closing night the student nurses will he in charge of a reception. Every evening special mov ing pictures will he given with the auxiliary members, nurses and other welt known persons as stars. A door prize wilt he given each night. There will be no admissian charge. Mrs. A. J. Smith, president of the auxiliary, is general chairman of the committee in charge. Mrs. E. W. Bell is program chairman. Heads of booths are Mrs. E. W. :Bell, refreshment booth; Mrs. E. F. McEnery, art booth. wl~ere oils, water-colors, prints and bnc-a-bracs wilt be displayed; Mrs. N. V\l eiland, dolts.

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