Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Oct 1926, p. 22

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22 WIL~ETTE · LlFE October 15, 192r) = News oF the North Shore Clubs Next Woman's Club Program Will Offer Unusual Features Dr. George Craig Stewart will give a lecture on "Bible Literature" Wednesday, 0ct6ber 20, at 11 o'clock in the morning, in the Woman's club of Wilmette, under the auspices of the !iterature department of the club. This JS the. first ?f two lectures to be given on this subject. The se-cond will be by Dr. Ernest Fremont Tittle on November 3, at the same hour. Luncheon will be served at 1 o'clock. In the afternoon, Mrs. Charles Hubbard will give an informal talk about China and the symbolism which animates and inspires Chinese art. Mrs. Hubbard lived in China many :rears, and has an intimate knowledge of life and art Chinese. She conveys to her listeners the depth of her understanding and appreciation of the symbolism. of the East, and relates man~ quamt and unusual experiences, and Illustrates her talk with specimens from her famous collection of Chinese antiques. She will have with her Wedn~sday several hundred of her charmmg puppets of colorful and quaint appeal. The committee hopes every member will be present. The formal opening of the year's program of the Woman's club took place ~ednesrlay of last week, with a ~e~ept10n for the club officers. Mrs. Wilham F. Farrell president of the Tenth di~trict, wa; guest of honor. ~he musical program on this occaston was most interesting and enjoya?le. It consisted of several numbers g1ven by the Civic String quartet and !WO gr~>Ups of songs by Miss Catherme Witwer, soprano. The afternoon was arranged . by Mrs. Raymond Whee!ock, cha1rman of the musical comm1ttee. French G_lub History The Neighbors Will Infant Welfare Board of Winnetka to Meet Jieature (,'hildren's · Member s of the Winnetka exetu!ivc board of the Infant \Velfare society will meet at the home of it s president. M-rs. George S. Parker. 200 Linden street, on ~1onday , October 18, at 10 o'clock. All member s of the board are urged to be present, it is stated, since the nurse representing Winnetka at the Chicago Commons, Miss Vannss. will be present to speak about her work and answer any questions . The Board also announces that if any volunteers wish to assist in the weighing of bahies at the Commons on Mondavs and Thursdays from 1 until 3. \viii tJ{ey please pho~1e Mrs . Gilbert Scribner of 812 Ash street. telephone Winnetka 584. for further information. The hoard further announces that if one goes by the North Shore litH'. she gets off at Grand avenue, ancl tran sfers to a west Grand avenue :'ttrface car ,..-hich stops in front of the Commons . If one drive s. ~1 rs. Scrihner will give directions concerning- the route. Day .N ext Wednesda y T~e Chicago Junior school, situated a m1le north of Elgin, which is taking c~re of boys from ~'broken homes," wttl b~ the beneficiary of a rummage sal~ ~wen by the North End branch, Fnends of Chicago Junior school one of s~veral organizations throughout the c·.ty and suburbs whose activities are dtrected towards the progress of the school. The sale will be held the last week of October, the place to be announced later. Thos.e interested are. as.ked. to p~rticipate by making contnhut10ns etther of -clothing-dresses coat~, shoes, hats, anything-or an~ furmture or other household goods. Mrs. Mabelle R. Johnson, Bittersweet .2366,. ch. airman of the rummage comm1ttee, WI II make arrangements to c.a II f or an d ta k e care of all contributiOns. The boys of the Chicago Junior s.c~ool have wholesome and homey !Jvmg quarters and excellent instructors t~ ~irect both study and play hours, 1t 1s announced, in order to fit them . for real American life and citizenship. Members of the North Shore End branch residing in Wilmette, Winnetka and Glencoe are: Mrs. G. R. G. Fisher, Mrs. A. E. Lundquist, Mrs. Albert J. Nystrom, Mrs. M. \V. Zabel and Mrs. Harold Molter. of the former village· Mrs. Edgar Foster Alden, Mrs. El~ wood Ankrum,. Mrs. Patricia Jennings, Mrs. George Karnes and Mrs. James ]. Kennedy, of Winnetka; Mrs. H. Marshall, Mrs. G. Albin Nilson, Mrs. Perry Ulrich and Mrs. D. A. Day, of Glen-coe. Plan Rummage Sale /or Benefit of the J unior School Boys The nex t regular meeting for T he One afternoon in June, 1924, in reKeighbors \\·ill be held Tuesday, O c. sponse to an invitation from Mrs. Fred toh cr 19, commencing with a lunch eon Patton, chairman of the civics comat 12 :30 o'clock, during which Mr :~. mitee of the Woman's Library club Homer E. Cotton will talk on the con of Glencoe, a group of women gathervention of the General Federation of ed at her home where she notified Women's dubs held at Atlantic CitY. them that. action had been taken by Mrs. John Howard Jones, the club\ the executive board, authorizing her to former president, and Mrs. Edgar \\' . organize a dub for· the study of the Burchard will talk to the members on French language, which should be the State Federation. known as . the "French Department" The afternoon's prog-ram will ha\·, and conducted under the auspices of features especially devi sed for th r· the civics committee. The possibilities pleasure of the children of member : . of the success of such a club were all of whom are urged to be presen t. freely discussed. ' ,. Miss Margaret Gardner, chalk artist , Mrs Samuel Watson, who had lived give an illustrated talk for chi lwill in France and who spoke French dren. Edward Rosenthal, field dire cfluently, held that ear-training should tor of the American Red Cross at be the first step, and she favored the Great Lakes Naval Training station , formation of a circle to read aloud in will give a ten minute talk, and Mr s. turn. Mrs. Fred King, . a serious Joseph Joyce will have an exhibit of French s-cholar, insisted . that nothing many articles made by the disabl ed could b~ accomplished without a good war veterans. foundatiOn, and she urged intensive A trio in old fashioned costum t study of the grammar, with constant sketch, consisting of Elizabeth Sifer ~. verb drills. Several housewives and dramatic soprai10; Loretta Liedcll . mothers were present who declared Mrs. F. Anthony Merrill lyric soprano, and Mildred Warner , ac they had no time for serious study, and companist, are to appear on th e pro Opens Talks in Winnetka they frankly told the group that they gram. ~frs. Anthony French Merrill, noted would not be at all interested if they w:ere expected to ~egin at the begin- all along the north shore for her talk s nmg and study agam. The observation on . current events, again will give a was made that since there were only course of twelve lectures on books and a few present who spoke French at all current events at the Winnetka Womthe only platisible thing that could b~ an's club commencing W edne~day, done, was to form into graded classes October 20. The tickets for the serie s can he The \Voman's Lihran· cluh of Gl<:n and engage an instructor. Mrs. Babize held that if only classes purchased from the chairman of the coc will hold its ~econd ·mcetir1g on Oc were formed, after a few terms of les- committee in charge of sponsoring the tober 21, at 2:30 o'clock, in the ne\\ sons the classes would disband and lectures, or any member of the com- haJJ of the Glen·c oe Union church. Th e nothing permanent would remain. She mittee, composed as follows: Mrs. prog-ram, under the direction of th t recommended the formation of a club Warren Agry, chairman; assisted hv -civics department, will be devoted tc· along parliamentary lines, after which Mrs. Alex S. Anderson, Mrs. James P. preparation for the coming- election . the club could supervise classes at its Gillies, Mrs. F. W. Fairman, Mrs. E. E. There will he a brief address on "Thf discretion. Mrs. Babize was appoint- Stults. Mrs. Warren Shoemaker and Chang-ing World," and the proposed revision of the tax law in Illinois will ed to draft by-laws and present them Mrs. Di-ck Payne. Mrs. Merrill, who has lectured in be presented and explained. to ·the group for adoption. In the meantime much enthusiasm Winnetka for several years, will give The latter half of the session will be was generated by meetings which her talks on the following dates: Oc- devoted to business of the club. There were held once a week at different tober 20, 27; November 3, 10, 17, 24; will be reports from Glen Cote, the homes, each hostess acting as chair- January S, 12, 19, 26; February 2, 9. thrift shop operated by the club. and from the various departments of the man for the day, and as . far as posclub. sible planning her own program. FinalSEW FOR ECONOMY SHOP A method of establishing new de ly at a meeting August 13, at the home This morning at 10 o'clock, and for of Mrs. Charles Witworth, by-laws the purpose of sewing for the partments will be decided upon and an were unanimously adopted, and the Economy Shop, women of Wilmette important matter of business which fotlowing officers were then elected: are cordially invited by the philan- has been referred to the club will be chairman, Mrs. Auguste Babize; vice- thropy department of the Woman's presented for action. Considering the .chairman, Mrs. Fred King; secretary, club of Wilmette, to join at the club- 1mportance of the business, it is hoped Mrs. S. R. Hurford; treasurer, Mrs. house at the corner of Tenth street that there wilJ be a large attendan ce. The new temporary home of the cluh Robert Brown. and Greenleaf avenue. Luncheon will The club was christened "La Petite he served at 12 :30 o'clock. These sew- proves to he extrcrnely pleasant and Causerie de Glencoe," the object being, ing meetings are open to all women well suited to its neerls. In particular "To promote the study of the language, of the village, whether club members there is ahun~lant room for the in formal social hour following the prothe literature and the history of the or not. gram. and. judging from the gay cl1atFren-ch nation." The programs which ter that filled thi s room at the bst were prepared in advance, consisted TO SWELL ORGAN FUND meeting-, it would seem that the rlul· of a short lesson taken from a text The \Vinn ct ka circle oi the St. fully appreciates this new opportunity. (Continued on Pag-e 30) John' s Lutheran church of \Vilmette · W Cl b will giH' a supper at the Christ church Cambridge chapter, Da ught r rs BUSlness oman's U P~_ri s h Hou :'r, Oak and Linden str eets, ofThe British Empire. wilt meet at the Opens Season Thursday \\' tntwtka. Tuc s cla~·. October 10 from home of Mrs. L. Bush, 1200 Elmwood The Club for Bu sine ss and Profcs- 0 until R o'clock The proceed~ from ayenue, Tuesd(\y, October 19, at 2 sional \Vomen of \Vilmctte starts th r supper will g~) tmYarrl the new n rlnc k. ·for a h l1 sin c ~s ·"c ' s..; iotl. The upon its third year Thur sday eYeninp;, organ that the church is planning to state president, Mrs. George Gray Octob c·r 21, '"ith a dinner served in in sta ll in the hnilrling !orated <it Park Brown, ancl Mrs. H . Finlay of Oak the rooms of the Congrrgational church and .\Vihn<"tte avenues in \Vilmettc. Park. will he thrre at th at time. ·30 0 .C1 1· It \\I ·'II I>e a SOCI.l ·. I eve- JPr EHr~·o tH' -oOC "· 1 is invited . to attend · the d sup · a t 6 ,, ning and a larrrc· attend::~nce is desired . c: · all( may come any tnne unng Ouilmettc Court No. 848. Catholic · ~"- . · · . · t lwsc hours. Daughters of America, is g-iving a care\ Those who \\'Ill conduct t h c a ffa trs and bunco party Mondav afternoon. of the cluh this sr? son arr: Ruth For D. A. R. PARTY FRIDAY O-ctober 18, at 2 o'clock -in Odd Felber~. president: ~finnie Hughes. vice The Fort Dearborn chapter of the low's nail.. \Vilmrtte. ' president: Blanchf' Gay, record;ng secDaughters of the American Revolution -aretary; Hannah Erickson, corre"pondwill givr a benefit card party and dance The Chicago and North Western ing secrctan': Mrs. Florence Freund, at the Evanston W?man's club, Friday, Railway Woman's club wilt hold it:> treasurer: Esther Dunshee, program October 22, at 9 111 the evening-, for first meeting of the season in the duh chairman: Bernice Boyd, social chairthe benefit of the building bring erect- rooms Wednesday, October 20, at 2 man; Mrs. John \.Voodhead, commisrd hv the organizatio11. in Washington o'clock. A musical program will be sary chairman; and Anne Whitmack, D. C. ' given. membership chairman. .. G-lencoe Library G'lub Announces an Important Meeting ' ·

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