Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Oct 1926, p. 16

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WILMETTE LIFE October 15, 1920 100% DIVIDENDS Opportunity is offered a select few fqrward-looking investors to participate in the rich rewards to be returned by T .t\LKING MOTION PICTURES. Write for particulars. Uiss Helen Lamkey of 720 Linden a,·enue entertained at dinner . at the Edge\vater Beach hotel Ja~t SaturdaY evening in honot: . of Mtss Helen Rogan and Peter Charle" . McCab.e, \\·ho are to be married October 20, tn Chican·o. Miss Rogan i the daughtc:of M; and Mrs. \Villiam A. Rogan of Rogers Park. Miss Lamkey's. gue:,ts were the wedding party of whtch she is a member. PUBLIC FORUM l = C. H. HAIR 36 W. Randolph Street Satisfied Cf3uyers Evanston serves the. contpete11t and exacting buyers of the North Shore. Choice goods, wide selectiot1,right price, and .c onvenience are the reasons. Editor, \Vilmette Life: In the last number of \Vilmette Life. when enumerating the directors of the North Shore Theater Guild, you gaye my residence as Evanston. While l -ohave always appreciated and sympa The H. and \\·. club meets for dinner thized with your efforts to protect thethi s e\·ening at the home of ~1r. and fair name of our beloved village, 1 ~1 rs . \ \'illard Thayer, 522 Central aYc- feel that the truth should be told, regardless of consequences. tltte. As one outstanding reason for re questing a correction of this error, I wish to express my firm conviction that the coming season of the Thcat T Guild in \Vilmtttc \\·ill offer a ger1llinl' reason for pride, on the part of anyont' fortunate enough to be connected with it. Our community has respond ed wonderiully, to the offerings of th e: Guild in recent years, and, as a rc . ul t, the Guild is making every effort in its power to offer Wilmette, during t h{' coming winter, the best possible pr c·gram of worthwhile dramatic entC'rtainmcnt, produced amid the lll(,,t romfortabk surrounding-s that ma,· 1Jt' obtainable. This will mean that- "(' will han four play.-; of outstandin < merit , well acted and properly sta g·td. brought to our ,·cry doors. \\' c \\'ill h<.· ahlr to l'njo~- the se performan' <.·-.. without ~ uffering any of the in convenience :-; that must be endured, wh enever a \\'il mette family goes in t .. Chica~o for an evening at the thcatvt . The cost of witnessing these pcrior manccs will be far les s than th t·il' value, from either an entertainmen t or a cultural point of view. The Theater Guild is fortunate ir being represented, in \\' ilmdte, l>v : very active and competent local mittee. Mr s. Robert L. Stoddard, oi ,;24 Lake avenue , will continue to ac as chairman of this committee, and the other member , for the curn·nt season, are :r..Icsdamcs ]. A. Burrill R D. Burtner. Helen Hyde arter , D. F. Lewis, Jr., Carl H. Linn, Dun aid Maxwell, ltayes McKinney, Pau l Roche, Hope Thompson, Carl Widne) , and Gordon \Vilson. Season ticket , n1ay be obtained from any of these n;cmbers. .(\. .season ticket is good for ctght admtsstons to Theater Guild . plays durit:g the coming winter, that IS to Say, It lllay serve to admit eight people to any one performance, or t\:'o people to all four performances. T&ckets purchased in Wilmette ma,· be used in any of the other suburbs in whic~ performances are given. A season ttcket also admits the bearer and ~:>ne guest to several plays to .be gi,·en 111 · the Play Shop, at Northwestern untversity. One of these season ticket may he purchased for eight dollars. Yours very truly, Gordon Vlilson ron: · It Pays to Shop in . I · I ~Ir . anc~ ~Irs. Frank Flanner ha\'C returned to their home in Black\n~ ll \Vis., after a week's v.isit at the hom~ of the latter's father and mother, 1\lr. and Mrs. E. P. Fatch, 611 \Va shington avenue. E VA·NSTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE LADIES' FINE HAND BAG MAKER BEADED AND TAPESTRY BAGS MOUNTED REPAIR WORK v. a nston and Mrs. W. H. Smythe, 43 Kemlworth avenue, left Kenilworth for Kansas City and Excelsior Springs. Mr. -o- · LEONARD MOESE of Parle S'il :NORTH MICHIGAN AVE. CHICAGO Phone Superior 7877

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