14 WI ·L METTE LIFE October 15, 192o New Trier Trims Alumni; Meets La Grange Saturday Immediate Clearance" Tremendous Savings on New and Used Phonographs and Radio las W e are over stocked on many models of phonographs and Phonographs combination and Radio las, and we are offering them at a tremendous savtngs. New Trier High s~hool re.gulars walked over the alumni tca!n 111 the football game last Saturday. £he scor~ was 14-0 in. favor of the Gray an< Green varsit\·. t\\'o touchdmn~s an,c~ a safety makin-g that total. of pom~s. l he game this Saturday wt!l be \nth La Grange. at the latter's field. La Grange is not counted a st·riou. oppon,cnt. I~ its game \\"ith Oak Park la st Satt.lr<la) La Grange tied its opponent with . a score of 0-0. Coach Aschenha.ch wtll earn: out his :-yst<:m oi allo\\'lng the capt-ain of the team to direct the plays, giving intructions only before the game and during the half. B.· F. Billsland of 1228 Elmwood ayenue returned W ednes.day evenmg afte'r a Yisit with his mot her in C<~V ington, Ind. He droYC her back w1th him ior a short Yisit. = Marriage Service' · Performed in Soft Light of Candles The home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralp i: D. Cushman, 739 Greenleaf . avemtt . Glencoe made a lovely settmg Ia ~ 1 Tuesda): evening, October · 12, for t ht wedding of their sister, Miss Beatrice Bartholf to \i\1 alter E. Hiltabidlc. l1: the Iivi1;g room there was a pictur csque bower made o.f masses of grn·:. leaves, and at the s1des two tall ca n delabras burnul steadily. The rou111 downstairs were softly lit by the kind lv glow of wh ite candid. Somewhert· t-he mellow tones of a harp murmure d out its beauty. The bride wore her mother's wt <l ding dress, whicl~ was of champagT I\ satin, tight of bocltce, very l?ng and f ul. of ~kirt, and having t he tight sleen·with a huge puff from shoulder u, elbow. There was a long train of sa t in on the dress, over which fell tht fine t u II e ve iI. The bride car ric cl 11 stiff. old fashioned. bou~uet, wl~ic' ' completed the charmmg atr of quam t ness . .\1is s Gertrude ~facRar. who wa;o; t ht bride's onh- attendant, wore a lig h· green velv-et and taffe ta dr~ss '\i t tight bodice and long full sktrt. ~ ht also carried a stiff, old fashioned ho t: .. Iquct. Dick, Roger and ~onal~l Cu-.1 man preceded her, clad 111 white :-at :: suits. They each carried tall wl1i ·· can elks. \1c,rtnn Ba . . :-<·tt oi Evanston wa . . \1 · lliltahidle's bc:o;t man. The Rev . D. l l Corn~ll r('ad the strvice, after whir h .. j reception was given ior wedd i: 1:.. guests. \1 r. and \f r:-;. H iltabidk are t i l l sernal \\"Ceks' motor trip through :\\·. England, after which they will 111a ht their home in \Yashington. D. C.. " ·hn· \f r. H iltahidlc"s parents . reside. ' ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;:;;;~ Save More Than Half These models include both "consoles" and " high-boys" in Brunswickt Victor and other makes. Just think of it. A console mo4el for $40 or $50 and others as low as should be proWOODWORK tected \\'ith paint. \Vall boards will giye years of sat'isfactory sen·icc ii they arc treated to a coat of paint every time they need it-the pure white lead paint-Peter Paint sells. $25 Bear in mind too that we are showing the latest models of Brunswick Phonographs, Panatropes and R . C. A . Radiolas. If :you'rt' goi11g to sell or d·wcll, Pai11t the IJOusc-profcct it 1(1C!l. Read the Want Ads Wilmette Music Shop ORlAN A. GALITZ Brunswick Panatrope- Phonographs and Records- Radiolas Wilmette Window Shade & Paint Works ALFRED EVERS, Proprietor Glass, Picton F raming, Mirrors and Mirror Resilvering. W allpaper and Art Materials. 1133 Central Avtnue Phone Wilmette 3-i9 3 11 79 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wil. 3006 · Time to Have Your Transmission and Differential Drained and Flushed Draining and Flushing to Refill with Winter Oil To do this job most effi · ciently we have installed a N·ew Fry High Pressure Flusher. We can render the speediest and most thorough work of this nature. SCHOOL CHILDREN need nourishing food for their noon-day luncheon . We are well prepared to give them a meal that will supply . them with vigor for the rest of the day. Our Call-For-And-Deliver Greasing Service Here is the added convenience of having yonr car tal.en and brought back to ·yonr door, without an added cost. This service with our high sta ndJrd greasing methods. Distributor · 14 28 Sheridan Road, just South of """fhe Cottage" Just phone us Wilmette 3 3 79 Stephen Shimonek Jr. GASOLINE AND OILS The Wilmette Cafe Meals that satisfy