Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Oct 1926, p. 10

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10 WILMETTE LIFE October 15, 1926 ELECT NEW OFFICERS Kenilworth Scouts to Give Free Movie Show Ouilmette Counc:il, ·Kniahts of Colum. ' l · Through the co-operatiOn o f R~y C. Seery, 414 Ahbotts?ord. road, K.emlworth an official ot Ftrst Natwnal pictur~s, the Kenilworth Boy Scout troop w,ill give a show for the young people of the village in the near futu:e. Mr. Seery will provide the Scout s w1th a good moving picture. The p~rform ance will be held at the Kenllwor~h Community house and !he Scouts w1l~ give various demonstrattons as featur~s to accompany the pictu;e: There \nil be no admission charge, tt 1s announced. bus, Holda Installation; Announces Winter Proaram Guilmette council, Knights of ( ·alum bu s, at its meeting Tuesday l'\'ening of this week installed the foll n\\'ing officers, who were elected to their respective positions at the Septen ll·t r 14 sessio n: Edward Cunningham, 1745 \\.a:-.hi11g ton avenue, grand knight: Fr ank Kreusch, 1734 Forest avenue, <leput ~· grand knight; John Selzer, Hibh ;, rd road recording secretary; Robert ~1 rKav 'of Glencoe, warden: John Sul!i,·a· J · ,. k 1 11 \\ .. 11' }{" t tam 1 1 1 ~f \\ mn~t a,_ c 1ance or; huger b20 Spencer avenue. trea:-.ur e . WiJli~m Kreusch, 1728 Elmwood an· · · . ·'. d. J 1 0 11 . nue, tn stae guar ' os~p 1 r r r. "" . 1510 Lake avenu_e, outs1de guard, J(,. seph Steffens, \V1lmette avenue. tnt ~tl · for three vear s; Augu st Pear son, IRJ -, \Valnut ;}venue. trustee t n fill lll l exp ired term; William Obt.:r~nt·i t·r, 2.1~ Laurel ave nue, delegate \\'tth ,L.;r ;u 1.J knight to state com·en tion: J nhn J 1 '11.nran. 924 Greenleaf avenut, altcrn a\1' I del egate to grand ~night and :\i l' 1_'. ~1iller. 1775 \Vashtn'!t on an·nu r. :tl tcrnate to \Villiam Obermeier. The grand knight of the cott!H·il lnappn inted the Rev. ]n:\eph Ru l)t \. a:;.sistant pastor of St. Jo:;eph pari ,lt. a:; rhaplain anrl John ~.lilkr. 1/.\11 \\'a sh in gto n an·nllL', a.- financi al " .1' \ r.· tan·. \-\.ith a in\· tXl'L'ption:-. the roll! , l'.'· are 11l'\\' to tlwir dutit· .... h~1t thi . . i' ·.1· ,· t·xpectcd to dt·tl'r tht·nl trr1111 h·t ·J'III..: I 1 up tl1c exce ll ent reputati· 11 1 (IJ ·I' I counc il. Plans Athletic Program Ouilmettc Council, which prid t·, i· se li on being one of the nl: ppio t l'tilll cib in the Chicagn district. nt"x t ,,.n.;. s\\·ings into n nr ni tlw bu ... it· . . t athkt l· sea so ns it ha:; e\·er rnjoyed. " ht'll tl · lid is kn or krd off in the l r ~~ --d rt Trl·, · ti o n league s. The l()r < tl 'Kni~h h t ·: Co lum h us h a,. e e n t L' r c cl t c a Ill =-- i n t II · l>a:-kethall and indoor -baseb a ll ll'al!tlt · and t\\'O ot1tfits in the indllur -qtt tl i'() rl!an ization. I The Knig-hts of course. arc gc,ing r, t:· to \\'ilt. But Yictnn· i:- sccundary ;t· t~wir athletic comtni.ttcr fe<·l~ th ;t_t :tl I t1n· ~port ancl good sportman·dllp t · he C!Jgagecl in and shcnn1 by the play ers of thrir group is mo st im1'ort at11 . The Knights are gratful to tlH' l"ra ' recreation hoard for the opportu nit .' presented them to engage in loc al ath letic artiviti<'s. The :-ocial calend ar o i th e C<~ttncil i ~ alw aYs a bus\· C>llt.' bu t the sport program -\\·as more or lc"' at a stand -s till, dttl' to the parti al hxi ty in local " ·inter athletic:-. clmin~ former Years . Ou~lniette is als1> 'con~idnin,g the organization of a hO\ding leagu e comnoed of members of the council body. This matter is being considered nry scriouslv ancl a definite decision will oon be rnade in regard to it. 1 MOTORS SERVICE Inco~orqeed EVER.VTHING JO,.t11e AUTOMOBILE The first cold days there will be a grand rush for NEVER. CLOSED Pin·e·s Wint·erlronts and some people will be disappointed. Get yours now! A real help to t!le motor in this weather. M1ss 0 orot Y ue z0 " V r Thale of Wilmette are spending k g d t Cl mpaign at the 1~ a thus wee. -en t at! c U,atll·,·et·sitv of Illiomecommg a 1 . nois. Thev will visit Miss ~Iaybellc K 1 . --1 i a student at the uniue .z~\\, '"' 10 s verstt) · . h K 1 . a tid Miss Decorated Screens Beautifully Trimnted in Various Color Schetnes On Display at 'lt MAIN . Wifmette STREET ~hone Wilmettet...OOot 1221 Forest Ave. Wilmette -· '},V'lb J. W. KIEFT A. B. VanDeusen J.C.Slown Ph. Wilmette 995--J Coming soon -cool nights and chilly mornings. Be ready with · · The dean fuel of economy, for all heating plants and all seasons. Fill your bin now, while you can still profit by reduced summer prices. Right now is a good time to send for our Servic; Man. His suggestions can save you money on your season's fuel bill. M. Portenbauser Painting Decorating Estimates given vvithout obligation Phone Wilmette 2764 1030 Greenleaf A··· · KUTTEN BROS. Everything in Fuel Telephone Wilmette I 711 Main St. , Wilmette. Illinot!l WILMETl'E

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