October 15, '1926 WILMETTE .LIFE 7 DR. SMITH DELIVERS FIRST SERMON HERE ' Pastor Appoi~ted to Succeed Dr. .sell By Rock Gilbert Stan River Conference Establish Unit of ·True K· indred on North Shore . .... Saturday evening, October 9, a meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Fred M. Coxen, 1538 Central avenue, Wilmette to organize a True Kindred ~ Conclave.' A large number of resiDr. Horace Greeley Smith, newly dents of Wilmette, vVinnetka and appointed pastor of the Wilt:nette Pa~- . north Evanston were present. The ish Methodist church, deltvered hts meeting ,,·as in charge of Mrs. Nellie .first local sermon at the chu~ch last I F. Walker. ~rand commander of the Sunday morning. He was appomted to True Kindred of Illinois. It was defill ·the place ·of Dr. Gilbert Stan~el_l, rided that the name shall _ be Lake he place. of meetwho w~s made pastor_ o_f the Ftrst I Shqre Conclave. and t_ .Methodtst church of Elgm, Ill. ing. the new Wtlmette Masomc temple, Dr. Smith was born at Ransom, Ill. and the time of meeting to be the secin 1881. He attended country school ond and fourth Tuesdays of each ·. afterwards attending the Grand month. Prairie seminary at Onarga, where he The True Kindred order has been in was a mem.ber of the del?ating teams, , . existence about twenty-five years and a class offi-cer and prestdent of the its membership is composed of Master 1 Y. M. C. A. . Masons their wives, widows, sisters After a year of schoo~ tea.chmg he and dat;ghters. It is a charity organi-· entered .North~estern . umverstty where zation, directing its ac~ivities .orinc!-~ he recetved hts bachelor of arts de- pally in connection \l n th chtldren s gree in 1905. He wa· a n:tember of the welfare. Among other things. it hac; Delta Sigma Rho and !?ht Beta ~appa. furnished and supplied the nursery at For two years after hts graduatiOn he the Illinois Masonic hospital. was general secretary of the Y. M. C. There ,:vill be a card and bunco A. at the unive~sity .. He later attended party, sponsored by the conclave, at the Boston Untverstty. sc~10ol _of !he- the home of Mrs. August Meyers, 1721 ology ~nd Garrett Btbltcal 1~1stttute, Highland avenue, Wilmette. ~aturday ~Taduatmg from the latter tn 1910 evenin!!, October 23. with the degree of bachelor of . sacred -~ theology. Hemenway Methodist church in EvWaa Evanston Pastor anston from 1917 to 1924. He was During the years 1909-10 he was made superintendent of the western disassociate pastor of the St. ] ames 1v1. trict, Rock River conference, in 1924, E. church, in charge of religious ed- which position he is giving up to come ucation. He was admitted to the Rock to Wilmette. He received his degf'ee River conferct1·ce in 1910, from which of doctor of divinity from Northwesttime until 1914 he was connected with ern university in 1924 and the same the Y. M. C. A. at Northwestern uni.: year was elected a trustee of Garrett versity. From 1912 to 1914 he served Biblical institute. Dr. Smith is married ·and has three as pastor at Gray's Lake and at Glencoe, completing his pastorate at the daughters . .Mrs. Smith was a graduate latter village in 1917. of Northwestern university and later Dr. Smith acted as pastor of the a teacher in grade and · high schools. 1 l I I I Prepare. Now- Colder Weather Is Just Around the Corner! And these prices will enable you to make decided savings! These specials for Saturday, October 16th and the following week. Wool Blankets Large size woolen blankets, exceptionally soft 8 ~~~e!U!Y· .. ~ .r~~~~~~ .~ .·~~. ~a~~~ . . S6o95 . · . Comfort Challies A fine quality in a large vanety of beauttful new patterns. 36-inches in width, priced, a yard . . ................... . J9c Large Batts f .· · Comfort-sized cotton batts, made from new w:htte ;:c~o~ ... ~~~e. ~~~~0: .~l~i~. ~~ .s~i.t~~e~~ Knit Sleepers 95c -~- 'Way back in 1491, in this month of October, Columbus discovered this great land of ours, but he never would have reached the shores of America had he not been equipped with a great store of persistence and determination, -nor will we of this day and ag~ ever ·reach our goal unless we exercise our determination and persistence in building a savings account that will make possible for us new discoveries and new accomplishments. Your account will be welcome here. Children's knit sleepers, with .feet. A warm and cozy garment, cut roomy and full. Sizes 2 to 12, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . · SJ 00 fie Two Other Specials -that are not only low priced but exceedinr,ly timely. Bleached Gauze Good.quality, finished soft, for.home and garage use. A limited quantity only, a yard Bath Towels With colored border, size 18x36. A fine· quality suitable for gifts. Special at 4 for $1, or each .......................... . 29C ~--------~-------o_f_W_i_Jm_e_tt_e____~~~~----------W-I_L_M_E_T_T_·E----------~ first National Bank · Worthen--Carrico Co. 1146-48 Wilmette Avenue