~=======~============================~W~IL~M~E~T~T~E~L~I~F~==============~~~~~~~~~~====~ ·'= Announce Dates fn New Parish . of High School . I ~---------P. T. A. Meetings E October 15, 1926 The·Ma·gic Carpet! HAT eager care you would take ·of it if it were yours! But what of the fine rugs you do own? Are they not ~s truly magic? · Transporting us ever ·.n spirit from the commonplace to the beautiful from the machine to the master-craftsrna~, from urgent reality to the high and mystic symbolism of the East. Give your fine rugs the care in cleaning and repairing that they deserve. In other words,_ send them regularly to Kashian Brothers, whose stxteen years of native experience fit them for the work most exceptionally. W Dates of the four meetings of thL New Trier high school Parent T eachers association during the coming ~<· a son were announced hy Principal F E. C!rrk this wrek. The fir st meetin g will be Thursday, October 21, fn ·n 1 :30 . o'clock in tllr aftrrnoon unt il 1, o'clock in the evening. Tt \\·ill be icq member s of the freshman and . oph n . more cla:-.ses and their parents. Di n ncr will hr served in the school ca icteria. The second meeting will br on :\ . vembcr -l, for members of the jun i 1) and senior cla sses and their parc:n t· 'I'he hours will be the 'Same. On ~ < vembcr 18. there will he a mee tin g io· parents only. The hours will be in,· 4 o'clock in the afternoon until l' o'clock in the evening. No student will he present on this occasion, ex ccpt a few who will act as guide~ .t·· the \'isiting parents. Parents of pup1l in all classes will attend. The final meeting of the year " i: he held ~fa" 5. 1927. It is plann ed 1·· have a proniinent educator addre:-.:-. thi meeting hut definite arrangentt·n:Dr. Gilbert Stansell, pastor of the ha~·e not y~t hecn made. Sc!wol n; ,. · · · ~ · fictals explatn that these mcet111g .... u·· \\ tlmette Pansh Methocltst Eptscopa 1 I held for the pur})Qse of sccurin~ clo-.t : churcl~ since 1921, will take leave o'f cooperati~n bet\vcc.n the home an'd h1 the village to assume charge of the . chool. fhc mecttngs last year w1·r· first .:\fethodist church of Elgin, Ill. A I\\'ell ~ttcndcd .and proved a huge . . 1· · · · honor of Dr. I ce :-. . s · It \\'as sal(l. receptiOn was gtvcn 111 ·· and ~1 rs. Stansell at the . \ Vilmette '[. . . P·a tl 1lllC Pettt"-one is le a\ in:2 · · f l. .\ IsS 11 . \\.-.oman's club Tuesday eventng o tus \Vilmctte Saturclay for Indianapol i:-. t(J week. accompan~· Miss Ronny ] ohan~~o1 . · · · the Swedish character dancer, 111 :t The Reading circle will 111C'ct next 1 concert on October 18, at the Indi a_n · Monday afternoon with .rvf rs. Sidney a polis Athletic club. While there, ).1 ~s P. Stevens of 2875 Sheridan place, 1 Pettibone will be the guest of ).[ 1. Evanston. Mr ·. Leslie F. Gates of I Ruth Page, premiere danseuse for th. 1 I vVilmette was the hostc~s at the last Allied Arts program in Chicago till I year. ; meeting of this group. ......_ -.-- ep· ------- 114 5 Greenleaf A venue WilmetteJ Ill. Telephone Wilm~tte 1200 I'm Proud to Bring Some One to Dinner Because the Roast Comes from WHITE CASH MARKET WILMETTE OneFriendTelrinotAer FOR CONVENIENCE TRADE AT THE WHITE CASH MARKET NEAREST YOU THE SAME QUALITY MEATS-LOW PRICES-COURTEOUS SERVICE f .· 1189 AVENUE . Phone Wilmette 2538 Phone Wilmette 2779 Better Meats Lower Pl'ioes Speolals lor Fttiday and Saturday Ootober 15 and ·16 · Genuine Milk .Fed None Better at Any Price FRESH DRESSED From 3 to 6. Lbs Each Received Dally Direct from the Coast HENS OYSTERS STRICTLY FRE· SH Lb.38c 38 C wHiTEkFISH: .. 39c Received Daily . · Lb. From 2 to 4 Pounds Each No Pxtra charge for boning Jones Dairy Farm Pork Sausage Links, 1 Lb. Carton · . · · 39e Meat, 1 Lb. Carton · . . · · 3Se Four Free Deliveries Daily. 9 A. M., 11 A. M., 2 P. M., 4 P. M. To Evanston, Wilmette, Kenilworth Glencoe, and Winnetka Special attention aiven to children and phone ordera '