Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Oct 1926, p. 5

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·=o=c=to:be~r=8=,=1:9U~~~========~=================W=l= . L= . M= · =I=T=T~.-~~~ - L; _ I~ . P~ ~ '~============================~========~' GIVE STUDY COURSES HOLD ANNUAL RALLy Congreaationalista M~ke Plana for Fifty-second Yearly Seaaion Wedneaday Niaht, October 13 The fifty-second annual meeting of the First Congregational church is to be held jn the parlors of the church Wednesday evening, October 13 at which time officers will be elected'and reports of the year's work given. The nominating committee will pre sent nominations for three trustee s, each for a term of three years, to take the place of E . H. Burge, F. B. Crossley, and Theodore De Lang; for five deacons each for a t erm of three v ear s to take the place of E. S. Band, R. L. F. Biesemeier,· J . A. Borncamp, D. ]. Davis, and ]. \V. Fisher, Jr.; for two deaconesses, each for a term of three years, to take the place of Mrs. H. W. Caldwell, and to fill a vacancy ; a fi nancial secretary for a term of one year to take the place of W . A. Rich ard son ; treasurer for term · of one year to take the place of · L. E. Bust; ; a church clerk for term of one year to take the place of Mr s. S. M. Singleton ; and a member at large of the Church Council to take the place of Mrs. F. J . Scheidenhelm. · In addition to the election of th e offic ers, the minister, Dr. Stephen A . Lloyd, \Yill make annOUncement of the membership of the important committ ee:-; to se rv e during the year. Th e annual dinner to n1 ember s of the church a nd pa ri sh will be serYed at 6:30. R es ervation s should be made throug h th e church offic e. T elephone 1204. NEXT ·wEEK IN WILMETTE (Recorded at the Chamber of Commerce) FOR RELIGION SCHOOL Secure Well Known Educa~ors for Wilmette Religious Education School L du~at10n to. b~ held on six Tuesday 7 :30 p. Wilmette Chapter R. A. M., Masonic hall. m. Friday, October 8 SYMPHONY PLAYERS IN ·FIRST CONCERT OtT.:18 Leo Sowerby, Famous Pianist· Composer Is Engaged for Appearanee This . Season George Dasch, conductor of The Symphony Players of Chicago, has prepared a brilliant program for the first concert of the Orchestral association series, to be given at the New Trier High school auditorium Monday evening, October 18. The orrhestra of 45 artist-players will open its program with the overture to von Weber's opera, "Euryanthe." This is to be followed by the famous Fourth Symphony (Opus 36) by Tschaikows ky, which will receive its initial performance at these concerts on this occasion. The second part of the program will open with the lovely "Petite Suite" in four movements, by Debussy, after which the strings of the orchestra will play "The Last Spring" (Grieg) and "Valse Triste" (Sibelius). The program will be brought to a brilliant close with the intricate Prelude to "Die M~istersinger," by Wagner. - Sunday, October 10 7 :30 p. m. Swedish Male chorus, Sunday Evening gational church. club, Congre- . In th.e Wilmette School of Religious Monday, October 11 8 p. m. American Legion Auxiliary, St. Augustine's church. · evenmgs ?egmnmg October 26, special co urses wtlt be offered to meet the demand and needs of all who are intere_:; t ed in the important task of religious education. Prof. Norman E. Richardson of Xorth_we stern university will direct the d a:;s 111 Adolescence. This course will be a s t~l~Y of the mental. social, moral a nd rehgtous growth, activities, and inte res ts. of early and later adolescence. Dr. Rtchardson is the author of a --p l:tHlid tex.t book in this phase of edul·a t10n. . Th~ New Te stament course, which t" hcmg plann ed for all young people who ar c mt e rc sted in _Bible study but, \\' h n . at th e prese nt ttm e, are not of~cc r :-> or teac her:-; , \\·ill he lr d hy Dr. :--~ h e rm e rhorn o f C.arrett Biblical In 'tt tute. l'hurch School Administration \vitl . l'e . ta ug ht by Dr. \V. Edward Raffetv. t·;t~t.o ~ o f t!1r Int.ernation ~ l Journal ~f lu hg tous T ·. du catt nn. Tht s course wttl he a study of the aim s, organization :tnd admini stratio n of the modern ~h ur c h. sch oo l, em phasizing the sneci n~~ dut1 es of all admini strative offices nr th e Sunda y, we ek -<lav a nd vacation ,e~s i o n s. . Th e .cla ss in the Principles of Teachmg wtll be conducted · by Lawrence r.l l tnsc~ n of E n n stnn. Thi s coursr will h ~ a stud s~ of t~e important principle s nt c>{lu cat tnn 11n-oh·rd in effcc th·e _l'J.C' hin g , with s pr r ia I r ef cr ence to the 1Jt' ld of Reli. d ou s Edu cation. · _T he courses full y meet the st a ndard nr the International Council of Re l i~ ious E~uca~ion, it is explained. S pectal credtt w11l be given to all who complete an~· one course in a satisiac torv manner. Tuesday, October 12 12 :15 p. m. Wilmette Optimist club, Lake S hore Terrace. . B: 15 p. m. Wilmette Post No. 46 American Legion. St. Augustine's Cluh House. 8:15 p. m. Ouilniette Council No. 942 Knights of Columbus. Odd Fellows' hall. 12:15 p. m. Wilmette Rotary club. Guilmette Country club. W edneaday, October 13 Thursday, October 14 Garrett Man Teacher , 7:30 p. m. Wilmette Lodge No. 931 A. F. & A. M ., Ma sonic hall. 8 p. m. A. T. Sherman Lodge No. 892 I. Q. 0. H' .Odd Fellows' hal~. Logan-Howard P. T. A. Holds First Meeting About 175 members of th e Logan H oward Parent Teachers a ss ociation were pres.ent. at the fir st meeting of th e orgamzat10n, held la st Tu es day in th e gy mn as ium of the H oward school. Mrs. John Campbell. of th e \Vilmette Leagu e of Women Voters, Mrs. J. R. Harper, program chairman of the association. L. F . Todd, principal of the Howard and Logan school s, and Daniel M. Davi s, director of communitv recreation, addressed the meeting.- Miss Adelaide Jones sang a group of .songs and refreshments were served. Miss Mildred Van Horn's room \\'On the prize for the large st percentage of mothers attending. . Classes at School · I· · association the MapleNo action will be taken at the pres- wood Orioles of Chicago at the Vilent time in regard to paving Tenth llag-e Green Sunday afternoon, October street from Sheridan road to Ashland 110, at 3 o'clock. a\:enue. it was' decided at the meeting The local eleven is fa st rounding in~f the Village board last Tuesday eve- to tip-top form and showed remarkWould Stop Ruildine: of ning. Trmt ee John Wicdlin of the able strength against the strong Rosestre ~ts and alle~· s committee, which has land Cardinals last Sunday, when they · Clubs In "No Ma~'s Land" , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . 1 been investigating the matter, follow - were barely nosed out by an aggregaPlans for oreventing the erectio~ of ing a request by the merchants of the tion that boasted several men who have the two clubhouses and the theater and village, reported thaf because of the been in profe ss ional football competistore huilding-s now pronosrd for "No I uncertainty of developments in· "no tion. After the game Manager Nick ~f.~n·s Land," between Kenilworth anci Man's land" at the present time it was Schwall was congratulated by the \\ tlmette, wrr~ discussed at a meeting umdse to pave this stretch of street. Cardinal's manager, who de'clared they ?~ representatives of both communThe board concurred in the recomend- had anticipated a walk-away contest, !tles held at the Kenilworth communation of the committee to drop the but were completely surprised by WitIt~· l~nuse last Sunday eveninrr. The matter and no further action will be mette's show of strength and speed. meetmg- was called bv James C. Murtaken at present. Fans are promised a good game Sunrar. president of the Krnilworth board day afternoon and are expected to proand more than one hundred prrson; vide an audience that will out-number C. of C. Hears lzaak attended. .Trustee Clarence E. Draylast Sunday's sizable turnout. You can secure anything er and Vtlla{Yr Attorncv Charles H Walton League Official through the Want Ad Page. T~ckson of Wilmette n:oresented th~ Seth E. Gordon, national extensjon New Trier Girls' Club \ dla.l!.e hoard. The cluhs which are Even music in large or small director of the Izaak Walton league. plannmg-- to erect huildin~s on the quantities - money back if was the speaker at the Chamber of ans to Incorporate g-rounds are the Vista del Lago and Commerce meeting held last Tuesday Plans to incorporate the Girl's club every note isn't all wool and the Breakers. A syndicate of north evening at the Central cafeteria . . He of New Trier High school under the a yard wide: !'hore men have already started contold the audience of the history of the state laws were announced recently by ~truction on a theater and block of DO YOU WISH AN ORCHESTRA league and its work in Illinois and ! officers of the organization. This ac· stores. Attorney Charles H. Jackson for ballroom or private parties througho~t the nation. Entertainment tion js to be taken because of the scope with a guarantee of satisfaction of Wilmette and Attorney Andrew was P!'ov1deo bv Sherman and Pratt, and importance of the work being utior no money? If so call Highland Jackson of Kenilworth were instructPark, 2077 for an Ell. Sheridan 1of stahon WHAQ, who sang, told jokes, dertaken by the club and because of ed to investigate the possibility o£ Orchestra. and performed card tricks. The at- 1the large amount of money it js now stoooing the construction of these tendance at the meeting was large. handling. buildings by law. Th e school will he held in th e Centra l J\' C'Illle scho nl building-, Tenth --t re et and Central aYenue. There will he two ses:-; ion ' of rach cla ss each yu es da~- eYenin g , the fir st b eginning at I :-l5 an c~ tlw sr cn nd ending- at 9 :40. There \\'Ill al so h e an a. sembly· period h.etween the cla ss sess ion s at \\·hich t11n r th e lno l. pa -; tor s " ·ill g-in· short · addresses on ttmrlv themes . _ \II resident s of . \Vilmett e and along t he north sh ore are invit ed to enroll Specia l lite ra ture, indmling- enroltmrnt bl a nks, ,ma\· he s.eqtrrd fr om the rcP'istrar. th e R ev. \Villiam C.ui. c. 521 Se\'C·nth street. Phone Wilmette 2674. ADMITS NEW MEMBERS New members admitted to the \Vilmette f'hamher of Commerce at it s mee ting last ~fond a y evening " ·ere Dr. R. H. Henderson. 1159 \Vilmette avenue , Dr. C. E . Ge is se, 1150 \Vilmette avenue, and the \Vestern Union Telegraph company. Fifteen ne\\· members have been admitted to the organization in the last four months and none ha,·e resigned, it \ra s said. Announcement is also made of the engagement of Leo Sowerby, famous American co!_l1poser-pianist, for appearance on one of the programs of There is a great demand for tickets this season's series. One of Mr. Sowerior th e Schipa song recital to be given by's compositions for orchestra will by th e Winn etka 11 u sic club in its be presented on the same program. Arti st-R ecital se rie s at New Trier au- Other soloists of distinction will also ditorium ~1oncl ay evening, N'o\' ember 8, be engaged for appearance with the it was announced thi · week orchestra. Those who have not arranged for T icket s for th e se rie s of seYc n r ecitals are now · r eady for delivery, it · is explained. and all subscribers are their season tickets are adv1sed to get advised t o se nd th eir ch ecks in at once in touch with their village chairmen at , · ,. once. The chairmen are : for Glencoe, 1 lo \\ tnnetka u · ht c. 0 rcu tt (Gl encoe 238) , · . B ,.,k r s. t Besste 'd Grant. h 'b'l' f 1State .1.v1rs. D wtg at; ' o avot . t e poss t 1 It~ o osu~g for Winnetka. Mrs . Roland D. Whittheir to ·1wor th , t' t opportumty · 1 · · hear - . thts · splend!d . · man (W'mne tk a 243)., f or K em ar ts smce t 1c \\'atttn g 1 tst 1s grow111g M A 1 B S 1 (K ·1 th every dav · ' 1 r s. mue . pac 1 em wor 'fl -. d . · . . 429); for vVilmette, Mrs. Miles McMil,e , secon· a :-; t to . ar)p.ear tn tht.s 1 'lme tt e· 839J) . . rttC H en (':u vv 1 sea son s sen e:-; 1s ece 1 ta ansen , em1 Tl ffi f th · t' th" nent violfnist. Kot sinc e J ascha H ei1e o cers o e assoc1a 1on IS fetz mad e hi s iam ous debut in 1917 has year. are. Homer F. Horton, ~lencoe, < tny Yi olinist ma de 50 sen sati onal a pres1dent, R. J. Burtner, Wtlmette, dchut as did thi s giftecl young woman. secretary and treasu~er; and Mr;5. She, in 1922. 'a :-; toni :-; hed the New York Homer E . . Cott~n, dtrector ?f mus~c critic s. ).fiss Han sen , th ough Scandi - at New Trter Htgh school, vtce-preslnavian by extraction, is a nath·c of dent. Ru ssia . It ha s been said of he r, "s he play s like a man." Her tone is. individ u~t'l and has tr emendous power and purity. Demand Is Great for Tickets for Artist· Recitals Engage Sowerby Board Decides Not to · T h5 N The Wilmette Athletic Pave ent treet ow Ifootball team will engage A. C. Gridders to Meet Maplewood, s Sunday, October 10 Harmony For Sale PI

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