Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Oct 1926, Front Page

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WILMETTE VOL. XVI, NO: 2 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, OCTOBER 8, 1926 LIFE PRICE FIVE CENTd A Weekly News-Maga%ine for Wilmette and Kenilworth THEATRE GUILD BRINGS PLAN P. T. A. PROGRAM NEWS OF COMING PLAYS Organiiation Completes Plans for Banner Season ; First Play November 10 New Trier High School Group To H ave Four M eetings Similar to Those of Last Year On Monday evening, October 4, .the executive officers of the New Trier High School Parent-Teacher associaFriends of the North Shore Theater lion held a meeting in the office of the Gttjld will he interested in the plans principal and made their plans for the for its sixth season. Unusual activity year's Par~nt-Tcacl1er association of committees through the summer meetings. months has been productin· of plans Tn view of the general popularity and that will not only maintain the stand- :->ttcccss of the former plan of meeting·s ard of the Guild's former successes, the committee decided to organize the but will mark a step in farther pro- program for the coming year on the ~Tess, it is promised. same general basis. There will he a The growth of the Guild has been total of four meetings. The first meetboth rapid an~ steady, far exceeding ing \\·ill he held at the high school and the hopes of the small group that met will he planned for the parents of six years ago at the call of Stuart fn:shmen and sophomore students. .\s Dailey to promote an amateur dra- in former years the meetings "·ill bema tic movement which should main- gin early in the afternoon and the 'a in the highest possible ;.trt standard~ regular school program followed with and be a permanent contribution to parents and students going to classes the cultural life of the north shore. together: The cafeteria \\·ill sene the The degree with which these ideal!, us~tal supper to the parents anrl stuhan~ been consistenth· adhered to i~ dents. and at the close of school in cY idrncecl by the faithfulne s" of an the e\'ening the principal \\'ill meet t·n ' r -incrrasing patronage. \\'ith the parents in the auditorium. On Name New Directors this occa sion the junior and senior \\'bile the final production of the . tndent..; ,,·ill not be in school at all play itself is the major interest oi the l'XCCpt ior the f1 (t\- -,t ucJent S selected ~T e ater numher of the members, ve! to act as guides in. the corridors. ;t g lance behind the scenes at the The secomf meeting will he of a nece . sary machinery is ren-aling· of similar nature, except that in this ca:-.c th e real motive power. the juniors and seniors and their parThrough the leadership of Laird 1 t·nt. will he in school together and the B ell. the organi7.ation has been placed ir es hmen ancl sophomore s will ha,·e a on a firm basi s . .:t\ew members have \'acation except for the fifty sophoheen added to the board of directors, mores who " ·ill act as guides anrl a sth' \\' '(!111m itt c r s h a H he en working·, si s tan ts. Ill'\\' h\'-law s han~ been drafted. The Classes for Parents olticer; of the board in addition to ).fr. The third meeting will be held ior Bell, who is president, arc S:1m Otis. parent:' only and on this occasion the Yicc-presiclent; J. \Villiams ).facy, tre:1surer: ).frs . Frederick Dickinson, parents will attend the classes usually secretarv. In addition to the officers. attended b,· the children. The children the following persons arc members of will not in school at all on this octile new board of directors: casion. For this meeting the period~ Proi. \\'alter Bridgeman. Lake For- will he ~hortencd to a half hour and est; Percy B. Eckart, Ken~lworth; school will begin late in the afternoon ).frs. Dudley Cates, \Vinnetka; Prof. and close in the eYening, to he foiRalph Dennis, EYanston; Arthur Boet- lowed by a general parents' meeting in 'the ·auditorium. trher, Evanston; Henry Kitchell \Veb..;ter, Evanston; Gordon \Vil on, EvThe fourth and !1nal meeting of the anston; Mrs. Otis Beardsley, Highland year will be held late in the spring, at Park; Ells\vorth Laflin, Lake Forest; which time some distinguished educator ~Irs. Harry Holloway, Glencoe. will address all of the parents, and the Three of the four plays to be given election of officers for the ensuing year will take place. ha\'e been de fi nitely selected. There On the occasion of the meeting of is an English comedy suggestive of the executive officers much discussion "The Truth About Blayds," a serious play suggestive of "Mixed Marriage," was given to the problem of the home study plan. As a result of this dis~Fnd Ia. cl~,ssic dre~:~T·v,al cDorrespot~~ingT.lto cussion members of the executive comas 11011 an 1e uenna. . 1e mt'tt ee wt·11 a tt emp t t o co-opera t e wt "th 11 f ourt l1 p 1av wt·11 um1ou 1 )tee y 1lC sup- th · · 1 111 · 1 · · tl tt f plied by Alexander Dean general die prtnctpa )ru~gmg le ~na er o · ·home study and tts necesstty more 1 h ' rector 0 f t h e Pays, w 0 so often ts definitely to the attention of parents. able to secure newly released plays on D fi 't d t f th t' '11 hort notice. e nt e a es or ese mee mgs wt Following is the schedule of dates be announced later. for the first play : November 10; Lake Forest; Xo\·rm5 Wilmette Children her 11, Highland Park; November 12 Guests at Purple Game and 13, Winnetka; November IS, WilTwo hundred seventy-five Wilmette mette; November 17 and 18, Evanston. Grammar School Football p layers atVETS AT BANQUET tended the NortlnYestern-South DaSpanish War veterans of the Evans- kota football game Saturday at the ton encaRlpment U. S. V., of whom a stadium. number reside in Wilmette, attended a The youngsters were guests of the banquet at the North Shore hotel. Ev- Northwestern football team and anston, Tuesday of this week. These showed their a pp reciation by cheering men a lso participated in the dedication lustily for t he "Wildcats." recently oJ a Span ish War monument The boys were chaperoned by memin the Bohemian K a tiona! cemetery, hers of the Recreation board and Chicago. school officials. · Sunday Club Will Hear S wedish Male Chorus October 10 he c. Y O U M UST REGIS TE R ! Be sure_ to register at the polls on October 12. This is an entirely new registration. So everybody must register. Any individual who does not' register on October 12 · Hear of Primary Election Frauds will on election day experience conand Forthcoming Vote Issues siderable delay and difficulty, and Tuesday, October 19 may lose: his vote entirely. Many voters in V\' ilmctte haYe for many years past depended upon \1 embers of churches, organized the election officers to register their clubs anrl societies in vVilmette have names registration day, but the been in\'itcd to attend a meeting of the precincts arc now becoming- so "\Vilmette Forum for 100% Voting," heavily populated that it is almost impossible for election officers to to be held in conjunction with the know aU of thr names and addresses Men's club of the First Congregational of the persons entitled to vote. As church at that church Tuesday evea consequence, on election day, if ning, October 19, at 7 o'clock. A the judges do their duty as prescribed by law, they compel those speaker \vho is acquainted with the depersons v\'110 are not registerer! · to tailed results of the recent Primary ,-ote by affidavit. election frauds investigation has heen Register on October 12! Come secured for the meeting. personally to your polling place and see that your name is placed · Announcement of the October 19' upon the poll books. The polling meeting came this week in the form of places will be open from 9 o'clock a letter directed to churches and vain the morning until 4 o'clock in rious \Vilmette organizations by a: the afternoon. committee of the Forum comprised of \Viltiam H. Ellis, Robert Stoddard and Hoyt King. The letter reads : S t udy E lection laaues "Tiw undersigned committee at the last meeting of the 'Wilmette Forum fur 100<tr Voting' was directed to call tog-ether the Forum members prior w the ?\ovember election. Pursuant to ,·otl't:-.. unckr the direction oi I f. \\' il that direction, we invite you and memliam ~ordin, \\'ill give the prngl'atll at bers of the :\len's club at the First the \\'ilmtttv Sunday EYcning cluh ongreg-ational church at 7 o'Clock, Sund a ~- . October 10. The club will Tue . day evening, October 19. present a concert that is entircl~· ne\\', "All members of churches and orit i~ :;tate<.!. Tt ha:; appeared bdorc ganized cluhs ancl societies in \Vilmette the Sunday club on t\YO other occa- arc to he invited. "A distinguished speaker from Chision-, and hrt~ become extrL·111ely popucago will be called upon to present detailed results of the primary fraud '!'hi:, chc,nh i:-; LJlll' nf the finc:-.t 11i investigation and tell of the methods its type in the }.:l iddle \\re st and i..; to be used to prevent a repetition of made up en tire)~- of persons of Swed- snch wholesale gross frauds. ish extraction. lts memher:;hip comInvite D iscu ssion prises Chicago busine~s men and the ":\fh'r the principal speaker, the group made a highly successful tour of S\n'dt·n three year:; ago, rt\)pearing meeting ,,·ill be thrown open for disbefore large audiences in the native cussion of candidates and issues in a friendly way, with a view to informing land . those present of the importance of votThe Sunda,· Club's l<J2<!-2i . sea;-;on ing. No action will be taken by the opened last ·sunday amid auspicious Forum on any candidate or issue, as tbe circumstance~. Bishop Edwin Holt body is strictly non-partisan, but inHughes of the Chicago Area of the formation will be appreciated. There Methodist Episcopal church was the will be no cost other than the very speaker, on the subject, "The Bible and moderate price of the din ner. Patriotism," and attracted a large au"We will appreciate your urging _updience. on your members the desirability of their being present at this viltage 'powIC Itt e S ng to wo\\·.' " SUDON CITIZENS.TO VOTE FORUM SESSION ( . k L· I , Ga D Be at Evanston Saturday · An onslaught of "Line" fans, similar to that which stormed the book department of Marshall Field ar1d company, a short time ago when they appeared in person there is expected to greet the Evanston visit of Chicago Tribune "Line o' Tvpe" writers to Chandler's book store· at Evanston, Saturday. Between 10 and 12 in the morning they will be there to meet enthusiasts, and will autograph copies of their books-Snowshoe Al his famous "Bedtime Stories," Le Mousquetaire his "Songs in Silhouette," Marjorie F. W. her charming "Alchemy," and "The Phantom Lover" his tender outpourings. They will be accompanied by Richard Henry Little, "R. H. L." of Line fame. 27 British Program M k J l ar S naugura of Must·c Season I . . The home o f Mrs. T rUitt m Deerfield, J11., was the setting for the first mee!.J.tg of the North Shore Musical society this season. The presence of the Townsend String quartet as guest artists greatlr added to the enjoyment of the program. This quartet composed of Winifred Townsend, first violin; Gertrude Early, second violin; . Charlotte Polak, viola, and Lois Biehl, violincello gave a splendid demonstration of fine en.:. semble work. Following the prograni refreshments were served. · '.

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