October 8, 1926 46) J l!t WILMETTE LIFE (Continued from page wAN1'ED-lllSCELLANE01.is I Record Crowd Sees "Wildcats" 17 FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOQDS HOUSECLEANING, AND TIME TO s.1·ll .used~ books. Write Minerva Book St·rvJce, o310 l.:niversity Ave., Chicago . .GOUGH'r 4 MONTHS AGO; WORTH 1!lL2-3tt) $3,000. Will take $550 for all or will separate beautiful furnishings for 4- HIGHEST PRIC'E PAID FOH :\ll!:;N'S rm. apt. ; 3-piece silk mohair parlor c lothing, all grades. Te l. '\Vi!. 1:~51. suite; 8-plece walnut dining set; 419LTN1-4tp piece walnut bedroom set; two 9x12 \Vilton rugs; library table; floor and \\·A~TED FUR COAT SIZFJ 3G-38, table lamps; 5-picce breakfast set, ancl <' 11 on pre f ·rn·d . \\.ilme ttc Life B-70. s ilYerware. \Viii take $550.00 for all. 19LT~2-ltp ~32 Leland Ave ., near Sheridan noad . -~ ~~ -~~--~-~~.......----...:. Chicago. Tel. f?unnyside 6190. Willi :.=n Al . 'I'O~\IOinit·~ - - arrange for delivery. 17LTN1-;')tp ' - · ---------------F1 >H SALE -- LOCOMOBILE SPORT FUR SALE XEW CO~IPLETE 1 motll ·l 1 ~!22. ~:nn1: 18,000 mil es. In per_ \linnt·a ,HnlH 111'at 1'1 ·gulator wi L h < '·11<-k. l ft ·f't nwf'l,ant<·al c-ondition . \Yill s('ll < 'o lumbia phonograph ' in mahogany li('~ eap. Tf!l. nlencoe 074 after 6 :00 IJrary tabl e. Also mahogany music o clock. 20LTN2-ltp ··abinet. 14:\2 Scott Ave., Hubbard \\-oods. 17LTN2-ltc ' FOJ~ SALE Dot·BLE DRIVE ELECtrt l· . A-I condition; n ew battery. tlrt·cnleaf 213 rJr Lake View 6210. F t 11: SALE SOLID MAHOC:ANY n\"al dining table, 48 X 62, ~nd 3 leaves 20LT2-ltp fo r extension. Adam style with 10 legs. · 1 :ood condition. Bargain. Also, library :.!l I·'Oil S ,\ I.E-,IISCELLA~EOt:S t a b!P, 24x72 Qu ePn Anne style. Call - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Glencoe 427. 17LTN2-Hc F'()R SALE - PORCELAIN TOP CABIn cttf>, 22 x 27, $8.00. Three kitchen 1·hairs and tahl1·, $fi.OO. Powd er blue J·'i)fl SALE SEWING l\IAC'HIKI·: (' rf·pe silk dress and rose colored silk with motor, refrigerator, trunk, hot wat ··t· h('ater, sideboard, all in excdlent 1 jt·rst·y <lr\' Ss, sizt· 40 or 42 . P erfect condition . T t· l. . 'Vil. 340 . 21 L2-ltp ·'· Jndltion. Wilmette 1002 or call Satmdays, 820 Greenwood Ave. 17LTN2-lt]J Ft Ht S.\LE - YOT'XC1 ~lAX'S TL'XEDO ~uit, siz(· ~ :; . P e rf(·ct c-ondition . Man's hr·a,·y ov er eo at, size 38. \Vii. 1984. }'1·H SALE AT A SACIUFICEda ,-.·n)Hlrt, 2 arm chairs, library table ____________ 2_1_L_2-_l_tc a ntl end table, a 11 in waxed oak and ·· <t nt· . Like new. Bargain at $4:i for F< II! SALE -· ~ HK\ 1·rr1 FTL :.rrNK skins, fnr half pri c··. 1121 Central ..\,·e. l··t. Glencoe 114. 17LTX2-ltp 21L2-ltc Ft H-! SALE GOOD ENGLlfo;H 0"\ K -F·.-E-u BABY 1 ,-,-:- - - - - - - 1 1 E.-; 4 in . round dining table with f11ur i' iliTi ag·(·. Ph rr!W r;kn C'Ot; !121. ··h a irs. :\Torris chair. Pricr d very 111,,. 21 f/I'X2-1tc ( .. t· imnH·diate ~alf' . Phon1· \\.il. lfi!tii . 17L2-ltp F'Oit S .\ Ll·: ('AR.\(TL f'OAT, trimm ('(l with f~>x , $:iO.flO . 'f' .. l. :wil. F 1tl~ SALE SH8RATO~ DIXIX<; 21 LT:"l2-1tr ~:i96. rnom St·t . Adam bf'droom furnitun·. Dratwrit·s etc. Apply Sunday and ~Ton- ~ 1 I.OST .\ xn Fot·x n da\·. 1~9 HawthrJrn c Ave. T<·l. r:~t-n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , .. ,,·. 810 . 17LTX2-It1' LOST TO I~ TOT S 1 ·: ·SrH:LL S PF:C'ta f' l··s in h r .. ,\·n k a tl w r ('asr·, :\fonda~· Fl 1H :::; _ \ LE \\' .\ Lxr·T ('lTI·::-iT OF a h ·, Llt 11 :n11 a. m .. n1 ·ar Xm·th Shore dl'a\\'Pl's . Enamd top kitdwn talJJ, .. :-: t :ll il·n at \\. iln lt' tlt· .\\'0 , Find(·r please lt air n.attrd·sl"l-.;. Odd c·hairs. <":all afr l'l um t" :\Tr:-:. H . P . Conw a ~· . 818 l ··r r; :on Jl. m . Tt·l. \\"inn . !) t~ . 11ith ~tn ·P t , and r· ·Cf' i\'~ r ~: ward, or call 17LT:'\:!-l t c W!l. 1673. 24L2-1tc F 1 ·H SALE BE.\ t"'fiFUL G PIEC'E ivory h!·rlror.m sd, inC'Iuding- Yanity ·_ !_:-_,- ' ' (_)_"_ ·I_I_c_ .\_c_ .. ,_ . ,_)_H_~_ · _ .\_~_ - _n_J_(_)J_l_n_E_.I_t_s__ d!'t · ~s('r with full l(· ng-th mirr·1r. ln o ·x····ll··nt <'OIHlition. Pho1w '\"inn. 1 !1 -Hi. \Y~I. 17LTX::!-ltt· ~ a~< )Jl < )11 tractor Ft "lfl SALE - FI~E BRO\\'X :\L\HOC1'1', ·1. llig-lll nnd Pari.; 1 ·., llllt ~ - Li n·· T~tl . a ny <lining room sc·t. Tabl· · and fi ! ~):; r.T:'\ ~-t r,. chHirs. $i:i0 . Tel. \\"inn. 150X . 17L~-1t r :: --- --- B-~RGAIN FOR YOUNG W f\.NTE:D TO BUY - MEN'S CLOTH~ mg and shoes. Pay better prices than any dealer on the North Shore line Call Kessel, Wil. 62. 19LTN2-4tp COUPLE ----------------------------------------------~ I. Review Photos by Lehle Northwestern university opened its new football stadium last Saturday before a crowd of nearly 20,000 patrons, the largest audience to view a football game in Evanston. The above pictures give a splendid panorama of the big grid plant on the opening day. In the top pictur·e the great expanse of · seats is seen from the south end of the grounds. Below is a view of the east stands. In this section alone a crowd larger than could be packed into the former wooden stands can be accO"mmodated· Glencoe .Girl Wed . at C eremon y tn ) c burch on Hilltop . Chnst church, . vVmnetka, was I an air or dignity; and the veil of tulle, which was tucked in a cap effect at the front and . touched with orange blossoms, drooped gracefutly. The bridal bouquet was of lilies-of-thethe valley and sweet peas. 1 OTTEX C \. l l i I \ "' - setting. for a m~st charming wedding, on. ~nday evemng, October 1, when ~Its~ Beulah rrancoeur of Glet~coe becan~e the . bnde of George Ltttell of Indtanapolts. The bride made a lovely picture, in her white satin dress, which was tight of bodice and full of skirt Tulle trimmed the bottom of the dress. and dainty satin flowers were at the waist. A white satin train with satin flowers lent ST.\'I'E-'lEXT I The bride's sister, :Miss Elizabeth Francoeur, who was the maid of honor, wore a flesh and pink chiffon dress of i ' the style of the bride's, trimmed with rosebuds. She carried a bouquet of pale yellow roses and pink sweet peas. ! The four bridesmaids were Miss I Langdon Phillips, Mrs. Frederick BabJ cock, ·Miss Theodosia Paynter and kets held lilies-of-the-valley and white sweet peas. I 0 'IT TO HI\(~ Ft ·1: SALE - THOR :\£.\~GLB, r:::;En IIIJJ~ · shr1rt ti.mt·, r\ 1 ('Ondition . .~l~:i . ('all aft ·· r Sunday, 'Vinn. 21i:i~t. 17LTX~-1 tp FOR SALE RADT.ANT-FlRE f:.\:::; log·. 12 Elt·1·tri·· light wall hr a · · kd~. l~ ; tdiator crr\'t·r. Tel. \Yinn . 20~2. 17LTX:!-1tp F(.!\LED OAK DIXTXt: ROO:\T ~ET . Rrass b~d. complete . Can be ~· · f 11 at ~ ·1~ 13th St., \Vilmette, or call \Yinn . '>"33 17L" 1t - ·· . ~- c Ft m SALE - FPT.L ST7E BR.-\SS TIETl, ~pring- and mattrf'~s. $17. l\Talwg·any library tab!<> $7. Phone 1\·it. 1144 . 17L'I'~-1tp FOR SALE HOPSEHOLn Fl·I:Xrture. Chinn, cut glass, · etr . (~hl':tn Phone Winn. 969. 17LT:\"~-1 t cFOR S.A LE JTRATIN"G ~Tn\·E I~ g-,)od ron<lition . $12.00. "-YiJ. R70-R 17L2-1tcFOR SALR PATR OF PORTTEH~ . kitchen tabl(', rockers. 1712 Ehm,·o()(l Ave. 17LT~2-1tr FOR SALE KTTCHE~ (' .\ RTXE'r. r':ood condition . f'heap. T··l. \\'inn . 1690. 17LT~2-1tJ1 Fun SALE -:... DlXlXn f'all \Vinn. 1257. ROrY:\T ~ET. l7LTN2-1tc FOR SALE- ORIENTAL R1TC1 7 X !l. RunnPr 1 o x ~- wt,n. 2~~0. 17Vt'N2-1tr w A"S"TP. n-nOTT!O;F.JTOJ,n noons ".ANT"ED TO BtTV Rl~r.OND HANn f11rntture and other householrl gor-ill'l Highe~ prices for s::.me. Cro!':t Fnrniture Storf', 1004-6 "Emerson St., ~v anston, Ill. Phone Univ. l ~9. 18LTN2-tff' WTNNF.'rKA Buv-Se-11-Exchnn~e-NPw-TT~e<' FHRNT'rtTRF. STORF. 0P<>n dnlly. Tn<>s., · Thurs .. SM .. R J>. m Tel. Wlnn. 1212 1500 Willow Rd. 18LTN2-tfc ·!·--·---..---·-·---:· 2-t, 1912. Life publisht:d Wt:l.'k1 ~- at '\\.ilmette, Ill., for Ott. 1, 1nli. ~ ~'J'LTDIOS ~TATE OF ILLIXOIS l XE\Y LOf'.\TIO::-.: COU~TY OF COOK J SS. Y£LL :\GE THJ;;ATRB Rl'ILDTXC Ht·fort' mt·, a Notary Puulic in and for '\\-IT,:.\lETTE ~OL~-1tp tl11· Stall' and count~· aforesaid, personai-----------------~ _,. HPJH·:tn'd Llo~·d Holli~ter , who ha\·ing .··t ~. ' ·. F. ~~ s1-: H , . ICE ,v, ·n dul~' sworn a<:cording to law, de, .. 1· 1 1 · 1 o:-:l·s and !'a~·s that he is th v Busin ess \lallag·l·r of \\'ilnwttt:' Life and that the 110 Yot· '\\·r~H .\X ()Jt('JTE~TIL\ FOR " ollil\\·ing is to thl' bt'st of his knowl(·dge l>:l llrrrutn "1' t'111' pri,·atl· parti es \\'ith a t nt1 ))t']ief, ~ trut:· statl'mvnt o[ the own11 "ll < trant~ · ·· <d. s:tti:-:faC'ti1111 1' no mon t· y? ·r:-;hip, man:tl!l' lllvnt (and if a. daily Tf !'II l':tll T-Tig·hland Par!( 207'; fot· nn HLJWr, tlw virculation), l'tl'., uf the aforeEll. ~IH·ri<LI n Ot'·'he!'tra . :11 LT:\2-Hp ;aid publication for tlw dat p shown in the thon· t"aptinn. n·quirPd hy tlw Act of ~2 J\1-~XXP.I.S \ ugust ~4. 1!)1 ~. t·mhodil'd in ~kction 4-l:~, ~.., ., ~y-r'· 'l'"'l' · ·osLll Law~ and H.t"g-ulntions, printed on Fllf! 8 .\LE --:- n .\ltLT:'\I, 11·. '- .... < . . ...., ·· ilw rt·\·< ·rst· of this form, to wit: JHIPPi··s. lWdtgT·'·'<l. hoU!'·· hr·tkt·n. Hh' al J. That tlw nanws and addresses of pt t~ . :!0:?-1 Onington .\ Y·'lllll ', F,,· ans-~lll' JJUitli~l1"l' ··dl'tor m·tn'l" ino· editor · rs1tr · 4"0' ""T1'~?1t . ,. , managers '" ' ""'"' ' ton. T· nn·e "· ·l ' · ~}) tnd businL·ss an': ~~=~=====~=~=~~ -~== Publislwr, Llo~· d Hollist· ·r, Inc., (A 33 1IALLS Corporation), 1222 Cl·ntral A\'t'., WilmettE·, fll. ; Editor, Erwin · w. W'"eber, 500 5th St., \YTL:\fETT8 COT"X'rRY f'Ll."B Wilnwtte, Illinois; Business :\Ianager, avallablf' on opt.>n dat('~ for Lloyd HvlliHt('r, 813 Pine St., \Vinnetka. \\·BnDTXCiS, <'.\RP nn<l n.-\Xf'T~(; ~. That tlw own\>t·~ are: (Gi\·e names PARTIES and addresst>s of indiYidual owners, or EYE'l'Y Modern Facility if a <'Ol'I>Oration, give its nam ... and tht· For ·information phone nanws and addresses of stocl<holders :\liss n. L'·on~. St' CrPtnry. \Yil. fi2:i owning or holding 1 per cent or more · ·· " 33L2-12tc of the total amount of stock.) Lloyd Hollister, Inc., (A Corporation), FOil RENT - REC'ITAL HALL SEAT- 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette, Ill. Lloyd ing- 12:1 pE'nple, al~o studios, very rea- Ilollister, 813 Pine str et, ·winnetka, Ill.; ~onable. Bro:wn Building, phone Wil. E. R. Ladd, 2404 Harrison a venue, Evans23!l9. 33L2-tfc toll, Ill.; Robert D. Rodenberg, 635 N. Lockwood avenue, Chicago, Ill.; David Xelson, 821 Elmwood avenue, Wilmette, ···I~C ....C~()._.f.~(~(~C,._...._,,~,,._,,.._, ·:"' Ill.; F. L. Bateman, 735 Michigan aYenue, "Wilmette, Ill.: Gustaf Nelson. 849 Elm stret't, Winnetka, Til.; E. C. Weissenberg, !l65 Elm street, WinnHka, Ill.; H. D. Hill, 801 ·walden road, Winnetka, Ill. ; Franh. A. Wilson, 1118 Central avenue, Wilmette, Ill.; Ben P. Kiefer, 1:~01 Asbury avenue, Winnetka, Ill.; Harry Lynn, 1111 Gage street, Winnetka, Ill.; Wersted Motor Co., 562 Lincoln avenue, Winnetka, IlL; Elmer E. Adams, 873 Oak street, Winnetka, Ill. ; . (Q)~~~-If [))®~~ ll TSl c .\1.\\.\C~E.\l.EXT, HE<H.ES'l'EH ( H' th<· fnn:~s \'\'ilnwtt~ OF .u·nrwr THE OWXERSJlU', Earl L. Weinstock, 630 \Vaiden road, 'VinCIH(TL .\'riOX. ETV., netka, Ill.; Arthur C. F. Gedge, 1106 Elm BY 'l'tlf: .\('1' OF VU~'· strt>l't, WinnHka, Ill.; A. C. Wolff, 1124 0}' i ~·-·--··-·-·--·-·---,.1 t··--·---------,.1 t ..----·-·------~-1 '··---·------~--,.1 tRead the Want Adsl C:n·enleaf an. · nue, ""ilmette, Ill.; R. H. Scht·ll, 800 Elm ~treet, Winnetka, Ill.; A. :\1. Lt'YY, 801 Drextl square, Chicago, · Ill. ; Thomas J. Lync·h, Prout~· Annex, Win..:. rwtka, Ill.; B. \\". Blow, 1004 Elm street, Winnetka, I!l. ; .Aram K. 1\Iestjian, 511 :\lain strPd, 'Vilmette, Ill. 3. That the known bondholders, mortgagN·s, and other security holders ownin& or holding 1 Pl:'r <:ent or more of total amount ot' uonds, mortgages, or othe'r se<·uritie~ are : (If tlwn· nre none; so statt·.} -XonP. -t. That the two })aragTaphs next above·, gi\·ing tlw namc·s of the owners, stockholdt:>rs, and l::iecurit~· holdt·rs, if any, contain not onb· the list of stockholders and ~ecurity holdt'l'S as thl'Y appear upon the booi(S of th(' compan~· but also in cases where the stockholder or security holder appt.>ars upon thl' books of the company as trusteee and in any other fiduciary relation, the name of the person or corporation for whom such trustee lS acting, is gi\·en; also that the said two paragraphs contain statements embracing· affiant's full knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and conditions under which stockholders and security holders who do not appear upon the books of the con1pany as trustees, hold stock and securitil'S in a capacity other than that of a bona tide owner ; and this affiant has no reason to belie\'e that any other person, association, or corporation has any interest direet or indirect in the said stock, bonds or other securities than as so stated by him. 5. 'l'hat the anrage number of copies of each issue of thia publication sold ot· distributed, through the mails or otherwise, to paid subscribers during the six months preceding the dA.te shown above is.-This information is required from daily publications only.) ·LLOYD HOLLISTER. (Signature of editor, publisher, business manager, or owner.) Sworn to and subscribed before mt> this 30th day of September, 1926. (Seal). CHAS. E. HOTZE. (My commission expires Mar. 14, 1927.)