-iS' WlLMET.T E LIF,F, . FOR RENT-BOOMS 1:.1 H~LP October 8, 1926 WANTED-FEMALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS advertisements will be charged only to Gen.eral. N 0 tices-- Classified residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe Ratb- Inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory or who are regular subscribers to either 'WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. 15 cents a line In one paper. 25 cents a line in any two papers. ~- 30 cents a liM In all three papers. MINIMUM CHARGE, 80 eents. Average o( five words to the line. No black face type used. 10% discount on all eash with orde.r advertisements ~hen broaght to our oftlee at 1221 central Ave., Wilmette, or 684 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. Deadline for Inse·rtz·ons- Classified advertisements will be acc~pted up to Wednesday 5 p. m. for the WILMETTE LIFE or alr three papers; Thursday 5 p. m. for the WINNE'rKA TALK and Friday 5 p. m. for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 1~20-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. REAL ESTATE 80 ACRES NEAR STATE ROAD. BAR- HIS ATTRACTIVE 8 RM. STUCCO gain and on terms. house 3 yrs. old; choice N. E. loca$48,000.00 tion; water ht. ; 2 baths; 2.,car garage ; 14 8 Acres on State Road, near Elgin, !~ e. woodt·d lol. $25,500. Can be eas ily building worth $20,000.00. Terms. financed. $57,200.00 20 Acres on State Road, near Golf Club Bargain. 1157 \Vilme tte Ave. Ph. Wilmette' 640 $40,000.00 1LTN2-ltr1 Acre-\Ve haYe several one acre parcels, wonderful location . $4,500.00 For Sale-6 room house with !·car 7 Room, 2 story brick, hot water heat, garage. Easy terms. garage ; 1 00 ft. front ; real home in 7 WANTI!~D '1'0 RENT-HOLTSES SITUATION '.VTD. - FIRST CLASS country. Terms. 1st and 2nd Mortgages man wants work of all kinds. Can do ·w ANTED - TO RENT - SMALL HOUSE. ll6,500.00 anything· about hou sework, yard work. Reasonable. State particulars. AdFor investment or home sites: Beautiful First class references. Phon e Pnlv. dress Wilm t>tte Life B-77. 7LTN2-ltp lots in the country, gas and e lect ricity INSURANCE 6229. 14LTN2-1tp in. ; hard ro:Hl.~ . As low a::; $:lfi.OU · per 545 l\Tain St., Wilmette Tel. 6ti Jf EL P W A:X'rED-FE Jt:ALE 12 foot. 1L2-tfc SITUA 'l'ION 'o\'TD. F.XPERIENCF.D chauffeur desires position. Best north \V()l\L:\~ shore refer e nces. Tel. Univ. 1761. Mr. MUST SELL MY 6 ROOM, ALMOST Lee. 14LTN1-3tp ne w Brick Colonial, will sacrifice for 831 Ridge AYt·. Wilmette, Ill. quick sale. 1738 Washington Ave. Open SITUATION \V'l'D . ~ DAY \VOHK, 1LTN2-ltc O\Yn for inspection Saturday afternoon and window washing, ·housecleaning and Sunday. Come and look this over. If gt>neral housework. Tel. University you want to buy a home and get a 8957. 14LTN2-ltp bargain see this. HOl. SECLEAXIN<~. 'VINDO'V \VASH1LTN2-ltc WHO \V ANT A WOODED LOT N ~AR ing floor wiping, and odd jobs. 'l't:l. the lake and low in price-let us show 12LTN2-l t1· WILL SACRIFICE MY \Vilmette ~-t28. 14LTN2-tfe .\·ou a 7S foot lot in South Hig·hland FOR SALE beautiful 6 room stucco home, hot wa- T.F:LEPHONF.: OPERATING - Hi J\ fiE- I . , . , Park between Sheridan Road and the . ·n , -, -. ter heat, breakfast nook and large sun- . sirable OCCU]lation for yo ung WOtnl'n: SI1 ( .r\110::\ \\ In . I·.XPF.nH. NCED lake. Sewer, wate r, gas,. electricity, room, and garage. 3 years old. Souththe work is perman<'nt, interesting, an<l <'hauffe ur, good rt' fl·rt>n<'l'S. lTniv. 201i!l. sidewalks and · concrete street and curb east Winnetka. Must be seen to apin and paid in full. Price $85.00 per near home. Our operators are well 14LTN2-1 tp foot. This property will advance . just . preciate same. Call Winn. 882. paid: they like their work an<l asRo1LTN2-1tfe ciates: vacations with pay are given 15 Sl'l'li.\'1'10:\' " ' .\:\TEil-I;'E,IAI .. J.: as you have seen Wilmette, Kenilworth and Winnetka property advance. each year; a libera l benefit plan is pro- SITUATION WTD. _ FIRS';-CT-,. ;-\S -S FOR SALE IN WILMETTE, LOTS vided. Com e to the T<' lephon e Offi<'<' on Chestnut, Ashla,nd, 7th avenue and and talk it over with th(' Chi ef Oprracolor ecl launtlreRs wiRlws day work. Sheridan road with riparian rights and tor, Wilmette, Ill. l2L2-tfl' Also curtains ancl bed clothes done at 1'1 " 1'::-; · t·:·sh or timt· Phon!' P. (}age, home . J..UCilP :\fylar. t'niV. 622!). 15LTX2-1tp !i02 Maple avenue, Wilmette, Ill. 340 Linden Ave. Phone Wil. 68 WANTED COMPETENT WHIT!·~ 1L2-ltfc general :tiou!'>eworker, experien<'ed cook, ""A.:'\TED TIEFI:-H~D mu st speak English. T\vo in family, SITP..ATIO.:'\ young woman wants position in Xorlh FOR SALE -AT NORTHBROOK, NE'~T no lc;tundry. Private room a nd bath. Shon· offi<'P. nookkl'l'l)ing-, typing- a nd house, 5 room s and bath, just comFOR SALE BY 0\VNER, ATTRACTIVE '.Vages $18 t o $20. Phone 'V inn . ~75 . gf'nf·ral offil'f' work. Call aftPr r, n. m. plet ed. Modern. H. W. Ht. St. paved. Kenilworth r esidence, on lot 100 x 175, 12LTK2-1k \~.rilnH·tt~· ;)4:0. 1 :;LT.:-\2-1 t]) Price $9,000. T el. Northbrook 113. beautifully wooded. Nine rooms, · also 1LTN2-lt<' \VANTF:D tile breakfast and sleeping porches. COMPETENT WHITE Sl'l'l. \'rfO'; - ,,. 1,D ·--· ""A - c-HIN,... AND Few minutes from trans., school, high maid bf> twee n 2fi and 35 for gf>ncrnll' . ·. ·' · .· · ~. v~ ,.., j,\ r .· · · . housework, plain cooking. Two adults, Ironmg ~or \\ Nl.n ( sdcl) and 1 hUI Rda) school and lake. Living room 20 x 30, EXCEP'l'IONAJ-~ BARGA!~ 1 small chilcl. ~ear !l'al1!<J)Ortation. by ex~e :·.<~n~~ d- r;.erman Jaundr:~!< . Rl'f . beautifully decorated, 4 large sleep- LOT 55 X u 5. IMPROVEMENTS IN Ref. 379 Ridgt' .Ave. vVmn . 1~7!1. Ca ll l nt\ trsit~ vG47. laT....T2-1tp tng rooms and 2 tile baths on second, 2 maids' rooms and bath on third. Vanow. P.rice $1,3!i0.00. AddresR Wil1 2 2 1 por heat, oil burner. .\ ttractive terms. mette L1fe B-76. 1LTN2-2tc _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _L_T__-__lc SlTl.ATIOX WTD. -- f'OT..OHED, EX1 HELP 'VA~TF:D _ WHlTE l\IA TD. perienced laundrC'ss . work,_ p ·rman nt 336 Essex Road, Kenilworth t~f~?-1t !FOR SALE _ FrVE BlTILDTNG LOTS Cl·nera I houspwork. Small !Joust· and place, $3.50 day. Umv. 94!);J. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1 ___~__ c 1 in Wilm ettt-, all for $10,000. Terms. Rm .. ll fa.mlly. Bxp. R efs. Req. Mrs. 15LT2-ltp 1 Address "Wilmette Life B-79. 1 C . . R M~xwell, U3 Pin r? St. T<'l: SITUATION 'YTD.-'\VASHfNC:, 1110~ 1 1LTN2-ltc 1 ~ LTN 2 - 1 \Vmn . 4!b. ing and eleaning by thf' dar. Oooct ii ROO!\fS, MODERN THROUGHOUT, 'Y..ANT TO SF.LL MY G ROOM, ALMOST HELP \VANTEO F.XP. '\TH TTF: r ef erences. Greenle-af 1142. landscaped yard, natural shade ; connew bri('k Colonial. \Vill sacrifice for maid for gf>nE>ral housework . Goo<l 15I..T2-1tl' venient location; in fine condition: 1 qui ck sale. Tel. Wil. 1650. 1LTN2-ltc wagf's. Ref!'>. rf'q. !124 Eu clid AYe., car garage. All for $14,500., or will t Hubbard ·woocls. 'L'f>l. 'Vinn . 12!l!l. RRLTABLE '.V01\f..~X '.VITH GOOD make extra good terms to responsible ':= 1 ?J TN'>-1 t, r rfpn· nrf>s would hk f> four day!'> dean1 party. - ... · ing·. Tf' l. 1"ni\·. !'1210. 1flLT2-ltc FOR RENT ROOM FRAME COTmAGE·' IN GI·ENWANTED srmrrA X PRRIENCED I f f -11 TELl~PHON~ t t· }SOLTC'TT'[;" ~ I \ T IO X ,,\"T 11. F:. vif'w, all improvem ents·, 2-ca.r garacrP.. orH or u or par Itne at 1nme. r .. x.l f 1 I 1 d $45.00 "' 1wri0nce not necesRa ry . Phone lTniv. maic or IOU!';f'\\"Ork. .. ight <'0 Ol"t' 2238. 12LTN2-ltr g-irl. G!f'ncof· li~!l. 1 !i LTN2-1 ~, 1213 \Yilmett,, An. Tel. \Vii. 225 1LTN2-1tc HRLP '.YANTEn N~AT RELIABLE Hi ~a'fl'.\ 'l' lOX WA~'rF.O-,L\J,'E maid for gf'neral hom~ework. N ea r tram;. Good wage~ and ~oorl homf>. ST'IT.\.TJOX WTD. - \VHITB COePLE, E~tate 831 Ridg<' Awnuf>. \Vilmette 364 Phon£' Winn. 1!'146. man chauffeur. houseman, wifP co ok. 12 T...TN 2-lte Wtlmett(', Illi.nois. WILL ACCEPT NO. SHORE HOME ; both tlHn·oug·hJy exp., willing to ~o to Florida or C'::l lifornia. Addrf'~s Win2LTN2-ltc HELP WANTED _ COOK. EXPERT7 or 8 rooms not over $30,000 value, In exchange for Rogers Park 6 apartment - - - - - - - - : . ---------netka Talk R-7R . 1 r.T.TN'>.-1tp building. Well located. Price $55,000. FOR ~ENT !'l ROOM: HOUSE, . UNf'nced. Good reference!'>. Family of 4. Equity $21,000. See us at once. furms~e d, fi months or longer, With 3 708 Prospect avenue. Phone Winn. 68. 17 FOR ~H T.F.-HOl T !iiii~HOT,D GOODS baths. Concessions. 139 Hawthorne 12T...TN2-lt<' Ave. Tel. Glencoe 810. 2LTN2-ltc EXPERIENCED WHITE GIR-L: 0F.:N: FOR ~ .\ T.T<: C:TRT.'S RTf'Yf'T.l<; Tl\" eral housework: good cook; three in perfect <'ondition. $1 5. Book of KnowlWANT TO RENT-MY 6 ROOM HOME. family. Near "L". Ref. requirf'd. Wil. edg-E>, latPRt edition. Sf>al coat, ~li in., $85 per month. Tel. Wil. 1650. Wilmette 2818 2274. . 12LTN2-ltc 525 4th St. squirrel trimmPrl . . Pony C'oat, 40 in ., 2LTN2-ltc \VAN'T'ED- YOUNG- WHITE GIRL TO 1LTN2-ltc $3fi f'arh: 4 mulbPrry silk window drapPs, $2 f"lf'h. LargP stancling- lampassist with hom;ework; no experience HOUSE FOR TIENT 5 ROOMS, 3 shade. $4 . Tabh' lamn. $4. Child's sf'v:necessary; good home. Wil. 3561. ~rreened in porches. extra lavatory in ine- m::l<'hin ··. ~1. Football $1. SocrPr 12LTN2-l t<' basement. $90.00. Tel. Winn. 2557. FOR CASH OWNJ<~R WILL TAKE LESS ball $1. B::l.Rt-ball n1it. 50<'. VPlwt dress, 2LTN2-ltc WANTED ·- HOUSEKEEPER. 0ENsize 3fi, ~ii. Tt>l. "Winn. 115R. than $30.000 for over 3 acres of superbly wooded grounds and brick house, ;{ eral housework, 2 in family. Winn. 17LTN2-ltc FOR R~NT-APARTMENT~ all of which cost him $40,000 in choic2589. 12LTN2-ltc FOR SALE RF.DLTCTTON THROUGH est section of Glencoe. FOR RENT - 4 ROOM APARTMENT, HELP WANTED - GENERAL MAID. October on all my early Americ:-tn fur· 3 in family. Experience not necessary. $50.00. Near Howard School. ReferniturP, indnding ht>ds. Penn'"·vtvanla Phone Winn. 583. 12LT2-ltp ences. Wil. 1183. 3L2-ltc Dutch chairs. old Windsors and Hitch. Owner's A&"ents cock tables and chests, old glass china 720 Elm St., Winnetka Win'n. 254 HELP WANTED MAID TO HBLP FOR ltEN1'-ROOMS and mirror·c:, .cover1Pts and rug's, and 1LTN2-ltc 4 at meal times over week-enrl. Winn. many othf'r mterPsting objectfl. Tel. 1450. 12LTN2-1tp Glencoe 732. 312 South AYe .. Glencoe. WANTED IN S. E. KENILWORTH, A CENTRAL HOTEL - LIGHT OUTSIDE 100 ft. lot about $155 per ft. Cash rooms for transients and residents. 629 'WANTED AN EXPERTBNCED 17LTN2-ltc buyer. Wilmette r~tfe B-H. Main Street. Phone 'Wilmette 1080. waitress for tea room. Ph<me Wil. 553. lLTN2-ltc 4LT2-tfc 12L2-1tc MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 47 ---------~---------------------------------------------1 FOR SALE Ovvner Anxious to Sell l .l REAL ESTATS F. Colen1an Burroughs ELDERLY CHRISTIAN WOMAN FOR RENT - COMFORTABLY FUR- AN may have good home for services. nished, well heated rooms, convenielltly Small wages. Address Wilmette Life located for business people. ReasonB-75. 12L2-ltc able. Call Wil. 2699 Saturday, Sunday and evenings. Other times Wil. 2235. 4L2-ltc WANTED - COMPETENT GIRL FOR cooking and downstairs work Must have references. Phone Kenil. 2532. FOR RENT LARGE CORNER 12LTN2-ltc front room, 4 windows, 1 block from North Western d epot. East side. Suitable 1 o:» 2 me n. Ref. Phone Wil. WANTED - WOMAN FOR GENERA!.· housework a few hours in the morn· . 2916 - 6 to 8 p. m. ' 4L2-ltc ing. Call \Vil. 138 after 6 p. m. 12L2-lte FOR RENT AT'l'RACTIVE' FUHnished housekeep ing apartments. Also GIRL TO TAKE 1 single room. 726 11th St. Tel. \Vil. HELP W AN'rED care of children between hours of 2 and 992-M or 3155. 4LT2-ltc G p. m. Call 'Winn. 224G. 12LTN2-ltc FOR RENT SINGLE, COMFORTFOR GENERAl. GIRL ably furnish ed · room. Private home. 'VANTED Phon& housework. Small family . Convenie nt to village. C..ientleman lH't>12LTN2 -lto Winn. 156. ferred. Tel. Wilmette 706- W. 4L2-tf<.: FOR RENT -:_ R00l\[. GENTLEMAN \VANTED- WHITE GUU~ FOH GENpreferred. Tel. Winn. 2669. eral hou se work or to assist. Tel. Wil. 4LTN2-ltc 1472. 12LTN2-ltc FOR RENT - F CRNISHED ROOM, central location . l\'Ieals optional. Wil. HELP WANTED - WHITE GIRL FOR general housewo rk. 3 in family. Call 801. 4LTN2-ltc Glencoe 961. 12LTN2-lt.c FOR RENT-PLEASAN'l, FURNISHED room on car line. Tel. "Wil. 272!i. 14 4L2-ltc SITUATION 'WANTED JAMAICAN ;; l<'Olt JtEN'I'-STORES A:XU OFFICl:S young man wants position as port er, houseman, butler or caretaker in privFOR RENT STORE A::ND SHOPS . ate family or any other department. T elephone \Vinnetka 62. 5LTN2-tfc Phone '\Vinn. 1263. 14LT2-ltc Charles H. Bretholcl YOU FOLKS \\ r.\KTED -'fO telephone for tne several hours a day oyer her 'phone. Splendid renntn eration. Phone "CniY. 2714. I<ENlL\\rOR'fH HOME :\'l"fR:\C1'I\ E liOME ------------------------ tel I r:.) · Real to Exchang·e Great 6\creage Sacrifice -------------------------- Heinsen Realty Con1pan:v ------------··