O t:tober 8, 1926 H. Knoble ..· . .. D. H e nde rso n . . w H . awkinson .. ~!- Hunter . . . . . . . Closset . . . . . . H. Johnson ...... A. Jon es WILMETTE LIP'!! G. J Meie r T . · .. · .. " · · . E . Mooseman E. . . . . . . A. Meier H. . . . . . . E . B leser L. H. . . . . H. Schu ette P. B. .. .... A. Balmes (~ B. G. White L . F. Ball, R eft>r ee (; , \\·. Gatht·r.t·onl, Lines man Playground Events (Continued from Page 9) .\ . H e inri c::hs .. .. F . B. . . . . U .·Johnson T. P.u ('k . . . . . . . . Q. H. L. .J ones L. Y Ball, Rt·fer e · A. \\". < ;ath·r<·oa l, Lin(.·Hnw.n R. R. R. R. Eat Friday, October 1 ,, H (,\Vn.rd B., 7th (0) St. Jos eph, 7th (6) l'. · ;~nderson . . . . L . E . . . . . . . C. Kro use Wednesday, September 29 ~· I uscanc·.'r· . . . . L . T . . . . . P. Genneten ~t. Joseph !S C . (fJ) St. Francis 8 G. (14) ·'·· Foslund . . . . . . L . < ; , ·· ···· :\I. Doetch .\. i\lei er .. . ... L.K ... .. . T. Bolin!:ien ~- J?clander . . . . <·.. . . . · · · · P . Steffens .\ . ~ <.: hinl e r ...... L .T . . . . . . < L Hho~.;pen ~· 1\le mn . ...... . H.. 1 ; _ . . E. Schn ieder E. Himpson 1.. Speeht . . . . . . 1·. T . . . . . . . 0. Miller J. )leier ...... .. L . c ; , · . . . U . Boylston ( H. E . . . . . J. Hoffman A. Conrad E . Thall man . . . . C.. . . . . . J . KaxamlUgh 1:. Braun ...... R.<; ......... J. He ng V . ,' chulz E . ~loos m .tn ···· H. 'J'. ...... T. Uleason F. )!iller ........ R E . . . . . . . .Jr. Corns E B leser .. . ... R H. . . P . .\TeKenna H . Schuett .· . . . . L. If . . . . . . . .I. Corns .\ . Balme:-; .. .... F. n. . .... 1. ('oekwc ll . ·. White ·· ·· ·; · ··(~.H. . '1'. Brady L . r . Hall , l{·· l· ·r· ··· A . \\· . (;ath· ·n ·ual , Liut · ~nJ<t n ·. Wincup ...... H.. l I. .. ..... J. Miller H. Sp~·cht . . . . . . L. I I ... .. A. Genneten L . .\I c~lal c ... ... F . J :. F. Ran 1'. :'.Ie ter . . . . . . . . Q. B. .. . . . . A. Roemer G. \\' . 1 ;atlH·l't'oa I, R e feree L. F . Ball , Lin <·sm a. n FISH~· Telephone your orders-Wilmette 649 No Toll We Deliver n ~"*'· .... JtiJ ftli.MJ!ID.IiA e:.r...-~ 1557 SHERMAN AVENUE Evanston ·-~----·-·---------------··························· 1 .. ' Establiabed 1854 TO TALK ON CHILD STUDY . The number of north shore women 111 tcre stecl 111 the \\·ork of the Central Council of Childhood Education wi ll he patrons of it s opening meeting 'to be Wednesday, September 29 ~t. Jose ph. 7 (; . I 7) St. FntrH·I ·s. 7 G. ( 0) held in Fullerton hall of the Ar t in - 1 (' Kt'OUSt· . . . . . . !,. 1 ·:. . . . . H. I Je rnpsey .\ . Stord e ur L . T . . ....... .J. B!rt('k stitutc at 11 :30 Saturday morni ng Oc· .\1. c;oet<:h ... .. . .. . L.·; . Y. Ht ·ng· toher lo. It will be addre ssed b;, Dt E. ::)chnitdt·r . . .. (' . . . . . . . . I' 1Touste n ~1. V. O'Shea, author and lecturer o~ ll. ~!iller ...... H. c ;, .. .. .. \ . Lask\· the :-ubject of child study and traini nt'!{ .1. fioffma11. . . . .. H. T . . ...... (;. Alia's J . ·\lill·r ........ lt. E. .....\L Ht ·ling e r and profes so r of edu cati on at the Uni 1'. (' a lint·s Yersity of Chicago. The meetin ~ is F . Han . .... ... .. 1~ . II . .. .. . .. R .\l:ty OJkn to the public. .\ . Hoe ue r I .. II . F. 1 ~ . :-:t·· fft ·n s C. H. JORDAN & CO. Funeral Directors for 72 Yeara Jordan Furieral Service plan reduces the cost of funerala consid,rably 6 1 2 Davis St. Pbonr Univrrsity 449 Wiln1ette Offiu Phone Wilmette 3354 CHICAGO 300 E. E rie Sc. Phones Superio.r 7709· 7710 "·agJl('S F. J~ . .\ . \· t· l' c i'UZ!-ii'O IJ . H . . . . . . . .\ . J:oh ol <; . \\' 1 ;;tth· ·n ·.. al, f~ d · ·r · · · · L. F. !: a ll. Lin ··~ma r l Y . .\l1· t l· r H . I Iuffman ·------·------------------------------·······-------· Thursday, September 30 ll a n~on .. . ... L.t ~. I: \\'a n -; h;tw··d\' <· :' . ~ ; qH:r . .. ·. .'. . 1 · l,o ·o nard ...... 1: . '1' . t' . c ···n tral C .. li 1; , 1111 li i· Ward 1: .. ri <; . 1 l:!r .\!.F r a nkl' ! . . . .. L . 1 ·: ... 1~ . ll awg-~c·rrt:·s r. I 'utlr·r . . . . . . . . 1.... '!'. . . . . I: . Fu L· nna;l It:,·;.. :: ..\ 1. 1. . 1\ntpnit·k ll ··ht·rhost· l'i t· k a rd . . . . . . I: . 1 ·:. ;IJcwh . 1: . II 1· . t 'amphl'll . . . . I~ . II . J:. t ·. .. I r:. . .I IIlli'S II . l: co !Tt· Cr a rn· ·r 1: J! rt· \\·n · ...... L 1; . \\· . F . H. (j . J! . . . . . . \ . F . !;all . l! l'l' c·r ···· \;atl~t · r t·r·a l. I.in· ·:-:rnan Thursday, September 30 l'· ·llt ral ( ' .. Gth I ;r; lt k frcrfo ·ir.-d :o rd l! ., :Jt h 1:ra do ·. !11 !Leo\\'· Friday, · October 1 llnwartl }; ., c;. !"t. .Jns· ·pll ~G.(!~) 1 ·:. ~forgan L . 1·:. 1!. \\'at er·s .J. h't·rstm .1 . .\[organ . . . . . . F. .\lillt ·r· L . T. . . . . .\ . St.:hinlC'r L 1 ;, . · . . . . R . Bratln 1 ' ......... 1 ·:. Thalman Fresh Eggs This is~ the lean season for fresh eggs. Enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that your needs in this line will b~ taken c~re of. This is our specialty and we pridt ourselves in being able to supply you with a fine fresh egg when other sources of supply fail you . Drop us a card today, specifying the amount you wish, they are packed in 2, 4 and 12 dozen sizes, to suit your convenience. See the new container that practically eliminates loss from breakage. · K.!Jow the Joy of 'l{eal Freedom tn ·ckernick UN DERDR E· ss TAl Stlpimtu An open style bloomer-like Kickernick. TIN Fllted-T~ open side Combine«~~ The athletic type of fi~re is here to stay. The woman of today 1s enjoying political, social and physical freedom. Her underdress must keep step. Women demand sensible, practical , serviceable underthings that have feminine charm. They must be smart, they must not hamper or restrict. T l ey must conform to every body movement. They must be comfortable ! Such are Kickernicks. Distinctive patented f eatures enable Kickerniclu to follow the mode, yet clothe the body modestly and comfortably. The Fitted- Top bloomer type Comblnett·, very practical. The French ~14/ -eool, ~tmelble. fitted-top Combinette-the acme of comfort. Farmers ~farketing Worthen .. Carrico Company Co. 1146--48 Wilmette Avenue W.llmette Box 432 Mount Vernon, Iowa