Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Oct 1926, p. 42

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WIL!AETTE LIFE . Octou~r 8, 1926 Have· .No Regrets Send your Dyeing to EXPERTS and you'll note the ditferenc~?, Jt!laster in Music Instruction I CLEANERS .. DYBRS All Phones: Winnetka 144 Walter Spry of Evanston, well known Chicago pianist arid. teacher, 1~ asses a t tile W'innetka branch of the Columbta School ot now conducting c1 Music. Mr. Spry teaches the more advanced pupils, and ha s many talented students alon~ the north shore. A famous educator in Amer ica in musical work, ).[r. Spry has concertized in all part s oi the United State s. His concert work has taken him to Xrw York, Philadelphia, Boston, St. Louis, Los Angeles and many southern universitie s. In Alabama, Ur. Spry h.a s conducted for two vears a master cour:-.t.\ "' for the advanced student s, at the University of Alabama at Montevallo, Ala . ).I r. Spry's European :--t ucl.'· was pursued under the mo"' t famous artist:; and ma ster :-. In Vienna he was instructed p<:r sonally hy Proi. Thcodm l.t· ,chctizk\·. Hr has studied and .. become- w d I kn own i 11 ma n:: other European citie~ . .\I r. Spry is no w preparing ;.,. se ri es of ten piano rec it al:- t) he g iHII in t ' hicago this winter season. These recitals will in clude the principal \\'Orb oi the great rompo~er:- uf all agee:, hnth pa st and contemporary . H e is \\'ell · cquipp c .: cl ior th i, \\·ork for ht· ha::- , tudied \\it:1 Sll m;tn\· llla . ,tL·r-, in llllhic ;l! t rl ha -.. gi,<·n recital' i1 1 lll;llly cit iv , in t hi-. rount ry. II i-. tL·rhnictl 1ndhod i.>llll<kd t)J1 n;ttur;il Ia\\". :.: .. Waltel' Spry i:-. the n·:-u lt c.t. c!<l l' .,Jh n .: t1on of such arti ts as Bauer. Carrl'llO, Hc lii1lann ancl (~(Ide·\\ 'ky .. til c·i " !: ·' 11 I ~I r. :-;pry ha s knO\rn many yl·ar:-; pcr..;onally. i. t i-. -.tatcd. t~-,· INSPECT SERVICE PLANTS pr()\'i<kd hy tht I 'uhli l· ~l· n· irc rc ·1:!· ).lembcrs of the \\. illllette lbtan·i pany. club in spl'ctcd the p1ant ~ of th t f>uhli c --- ~enice romp a n~· I \\"tdnt·..; day after- \1 j ,~ 1\·ar l \\:hn·ln h;l' rl'tllr ~l' c] SaladsA Specialty dt the Plaza RISP blanched Iceberg lettuce. · selected shrimp, a slice of lemon U1d thimble of piquant tartar saucethat's shrimp salad at the Lihr:uy Plaza Cafeteria. noon oi thi s \Y Cc k. The mtmlwr~ \\TI"l' tu hl'r lH·lnl· in Clear l.ak~ ·. I.,\\ a, : 11·~ ·: . taken to the plants in .\ile s Center a ~1wrt ,·i-,it a:- tlH· g11ot ui \1 i-,:-. \! ;~ · ·· and F\'an:-.ton hy .\nrth ~hore line bus \\ 'l1i11llark ui 1021 Crn·n h-:d :t\'l'llllv . C Each a Combmation of Quiet Dignity and Restful Charm. Lobster and crabmeat salads are equally delectable-and a: ·c as 'atisfying to the taste as to the eye. \\'hen you are hungry for a good salad come to the Plaza and choose from the hundred or more different kinds we make and serve. · ACACIA MAUSOLE.UM Located in beautiful Acacia Park, Chicago, 78oo lrvinn Park Blvd. A STATELY, MAGNIFICENT SEPULCHER OF INDESTRUCTIBLE GEORGIA WHITE MARBLE ON HEAVY REINFORCED CEMENT CONSTRUCTION. TIFFANY MEMCRIAL GLASS WINDOWS. Every Modern Convenience and Arrangement. Fitting]~- r-:Jtuated in the quie t, peaceful surrounding of I ACACIA PARK CEMETERY t UBRARY PLAZA · CAP·IIT-RIA Orrington Avenue Just South of Church Street Rf'stri t ed to )L\sons and their Families-Now open for inspection. Sales Office-Mausoleum and Cemetery 1918 Irving Park Boulevard- Telephone Lake View 7101. CEDAR PARK CEMETERY HalRt t-d at One Hundred Twenty-Fifth Street ...\ bf'autiful. exeluHiYe, resting place. Restricted and d edicated to )Tasons and their Families-Inspection Invited Sales Office, 6240 South Halsted Street- Telephone Wentworth 3210 hy endowm e nt fund as follows: In the Library Plaza Hotel Evanston :\laintena ne e and J).c rpetual care of these properties are fully insured C'E~IETERIES BY LAKE VIEW STATE BANK . ~~ <\. USOLEUM BY UNION TRUST CO. ·------------·······----------------····-----------J

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