Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Oct 1926, p. 40

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WILMETTE LIFE Mrs. Frederick B. Woodard of Owosso, Mich., arrived today to visit her sister, Mrs. Burt Crowe, 234 Rawleigh road, Kenilworth, over the week-end. Mrs. Woodard's daughter, Florence, who is attending the Art institute, is also to be a guest of Mrs. Crowe over Mrs. Robert J. Witt gave a luncheon Saturday aJld Sun·day. on October 6, at the Blackstone hotel in honor of Mrs. Henry Riggs Rath-abone, 312 , Sheridan road, Kenilworth, Mrs. Samuel Ross, 256 Woodstock The luncheon was followed by a mati- avenue, will give a te.a on Monday, nee party. Mrs. Rathbone was also October 11, in honor of her sisters, the a guest of honor at a luncheon given Misses Elizabeth and Mary Hannah by The Ideal Woman's club in the who expect to leave Kenilworth the Crystal ballroom of the Blackstone middle of this month for Pasadena, hotel on Thursday, October 7. where they will spend the winter. October 8, 192~ HAS .STUDIO ASSISTANT = Kenilworth Happenings VOTERS TO MEET Mrs. Mark W. Cresap,· 239 Esse'x road, Kenilworth, is to entertain the League of Women Voters on Wednesday morning, October 20, at 11 o'clock. There will be a speaker at this meeting to talk on the candidates for the November election . . New members are urged to come to this meeting as ·well as the other members. Miss Edith Ray Young and Ang~le Weinzierl, both students under Mtss Cecilia; R. Berry 1 of Bush conservator.y, have opened their piano classes ~t thetr studio, 630 Park av~nue, W1l~11et.te. Miss Weinzierl, who ts on the JUmor faculty of Bush conservatory, frequently broadcasts over WGN. P\lpils of both teachers will have the privilege of playing over th~ radio. Many of Miss Young's puptls already haYe broadcagt for radio audi~nccs. -oThe Reading class will resume its meetings on Thursday, October 14, at the home of Mrs. Mark W. Cresap, 239 Essex road, Kenilworth. Dr. Arthur Terry from the history department of Northwestern will speak at this . time. -oMiss Helen Fraser. 645 Abbottsford road, and Miss Virginia Marshall 140 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth, who are attending Northwestern university, were pledged to Pi Beta Phi sorority. Miss Virginia Hedrick, 304 Melrose avenue, who is also studying at Northwestern, was pledged Delta Gamma. :.I -oThe Cherry Street circle ·will meet at the home of Mrs Harry Cadenhead, 414 Provident .avenue, \Vinnetka. at 2. o'clock, Tuesday, October 12. Plans for the year's program will be discussed. -oThe Kenil"·orth Garden club did not meet last Friday as announced, but will meet today at the home of ·Mrs. Charles \Vare, 325 Abbottsford road, for an exchange of plants. -o- -o- Dr. Oscar Proctor, son of Mrs. Oliver Charles Neiman of Pittsburgh. spe nt Barrett, 623 Abbottsforcl road. Kenil- the week-end as the guest of Miss worth, was here last week on a business Bethany Cro\Ye. 234 Raleigh road, Kentrip. He left on Monday for Rochester for conference with the Mayo brothers. -oMrs. Thomas CoYne. 2~0 ~ielro sc avenue, is entertain-ing her luncheon club today. · ilworth. -oThursday evening. October 7. Cong-rcssman and :M rs. Henry Riggs Rathhone entertained at dinner at the Union League club. Mr. and Mrs. Elisha L. Essley, 23~ \Varwick road, Kenilworth. left Friday, October 1, for Lennox, Mass. They -oMr. and Mrs. Harry Vissering, 257 will stay t,,.o week s. and return hy way Kenilworth avenue, returned to Ken- of N e": York and Philadelphia. wherl' ilworth last \\'eek from the Black Hills, tl;er wi11 stop at the Sesqui-C'entcnS. D., where Mr. Vissering combined ntal. a business trip with a few days of -ahunting. Norman, who was with them. Roswell CoYne. 2-W ~felrosc an·ntH'. is expected home this week-end. and Pete H~mm. 517 Sheridan road. -oKenil\\·orth. are attending Th(' Harri., Burt Crowe, 234 R,aleigh road. lrft School of Chicago. Kenilworth Sunday morning for duck -ohunting on the Illinois River. Today ~1 rs. \\'. C. Sn oclch·. 227 Raleigh road. he leaves for Nett Lake, 11innc:-;ota. on Krnih,··orth. has is~·ued in,·itations for another hunting tdp. t\YO bridge luncheons to br gin·n Oc -otober 12 and 13. The guild of the Union church open-0ed with the usual luncheon on MondaY. J\frs. George Ben~on. 210 ).f elrtl~l' The members are working for tlie haannue, entertained hl'r Ktnih,·o rth zaar which will probably he gi,·en durhridge t luh last week for thr first meeting the first part of No,·emher. ing of this season. -o-o!\Irs. Collin Tenant, formcrh· of Ken ?\1 r:-.. \\"alter A. Knoop. 221 \\' ar\\ 'id.: ilworth, entertained her hridg.e club on \Vcdnesday. October (i, at the Orring- rnacl. Kenil\\'nrth. \\'ill entertain at a hridgt· -lunciH·nn on Friday, Oct o ber 13. ton hotel, . Evanston. WHOLESALE -- ANNOUNCEMENT THE I R_ETAIL I __ __j INDIAN RILL AUTO & ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. Is Now Open at 462 Winnetka Avenue With a Complete Line of Auto Supplies - Electrical Supplies - Hardware and Tools Tires Tubes Rims Wheels Springs Accessories Polishes Oils-Grease Axle Shafts Wrist Pins Pistons Gaskets Fan Belts Universal Joints Carburetors Falls' Ti!'es - Falls'. Tubes A FEW OF OlJR VARIOUS ITEMS Vacuum Tanks Ignition Parts Building Hardware Household Tools Mechanics Tools Door Locks Pad Locks Keys Made to Order · Electrical Supplies Electrical Appliances - SPECIALS FOR OPENING WEEK ONL,Y·1 lb. Sinclair Tube Patch 33C Cup Trico or Folberth Au- Champion X 44 ·Spark Plugs . . C Grease .. 14c Kits ........ 12c tomatic Windshield Fails Cord Tires H a n d · Windshield Fyrac Spotlights (not Fails Laminated Inner Cleaners Oversize 30x3 0 installed) 24 Cleaners Tubes $} 75 $10.50 for ...... $3.25 , for . . . . . . . . . C for ...... $4.40 30x3 0... Simonize Wax........ Regular 30x3 ;~ $9.20 NOTICE TO GARAGES AND REPAIR SHOPS Visit our Wholesale Departmentt we have a complete line of replacement parts, open an account here and get our Liberal Discounts. -CHEAPER THAN IN CHICAGO- 462 Winnetka A venue At Indian Hill Station Phone Winnetka 782

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