WILMETTE LIFE October 8, 1926 ' For Those Who Travel-and for Others / I N spite of their name. T rJ.velers Cheques have other uses than serving as money for travelers. As a matter of fact, they con stitute the ideal way of carrving money on the person, whether traveling or at· home, whether the amount be small or large. This bank recommends TravP.lers Cheques and Letters of Credit as pocket money for all amounts over- say--$30 to $50. Naturally we think that anything over such amounts should be in the bank, but if your preference is to carry larger sums on your person. protect them against loss and theft by exchanging them into Travelers Cheques. The cost is insignificant,- only 7 Sc per $·100. Travelers Cheques are self -identifying. .1nd are readily .1ccepted by business establishments of every description in p.1yment for goods and services rendered There is never any difficulty about spending a Travelers Cheque. In convenient size and denominations. THE WILMETTE STATE BANK Central Avenue at Twelfth Street "Your Home Bank"