Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Oct 1926, p. 37

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Qctober 8, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 37 MIAMI INVITES REALTY PEOPLE TO SESSION --· Tell National Association of Real Estate Boards City Is Ready to Greet Members ).fiami is preparing to go on with its plai1s for entertaining the annua l business meeting of the National Association of Real Estate hoards, schedu led for January 12, 13 and 14. In the face of the '""ork of recon struction before the citv and it s citizens, the U iam i Realty board, under elate of September 25, wired the Na tional Assoc iation of Real Estate boards as follows : · "Our executive commit tee adopted a resolution today to the effect that th ~ Miami Realt\' board will immediateh· proceed witl1- its plan s for the entertainment of the mid-winter meeting of the Kational association. "\\-e want you to kn o\\' that the delegates attending that meeting ,,·ill be cared for as we 11 if not better th an \\·c had planned prior to th e hurricane." The telegram adds. "\Vc can gin· · them no assurance h(Jw~n·r. that thn· ,,·ill be able at that tilllt' to set an~· c,·idcnce of the ha \·r 1r \nought In· th.e ~t rongr<..t \\'ind \\'hich ha..; t'\'er S\\'ept the mainland CJf th l' t·nitcd ~t;ttcs . " "\\·e are alrea<h· \H'll ad\'an cc d i11 our rehabilitation. plan<:." the \fi ;uni hoard further report'. "Thl' ..;pirit ni \ Jiam i:1n s i.., to d a~- Im i1 d in g a greater rity than our fondest hopec; e\'er anticipated." Sixteenth Street Lot Brings Record Price Paul Schroeder and company report the sale of a. lot on Sixteenth street thi_s week at $50 per ' foot, the highest pnce at which vacant on this street has ever been sold , it is' said . and indicative of the rapid advance 'w hich has come in values in this street. Four years ago Mr. Schroeder, who at that time owned 800 feet of vacant here. said the market value of the property was only $12 to $14 per foot and with no takers at that. There were only one or t'v\'O bui ld ings on the st re et, whereas fourteen have been built the past year. The street, it is said, is to be opened soon, into \ Vilmette avenue, and connecting with the other section of -Sixteent h street extending from \Vilmette a Yen ue north . 1S The Georgian at Davis Street and Hinman A venue Goes to Miami, Fla., to Rebuild Apartment = = == . LIVE AT THE GEORGIAN With the coming of naturally thinking of tractive and liveable. rion to this problem Georgian. Fall and Wintu yoa are making your home more at· The tasiest and best sol'uis to make your home The \V. H. D'Arcy of 1330 Central avenue left Tuesday for :Nliami, Fla., to rebuild the apartment building in which P;;tu] Schroeder is interested and which wa.; damag-ed J>y the n'cent storm. Mr. TY:\rn· will ;;lso take with him to E __ ~I i;1m;" tlw balance oi the fund which \\'ilmcttc iritnd:' han' raised for Ct(Jrgc Hvttkc. a h rmer \\'ilm et te resident. who J(l..;t so lH:aYi h· in the recent hurricane. :\ total of $260 was rai ·e<11 h,· ).fr. Rettke's iriends for his as- = sistance. PROPERTY DAMAGED :\. 1·:. RusseY. wlw iormerh· r<:-~iclecl at Fiiteenth street an<l Fores.t ayenue. \Vilmet te, hut who ha s been in Florida for the pa:-;t two year s, owned a twotory. offic.e building on th~ Dixie highwa~· 111 Btscayne park whtch was partially wrecked by the storm. The second story was blown away. Here are furnished suites unusual in an apartment hotel. unusual both in arrangement and decorations. You m~y have as few or as many rooms as you desire, and additional rooms may be had for the convenience of your guests. Every detail of work is taken over by the central management. Always you ar~ free to live and enjoy your delightful home. .E. E. Stults Firm Reports Activity i· . in Realty Deals Th.e E. F . St.t~lts Realty company re that husinf'sc; in \Y ifntettc ha·: ht·en Hr~· actin·. Th e past thit t\' days t hey h a \'C n qu' t i ate d t h c f n I fo"' i 1-1 g· purt-; JF.he Gleor,gian An Address of Distinction ifllllllllllllllmlllllimiiiiiiHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIImUilllllllllillliUIII~IItllllltlt~~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIHUIIIIIIIHUD. deal..; : J a~· ( oh·i n purchased the new brick lwnw just romplrted hy Jame ::; C'rahb 'n Rnh~a rt road. Kenilworth. R B. Furc;;slr purchased the re side nce located at 505 Laurel a\-cnnc from Roy H. Ba uclonine. . George \\'. Vaught purchasefl from 1 Thom:-~s Tl'lfer thr re . idetrce !orate d at 511 nricr street, Kenilworth . . Cli fford Old er purcl1ased the residence located at 1026 Elmwood an'nue from Ethel B. \\' illiams. L. B. Hu g uenor purchased a lot on A~hlancl an·nue from John P. Gage, on which he contemplates building a home 1his fal l. Rental~ in the Linden Crest apart·· lllent building also have been ,·c ry actin', the Stults company report an d they anticipate ha\'ing the building completely filled by October 15. < ~ QUALITY IS T~& WATCH!JORD YOU'~E COMFORT YOUR GOAL- THEM· BURNIMG OUR COALcoal for your G OOD good money. A ton of heat at the right price. Golden Rule 'scales and a polite, obliging delivery. The right size for your furnace grate. Keeps us busy keeping folks warm. How about your order? GUARANTEED BOTH OF Real Estate Bonds and Mortgages secured by North Shore Realty Improvements a r e w o r r y-free investments with safety of principal and attractive earning power. Phone Winnetka 450 We'll do the rest. I! For All Your Needs in Lumber and Building Material Phone Winnetka 451 or 452 SM!Rm£ 1564 Sherman AvenueEvanston

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