Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Oct 1926, p. 34

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WILMETTE LIFE October 8, 1926 DID YOU KNOW- ~~wii~w~ ©~ BOOK LOVERS! If you haven't read thesethey're ready for you here I And o u r discriminatingly-assembled collection of books includes not only these newer things, but the standard older books one needs in a reaJly satisfying library. That Count Berchtold, who was Austrian minister of war in 1914, is writi1~g his memoirs which should prove ·very interesting? That ((The Bookma1t" is offering te1t prizes for the best papers on the subject "My Book . Chum" written· by childre. nf That Hcndrik Willem Van Loon ltas Just sailed for Europe to do research work in connection with a book ·which he will publish in tire spring o1t Rc.·mbrandt f N®W Iffi (O)©lk~ "Sw~~PINCs"-Lcsfer Coheu. I. 2. 3. The Human Adventure $ 1o being tw'o volumes: "The 'Conquest of Civilization" by Professor James H. Breasted, and "The Ordeal of Civilization" by James Harvey Robinson. A pair of ·epoch-making v o 1u me s . that every booklover will want to add to hi permanent collection. Harper ~ Bros. OW BOAT A NtrJJ Nor1tl II, tlu 'uthor o/ "50 BIG" Practical Auction Bridge By Wynn Ferguson $1.00 Doran An understandingly-written, easilv-understood explanation of bridge that is as good for experts as it is for beginners. EDNA FERBER A glorious romance ln the heart of America "Sweepings" by Lester Cohen, is an uncommon book written in an uncom - (i. ·monty fine way. It is a story of Chi - 7. cago almost an epic of the growth of 8. the ~ity, and more particularly of the 9. Pardwav _ family and its great bar- 10. gain store. 11. Daniel and Thane Pard\\'ay planned 12. "The Bazaar" while Chicagors ruins were still smoking, and what showed 1. greater courage they bought the lan d for it. on th e spot where some da~- t 1 1e 2. street cars would turn around to go 3. hack the other ,,·ay. They are well 1 4. 1 drawn cl;arac~ers. these t~YO, {'~C 1 I 5. powerful 111 ~ts way. each .1ppealtng, 1 and totally dtfferent. . . 6. It is. a powerful, even a. gnpJ~ tn g I 7. st~ry, It catches y~ur emottOib rl~Hl l R. twtsts them about wtth thr. fate of tts characters a~ too few stones arc .ahle 10. to. do. It ~~ a fi: st nO\:el. \\T!tten 1 \\'tth<:ut flo~nshe s .. tnterestmgly. 111. a 1 ll. conctse swtft movmg man~er whtch 1 !!eems often to be convEersat10nCal. lZ. I 4 s: 19. - ~s TnF.R ~on.n 1 (September Booknrau) FICTIONThe Private Life of Hel~n of . Troy .................. .... Ersk111c Gentlemen Prefer Blondes .... L~os An American Tragedy · · · · · · DY(·r.scr The Blue Window .. ... ..... Bmlt.\' The Hounds of Spring .. Thompson Wild Geese ..... ... .... . ... Ostc11s~ Mantrap . . ................. . Le·u.ns Hangman's House .. . ....... B:,'rHc The Silver Spoon ...... Galswortlry After Noon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E~ t~ The Perennial Bachelor .... P~rrrs!z The Black Flemings ........ ."'V nrrrs GENERALWhy We Behave Like Human Beings ..................... Dorse).i The ~fan :\ohixly Kno\\·::; ... Rarlmz · 1 Abraham I ,mco· n .. .... ...·c >aH dl 1/IY.fl T' · Our tmes ..... .. ..... .....r)u !! ~'~·n11 Intimate ·Papers ni Colonel II(Iu . r .................... S'r:mw 11 r Jefferson and Hamilton ..... Bo<<~rrs The Arcturus Ach·enture ... . Brebe The ~fauw Decade . .. .. ...... Rct'Y Twenty-ftve Years ............ Cr r. \' The Revolt of Modern Youth ......... Lindsey atzd E·ratu Th(' Fruit of the Family Tree ... .. ............. ... . lViggam 'l'hr Trawl Diar~· o~i a Philosopher .... .... . , ... f{ cj~scrlin _tl 1 1111 1 1111111 1 111111111 1 1111111 1 1111 1 1 1 1!1 ~ 1 11 1 11111 1 !1 ---------------- The White Devil' s Mate By Lewis Stanton Houghton, Mifllin ~Co. $1.50 Pad ra ic Cnlt11n'... hnnk. "Tllt· 1\ n:td Treb nd,.. \\' h ich .\\·a:-; pub li 'h I ed September 2R. ~-r,n tatn s char;~ ctt·r sketches oi Iri sh patrint:; anrl \\Tltt·r-. ing. and is illu strat ed by thl' nt'\\- «C'hO(,J 1 1! LL:: S='I'=O=I={E= :. =S=C'=O=.========$1=·=01:::,} · Iri sh painter. . 11 1 111' I j FEED the BRUTE Just Paragraphs R0tmd Dy ~Iargery Swift and Christine T. Herrlek R <><1 d this hool< of h elpful sugg-l'S tions on marketing-, cooking and serv· 1 I' ~ People who like The Ossendowski kind of book will certaintv enjoy "The White Devil' s Mate." V/ e recommend it to anybody. in fact, who likes to he completely ahsorbed by a hook! - 'J\n1 ll C' \\' Yolumt·:-. (1 i jlr1~· tn' \\i ll lw Oppenhdm ac Hu Best THE THE GOLDEN BEAST B, E. PHILLIPS OPPENHEIM "It It one of the fti'Y belt of .... UNEARTHLY ·By· the distin- pqhli:-.hvd t!J i, i:d1 \\·l1il·h arc \rnrth' oi Jllt'll ion "Darl-; , ,j till' ).f nr~n·· j, , ~ :tr:t '1 \·a-..cl :tlv ;t!Hl " l·:n· \\ 'alk· in li t r · (~;trdvn" J,,. l.tllli . . t · _\ \'I·L., \.arnt·tt. l' .t latll'r !J(JI'j, i:-. ()i :-.).'l'rial intnt·-t :. ' Jll'(IJik 1111 tht· Jlllrth ~hore. The Queen of Roumania' s Fairy Book. Frederick A. Stokes $3.00 Queen Marie herself has gathered tog-ether these delightful fairy stories. They give one-perhaps more perfectly than a heavy treatise on the subject could-the lore, the traditions, the charm of her country. guished author of "The Garden of Allah" and "Bella Donna" long1tories."-The Bosron Transcripc. ThonLt:-. ll:tnh' , n~·\' htlrlk ~~i Jl"' · n ~- . "!Iuman ~ho\,· ,.' f7 :tr Plnll' :t-- il' .... ~<llll! - a1HI Tri!h·-.,·· i. . dt·:->nihL ·rl II\ tiH· "f3t ,Oh ' tna11. .. a "p()rtrait, (oi ;l!l' l; :t ncl \\( l1lt' 'l \\ ho :trt· dull l'llt ~ut:h in lH·Jnse h·e:' :tnd li\'{· for us !Jy th l' \Yiz:J.r r!n· n f thr ~l' i·r \\"}H, ha :-. di . . ~·o n·r vd \\ lln~: ht· lint·' c1i feeling li~· dt'l'Pt>t." 1 RVf>LRT HICHENJ' UITLE, BROWN&. CO ._,h'kh"'lt ...... $2.50 :\1 iss E:->thn Gould. \\JJI,, t· rn·i l'\\.., appear en r~· \\Tl'k 0:1 thi~ pagt:. i, @lopolltu~~ The World's Best Short Stories of 1926 Doran $1.50 L ..--------. Christmas Greeting Cards I Every reader of modern short stories, whatever his taste, will agree that these are pretty close to being the best stories of 1926. -- - --- --- ~ - - ·-- A beautiful J.nd complete selection to choose from. We Gabrielle By W. B. Maxwell Dodd, Mead~ Co. $1.00 I i I DOROTI~~. ~!~FIELD'S II HER SON'S WIFE I I ·I giYing a scr.ics ·o f radi r, talks irc1 Jll \Y. IT. '1'. (\Yriglcy Bldg. ) Chicagn. every TtH.'s d a~- moming at 10 :4S. which sho ulcl he uf inter es t to tho ~r: who \\'cUlt tim rh- :-.uggr~tions as to \\'hat to read. - "A Maaterpiece"-Wm. Lyou Phelpal HARCOURT BRACE & CO. $2.00 W. B. Maxwell's large following will delight in this intriguing new work. also take orders for Engraved cards. All cards purchased during October are given 10,% off. Get your order in early while the selection is complete. Sweepings By Lester Cohen A book of Chkago by a Chicagoan. A powerful story of the rise and decline of a great merchant family. These books, and many more new ones, are to be found at Lord's-just inside the Davis Street Entrance. 1150 Wilmette Avenue BALLARD'S BOOK SHOP RENTAL LIBRARY AND BRANCH Phone Wilmette 2566 Firat Floor Linden Avenue Branch: Wilmette Food Shop. 4 1 7 ~ Fourth Street Boni & Liveright $2.50

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