Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Oct 1926, p. 33

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Oc'tober 8, 1926 WILMETTE · LIFE · 33 portrayed. by on all-star cast and, its story is laid during the last big effort made hy the united red men of the 1 west tp stem the westward march of ' the white race. It has for its thrilling climax General Custer's last stand, and shows in full detail the ma ss acre of NORSHORE THEAT RE Custer and hi s men of the ScHnth Th e photoplay ycrsion of "The Ga,· C. S. cavalry in the Little Bi g Horn De.ceiver." iamons stage succc s. which ' on June 25, 1876. ;-;c r~·e d. a s a. Ychi cle for. Leo Ditrich -· Th e chang-e of ],ill \f onday will :-tc 111. ts cotmng to the !\or. hore th ea- hdn g- one of the sc rcr n . ensation s of t:e Sunday, \\'itl~ ~ew ~ody in th~ the year, "Ste lla Dallas," featuring · tttle role th at Dttnch ste lll play ed on Belle Bennett. Alice J oyce . Ronald the· stage. Coleman, Lois ' ).[ oran. Dougla s FairCody play -; tl1r part of a Pari s mati- banb. Jr. an d Je a n H er sholt. nee id0l en meshe d in a hilariou.-h· funny ser ies oi <l onH's1 ic f'ntangl~mcnts THE NE W CAMPUS · ca use d hv hi :; engaging misc hi ef.· Othrr . . ; in thl' brilliant cast arr ?\far .\ I~ud o lph Valentino picture, ·'The cd ine Dav, Carmel ?\fy ·rs, Dorotl n · ' De li cio us Little Devi l." will be one of \hillips. R oy D'Arc~· . ~1alc o lm "\f c--l t~1 c features of a cl ouhl c-!leadcr bill ( .regor and Edward Conncllv. t n he - hown Saturday at the New .. \ .a ri cty, " almost direct ·from it s Carnpt' theater. Mac Murray plays "IH ,,,·ing at the Roosevelt th eatre comes I oppos tte thr lat e screen idol. The ,tar tinv Thur -;cLt,·. It is ha ;lr d as the : othrr picture will he Buck Jon es in flne;;t film to ,arrive in this country "Flying Horses." irnm Europe . Emil .Tannings and Lya Today an all-star cas t is shown in dt' eu11i arc the il' at urcd playr r s.. "The Flame of the Yukon," a photoplay of gold ru sh day s in the Cana· THE HOYBURN dian northwest with Scena Owen in Three entertaining feature s make up the leadin g- r ole. The big- bathing t he ach·ancc hill announced today by · beauty contest will al so be featured on tlw manag-cnH·nt of the Hovburn. the . creen. Tomorrow there will be The current showing- in "i'hc Tex as another do uble feature performance .' trcak," an hilarious weste rn comerlv including T om ~lix in "The Deadwood qarring Hoot Gibson. who plays Coac h" and John Bowers, Edward co wboy role opposite Blanche ~fchaf- Burns and ).{arguerit e De La ).lotte iey. in "Tho:--e \\'ho Dare." \f un<lay \\·ill brin g "Broken Heart s (,f Hollywood.' ' the story of a film / \llJL:rt Kur rk oi Dal·las Cit,·. \\'ho is . . tar\ struggle:-, with th e cast includ- visiting the I. · P. Schacfge1;s of 800 ing- Pat sy Ruth ~Iiller, Loui se Dre sse r Park av.enue. \ya :-; g uest of honor at a and Dougla s Fairbanks, Jr. s ~trpri :--c party giHn la st Satmday eYe~orma Shearer in "The \h/aning nmg. Sex" will be on the sc reen with \Ved- 0ne:-day':-i change of bill- a farcical North shor e alumnae oi the Chi co medy a dapted irom the sta .~· e play Omega sorority are holdin g an all day oi the same title. meetin g at the home of. }.Irs. John Campbell, 815 Lake avenue, today. Stage and Screen News and Reviews I NEW EVANSTON "THE ' BIG PIC'l';U)l£5 FIRST" NOW SHOWING Dustin Farnum and Cast of 10,000 ""THE FLAMING FRONTIER" ----------------The Greatest Story of the West Ever Filmed Sho~ng Custer's Last Stand STARTING MONDAY ---------------------- Belle Bennett Ronald Colman ""STELLA DALLAS" Her Love Life Showing Custer's Last Stand F RIDAY and SATURDAY I Hoot Gibson a ""THE TEXAS STREAK" MONDAY and TUESDAY Pats)' Rutb MiUe·, Douglas Fairbanks, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY ""Broken Bea.ts ol Hollywood" Norma Shearer J·. ""THE W AMDIG SEX" Every Fri. and Sat. Gene Tunney-"The Fighting Marine" T HE NEW EVANSTON thou ;;a nd Indian s. a half doze n troop..; oi . ca,~alry, fronti er men and \\'0111<'11 ui the period of 1876 and numc rou :' plain .; men and pion eers from par t o i tl1c cas t oi the big spectacular pmdueti on. "The Flamin g- Frontier," thl· current attraction at the lwan t on thl·ate r. "The Flaming Frontier" is ~c,·eral ·;· ·~.-.~~~ I"MEW '-AMPU Tcl~ la )" · Sa tu rel ay s ;I BALABAN de KATZ NEWEST 'IBBA'IRB Cont. f rom 1:30 to l1 P . M.. F IRST R U N PI CT U RES UOI"IH .E F I-~.\ ' IT H E - HO t HOWAAD 6VI. BETWEEN"· .. ~NO t:L6AK The Theatre for the Great North Shore STRl PH OH ILU l Village Theatre W JL)I E TT E, I LL . Rudolph Valentino In · O nly the BEST PICTURES "THE DELICIOUS LITTLE DEVIL" Are Presented at the NORSRORE THEATRE! Th~ most important thing in a motion picture theJ tre is- pictures !- and the Norshore theatre, your nearest Balaban 8 Katz theatre presents the best picture of the foremost producers, first on the North Shore. I '" " ' ' I l\lat. Toes., 3:30 OctniJt'r 11 n ncl 12 With :\Inc· llllll -'lurr a~· ~"FLYING 11om· 'l'hen t<r HORSEMAN" with lln l' k .Jon t>s -'11111, 111111 'l ' U t.'S ., OCt, 11·1 2 I J . R. Ko pp el, )lanaglng Director J'h one Wilm ette lUl f:H nfn gs :uun., ~:30-9; ··LoN CHANEY IS l H S (.: RF.:\T F.~ T Tu ('~ . , l)IC'l ' l'JCI': ~OlDL S IIE .\U E Jl. nrul (' O ~ l L\U X AOf: L "THE PENALTY' Wt·cln t>s tln y , ()(·t. ~STARTING 'THEWANING SEX' . \l ~ o , 13 SUNDAYOctober lOth l'nthc· Xt·w s. nnd ( ' nmt·d y. }~c ltu· utl o n n t Wt··ln .-~ dn y , Odnltt·r t ll- 1 cln~· onl y THE LODGE ol the WILI)ERNESS" ' 4 .\nlt a St t> wnrt - ··T:~;~ii~f F. tlmuncl nurn s Rlld HIGHWAYMAN" 1 ""THE BLUE I Thur :;. nn·l } ' r l ., Oet. H·l i; (; t>O. O' R rlt·n In A diverting comedy drame of Modern New York NORMA SHEARER · in .\ lso, Patht> Ut>\'le w nncl ( ' nrtoon ('om ecl y. EAGLE" "THE WANING SEX" with CONRAD NAGEL THREE STAGE SP·ECIALTIES Song, dance, color, ayncopation, humor-a perfect program. Thur s., Fri., ~at., Ort. U, 1:. nrul lti ;:t;) to 9 P.l\1. nor<oLAS l' AIItBA.~KS Thursday Night }' l"S" ALS Ol' OrR ··DON ·Q'" .\lso, l,athe Yews and Out or ttae Inkwt>ll Comedr. BIG BATHING BEAUTY CONTEST suturflar, Oct. 11 Saturday )latB. ! and 4 ""3 BAD MEM" -NOW PLAYINGLew Cody--Carmel Meyers "THE GAY DECEIVER~'

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