Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Oct 1926, p. 32

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W.ILMETTE LIFE October 8, i926 Recent Bride Is Former I Carry Out Autumn Resident of Winnetka Note in Attire of Under the Management of Margaret E. Morgan Rogers Park Hotel main and private dining rooms are becoming incre~singly popular. The regular meals being served are · self advertising and draw well satisfied patrons. A New Service not new· as an innovation in dining room service-but entirely new in quality and satisfaction afforded hosts and· hostesses-is featured 1n the noon, afternoon and evening attention given to Business Luncheons, Card Parties, Fraternity, Sorority, Club meetings . . . jn short, to any event where tempting food gives zest and interest to big or small business or social gathering. The marriage of Miss Katherine Newman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marc Newman 1.118 H \'de Park boulevard, formed; of \Vfnn etka . . to Edward Arthur Wei!, ·soi1 of 1\[rs. Lata Wei! of the Shoreland. ~ 5454 South Shore drive, took place Thursday, September 30, at 7 o'clock at the Shoreland. Miss Newman wa attended by her sister, l\Iiss Margaret Jane 1\ewman, as maid of honor . Raymond , tein of ~r ilwaukee acted as best man. After a wedding trip through \Yi sconsi n wher e theY \\·ill "rough it," l\[ r. \Veil and 'hi s bride plat"to li\·e at t~e Shoreland until spring. } Miss Newman, a graduate of )Jew Trier High school. attended · Northwestern .university ancl the Cniversity of Wisconsin. ~I r . \t\7 eil graduated from the Uniyer sity of Pcnnsyh·ania in the class of 1919. Mr. and Mrs. Henn· MeierhoH, 1714 Wilmette avenue, Mrs. Joe vVagner oi 1730 vVilmette avenue motored to Plymouth, Wis., la st week. They were accompanied by Mrs. Charles De Long and her baby daughter, Mary Louise. ...-..:~ Rridal Attendants Miss Catherine . de Wolf Lloyd. daught'cr of Mr. and. Mrs. John Eager LloYd. 192 Glenwoorl avenue, Glencoe, to \Villiam \Vard Clore, son of Mr. and Mrs. \V . 13. Clore, 654 Chcrr)· s~reet, \Vinnetk a, took place Saturday. September 25, at 8 :30 o'clock at Christ church, \iVinnetka. The Rev. E. Ashlev Gerhard performed the ceremonY. ·The hride was gowned in white chiffon and carried white roses. She wore a quaint, olcl veil that had _been in the familv for many ye(.l.rs. ChtfTon gown :in ;:u~tun111 color:; were worn by hrr attendants. \Yith autumn ka\'C'S in their hair,· carrying out the spirit and season of the year in a striking way. . She ·wa:; attenclcd by her sister. Mrs. Theodore Cox of Atlanta, Ga .. a-. matron of honor. Her bridc.maids in cluded !\f iss Elizabeth Pond. ~r is-. Elizabeth Clore. sister of the groom. :..rrs. ).lartin Helow of EY:tnston. and :..1 iss ~r arigolcl Langworthy of \Yin netka. Cla\·ton Seagcar:; of New York act ed as· best man, and the . ushers were Ra\'moncl Roth of YVilm ette, Charle . Shearer ancl Donald McCabe of· Bay ; l'ih·, ).1 irh .. Lauren Stokes berry oi Tndianapoli._, hobert Seymour and Alex Goetz of Chicago, ).fartin Below and \Yall ace Clore of E\·anston. A . mall recc)~tion followed the ~erl' mony for relatives and a few frtencl~ at the homl' oi ~Irs . George Forrest nt Glemvood . treet, Glencoe. Mr. and. M""· Clore witt make their h?me a_t ~orthhrook. IlL. after a wedchng trtp. Reservations should be made well in advance. Sheldrake 2000 ··· - · Ye Olde I ' 1 t e . I I BaY I 0 i ! Sheridan Road at Pratt Boulevard I 1 I FAMOUS 1 $}.00 626 GROVE STREET Corner of Sherman · Phone Greenleaf 140 I , - i ! ~ ).I r. and \I r-.. . Ct'rald lloyt oi \\"in ~ nl'tka ha\'L' purchastd an eight acre i Sundays f farm on ~anclcrs road. '"est of Deer ' 1 f·rlcl. TheY \\'ill occup,· the hom,~.:. I DINNER 12:00 to 9:00 . '"hich the,: art· rl'nwdcling, shorth·. i y 1 ).Jr:;. Jlo,·t · i~ the daught r of ~fr. a1;cl , MENU for SUNDA 1 ~~ rs. 1L ·K ~nit!er of \\'ilmette. Served Daily 5:00 to 8:00 I ' I t 1 Chicken OCTOBER 1OTH Con Cream of Celery au Crouton Saltines Celery Olives - Radishes Choice of som0~' w; th Noodles ·jp&pa ,.... rocn waul I ! 1 THE Lo-MooR t i Broiled(~:;eD~a~~ri~~tt~\hitefish 1. I j 11 ;;';: _':. ,:·\ '1 '; 110; \ '; 1; oi her ~i~tl'r. :\J rs. John D. ~mall. -H 1 : :\lapk an·nuL· . \1rs. :\ort1111 will ._ail I irotll \t·,,· Ymk ( lrtohn 1-t 011 a trip ! arou1Hl the \\'Orld and \\'ill not return until t'hc !attn part of June. j f ~ ';}~a~ -o- 0 ~ ~ Hl ~~;~ ~·~~~~~~ I I I 1 I Omelet with Chicken Livus - English Mutton Chops, Comhination Grill Roast Young Chicken i (with Dressing) Roast Watertown Goos~? , i 1 (A pole Sauce) ! Roast Prime Ribs of Beef au Ju; I 1 :· I i 1 Dl'nni-. and hn rLtughtcr-... Olin·. \ ·irginia and ~fariilll, of 702 1'I lll\\ooc1 a_n.:nue. returnL'(I h~mt·. la.;t · ~atmday alter a thrc:c month:-~ trqY to ~ the 1Ll\\'aiian hland~. where the,· \\' l'l't: the guests oi ).liss Ruth Dcnr1i s.' (),C. :\fr~. -0- Cuamed C·~;" and Peas I i ! I ~ i " i ! Fried Egg Plant Candied Sweet . o r O'Brien Potatoes Pineapple Sherbet Raisin Bread. French Rolls and Butter Combination Salad, Thousand Island Dressing Choice of 1 1 I · A snappy pump presented in Black Kaflur with Black Lizard Tongue and Heel, or Gumwood Calf with Tan Snake Skin Tongue and Heel. I I I I I Choco1~~~~!~7ry ~~:kcr~:illa Apple Pie with Cheese, Cherry or Lemon Cream Pie or I I j ~OLISEUM 1 RCH pfii:sEmtm fi SHOE ,. ·' a..,a SHOP INC. 630 Church St. Greenleaf 231 Coffee -Tea - Milk No Cover Charge Sundays or During Dinner Hours on Week Days. 1 OCT. II-"AI7 , . e W 4Sc __ .::::_~::_~ ADMISSION 50~ SPECIAL BUSINESS LUNCH DAILY 11:30 till 2:00P.M. ALL NEXT WEEK Opening 6 P. M., Monday (1 to 11 P. M., daily thereafter) Features af!ernoon and evening. Everythmg new in radio.

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