: WILMETTE LIFE/ October 8, 1926 Mrs. E. S. Clark. (Elizabeth Camp~fiss Beatrice Metzel, daughter of -Southern Wontan :~ Benefit bel1) is general cha irinan. and the vari- 11r. and Mrs. E. B. Metze! of Krnil . 0 b 18 ous committer are composed as fol- worth, will be married to \\'illiam ParBrzdge Occurs cto er lows: refrr sh mrnt committee-Miss ish White, son of Mr. and Mrs. George October 18 is the da,. that has been Margaret Scott. chairman. Miss Elinor E. \Vhite of \Vilmette. Saturda\' <'H'- st't aside as the time -for a chain of Woodwarci of Huhhard \Vood s, Miss ning. October 9, at 8:30 o'clock.· in St. bridge partie:-; to h e given under the Mar\' Huston. ~1iss Lvclia . Atwater. Augustine's Episcopal church. 'Nil - ausnices of the Southrm \\'o man's Miss- Eleanor Clark, Miss Mary Barry, mette, Dr. Hubert Carleton reading Educational Alliancr. The partirs will of Evan ston : advettising committee- the s~rvice. The wedding reception be given in various hom es in Chicago Miss ~cola ~ortham, chairman. and \\·ill be held at the close of the cere- and along the north shore, and the Mrs. Ralph H. ~faxon, Miss. ~1 arcella mom; at the Kenilworth club. proceeds ,rill go to the orga nization to Mettler of \Yinnetka, designer, Miss At-tending the bride as maid of hon- aiel in the carrying out of it :; work Olive Doughert~-. ~fiss Adeline Boy- or will be her sist~r, Mi.;_s \Vinifred among \\·omen of the South. Mrs. Edden: entertainment committer-Miss ~f etzcl. _and as bndesr:latds, another gar Foster Alden will open her home Virginia Forhe ~: ticket committef'- s:ster, ¥ rs. James P. Pnndle ~nd Mrs .. at 321 Linden street, V\' innetka, for Miss Alice · Jud so n. chairman. Miss Nathamel W. James, both of l·,vanston. one of these affairs. Afternoon tea Man· Tane Tud son. ?\f rs . David Kim - Mrs. Tr_uman Metze!. .of Highla~1d will be served and a prize provided for ban: ~f rs. Robert ~1orri sson. ~fis s Car- Park, Miss Margaret Netlsun and ·Miss each table. The hostess \\·ill he a~sist 1111111 t llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ~ 11111a oline Schofield. ?\fis " Gwendolen Vvash - El~anor Buckman of Wil~1ette. and ed hy ).f rs. George Karnes, ).f rs. Subscription Dances Start ington of Glrncor. ~fiss Elizahrth Rjce ?\ftss Ethel Berger of Kentlworth . Charles Bradle,· and ).fr s. \Yillia111 of \Vilmette. ).fiss 1.1 argaret Dr Lar and The first ()i a st;·r ir s oi :-ix sub:-rr ip Mr. Wh!te will hav~ as his b~s.t man, Eckhols. · Miss M arce1Ja ?\f ettler. of \Vinnetka. Ballard J:fighce of Wtlmette. w~tle the \· the\\·,~ Officers of the Chicag-o and :\orth tion dances to he gi\'ell h_ Tickets ma,· he ohtained from Miss ushers wrll be J ~ck Murphy and ~ ack Shore chapte r of the organization tnan's cluh ni \\'i lmetlt' at the cluhlwth l' Margaret Def.a,· of \Vinnrtka. Miss Thom rson of W clmette, Henry ·ede which has for its raison d' ctrc, he Iping takes place on 'the c·,Tning of Oct(l Gwendolen \\'ashincrton of Glencoe and of Evanston, and James P. Pnnrlle. southern girls· and women prepare for ber 11). Tickets for the alTair may hl' Miss Caroline Schofield of Highland Nathaniel \V. James and Truman ~fct - iife through the right education and obtained ('ithc.:r from tlw rhairman (Jf Park. the ·dance committe<'. l.fr s. (';eorgt· l·.d the right are: \\'ard \\'alk . or irotll hn ·c mnmittt't' Miss ]err~- Conley's orchrstra " ·ill zeJ. 1111111 111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111 Mrs. E. ]. rducational Buffington training, of E\'anston, pta,· for the hall. The Kentucky Societv of Evanston president: Mrs. Dahner ).faury, of Ev- 11l('Illhers. ~f rs. J f. \ \' . \f on~. ).f rs. J. and the North Shore wiil hold its next anston, vice prrsidrnt: Mrs . Russell B. Denman. ).[ r-;. Dan it'l R. Brrm·er, IIIII II 41111 111 11 11 111111111111111111111 IIIII II meeting Tuesday aften~n, October 12, \!\'olcott of \Vinnet~a. :--ecretar~· . and l.frs. T. E. Thompson. l.fr:-~. J. lT. Stackhouse. l.fr s. lT. ]. \Tcwtnn and at 2:30 o'clock. at the Edgewater treasurer. Engaged to Marry ).,frs. R. A. \\.h ec loc k. Beach hotel. Mrs. ' Rov Lunde of Chi1111111 1 :111111111111111 1111111111111111 1111111 Theda,· :-~ of the other fi\·<· . . . uh scr ip At the Ouilmette Countn· club Thurs- cago will appear on ·the program to tion dances. the prorte cl :-; of \'·hich day evening, with the decorations of give a musical reading. The host~sses Marries Next Wednesday sc rirs will hr aclclecl to the building chrvsanthem.lttns and other autumn on this occasion will be Mrs. R. L. Hall. Mrs . Henry Bamford, Mr.. ]. ]. The marriage of Miss Helen Stef- fund of the \\'oman's club. arc Koremflowers. at ;} dinner for fift,· friends. fens. · daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John hrr (), January 8. February 5. ).f arch 5. Mr. and ).f rs. C. P. Dubhs of 1004 Mulligan. Mrs. H. P. Clement and Mrs. M. Steffens, 161 I Washington avenue, and April 2. David Fiske. Mrs. Eugene ].' BuffingMichigan aYenue. \Vilmette, made \Vilmette·, to Albe.rt Daeschler of ChiEvanston is the society's presiton of 1111111 111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111 known the enl!al:!ement of their daugh- dent. ' · cago vvilJ take piace at 9 :30 o'clock ter, Jean. to W.i!J;am Henrv McAdams. Mrs. Marie \Varren Potter of tl1r 111!!11 111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111 Wednesday morning, October 13. at son of Mr. and Mrs. H. K. McAdams class of 1007 at \Vellesle\' college, will St. Joseph's church. Rev. Father Ren The annual bridge party given by the of Boston. No date has been set for gel. cousin of the bride, will perform he the guest of honor a-t a \V ellesley the wedding. Miss Dubbs is a grad- \Vindsor chapter, Daughters of Brit- the ceremony. luncheon to hr given Tuesday, Octoish Empire, takes place this year, on uat~ of \\' el1es1ey college. Miss Mary Poppele of \Vihnette, will her 19. at 12:30 o'clock, at the l'nion Tuesday, October 19, at the Masonic 1111111 111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111 temple in Glencoe. Those wishing attend the bride as maid of honor and League club. Chicago. Mrs. Potter, tables. may reserve them from Mrs. Miss Matilda Bauer as bridesmaid. who is president of the W rllesle~' Todav concludes the five-day rumMiss Loretta Steffens, sister of the Alumnae association and the author of mage s-ale held at 2006· Central street. Samuel Goss. Mrs. W. A. Kittermaster, bride, will act as flower girl. Frederick the Semi-centennial Pageant. is Mrs. E. F. Hoskins, Mrs. T. G. King, Evanston, by the St. Francis Xavier making Chicago one of her first stops Daeschler, brother of the groom, will Mrs. Charles D Budd, all of Glencoe, parish. serve as best man, and Harold Stef- in a tour of the entire country. She or from any member of the chapter. hrings a special message from the colfens, brother of the bride, will usher. lege and the Alumnae association. The marriage of Miss Mary Eliza.:. beth Sprague, daughter of Mr. and By JEAN TEN BROECK Mrs. -Richard Page Sprague, 1603 · Isabella street, to William James FerNorth Shore socict,· has such divergent interests. E~er increasingly ris, son of Mrs. F. M. Ferris, 2779 :and more unselfishlv it seeks to enhance Prairie avenue, Evanston, takes place its pleasures by ~mbodying its large Saturday, October 9, at the Fourth The functions with a purpose beneficial. Presbyterian church, Chicago. And these large · benefits. instigated, Rev. John Timothy Stone will read arranged, and even carried out in oer- the service at 4 o'clock. Immediately haps only one of our town ' , hardly ever following the ceremony, a small recepcan be entirely of local appeal, for the tion will He held at the bride's home. Miss Bernice Allen of Evanston as activities of each of these villages interweave. because of friendships, and maid of honor. will he Miss Sprague's . because of the ~en era! widespread in- onlv attendant and J olm Hull Ferris, terest expressed for many of the org_an- the. groom's brother, will act as best izations for which the benefits are man. The ushers will be Gerald Bradgiven. T\\"O hall s to be given within bury of Chicago and Earl Copper of the next few weeks will have a large Lake Forest. Several informal affairs given for the north shore representation. _\·oung people before their marriage, inOne of the se is just announced to us clude a dinner given Sunday evening of this week. It is the Charitv ball to be last week by Mrs. ]. V. McCormick, given \\' ednesday. November 3, with the a sister of Mr. Ferris. Mrs. Mi-lton D. Glencoe Center. Infant Welfare Soci- Harper of Evanston entertained at ety of Chicago. the hostess, if we may bridge at her home last Saturday eveso express it. at the Evanston Country ning, and Tuesday evening Mrs. Harvey club. The carrying on of the work of Bowen of Wilmette .gave a bridge and the center. the support of the Mary shower for both Miss Spragur and Mr. Crane Infant \\relfare station. will he Ferris. ~[ r. and Mrs. Sprague are gi,·aided by the success of this affair. in.Q" the bridal dinner this evening. Photo by Korhn(· Mrs. E. F .. \Vieholdt of Glencoe is genThe h ride and groom will he at home l [lou their return from their honeyeral chairman for the ball, other information about which will he ciisclosed after ] an uary 1. in the home Mr. F crri' moon trip, 1r r. and Mrs. \\ il!ia!11 is building in Glencoe. \Vanl Clore will make their home 111 as the weeks pass by. Miss Kate \Vhite. l\fiss F. B. ).f,·rrs, . . ·orthbrook. Til. Their marriage took A Scholarship hall is an innoyation in and Mrs. Alice Gronert. all of Elkhart. plare in Christ church. \\'innetka, Satthe "hall" " ·o riel, at least as far as we Tnd., are coming on for the wedding. urda.\·, September 25. Clore was know. Such an rvrnt alreadv has hern an rl wi II he t h c house guests of M r>. F. .\I iss l' a h erin c de\\'oli Lloyd, da ugh1 announced for \rednesday, Octoher 13, Ferris during their stay here. tcr of r. ancl Mr>. John Eag-er Llo,·d the Evanston Countn' cluh also the 1111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIW ~111 111 r f Cknc(l('. · Mr. Clore is the ~on oi locale. The Eransto;1 Smith College ).fr. and ~~ rs. \\". B. Clore oi \\'innrt club is sponsor ing the affair to send a Metze/- White Wedding ka. g{rl from tl1r f\·anston High school to Smith college. Takes Place October 9 -------- - ---- -- · Two Balls Offer ·an Appeal to Society as Large Benefit~ Dances as Benefits Find Favor with North Shore SocietJ, Will Marry in Fourth Presbyterian Church ----------------- October Brings News On Wedding Trip of Greater Activity . .at Ouilmette Club Ne\\'s gleaned from the ~ctober calendar of the Ouilmette Country cluh divulges both new events and change s in former announcements. Word of the latter comes first. Saturday, October }(,, \viii be the day of tl.1e Harves~ Home dinner and dance, . mstead ot Octob er 30. The time_ ,,··11. he 7:30 o'clock, and those atten0lllg w!II appear in , hanest costumes. Saturda.y, Oct ~>!)er 30. t he J·uniors' and seniors D. \nil ·. have their Halloween party. Innet will be se n ·ed at 7 :30 o cloc~, follo\\'cd bv a dane(· at o. The opemng formal '":ill be held Saturday; Kovemher 13. The 111 en· s howling seaso t~ ope_n :October 11. James T . Hanley Is chair man. The howling season for wont_en commences Tuesday. Octob~r 2o .. ,,·ttlt a tea at 2 o'clock In s truct10n ,,- ~11 hl' given hy ). f r. I-I amm e t. l.fr:-. (, · R. Garrcbon. is chamnan. A special mrcting- was. c;tlk.d 1 11 ~" TuesdaY night ior the CO ibt.dcrat iiHt t·l plans ior forming a dramatrr rluh. 111111 1 illllllllllllllllllllllllllllll l IIIII T~bles Being Reserved for Philanthropy Bridge Cor t' ). fitch eli. . 1()( ~() Oakwood an·nut·, \\"ilntttte 7r,7-.\f. I> taking table re:-t·n·ati(Jns for the card party to ht" ginn \\'edne-;da~·. Octohn 27. at the ·cluhh nll.'ic, for thr bt~n e fit pf tlte phil:lnthrop~- dL'partmcnt nt tl~l· \\'c ,man\ rluh oi \\'i llll.'C'tte. The at fair is annually ont· ol tht rl·d kttn cJa,·s in ~ocicty's fall season. Tndi\·idual tid:l't'i tnay be procun·d irom am· lllL'I1lht·r of the romrnittct' wltirh is. rotnpo:--rd a... iollo,,._,: ).f·~" · Cltarle-: \\.anner. ('hairman: l.fr:- . \\ tl li;nn H . J[olmes. tickets: ).fr :-~. J. ).f. Can~e-lon. prizes: ~f rs. 0 . E. Thalc,g, sor ial: \fr:-~ . \\'alter G. ~litrhell. tahk resen·a tions : \fr». :\atltan P. Colwell. pre~icknt of the club: l.~r:;. Hayes ).fc,Kinne,·. fir . . t \'ire pre :' ldcnt: ~fr:->. ( . P. Bt·;·g, chairm:tn of the philanthropy dep;trt11lent: ).fr:--. Jucl on F . Stone, ~f r:-~. George \ \ '. Kibby. ~f r-: J. :\ . Pancoast. ).fr:-;_ Davie! J. Da\'i-,, l.fr "'. l~ aVlll<·nd \\.h('e )ock, l.frs. \\'i llialtl \fL:Cihhon, l.frs. F. ).f. Rowe:-;, \fr-. . C. ).f iks ~f c Donald. ).f rs. A lhnt ~- Page, ).f rs. B. C. Callo,ray and ).f r:-. Crorgc TIiff. ~ f r ~. \\·a It er .... ~1. ~I ~Irs. T~