Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Oct 1926, p. 22

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WILME.TTE LIFE GIRL SCOUTS ACTIVE The \Vilmette Girl Scouts have started their year's work with much enthu~iast~l, it is announced. TJ-te first social servtce on the part of the Scouts was a ~ontribution of $25 to the Florida rehef fund. New members have been enrolled each \\'eek and Lilly May Humphries has been made captain of Troop No.4. October 8, 1926 Rapid Transit Company Kemper Finds Star Wins National Awards Football Player in Velvets Velvets are the most favored fabrics of the season. Being in the limelight, they must be of the finest quality-soft and with erect pile. Mediocre grades are declasse. The Silk Shops are offering the most desirable velvets in all the newest shades. $4.50 to SJ2·50 The Chicago Rapid Transit company has been awarded first prize in a naMrs. Percv Eckart, 206 Cumberlarid tional contest among electrically operroad, Kenil~·orth, returned Thursday ated railroads to determine which comfrom L,a ke Placid. pany made the best record .during. the past year in the field of pubhc relatwns. Announcement that the Rapid Transit lines lead all other electric railway companies in the t:'nitccl States in st imulating public good-will and understanding \\'as made this week in Cleveland. Ohio, at the 1926 national convcntion of the American Electric Rail\\'a\'. association, now in session in that citv . The c-ontest \\·as conducted hy Forbes ~Iagazine under the authority of the executive committee of the American Elect ric Rail\\'ay association. It was open to all electric railway com panic . in the .Cnitcd States. The se lcctio~1 of the wmncr was made by a conumttee of five judges. yd. \Vhen Howard Winberg ·c~rried the ball forty yards for a touchdown and performed other similar feats which aided so materially in his team's \'ictory, 29 to 3. Tuesday of last week. little fear remained on the part oi Kemper ~ilitary academy as· to th e eflicienc\· of thi s year's football team. \VinlH;rg. \\'ho \\'a S one of the organizers and promotors of the Terminal Athletic club of \\.ilmettc, and one of thr best athletes on the north shore. · entered Kemper thi~ iall as a fresh · man. The academy paper la st we ek. sav . . "The combination of Denma n \\;inhcrg, Johnson and Dean ought t ~ makl' · one of th' fastest backfields in the history of the school." ! Press di spatche:-. la st \\'L't' k ir11111 Booneville. ).fo.. 0 11 Kemper\ tir--t I game says:· ·J "Kemper ~~ ilitary acadl'lll.\' trit·d u11t W I mette Man .Rep~esents · . 11 its .t 1J2fJ gr_icliron ~~.1uad h~·rL·. ~~nncla .' . .Harvard 1n B1g Debate i agatn:-.t Jefferson Ctt~· Jumor f!Jgh and I ran up a 29 to 3 score. · 1 \\. Cl · f \\r·1 . D \\'tg 1t . 1apman o t mette, a I " senior in .1 larv ard rollege, has been As onl~ four letter men arc back. at se lected to represent Jlan-arcl 011 the 1 school tin year some f car was t <:1 Harvard (lthating team in its dehatt 1 that the tl'al11 ,,·oulcl lack po"·.~r. 1Jtl \\·ith the L·nin'rsity oi l'atuhriclgc. t() 1 1\\·o lll'\\T(I:ners. Denn1an and \\ tt~h('rg . he held at the Ifan-ar<l Cnion on the both bac\.;~e.l<l !11<.'11, =-h~.'wed cothtq('nt subject of ~orernmental paternalism vs. ground-gammg talent--. indi,·idual right:-.. Chapman. \rho canw --to Harvard frotn the :\c\\' Trier To\\'n - ! RETURNS TO COLLEGE Sllip high SChOol. has been actin· in I John or . ~100re Oi 325 ).fapll' :t\'l' dehating cirri<'S . . inn· his freshman nttc has returned to Princeton tllliHr ~~ ear. having been pn.·sidl'nn of the sity fc1r his . ophomore year. Harvard debating council la st year. . ' _ltl:-.l'ph B. ~farshall. 10-Hl Fltn\\'· llHI ~~embers nl t\\O booths 110\\' pre- ' :t\Tlllll'. · who ;1rrompaniecl hi:-. \\·iie and p~nng for the annu~~l Christmas bazaar ' daugiltC'r abroad t\\'O months agn. la ncl gtven l~y ~he . A.s:--oCiatcd Cuilds of St. td in :;.:l' \\ York City. ~unrlay. } lc " ·i;l Augustme s l·,ptscopal church met for remain in the ea~t ior a short yj ... j· the day \Vedn csday at the home of ' llL·iurc returning t() his home in \\'il ~[rs. I. K. Stover, 10-t~ Ashland aYe - \' mette. ).!r> ~l.arshall and ~l_i :-.s. B~· [t~. ntte. arc relllammg m France untd ::--pn 11 · 1 1 1' Wtn · berg 0 f Wt·[ me 11 e 1 ·.~· ; ... WILt.· Dl PJ.I'-Ia SPECIAL! An exceptional quality of soft all silk velvet, sheer enough to smock. Black only. ../ $7.50Yd. 5,000 yards of washable fiat crepe in shades for evening and street dresses and for underwear. $1.95 yard. Original Imported Models For Immediate Requirements or to Your Individual Order THE SILK SHOPS Iq_EaSt Madis_on Street ttiiiinEwnlJun Ill 16)8 Orrington Ave. 6~treet at Woodlawn Avenue EDGAR A .STEVENS. INC. , 660 Rush St., at Erie CHICAGO Telephone: Superior 6965

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