Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Oct 1926, p. 20

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20 WILMETTE LifE October 8, 1926 The Nathaniel C. Thayers, Jr., are week, after selling ·their home at 610 I now established in their apartment in Central avenue, to the William Baythe Linden Crest. Ther moved last liss family of Chicago. r---~~~~~~~~ l ~ l l ll ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ · 600 MICHIGAN BOULEVARD ~ SOUTH CHICAGO ~ PAR~JLG1«~YORK ~ ~ ~l'~~~~ Royal B:ue Salome Velt'et u·ith Ostrich ~ ~ :.~:~:=~~;~~ ~. ~ ~ ~ f A \Vilmette boy, Carl Hall, 14 year:-; of age, of · 809 Central avenue, at the "Cnre~lity" ,,.,~~ the su.l)Je~~ ~~ th~ hig Fall Rally of the Evanston Y. M. Les~on-~c~mot.l 111 all Chtuchcs 0 l'. A. Fridav night, \\'as awarded th Chnst, Sc1ent1st, Sunday. Octol~~r ~· 111 uch prized camp pennant for the The Golden Text was from L ~ hes~ past season. \Yhich is given the hoy salonians 5:21, :·Pr?vc all,. thmgs · "·ho sho\rs the most development in hold fast that wh1ch IS good.. , hi:-, charactn and pcrsonalit~· at tht · Among the citati_ons \\'h1ch com- L'IHl 11 i tlte camp sl'ason. prised the l.esson -Sn ~wn "as the l·-11111 , I;L·) 11 , \\'hirh i:-- located on a . . f r~m t Iw Hll · "I lnn' · l>nutiiul ' · · julting out into Long 1 ) e · ' point lollowtngmade the earth, and created tll<ill UJl!lll ' 1 -\;. }.Ji ·h thirt\· miles north oi · 1 1 1 1 · · · ·11' ct c1t c.d , :..tuskcgon. " 1 c · l · ·j..., popular · 11': , cn:n my tan< s. J,l\ L s . \-\'i\h \\"ilml'ttl' out the heaYen:-;, ancl all tht·lr hos.t IJo,·s. ahout t\H'Itty haYing spent iro111 ha,·e I command,.<!. Look unto . ll1l: t\rO ttl six \\'l'l'k-. under can\·<h therl' s·t\'e<l . past Sl'asnn. . alld l)c )·c · ' ' all the end:-; ot the · t1 tb 15 earth: for 1 am God, and there 1 1:,.. 111 st.ott "Y" \rith its tnvlllbnshill . 1 ·1 - 1? n l ' ' . 1 ., ( I sala 1 "tJ: none esc -· -- · . oi 822 in the hm-:-.' departntent, is tht· 111 The Le_sson-Sermon alw c~tt<.l~.cl l :--t'CtHHl Jargl'-,t i 1; the state. being ex t!le foll?\\'111g passage fr~~~~ 1 .tltc Lh.tts- c~·edl'd only by the Hyde Park ")"'. t1an Sc1ence textbook, !::lc1ence and Health \Vith Key to the Scriptures," ! N T St d t C "( hy :Mary Baker Eddy :"\\'hat \\'e term I · . · - u en . '?UnCI . mortal mind or carnal mind. depend Holds lntbal Meeting ent on matter for _manifesta~ion, is not ! Th . ...:.tlldent council oi ~e\\· TriL·r l\K' d · 11 th a t M 111 d· God ' ~~ or hath I' high L -.chon!. · . · ~ '1 111 · a ·· \\·lnclt 1s thl' qudent ad m~d~, is good, a1_1d ~~mad~ _arl: ~~~\c~ I \'i-.()r.' · hod~· to tbe yrin_cipal. consist cvllls not made and Is not tC,\ (J · · 1 ing oi a reprcsl'ntatt\'e tr()tll each ad 1 ri:--l'r rtHltll. held ih fir-.t llll'eting :..ron ~Irs. Emma Johnson. \rho make~ hl..'r 1 da\· ni tlti-. \reek. home \Vith her d~ttghtl'r .. :..t r:- . A. r.. . I ~~ lht oi l )a· tillll' \\ ;ts l' OibtlllJCd ir l Scama.n of 80~ (.recnleat avenue .. t-. plans oi org;ltlizatillll. ;\s a n·:-;t!lt c,i returnmg to \\ 1lmC'tte next \\'('Ck atter the election ui oftirns. Tohn \\·c~t ,,·a:an absence of six months in the East. l'll'ctecl pr~.·-.icknt. and :..iartha Etzhach , Baltimore and \\'ashington. serrl'tan·. The chairntl'll of the Yari -oous dl'l~·ga tiuns \rill hl' chu:->l.'ll :tt a 1fr. and :..1 rs . Clint C. Jline oi Chi- suh-.equetlt J.lleeting. cago, until the completion of their Ill'\\' Some of the prohlctn:-> t(J hv con:-id . home in Glen Elln1. ,,·ill he the guests l'red 1)\· the ~tt1clent cmmcil for the of 1lr. and ~r r:' .. S. Bigelo,,· Haley of current. yl'ar arc as inllo\\'..;: Parkinl.! 1434 Lake avenue. of student auto1nohilc:-; and the rcgula-oti on of :tu<lcnt tbe of auto. : the hono r :\fiss ~Ian· :..rartin of 1046 Elnn\'OOd study hall: tltl' plan of a\\'ardinl! annuc ente-rtained a grvup of friends athlrtie ;tnd :-chool embknts.. and othe 1 ThursdaY aiternoon of last \n:·ek on the problem~ oi stud('nt arti\·itit'" a:' the _, occasion. of her birthday. ansc. . 1 1 1 1 '---------------1 Christian Science Churches Wilmette Youth Takes Honors at "Y" Summer Glamp 1 1 ~ ~ C0he ~w { Evening Gowns ( t J ~ ( ~I ~ \ \. ~ ) ~ ~ ~ ) Buy"The Wedding Gift" · tn Evanston · A~l the convenie?ce of rrcomm11ntty shopping~ wtth the reputatton and resources of u Our Ch;cago Store " a delightful seleCtion of WORTH WHILE merchandise fronl which a gift can be chosen at a reasonable and consiStent price. SILVER - CHINA . POTTER\' GLASS- LEATHER ~NOVELTIES ~ ou'll find ~- t . Original conceptions in \\ hich unusual fabrics and trimtning are used to give that distinc.. tive touch of style which is so characteristic in the creations of C ~ ~ SPAULDING & .fibchtl{(lt' _ -n Van Buren. CHICAGO H 1636 Orrington Ave. . EV ANSTO~ 'Rue at: ta Patx PARI~ Co ~ ? "Amcica'· For<most F<Uhion Cr""""'" . l ~ )(~~~~~~~~)(

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