Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Oct 1926, p. 18

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18 WILMETTE . LIFE October 8, 1926 Marion M anneru· d Becomes Bride of Minnesota Mat.~. At the Movies Tall cathedral candle~. " ·hite chrysVILLAGE THE:ATE~ anthemmns. and colored asters ,vere , One of the most deltghtful, well gracefully used in dec o ration of the I balanC(·cl, easy-moving comedies the First Methodist cl.mrch oi E,·_anston screen has offered for a, long timl· i~ la st Saturday C\'C111~lg. \\'hen. :nth Dr. "The \Vaning Sex," the Metro-Go ld Ern~st Fr~mont ?'tttle_ rcadmg the wyn-~·layer picture starring .\l'orma serv1ce, 111s~ ~~anon _ fo.tht·.I ~lannerud Shearer. which comes to the \ ' illagt' hecatllc the hrHle ot .-\h·llt Gaylord theatre next Monday and Tucsda,·, Bo\\'e, s~m. of· ~I r. and \I r:- ..\rthur C. October 11 and 12, i~ith 'onrad Xag-~·1 Bo\\'e ot St. fa ttl. as leading man. The bridal g0\\' 11 wa:- \\hilt' sat in _. T\\'o girls a lld a man are the iocal fashioned \\'ith an e1ahorate yoke ot rose point and duche s:-.e tact', with points of the plot. One of the girl-. long slecres. Pearls ed .~..:ed till' ~· oke wants him but doesn't lo\'e him. tlw and lace cuffs and trimtned the \\'aist other, thr hcroille. lon·s him but and skirt. The court train \\·a-. of doesn't \\·ant hi111 because she's nnt white sa tin lin ed with tlc:-h c11lored quitr :-me ni her O\\'n minrl. chiffon. The veil ni tulk had ()rangt· The nwnacC' in this case is the gir l blossoms tucked in it:- iold:-. and a \\·ho ,,·a nt:- hi111 hut doe sn't loyr him cap oi rosepoint ;tnd dudlt'"t' hrl' ShC' plot-; agai nst him . He is ill\·ited HEN you're ilL you go to a doctor. When your held it in plact'. 'l'IH' houqu\'t \\a -. ni tn IH·r homr for dinner and whik tootor knocks. it needs a doctor too. The first tim:? \\'hite roses and nrchi<l-.. thcrr an unfortunate mishap deprirt·, you hear such ~. warning of something wrong, bring your The maid of ltoll<·r. ~~ r-. . Thullla . . ; him oi his trouser s. a compromising car to us. Wolfe, Jr., won· a iroek oi rhilf"" ,,; ... ituati(·~1 and ju~t what tht· girl in lJ g It t Ill cl 0 II C0] (I r a 11 d r; I rr ll' d Jllll k I c 11 d (' d 1I 1r ' h l'. I :-.wert l~ta:-. Cu.dt· rt·:-t· ... .ttl!) .l, ltll· .L 11 k 1 \11 r·l Ltc i;t·r plnttt-r'.., \\·ik:- :trt pur. file IJrl(lc:-matd:-. :\It ...... 1·.1 1' 1 .'t IJ>tt 111 · tttt·rl. h<l\\T\'t·r. !1~· t1H' clt·n·r 1 Ann. -,, .\lr:- .. llan~lrl :\ndn '· ' 11· \It-.... I 11 ..,, r1i h· ·r ri\a l. ;tnrl hn frthtrat i·>t ~Iary Lou~::-t· ~rlteHknhcllll. \\ < 1rt· · ' I·\.· , . '(. tttJl1 . . . (] . ' gowns ot- a detpn tttt·J(,ll Itilt·. I)·I'll\\ tl ' I' Ill' 1 ,J ' \ I t 1t ( 111 .t... · :--'·1 t 1 . . Il t1 1 . l1..t' tt ,1\· 1 \\ t'l'l' 1\' C\11\'vlltntl ;t · · 1 111 1 . I \'eln·t niJhntts cd:...!t·d tIlL' ltt'lll-. "' :til . · 1 the clr~·:-.s t·.., attd lll.'t·ll:. dll 1111 tltv ~~~ Itlt 11 \ 111 a·rt 1 ' 1 11 Jt · " 1 "~'Y tunc:--. Ctrdl' f'li:o-L"· . Dr~_· u\. ru- t·:- .tttd I l r .t·!rl'lit·'t tllnr· \\ill )q· :tr: J.'d·: la\'l'tHkr '-\\t'l'l pt';t ' ltll'ltll·d tlt,t ',,id~·- ,·.tlir,q;Jl r ·'lit ~1 .\ . "l)u 111lll_\' l.rl\ t· ." :1111 1 maids' bouquet :-. l' ·ttllt ltt·\\' rt·t.J. Arthur B. Bo\\'t wa-. ht·, t Jll;ttl. :tt d I I \\ ·,·rllt t -d,i\. () r·t ··ht ·r 13. +l,< the usher:>, \\'arrctt llam hmf.!. llJidlt. t· .-, .lll't t"'.tt··i,,;, ,,jp l.l' "Th~· -...:,J(.;,d 1 \\' ~> lle. Jr .. and _f,lln .\-.hk .\ . 111 -~ll\\.r:lll.t,,, .. \\i:lt ln l111 P ;tt rid;- :111·. I Jmmediately aiter the ('(.'('('111(111)',' a n .. r .. ·lt\ [) v\ tll't'. Tlti.; i . . a [;J,.;(-1111\\'Repair Dept. of Wilmette Mc:>tor Sales reception \Yas held at tht hc1nh: ,,j the ! :1, 1 r· 1t1· ·1h rlr,t1 ll: t, h11i lt ;tr<Jttnrl tlt· · ihride's .[athcr and mothL·r. ~tr . and ~[r -,. l'fT ·rt- <·f ;1 ,nu 11 :.! rl'pnri<'r tn ~-aptm v 5 15 4th Street Phone WiL 636 1John C. ).lannerucl. 811 J{rdgt· :t\l'lltlt', ., 1" .. ri,. 11 .. 1 t1·tl i1. ;1nrl i-.. fttll "' hll!...!lli Evanston. ·, ·1 't· :·i... T!J .. ,.,. \\'.i ll ;t) .. ,, IH · :t car · j .A f t e r !' et tJ rn j II g ~ ~· 0 Ill t ~H.' ir \\ t' dd iII g t ,1 r'11 I', 111 11· rh . " ~ r t'1' ' ;t11 d tlH' . p ir it · ." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ trtp tel ~?rtlJC~Il \\ t~C<·tt:-111, tilt' yutlll~ :trl·! :t l 1 ~l lt1 · l't '\'l t'\\ . 1 ·j PC?Pie mil. rcs1dc at fntnlacht·n !'ark. TlH · n1,11 .. J. 1 , Fair h; 111 1.:.., '-Crn·n in i ~ll.nneapolts. \\'here ~lr . Bo\\L' Ita, 1, ., " f) ,." ()_. ~" 11 c,j /r.rrn .. . cn 111 i11 c.: 1 bt11lt a. home. 1,. thl' \ ;11 : 1· ·, · dw :ttr(' 1111 Thur ·c .1a,·.· f-'t· i d; I \ ; Ill I l S; t 1111' rl ;I \. , (} (' t I ,j I t'r 1-t, 1.~ Resident N ortlz Shore Funeral Director ~frs. Ellen Casey and ::.on . .- \ugu :- tu . . B. Case,· of Pa ·adc.na. formnh- of \\'il - :tnt! lf, , i- :1 -. J1Prt·lltt· 1llt·lorlra1n :t. Tt :, ;t,· 111ndcr11 -.1 n·. bid in Sp:tin . mctte, visiting ).Irs. C. _( Carl -.l' ll ,,1 ·1, 'n11 . . 1 (·'i tltt · ;tct icn t takin:..: phet· I c.f 501 \Va shing:ton a \·enue. Twenty-two years of sucin \I :tr lr ;rl. cessful profe ssional service.' .\ r t i1 t1 1 ph 1,. " it h 1ig h t n i Ill!' c; \\'1 1r d Personally recomn1ended by nlaY. .;t unt-.. ;-tthletir arhie\'cllll'll l. Chas. A. Stevens of Chicago h1't.l1<· r :tnd r(llltantic nH'l'!' t' Cl·a.;;t· lc ...... h· . anci a host of .others whom Tht· . , ,·t·nir k1rkt·rot11HI is tltc llltl . . t t'LtlH· ra tt· and prete ntio11..; i111:tl..!'illahk we have served on the north irP' th·· nnind . F:tirhank-. lt·;Jl'~ a-. it shore. · \\·e rr from ra.;; tl r to Cl'-tle. . The t'l(J! ;.., founded 011 "O,ln ()', \Ve personally attend all T.nn· Stnn" J.,· .K. and lT<' . . kt'th Pri rlt calls, rendering the most ;-~rd. :Jdan1t·d ior tltt· -,cn·en hy Ja ck careful, courteous and conCttnninl.! ham . scientious service. Mrs. The ...;tory pc,-,itivt'h· Jta.., n:->thin·· !1· Commencing tlr, \\'itll tht· ( ·<·n·attl('-. ht·rn. "Dr 111 Lewis attends to all ladies' 011i~otc" r1r lti-. \\'llldmill trntthle .... and children's calls. -~ \L1n· .-\ . . tr,r. ,· o un ~. lwautiinl and :tt' cnmpli-,ht·d. ha . . tltt' kading fv111ini1 t' 1('. Private De Luxe 6th. 7th and 8th Grades · rn To contpl!'tl' tlH· hill then· \\ill In· · Ambulance Service High School a llt'\\' lnk\\'c11 r:tr!Olltl calt,·d "\·au(k ....,._ \'ille." and ·a P:~the nr\\' . . rl't·l. The growing demand for :\monL..' tht· big- pictures to he ..,)W\\'11 prompt and reasonable ambuat thr \ ' illa~..:t· theatn in the llt'ar fu ture are "Yariety" anr\ "~vf rn nf Stet'!." lance ser\'ice has made it ·nec- W Repair Work Done Quickly, Satisfactorily, Economically 1 · · Miller & Miller "Equipment equals AMaintenance" 1 FREDERICK E. LEWIS .I . are I~~~~~#########~,,. I Parent-Teachers Dancing Classes Thursday, October 14th cessarv for us to add to our Li11tm;sine Equipment, an Invalid Coacll which is the last word in Ambulm1ce Service. Located in \Vilmette. Our Display Rooms Are Complete Our Motto: "Golden Rule" ~1kS. Friday, October 15th up to, and including 4th grade and 5th ·grade., L. L. Lod\\'ick nf Centen·ilk. lo\\·a. arrived in \Villn ctte \\.<·dnr~cl;t\' rn· ning to join hi:-. \\'iic +at the h ~mr oi her parents. ~f r. and ).f rs. D. II. Nich ola s of Rlo Forest annuc. ~~ r. Lod wick will onh· make a short visit. hut Mrs. Lodwick. who ha s been here sonH time, will remain a month longer. F. E. LEWIS Llldy Attendant Residence Phone Wilmeue 3 S S 1 FREDERICK E. LEWIS Parlor Phone Wilmette . 3 5 51 Edwina Martine Weclder Teacher n·o·· "rn.....u.. &4147 DR. FRANK B. ERWIN 'l'.. J.. I----------....: ,.*'~:~:. ~:::~,~:~,,.] 7our be·t frleada t·e "Doa' aad Cat" All eall· He·ITe · 7 JH!rae··' atte·tlo· 110ft 'RIIII'I ATe. WDa.ate. IL ~e .. lnllal·a' Ia ··· tftlltaeat of VETERINARIAN

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