Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Oct 1926, p. 17

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October 8, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 17 d a y a t 7 :30 p. m . Bowling and basketball Miss Ethel Berger of Kenilworth en- Miss Beatrice Metzel and her bridal for older boys and m e n Tuesd a y night. Miss Metze l is to marry toThe sermon subject announced for next Gen eral r ecrea tion for older g irls Thurs - tertaip ed at a dinner dance· at Indian party. Sunda y · m orning a t 11 o'clock is quite day night. G irl Scout m eeting and r ecHill club Thur s day e v e ning in honor of morrow. ou t of ·t h e ordina ry. It is a sermon on r eation Frida y 7 :3 0 p. m . J)Oetr y. This will be an inte r esting prese n tat ion . T h e Presb y t eri a n church is locate d at the corne r of N inth str eet a n d G r ee n A not h er fine m u sical .Prog r am for next leaf ave nue. S u n day sch ool 9 :30 a. m. Su nday morni ng as fo llows: Or gan P r e- Church service at 11 a. m . .Ju nior church ludt>, Jnd ian S u m m e r Sk t>tc h by B r e wer· 11 a. m. C hris tia n E n deavor 5 :3 0 p. m . Anthem, Bt: hol<l God is nr~at, by . Nay~ ~ lo r ; Anthem, T he Shadow of T h y Wi n gs, ~ l 1:.· Andrt·\\'s; Or~an Ot'ff· r tnrv Lttn nv II\" Tenth Street and Central Avenue RhubL·rt Contra lto Solo, Ey·~: Hath· ·Not (St. .Joh n 's L u theran.) W il mette and § !-;l'~;>n, by (;aul, sung by, Mrs . Ganno n ; Pa rk av<·nuPs, \Vi lm<'ttE· ·. Her man § SERVICES I Jrg·; lll J'ostltH!t- , F u ll< Song·, IJy .:\'i1·odt·. Meycr, :\J. A. )mstor, 406 Prai r iE> a\·f' nut>. ~ Presbyterian Church r··~~;~;:; ~~:;~ .. . . .:;. .~~;~:;·~. . ;:::;~~ I WILMETTE, ILL. St. John's Lutheran \Y. I ·p hon(' Thc·rP is an irwrt>asing intf·r<·st in tlw Tt> l< study of the parables of Jes us, which we !I :30 a. ar<> fo llowing- in our \V<·dn{·sday midclasses. WI't·k nw<:ting. Th e hour is 8 p. Jn . !'I :45 a. 11 :00 a. Sunday, OC'tob<·r 21, is Roll Call day in our chu rch. Our .Junior l'hUr(·h nwt for tlw fir~t tinw l a~t S u nday mo r ning wit h an attt ·ndanC't' of about fifty. The childr en, n:w.ny of whom ha\"l· u n usua l ability, part IC'IJ>atf ·cl In tlu· prog-ram with a splPndid spirit. Enthu~ia!-"m for anrl inte rPst in th~!-1 t lwir own org-nniz~ltion, was very ··\·tdt·nt. Th(· .Junior <'h u rch m<>Pts at 11 o'l'!o(·k in tlw .Junior .·\ ss,·mb ly room each Sunday mornin~. A ll chi ldn·n ar<>. In\'itPd to at(1·n1l. Tlw l<·~td(' r for next Sunclay ,.,.· ill lw .\llt·n Ogilv it·. Subjtoct, ".Ttosus. Our H· ·ro ," , 't·rnwnd hy ~Ir. .\ . L. ~ l ill1 · r . 1 ~%. Church telE·ph onf' !<U : It \ . H . ES :n I 1. ~-;= =~ - SUNDAY SERVICES-11 A. M. m . Sunday school and Bibh· Wednesday Testimonial Meeting-S P. M. Sunday School Exercises 9 :45 A. M ~ m. First serYiCA an<l s£· rmon. m. Second sen·ice and s e rmon. Subject of the Leaaon Sermon , , ··~ ET I '"C i looi TuPs<lay at i :4ii o'<'lock: \'f1te rH' mE::<:t- I= _ October 10, 1926 ARE SIN, DISEASE AND. DEATH lng. Monday an(l Friday at 4: C'hildrrn's classes. Th u rsday, Ortob(·r 14 : Thf- BiblP Hour a t 7 : 45. REAL? READING ROOM-1163 WILMETTE AVE. HOURS : (except Wednesday and Saturday) 9 A . M. to 6 P. M. Wednesday 9 A . M . to] :45 P.M. Saturday 9 A . M . to 9 P.M. Tlw Lutheran c·xposition whi C'h will Nnurac<' all t he phasr·s of rhurch work wit h in th e ~.fi ssouri Synod of the Synodi<'al C:onfPr£·nC'<' of Xor t h .Amt- r ica, · will \w OJWnNl on Saturday and S u nday n f'xt. l"'- g-r Pat arr ay of <>x h ihits of f'Yf'ry kind The Public ia cordially inmed to attend the Church Senic.. and (l<'s(' ription may be S<'f'n th <> rf'. TlwrP · and visit the Readina Room will b·· thrf'f' programs on Ntrh of th!l'hri~ti ;t n Endt·a \·or m f· f·tingat ii:~l) 1 two days. ·rh:· ]H'o,gram f~>r Satur day · tupil' is i C'a ll s fo r a. children s m f.·f'tm,g on Sa t- ='·tullllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lll lllllll lll l lll l:lll l lll l l ll l lllllllll ll llllll llll llllll l lllllllllllllll llllftllllll'lllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllflllllllllllllllllllll~ll-..~ ··' I'}!J('k Sunday ··\···ning-. Th 1 "( 'oop.·rati<m" and tlH· Jt.adPr -:\riss :\far- urday mornmg at. 10 at whiC'h O\'P r a i<tn S:t\·iJI 1·. '1'111- ('hri stian End··avor so- tl1 "'~~·1 nd 11f thv t·~lldrr:n of tlw Lut~Han , . i·· t~· has tak· ·n on nt· w lift· and f·nthusi- Par1~h. sC'honls w.lll smg·. All C'h !ldrro n ;1~m r··.' -'lllting in a flH·itl· ·d in<'rt ·a sf· in are. mvitPcl for th1s pr·>gram, as weiJ as lii· ·JlfhiH 't' ti H· lr par··nt!'. On Satunlay aftt>rnonn ' · t lH·r· · will h f· a ~!)l · l'ii'l p r ogram ft,r tlu· \\"OllH·n of till' C' h\lrdl })ar tiru larly tJH · Th, .\ n· ~ ' " ····I ·.', ~llpltt·J' ;iJld J.!.··t-lii- La<lit~~· Ai<1 ~ . and on Saturday <>n·ning a C· ·tlH ·J' la~t lli~ht \\';t~ Wt ·ll :llti ·THlo ·<l . prllgTa m will h" giH·n for all th f> younp: T lli~ i ~ th· · fin:t ,,f a numh<·r of sncial n r· op!f' nf tlw ('hurrh. )fany promin( ·nt and ro·t'l'· ·a ti " n :tl pr o~ rams }Jlannt·fl for ~twakt · rs from th r· Jait~· of tlw rhurrh lit II ' :.· , ·un g Jl··· qd· · this y(·a r. will at1(h"(·~s tl H' gatlH ·ring. Sunday ralls for a trrtTPlc·rs' Sl·n·iN' in th <> mornin~. Tlt··n · i~ to lH · a Hally mt·!'ling of all a mission J)l'OP:t'am in thf' aft<'rnoon, and :-:unfl :1y ~<'llOro l ~Up· · rintt · IHl· · nt~ . offiN·l's n n inspirationl'll Sf'n·icP in th ro ('\'f·nine:. and l·· r~r·llt· r s ,,f tlw .:\'r.rtlnn ·~ t suburban · f!oth tl11· T1·ar·h··rs' rhorus and th e Barh !'r· ·sl,q, .r! :t n l'hurdw~ in tlw First Prt·s- <· h orus " ·ill Rinrr. Aclmi!"sir·n is fr Pf' , and !.q, ·rian ,·hun·h "f E\·a nstrJil , ::\Inn<lay, nn invitation p:ot·s out to all to att Pn<l any or all of tlWRP programs. and parti r u' '·'t nll··r 11. at ';' : 4:i p. m. l:tr!Y tllf' (·xhihit-: . Th f' latt<·l' will lw :-:und;ty. t"ll'tr,J,. .r ~ t , at 11 ~>'cloC'k will g·iYt;n in thr- Exhibit rooms whil f' aiJ th1: 1,.. I:"li ('all. JH'Og't'ams will hf' gi\· pn in tlw la r p:f' banqud hall. on tlw mt·?.zanin· · flo f ·l' of tlw 1 Frida~· t·\·, ning at 7 :~ 0 <1ttr (;irl S1' 0Ul Hotd Sh c·rman. I tr""Jl will ht · org-anizt ·ll. A HUmbt·r of ·~i rl~ 11 :1\· · :tln · <~d .' · rt ·~ i ~· t· · t·l'fl. .\ 11 girl ~ l'la~:;:;r·~ fm· tlw l'hri~t ian Nluration flf wh o wi sh to join art· in\'itc·1l to ronw .·\t r llildrf' n nH·d f· \"f' rY )fonday an<l Friday thi~ lllt ·ding· a d..tinitt · <lay and hour will at 4. All <'hild r"n lwt WH' n tlw agr·s of ht· ~ ,.( f,r tiH· I't ·p:ttlal' W(·t·kJy tnl·f'tinp: . .-\ 7 and 111 an· im·itC'd to attt>ncl . nan11 · an<l a tr11op motto will h selected. The· R ibl f' Ho u r fo r Adu lt!':· bt>p:ins <·n :-;un<la~·. 0f't"her 24, at 11 o'clock w ill Thursday nc·xt at 7 :Hi o'clork, sharp. h·· Holl C'a 11. Daily The Bible and Works or Mary Baker Eddy and all other authorized Christian Science Literature may be read, borrowed or purchased. Mason Wins ··· a 11 Auto Races at the 1 ir111 rn· ·" (,f th· · ('hun·h and t·ongn·g·,tart · a s kt ·d to nwd in tht· rllurl'h 11flit'( · nt ·xt S u n<lay at 10 a. m. for thf' purpns·· of rt·orp:anizinp: tlw f'la)o:s . Plan>-: fnr ntllf·r acth·iti1·s fo r t h f' men w ill also IJ,. <'11l1!··d<lt ·rl ·rl . All out· nwn should at' t·IHl. Tip · 'j,f r. an(l rs. \\' ill iarn Palm e r low oi, De t ro it have announced t he hirth of a da ug hte r Sat urd ay. Oc to- · her 2. at the Eva n sto n hospital. 1f r s. \ Vin slow was ).f iss Vi r ginia Bey m er . io r me rl y of \ Vi lme tt e a nd of Gl e n coe. T he Bcymcr s a re n ow liv in g a t t he T lw n · ~ul.tr nwl'tin~ nf t he \ Voman's snt·i··IY at tlk l'lltlrch T u c·sday, OctobE'r Orrington h o te l. 1 ~ nt to o'dfH'k. Lu ndwon HPrYt'd at 1 ~ h:.· ~pnk t · 7, -:\ Trs . P. .T . Lann(·n in f'!1<1 rgt·. ~ Ti ~~i"na ry progra m in the .a ft· ·rn onn at 1 :1 :i, in chargf' of :\frs. B . V . Younglwrg-. To J)iC' is "Follow ing the J'l,. n gh in I n1lia" by :\Irs . .J. B. BartholTn t· w . ~f \Vin:;- ~i Cook County Fair .. DR. ARTHUR H. TUTTLE DR. ALICE D. TUTTLE Osteopathic Physicians 01:1 C «>ntrnl By Vis the Super-refined Pennsylvania Motor Oil. This is an unusual performance for a straight petroleum product, and now you can be sure! No need to worry about the quality of the oil you put in your car ... Use Hy Vis. ~IIJHla~· . 1 kli·IJ· ·r I" · I ~till l'a II. :!.J, at I 1 o'C"lock w ill R e sid e n ce a nd Otftce An·uue Phone 300 t; G,I'IIJIIIJII'll ll'l ' 'lll'l l llll" ll ll ll ' l 'l l " ll'l ' l ll 'mrrmrrrrw' l" l llli'l'l'llll'ln' tl lll'w rr l" llll l lllll'lll"" a' "' runnmoll'l""'"l'll"l 'orir ·t oroou'!' ~· l The Fact Is the real advantage of a Photograph lS that there is no gift one can give that is quite so personal. Distributed by It's not too early to think of Christmas portraits. Make an appointment now and miss the season rush. Village Filling Station Hoyburn ~uilding 615 o ·avis Street I · For Appointment Call Univ. 2238 531 Main Street ~~gg~~~~~~~~~~'lll'~'~~l~l"l!P~

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