Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Oct 1926, p. 16

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16 WI L M E,..,.T T E L IF E October 8, 1926 ENTERTAIN STAFF :Mrs. Mary DeLong of 1626 Wilmette Hill and Stone entertained fourteen avenue, who was confined to her. home of t heir sales and office force from ~or the past week becau.se of 1llness, their Wilmette, Winnetka and High- Its now able to be up agam. land Park offices, at dinner at the Or-~ -orington hotel, Evanston, Monday eveTed \\.eir was the week-end guest of ning of last week. E. \V. Estes of 1626 Wilmette avenue. t·····.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,.,,,,,,,~.#########.,, ..,,,.,,,,,,####~1 Our Cleaning Ser<Uice Domestic Rugs Oriental Rugs Drapes Tapestries Pillows · ·· · Efficiently r e a c h .e s the entire North Shore. No matter what the article is to be cleaned, we car. do it satisfactorily for yoJI. Suits Overcoats Evening Gowns All Clothing Furs and Hats wu. PhOilf'S 36! rnh·. Ht:.~ JACK U. IPJIAN, 1\lgr. ·· · 1738 Sherman Avenue One Hlock North or Post Officf' CLEANING-PRESSING~T AILORING-REPAIRING I n ·ctor :-:pt·nt \\~t'Cllw:-:da~· nnd 1 .. T 1 . . . k . t n conft·rcnc e \ mas~ mec·tmg of U. "· C. .JUt lt·r.ln ,.. . 11 · 0f ; f \ ~s ~\t:·:" . ·~ nt Hacinl' wiii take plaN· a:t thf' Central Y. :\f. C . ,\ 0 t 11 (1 ItH t · t H 1 1 ' in Ch . i('ago, \\'ednesoay, Of'tob1·r 1:~. at ' ~ "Is. o'clock . This m~~eting will b·· ht ·ld in 1 thP inU·J"Cf;t of o ur Innf'r ::\fission work ~1 r. and ~~ r;o; . \\' alter Schroedl'r ut Ht·\·. Da\'id . .:\. Dn.vy, f<?r many Yt'<lr ,. ~ pastor of rllltY church, Will ~)(' tlw 111'\\'l ·. l'.ast lhtcago. Ind .. ~pent Sunda~ a~ 1t'lt·ctHl supPrint1·ndt>nt of tlm; lm)lfrrta nt the guest:-; oi the Paul Schroeder fam- phas·· of <'IIri!-ltian activity. ih· in the Linden l'rl'~t apartml'nb and ! Tlw 1 ThurH<.~I): o~. < !H,..,:- Greenleaf and Seventh Sunday October 10, will be the nin~ Wllllam Guise, pastor. teenth su'nday after Trinity. There WI~ S('r\'iet'S for October 10: be Holy Communion at 8 a. m., Chu~c ~'The Parable of the Good Samaritan·· schools at 9 :45 a. m., a nd mornmg will be the message at the worship, hour , praye'r with address at 11 a. m. 11 o'clock. 1.'his will be the first of a series on the Parab~ es of J esus. Our The regular wN·ktr meeting. of the As- Lord was a master m the art of stor~· sociated Guilds of \\'omen Will be held telling. His parables have s tood t h· · today from 11 a. 111 ., at the C lub Hous(', test of ninetc~ n centuries. 112fi Wilmettl> awnuP, with lunc~eon at noon. ~ew membt·rH of the pansh are Bible school at !l :45. Sickner-;s kept ~w\· especially invited. eral famili('S away last Sunday. Howen;:r, we anticipate th1·ir return on tht· Sonw twt·ntY nwmhers of th(' F 'a!ICY D y I I .. "o. t·k c·otntllJ.tt;..... of the AssoC'iated GmldH coming Lord's ay. oun~ pcop ' atH ·\ " I adults arc ln\'itcd to tho B1ble clas:;:. 'Rpt·llt \\' pdnt·Hday of thi!' Wf'l'k at ::\ l'f;. l. K. Ston-r's residence· at 1 04fi Ashland The Luth 'l' league will meet at til' a \ 't'I1Ut', preparing for the bazaar . parRonagc·, ii21 . Sen·nth stre>C't, Friday Among· thos~: from St . .:\u~·ustitw's who l'\'f'ning- of this week. Th_,. young· I>t'OJ)I· · attt·ndt·d the recqltion g·in·n t_o th' Lord and their friends arc lnvtted. Bishop of London :\Innd:~y nig-ht. aii. t~1(' 1 The Junior choir will mcl't Satur(llF Hotel LaSallt>, wert' ?llr. ,wd ~Trs. ld. afternoon at 1 :30. The boys and girl \Vilson, ::\Jr. and ::\In;. RobPrt Sto< ~'lfr .' ~viii note the change from tht· morning :\[r. and ~lr!'. I. K. Stowr, ?llr. a nc1 ·' rs. l . Lestt·r \\'oo<l, ~Tiss H. JlillikPr. ::\Trs. hoUT. _ SC'ott, .J. A. :;;tolbt·rt, anrl Dr. and ::\frs. The adult choir will mC<·t rq~ularl y l'arldon. _ t·ach· \YNlnest!HY PY(·ning at 8 o'c lock. 1 St. Augustine's Church English Lutheran = d. I . ' ' . . 'I . 'I I . - · of ~frs ..-\nna Schroeder in Kenil\\'orth. ' ANNOUNCING "Line ·Day" -AT- SEWING FOR ALL Frida,·. Oct(lher 15. i:-; the next al l day ~e,~· ing meeting IJC"Id by the ph : la11thropy department ni the \\'oman · club !li \\'ilnldll', comml'nring at }1 . o'L·Iock in the morning. Luncheon i "l'n·ed at 12 J() o'clnck. The \\'nrk wi l' hl· d<JJll' ior the Economy Slwp. Thn~ t i 11 t e r t' :-.ted Ill a y j n i 11 t h cs e 'n' i 11 g groups a11rl need not he mt·nJhn-. 1·· the \\"oman's cluh. Chicago and 11l'arby alumnae 11f t :ll C'nllege ior \\'onH·n, \\'('~tern Ht ·:-; t'f \'t unin·r~it,· . IH·Id thl' f1rst Junc!H·<·ll t· , thi:-; year· at thl' Collq:.;c rluh in Chi ca go la!-~t Saturday. ~~ rs. \\'illian1 lLt ~ .. oi \\'ilnH'tte, ~frs . John Hill, ionnL· rl ~ oi the Yill:tge. and ).t iss Annl' \\'hit ' 111ack oi \\'ilmette. are anwng till' twr t 1 s hnrt· ;tl umn ;"H' (I i t hi~ col kge. i - o).fr. and ~fr;-;. H. D. Smith ;tre .~J\' 11 1 ~ , a dinnl'r part\· for fiftv relatiH'., and : friends thi s t\:l'lling at ·tiH·ir holllL'. /(\f , l E!t" m\'Ood aYcnue . . in honor ni th t' ir sii\'C'r \\'edding anniYersary. 1 1 Le Mousquetaire Snowshoe Al Saturday, October 9th, froq1 10 a.m. to 12 a.m. R. H. L. (Conductor of uLine o' Type or Ttvo" Chicago Tribune) Snowshoe Al Le Mousquetaire (Contributors) Marjorie' F. W. Good Old Fashioned HONEY and HOREHOUND will relieve that cough or cold. Nyal Honey and Horehound Compound con, tains ingredients that are well :tnd favorably llnown for the treatment of coughs, colds. bronchitis, hoarseness, loss of voice and certain minor throat affections It is sold on a money back guaranty to satisfy. ALL IN PERSON R. H. L. of a uLine o' Type ot Two" accompanied by his three best sellers Snowshoe AI, Le M ousquetaire and Marjorie F. W. will be at Chandler's from 10 to 12 a.m. Saturday, October 9th. 1 Two sizes-2;c, 50C A rate opportunity to secure autographed copies of Snowshoe Al's HBedtime Stories fot Grownup Guys, and Le Mousquetaire's uSongs in Silhouette," Marjorie F. W.'s ~~Alchemy., Ridge Ave. Pharmacy C. C. ItF.NNJ~CKAR Opr,osite St. Joseph Church Phone 816 ,

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