14 WILMETTE L.IFE . iii ttill October 8, 1926 = · Saturday afternoon October 2, at child study and training, wil1 speak on Wilmette Baptist "The Child in Present Day American I church was the scene of another au- Life" at the opening meeting of the tumn \\:edding. Miss Grace Georgia Central Cou' 1 Cq of Childhood EducaReid, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George tion, to be held in Fullerton hall, of I Edward Reid. and RaYmond Durham· the Art institute, Chicago, at 10:30 Stephens, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. o'clock Saturday morning, October 16. Stephens of Huhhard \Voo~ls. were Dr. O'Shea holds the position of united in marriage by the Rev. Francis Professor of Education in the Cnh·erC'. Stifler. The bride, who entered on sity oi \Yiscqnsin, and is recognized as the arm of her father. wore a gown of an international authoritv on child white georgette over white satin and study and training. He has lectured carried a shower bouquet of \\'hite extensively. both at home and abroad. roses and valle.v lilies. Her cap veil and is the author of numerous books, of tulle, fastened to a hand of real ~ome of the hest 'known of which are. lace, \\'as held in place with a cluster "Dynamic Fa<:tors in Education," "So:o f orange blossoms. · cial Development and Education," The maid of honor, \I is:-; Viola Reid. "First Step!' in Child Training-," "Ev.;;ister of the bride, and the bridesmaid, eryday Problems in Child Training" and \fiss Gladys Johnsnn of Chicago, her "Our Children." He is also editor and cousin. \\·ere similarly go,yned in joint author of "The Child. His Nature dresses of harmonizing !'hades oi rose and His Needs," c·o mpiled hy the Chitgeorgette and silk lace and \\'Ore gold dren's Foundation for the purpo. e of kid slippers. Thev carrird bouquets presenting ·in readable form the knowlof pink rosec; with lace frills. Brttv <·dge which has been acquired hy Gehert. daug-hter of 1f r. and ).f rs. A.. scientists and specialists in various E. Gehert. was the little flm,·er girl. , fields of child education .. Her dainty dress was of pink georgette The meetin~· is open to the public. over white satin and she carried a gilt and any one interested in education is I basket of pink roses. cordially invited to attend the lecture. George Harold StePhL·ns sern.·d his hrother as !)est t_nan. Robert ~tephens. I A g-roup of iriends gave a surpri-.e I Herbert W. Re1d. Han·"·y .\. Kowen party Thursday evening in celebration "ere thr usher:'. of tht' elcn·nth ,,·edding anni\'ersary oi 1 1 :-\ft.er a recrptinn ,~t th~ homr of the I ).f.r. a.ncl \frs. Freel Krallllll('ll of 1228 tmde s pan·nt-;, 921 I V\l'llth -.treet, ~r r. \\· ash111gton avenue. ;Jnd \frs . Raymond Stt-phens left for --- \fichigan, \\'here they are spending I their honeymoon . l"pon their rrturn tllr)· \rill he at the hnme oi the groom'~ I parl'nts. 1..J33 Ashmy an·nue. Huhharcll \\"o ods. . · Wilmette Girl and Gi\fea Lecture on Child Hubbard Woods Man Nurture Saturday, Oct. 16 Dr. M. V. O'Shea, well known auW ed L ast S aturday thor and lecturer' qn the subject of 4 :30 o'clock, the This Is the North Shore's of Sterling Quality Enters I Dr. and \Jrs. R. ]. Daris. 721 I·:Jm'rood a\·enue. have retumed after a ..:ummer's absence. Part of the ·season ·ras spent at Crystal Lake. ~fich., and the remainder on a trip t::> Alaska . . -o- \Iiss Irene Estes ui 1(>26 \\'ilmrtte aHnuc had as her guest Sunda,·. 11 r. and ~Irs. H. A . Arnold. 11r. and ~Irs. Harry Olsen and their son. Pickard, an(.l \Yalter Pauls:)ll of Suring-. \Vis. Finest Quality Crepe Satin and Canton Crepe-$2.65 yd. Fashion has no fabrics favored more than these -~ and Rosenberg's know of no price lower for silks of this qualitv. Every color to please fashion's whim is here- the deep reds , ·rhe rich brown~ and the blues and greens. Fabrics- Secona Floor I Sale Slip..on Doeskin Gloves P·ERFECT VISION as well as relief from head aches. pains in th~ eyebalJ, smarting eyes and dizzy spells may be obtained from properly fitted glasses. The First Time at $1.95 Women's washable genu 1 n e doeskin gloves-all white and white with colored stitching. Also one-clasp doeskin gloves in white and natural. A price surprisingly low. 1 Gloves-First Floor Exceptional! Phone for an appointment. Wilmette 2766 If you want a berter water wave than any marcel you rver had. without the incon venience. or fuss. or untidiness occasioned at the Hairdresser. get a set of ANNA GREENWITCH Water Wavers that look in position, and wave your own. Women's Silk Chiffon Hose In the Anniversary Sale Drs. 95c / Bersch & Stone Optometrists r1 .,., Single Waver, SOc Set of 6 for $2.75 Wilmette Ave., Wilment Snider-Cazel Drug Co. Phones: 400 These are semi-fashioned hose silk to the hem-very sheer and beautiful-hose that sell for con- · siderably more under ordinary circumstances. The new shades. Hosiery-First Floot " Hrs. 8:30 A. M. to 5 :3o f. M. Evening· by Appointment and 401 Central and Wilmette Aves. I ~~iii!! .. "II '!filii