Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Oct 1926, p. 13

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; Oc_ t ober 8, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 13 NORTH SHORE TO VIEW ~~§§.§:<-§~~=~-~-~=:-!§~~ = ~§§·~ = ~~~-=-~~=~~ BEnER HOMES EXHIBIT Time to Have YoUr Transmission Highland Park Woman's Club Sponsors Unusu_al Exposition October 13 to IS One of the most notable projects t>ver undertaken by a woman's club in the tenth district is the forthcoming Better American Homes exposition · llO\\" being promoted by the Highland Park \\'oman's club. The club building ll\\·ned by this organization at ~hcridan road and Elm place, in Highland Park, will house the exposition (Ill October 13, 14 and 15. This is an enterprise ·of considerable magnitude ~nd all plan s arc about complPted for ir:-, success. Forty Exhibitors and Differential Drained and Flushed Draining and Flushing to Refill with Winter Oil 4 Our Call-For-And-Deliver Greasing Service Here is the added convenience of having yonr .car tal.en and brought back to your door, without an added cost. This service with our high standard greasing methods. ! To do this job most effi · ciently we have installed a New Fry High Pressure Flusher. \Ve can render the speediest and · most thorough work of this nature. B,oth floors of he building art> being dc,·ott:d to the purposes of the exposition anrl about fortv exhibitors in all ha,·e bought space for the distday oi their products. The main auditorium floor has been given over almost entitch· to the more decoratiYe ~11HI beautiful . anpurtcnance . of the ll! llllt:. and munilcrs among its exllibit··r ' the following-: l.\·on & Ilcah·, The \\·. P. 0:"tlson C!o llipan~-. John A. C'nlby & Son~. \Yaltn ~~ - \\'arrl'n & Sons. C. G. EHr:-.on ;11 . d rompan~- . Brandt Lin<:n company, P::.-ntelt Products co111pany. Crane C··l npany. ~cholll' Furniture cnmpan~- . \" al Ji1.,dan & Bros .. The Ilttb, Compton's P · ~ ~ ttrt · l·: ncyrlopedia. l'l'lotex cnmp.til~-. Jl artnJ ;tn Trunk con1pany. C. D . .\ l.tcp lt n :-.Dll, Illinoi~ Lii<: In~urance t .. lll pa 11 ~ ·. 14 2 8 Sheridan Road, · Distributor just South of "The Cottage" Just phone us Wilmette 3 3 7 9 Stephen Shi~nonek Jr. GASOLINE AND OILS On Basement Floor til t· ha:-.tllltllt flo () r are iound the 1!. o rt· 11 ilitar ian appliance-:-.. di ~ playl'cl ], . t ll' f n I k)\\ in g r n n r n n s : l;o!JJt ~, · phon Rdrii.("LTator, Fn·r I!. ·Ji ll' L' tilit: t · ~ . Tlll' ~t n \'(: r cnmpat1y. F ··il! idairt·. "Kl'h·ina 1()f. :\ < ·rt 11 Shore (: 'I' l'Olll pan\' ..\ B r ()j) Burnn~. ~id k\ llon H· t · t ilitil". \\'j)., tl ll & ~cptt. C ·-.tll t ' rC· Jn;u n~ - . Publi c St·n·irt: rom p <il_\ . Ki tclJ t·!l .\icl Tll :tnui a ctnring. Ctllll p.t ll_\ . .\I L· Ih-:t !nt· ()j) Burnn l'!lrp nra ·i ,ll i. Puro Filtn~. Jf. :\. Bb:..;ith com !' tn y. T·:<hnrd ~trt·n _l.(" n. \'ic C. Killian. lll c . l{nyal \'aruunt Ckann. n_ K. \ ' : l l'lltllll B r 11 "h. I >1 1 Backed by Federation :\lth (o\lgh the \\"Clrk r,i prollltltion j, }, l· inl!· done hY t IH' fi nanre ronJnlit tn· ni tht· Tlit.d!l;tnd P;1rk \Yo1nan\ club. i: i:-- aJ~.;o , in line \\·ith tlw lllo:--t inl port ant ctttT<'Il t project of t hP General Ft·cleratinn oi \\'oman's clubs thr<Htl.!hout the countn· in strr:-;:-~ing the · Yaltte . of the Amrricai1 home. L'luh \nlmen eYery,Yhere arc urged tc· :-uppnrt tlli.; project by their interl'~t ;tnd attendance. A nmninal admis~ion chan!e. i" being- made to the g-erH'ral public. tlwugh club women ma,· obtain tickets through their O\\·n organizations. The hnurs of the exposition are from noon to 10 o'dock in thl' C\'ening, on the three da~-s of it . . continuance. Answering the Question of Dessert C HOOSING the dessert at the Central Cafeteria is no problem at all-unless making up your mind as to which of a tantalizing variety of delicacies to select can be called a problem. There are pies. cake-s, puddings, preserves, fresh fruits~ jelloes and ice cream ir. tempting array. Truly Centnl Cafeteria desserts reflect the excellence of the other course~ - and excellence that is the result of diligent attention to every detail of goodness. Per~onal MARRIAGE INVITATIONS OUT Tm·itations have bern iss ued b\' Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Seng of 435- Lake a\·cnue. for the marriage of their daughter, Marian Elizabeth. to Jerome K . Flahertv on Saturday, October lo, at 11 o'clock in the morning at St. Franci:-; Xavier church. The \Vilmette Royal Neighbors are giving a card and bunco party this e\'cning, to which the public is itn-ited. at the Lodge hall. Supervision of Fred Miller CENT· R A L CAFE T E R I ·A · · Sundays 12 to 5 Nelson Building Central Avenue, east of Wilmette Avenue EDITH RAY YOUNG and WILMETT .E ANGELA WEINZIER TEACHERS OF PIANO :oitU<IIo: f:S!lO ]·nrk ,\ \ ' NllH' Phone· Wllmt-ttc· :J651

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