Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Oct 1926, p. 5

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October . 1, 19'~ WILMETTE LIFE Sunday . Evening Club Opens Year' Twelfth · . First Program to be Given Sunda .v Night, October 3 panied the late President Roosevelt on his exploration to the "River of Doubt." Mildred Smith Bolan of Hins dale, will sing. S . . BRING YOUR GUESTS Man y people in Wilmette have over-Sunday guests. You are cord' 11 · 1a Y mvited to attend the Witmette Sunday Evening club and b · rmg your guests with you . . Your ?uests will appreciate the opportunJty to hear the great speakers and excellent music which is presented each Sunday evening. the subject of "Education." We are fortunate indeed to secure Dr. MacCracken for this year. Sunday, November 14, Armistice d Sunday evening, October 3, the Wil un ay program. Address by Dr. Armett s d E - thur E. Bestor, president of Chautau. e un ay vening club will open qua Institution, Chautauqua, New D N b' Its . tw~lfth season with a program I y k W 'lb whtch m many respects is the best in or . . I . ur es It will be pres!he . his.tory of this notable Wilmette ent and give a rendition of the poem mst1tut 10 n. "Yo_ur Flag and My Flag," of which E"1 ··ht h h · he ts the author. The Imperial Male ~ c urc and quartet will· sing among other selecKentlworth co es m t Wilmette · h' -opera e m h t ·1s popular Sunda · h tions "Land of Mine," the words of . Y. evenmg gat ermg, t e which were written by Mr. Nesbit . . meetmgs bemg held in the First Con gregational church, corner of WilSunday, November 21, Norman Hapmette avenue and Eleventh street be - good, the well known scholar, newscau se it has the largest auditori~m. paper and magazine writer, will speak A very large percent of all the most on "Our Relations with Europe." noted people of the United Staltes Madam E d_ith Rideau Normelli, sohave. addre s~ed this club, including prano, .so1 mst. Calvm Coohdge while he was ViceSunday, November zs, Amos Alonzo President of the United States also Stagg, director of Athletics of the Uni\t~ice-President Marshall, Willia~ Jen- versity of Chicago, will speak on "Colnmgs Bryan, and many others. lege Athletics." Musical numbers by There are thirty weeks in the 1926- Anna Nyberg, violinist. 1927 club year, opening Sunday OctoSunday, December S, Grace Thompber 3, and closing Sunday, Ap~il 24. son Seton, the naturalist, and world The season's first speaker on the famous traveler, author and lecturer P:ogram is Bishop Edwin H. Hughes, will describe her recent exploratio~ b1shop of the Chicago area of the trip into South America. Her address Methodist Episcopal church, and one ·u b b 'f ll 1 . of the best known ministers 1 e eauh u Y 11 ustrated by stere·n that wt opticon slides. Mildred Smith Bolan denomination. Bishop Hughes was for of Hinsdale will sing. seven years president of De Pauw un 1 ·_ Sunday, DecemL -r 1Z, Dr. S. Parkes nrsity. He is a trustee of the Carneoe Cadman, of Brooklytl, one of tile g ie Foundation and is the author of world's greatest preachers, whose raseyeral well known books. Madat11e E dith, Bide.a u Normelli, soprano of St clio audience each Sund·a v extend s Luk e ~ Episcopal church Evanston from the Atlantic to the Pacific, will \viii sing. ' ' speak for the first time before the Wilmette Sunday Evening club. Su~day, October 10, concert by the S s ,;:e ~lt s h .Male. Cho~us of Chicago, H unday, December 19, Dr. Georga \\ lllta m Nordm, dtrector. This is a Dorsey, famou s anthropo.logist, author chorus of forty voices and is often re- of o ne of the be st sellmg books of · 1 ·ng group th.e 1 )re sent year.' "\Vhv f en~ e d t o as t I 1e fi nest smg " . We Behave ~ o~ t~ s ty.pe that i.s comprised entirely Lt~ e Human .B emgs ," w11l spea k on th1.s same subj ect · S "' e <Its1 . Ot -1 spea k ·m g pcop Ic. Sunday, October 17, Strickland GilSunda~, Decer_n~er ~6, Prof. ~· H. lil~n , th e well known poet, author, Cla rk ot th e 'Cnn·e rs1ty of Chtq.go, ·phtbso pher and lecturer, who has just for man y years .one of tl~ e bes t known returned from Europe, wilt .. speak for mterpreters of lit erature m America. the seco nd tim e before the' Wilmette Sund a y Evenin g- club. Solos . by ·Miss Da,,·n Hulbert. · Hear Rabbi Wise ·,.. #' S: \Vi se, o f the Free Synagogu.e, New Sunday, OctobeJ 24, Rabbi 'Stephen Som. e of Those Who Have Appeared! on Sunday Eve1"t"ng Club Pre'sident Calvin Coolidge \\' bil e Y in ·- Pr es id ent of th e Cnit cd Sta t es. Dr. Shailer Mathews Sunday, February 8, Alton Packard, the widely known cartoonist and speaker, often referred to as the successor to Frank Beard, will present h' '11 d S d .1d ts t ustrate un ay program ~nbt e · "The Master Painter." Sunday, February 13, the program on this date will be appropriate to Lincoin's birthday. . Miss Jane Addams, probably the best known woman · in Sunday, January Z, Branson De Cou, America, will deliver the address and photog rapher and lecturer, who has so the Philharmonic quartet, all members delighted Wilmette audiences in for- of the Chicago Symphony orchestra, mer years will bring his latest "Dream will furnish the music. Pictures" with musical accompaniSunday, February 20, Mr. ]. Malcolm ments on the Ampico piano and the Bird, foremost investigator of spirit Victrola. "A Springtime Motor Tour phenomena, will speak on "My Psychic from ·Mexico to British Columbia" Investigations." As secretary of the will be his . subject and will feature Scientific American committee which the deserts of Southern California has been investigating psychic phenothe Redwood Highway, and the Pacifi~ mena, Mr. Bird has had a remarkable Northwest. · experience which has taken him Sunday, January 9, Branson De Cou through the spiritualistic centers of will present his "Dream Pictures of America and Europe. Miss Mildred Alpine Wonderlands" (Glorious Switz- Smith Bolan will sing. erland). Mr. De Cou's two evenings Sunday, February 27, Dr. Sherwood of pictures, synchronized with music, Eddy of New York City will speak for will be among the finest and most the first time before the Wilmette Sunwor~h-while of the year. They are day Evening club. · His subject will mus1cal travelogues illustrated with deal with international relations and masterpieces of art and photography. conditions in Europe, including Ru~sia. Sunday J nuary 16 D J h T' He will also discuss industrial rela' r. o n f tmoth St , a 11 k h tions. Madame Normelli, soprano of Y one, we nown pastor o t e S k E 1 · Fourth Pr b t · h h Cl · t. Lu e's church, vanston, wit smg. es Y enan c urc , ltcago, w1'll preach Sunday, M . arch 6, the speak ·er for · s unday, J Z3 C 'l R b thi s occasion will be announced later. anuary , eel o erts, ' England's brilliant poet, novelist, Sunday, Marcla 13, Carvath Wells, essayist and critic, will speak on '~What author and world traveler, .will speak Europe Is Thinking." No lecturer in on -,' Six Years in the Malay Jung!'~." recent years has attract ed more favor- His address· will be illustrated by :' a able attention than· thi s remarkable wealth of illustrations in the form of young Englishman whose splendid stereopticon slides. The story of his · placed him · m · the for efront expenences · · t h e M a1ay P emns-u · 1 · .wor k has m a JS o~odern writers fill ed with information and is told in a · 30, Dr. - Henry · · t eres t'mg way. M' unday, January N .· .mos t m tss . A nna N y~I cC ra cken, pres ident of Va ssar college, berg will play two violin selections. will speak on "The Aim · of a College Suftday,· · March ZO, Dr. Charles Course." EO!.ch year the Sunday Eve- Stelzle, former pastor of the Labor nin g club. has· given one evening· to Templ e,- New 'York, · . \vill' take ,:· for his subject ·" Religion 'o( the New De.. mocracy." Dr. Stel_:Zle's autobiography ,is now ~ a-ppearinrr in' Thr Outlonl.-. Tt has been classified as the most interestin.z autobiography-- of the year. Dr. PIY.og~/im"' Stelzle is an excellenhspeaker. " t 1 1 u .;:,; Madrigals C~ming __ Sunday, March Z7, the Madrigal Club of Chicago. composed of about Hon. Ben B. Lindsey sixty peop-le, will pre sent a musical' program including many of the old H~n. Thomas R. Marshall Bishop Charles D. Williams madrigals. Thi s is the first appearFormer Vi ce- Pre side nt of the ance(. of this wide.ly-known organiza· nited S ta tes. Bishop Charles P. Anderson tiot1 before the Wilmette Sunday Evening club. Hon. William Jennings Bryan Dr. Henry Churchill King Sunday, April 3, program to .be anFormer S ecretary of State. announced. Sunday, October 31, Vilhj ahmur SteFrank McGlynn ·Sunday,: Ap.ril 10, Dr. Robert E. f~n s s0n, not~d Arctic Explorer, scienHon. Frank 0. Lowden Lorado Taft Speer of New York City, will speak on ttst and man of letters, will speak on Former Governor of Illinois. "The Latest Word· from the Far East." ~'The Northward Course of ' Empire," , R Rabbi Stephen S. Wise He is now in Japan and China and will oger Babson I11 ustrate d bY beautiful stereoptjcon .1 bring a do~n-to-date report on condiviews of the Artie. He has been widely Miaa Jane Addams Hon. M. A. Kavanagh ! tions as they are today in that section. honored by the American Geographic Raymond Robbins Sunday, April 17, (Easter Sunday society, .the National Geographic sociDr~ . Frank W. Gunsaulua evening) Dr. George Craig Stewart, ety, the Geographic Society of Paris, Edwin Markham rector of St. Luke's Episcopal thurch, the Royal Geographic Society of Great Mrs. Maude B. Booth Evanston, will deliver the Easter ser-· Britain and many other organizations. 1 Dr. Newell Dwight Hillis · .J;>r. George Craig Stewart mon. The quartet of St. Luke's church His books, "My Life with the Eskiwill furnish the music for this occasion. mo," "The Friendly Arctic." "Hunters Dr. Herbert L. Willett Chicago Symphony Players Sunday, April 24, (Closing Sunday Of the Great North," and the "No,rthApollo Club of thP. S~nday Evening club season) · ward Course of Empire" have been Dr. Hugh Black Dr. Glenn Frank, president of the Uniwidely react. Madam Edith Bideau Formerly of Edinburgh, Scotland. Association of Commerce Glee Club versity of Wisconsin, and well known Normelli wjll sing. Dr. Edward A. Steiner author, educator and orator, will de. Sunday, · November. 7, Dr. Charles Chicago Woman's Chorus liver ·the add res:;. A year ago Dr. Cherrie, the naturalist who recently·acHon. Henry J. Allen A Cappella Choir Frank closed the Wilmette Sunday ~ ~mpaaied Theodore and Kermit Eveni_ n g club year with one of the finRoosevelt . on their ·ASiatic expedition, Dr~ Heney Van Dyke Oberlin College Glee Club est. lectur~s- ever delivered before this will speak on the subject, "With . the Sinclair Lewis organization. · · · ' . Roosevelts . through .. . C~ntral Asia," Mandel Hall Chorus Several further announcements \fill .illustrated with stereopticon slides George Creel . . .: . . . Fish J~biJee_ Sin·ers. · ;· be made regarding ,additional. music ls 1ront' ~elou~ pictures made. b-y" Dr. · ~ - .. · · the yea·r ·prog1'es$es: , _ ·.: - · · ·~ ~ ~herrie, himself. Dr. Cherrie accom_. ,. . . .,. .. . .... ·, ... . . .. . .- . Everyone is welcome to all of thtse .,..-..-....;...;...;....;.....,....,.+-,,.;.;r.;..,.;..~c-""""""'"""!II!R-.u...,.;.....~.~>kP:r.ojo . ·.·~ - -.iz·~·-~:i-!H!o'fl . : ~.i!!'?.~'.£~:.:.~ . -~.'§ifij!.l .....-11'!.~~·~ ~ .~ ' .lli!·:.""·-·attf£!!W~~:J -..~:. ,'k~-t~~~.,~~'~;~-:o:o;.·:';~..·~~~ '·:~r ... \ o rk, o ne of America's greatest orator s, will speak on "American Democra cy in Re lation to Europe." Dr. \ Vise has just re turned from several month s' tour of Europe. Dr. Wi se is one of the founder s of the Zionist movement and was himself the founder of the Zi.oni s t org anization of America. He is the author of several well known book s. !i

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