Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Oct 1926, p. 1

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WILMETTE VOL. XVI, NO. LIFE PRICE FIVE CENT& A Weekly News-Yagazine for Wilmette and Kenilworth 1. WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, OCTOBER 1, 1926 BATTLES FLOOD FURY CHURCH OPENS SERIES Dornea, Former Wilmette Y outb, OF VESPER CONCERTS Cl~tia Has Harrowing Experience in Flori· da Everglades Sunday Club Season Opens; See Page 5! ( The program for the 1926-27 season of the vVi1mette Sunday EveWilliam H. Barnes to Be Organist Wilmette Is Inundated for a ning club, which enters upon its \Vading in \rater. at times up to his at First Concert in Baptist twelfth year in the community, Short Time; Streets Become neck, clambering over and through Sunday, October 3, will be found in Chur~h Sunday Canals in Places debris of the ~Iiami flood over a perildetail on Page S of this issue of ous trail of ·hrentr-fiv'e miles in his \Vilmette Life. Hundreds of residents in Wilmette mad frenzy to re-ach his home, was An approximation of flood conditions· Bishop Edwin Holt Hughes of and along the north shore who enjoy- the thrilling experience of Cletis Dorwas reached in Wilmette Thursday of the _ Chicago area of the Methodist ed the series of Vesper concerts la st nes, a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Dorlast week when an exceedingly heavy Episcopal church, whose home· is season at the \Vilmette Baptist church, nes, former well lu1own resident of rainfall flooded streets and basements· in Wilmette, will be the speaker at · throughout the village, causing great under direction of \Villiam H. Barnes, Wilmette. the opening meeting Sunday at the organist, will hail with delight the anexcitement for a time but no serious Mr. Dornes :;>.nd his son for a numFirst Congregational church . Turn nouncement of new plans for a similar damage. According to the United to · Page 5 for further details of this series. This season there will be seven ber of vears wcr~ in the real estate States Weather bureau report from business. in \Vilmette, where they had meeting. concerts instead of five. Chicago, 1.41 inches of rain fell during charge of the offic~ of P a ul Schroeder the day, but it is thought that a much The first of the series will be given and company., on Greenleaf avenue and greater fall would· have been registered Sunday afternoon,, October 3, ~at 4 later of the north shore office of this on the north shore. o'clock in the Baptist church. Mr. firm on Linden <l\'(:nnc. They went to Barnes himself will preside at the or- Miami about two year::; ago, where Following a rain which had contingan. He will be assisted in the pro- they arc now eng.aged in similar busi- Presbyterian Church Will l~augurate ued practically the entire day, a virThis Program for Firat Time In gram by Mrs. Isabel Zchr, talented ness, on First avenue, between Fourth tual cloudburst occurred late in the afWilmette contralto soloist at the Second Pres- and Fifth streets. ternoon. The water poured down so byterian church, Evanston. Mrs. Zchr fast that the sewers were unable to Clctis, of late , has been in the emThe Wilmette Presbyterian church take care of it, so the streets began has been a favorite at the Evanston church for a number of yeus; but this ploy o( the Florida Power and ·Light announces plans for a junior church to fill. Among the sections inundated wilt be her fir~t appearance before a company, and 2t the time of the storm, beginning Sunday morning, October 3. were Park avenue, from Wilmette avewas serving as 1in1e-kceper on a large \Vilmettc audience. · nue to a point north of Central avenue, construction job four miles west of So far as it is known this is the first Main street, for more than a block Has National Reputation Danill, which is about twenty-five miles time such a program has been adopted north from Central avenue, Central Mr. Barnes has been organist at the: from 1\Iiami. Th ere the great OkechoBaptist. church since the dedication of bec flood laid waste a vast area and by any \Vilmette church, although it avenue from Main street to a point the new edifice at Forest and \Vilm cttc result ed in mam· fatalities. 'M r. Dor- has been successfully carried out in west of Park avenue, the intersection of Eleventh street and Greenwood avenues, in 192-L His ma s terv of th (: ner, unmindful ~f similar havoc which many places. avenue, the intersection of Fourth instrument has earn~d for ·him 2.11 had bc~n wrou~hi a1 1Iiami twentyThe idea is to give boys and girls street and Linden avenue, and many enviable national reputation. During five miles ~m·ay and throughout all inthe summer he presented recitals for t~n·e ning- territory, but fearful of from 8 to 13 years of age a real church others. se,·eral day s e1t th~ Se squi-centenni<d what might han: h<!ppened and with service adapted to their age. This orBasements Flooded exposition in Philadelphi:.!.; and also the OI·l C thought uppermost in his gan.ization will be as nearly as possiAccording to Village Manager C. C. appeared bcforc the Chamber of Com- mind, that of reaching- home, started ble exactly like the church with offi- Schultz, only about fifteen calls conmerce at Scran lon, Pa., playin g- th(: ont on fqot, ~he only "·ay of travel at cers, boards, ushers, choir, commit- cerning flooded basements were retees, and other features . organ made famous bv Charles Cour- that time. ceived. Among the basements flooded l>Oin, one of the most ·eminent of E2.sThe Junior church will meet in its in the business district were those of For forty-ei ~ ht. hour:; h~ pressed on tern masters. own room each Sunday morning at at times swimming, then wading, then 11 o'clock, the same ·time as the regu- the Goodwin Bowling alteys, · in the A distinguished li st of organi::;ts will OounderinQ; Brown building, the Wilmette Ice comthrou~h indescriba1)le appear every fourth week at the V es- wreckage wrought by the wor st storm lar church service. The true and the pany, on Main street, and Lloyd Holfalse ideals of life, the best things in lister, Inc., on Central avenue. The p~r concerts. nuder the direction of 1Ir. that had ever visited this great plaYBa rnes. The names o( the rccit;.1list.s ground of the nation, Clet.is finally character building, Bible study, and fire department was called to pump will be pubiished Iat -.:r. The d<!tes reached his home, where he collapsed, missions will be presented in the .most out the basement of Lloyd Ho1lister, of the concerts after the ~vent next. remaining uncon sciom for a long time. attractive and helpful way for young Inc., so that the printing of WILMETT~ people, it is explained. Miss Kathryn Sunday \':ill be October 31, NO\·e m\Vith the assurance that his parents McPherson, who has recently become LIFE would not be delayed. The Pubb~r 28. January 30, Ji'ebru;~ry 27, \\·ere safe, and after rest and nh:dical a member of the staff of the Presby- lic Service Company of Northern Iltin).f<lrch 27 and April 2~. attention, he soon recovered, but as terian church, has very successfully ois pumped out the baseme~t of the Sunday's Program \Vilmette Ice company, whtch was, long as he shalt lin:, Cl~tis, it is said, The program for the inaugural cf ~he will never effac~ from hi !; memory developed the Junior church elsewhere nearly forced to suspend operations se cond ar.nual series of V csper concerts those perilous hm&rs through which. he and will have full charge of this new for a time. The Wilmette Country department, it is announced. next Sundav is as fotlO\'..-s: club basement was also flooded but Alleg-ro Con'Grio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Iuilly passed during the 2\dul storm and his After a careful survey Miss McPherdrained out after the rain ceased. Sketch in D FIR.L .........·.. Schumann travel homeward. son has concluded that this is a most Many parts of Sheridan road, esp~ Song of the BaskcL '\V e:1xcr (St. La wrcnce Sl·:etchcs ) . . . . · . . . . . . . . . . . . . Russel Burch, Nourse Families promising field, due to the fine aver- cially near Kenilworth avenue, Kemll\Ir. Burne ~; age and unusual ability of most boys worth, were flooded. Motor cars were But th e Lord is !\Iindful .. ;.r ,·· ndelssohn Escape Hurricane Wrath and girls in the church school. This stalled when the ignition became wet Hindu Slumber Song .... H~~ rri<>t Ware John Fuhrmann. 1630 L<,1ke avenue, experiment, its sponsors feel, will from water thrown up by the wheels Di e Almacht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Schubert !\rrs. Isnl.lcl Zchr who has gone to Florida since the re- doubtless be . of. great inter~st to par- as they plowed along. Boys with boats Jn Summcr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stebbins cent hurricane disaster to inspect the ents both. wtthm and wtthottt the or small wagons established a remuner.Alleg-retto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vollrm.a nn ative ferry business at several street Enning· Song· ................ Bairsto\\' condition of his residence in Biscayne. Presbytenan chure\t. i>Tr. Bnrne~ intersections, but the flood receded Park, has reported b.v wire that the 'l'he Sen .............. Gra nt Schaefer within an hour, and with it their busiCradle Song . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Barmah Nathan Burch and E. R. Nourse fam- Appoint Balmes Township ness. Prayer Perfect ................ Stenson ilies, both of \:Vilmett~, escaped injury 'l'o the Sun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Curran in the storm. As a matter of fact the "Thistle" Commissioner Ralph Faupel, of the Sanitary dis:\Irs. Zehr Nourses were in Henderson, N. C., An alarming increase of the Canada trict pumping station under the bridge Curfew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Horsman Sheridan rl'riumphal lUurch . . . . . . . . . . . . Holland during the storm period, but have since thistle along the north shore has re- where the canal traverses returned to Bis.:avne Park. The sulted in the appointment of John Bal- road, said that the flow £rom thP. big Mr. Barnes Burch family formerly lived at 300 mes as thistle commissioner by the sewer at that point went nearly across Central avenue. New Trier Township board of com- the canal. He said this was a heavier Instruction in English Mr. Fuhrmann reports that practic- missioners recently. This · action was discharge than he had ever seen beOffered Foreign-Born ally all residence buildings were des- taken at the semi-annual meeting of fore. The Wilmette relief sewer, The Wilmette IWornan's club an- troyed or damaged beyond repair. His the board. The Canada thistle is a which is six feet in diameter, was nounces classes in English speaking for own home, of the more substantial menace to crops and spreads very crowded beyond its capacity. foreign born people in the community, concrete block construction, was con- quickly. Mr. Balmes witt conduct a HOI.D RALLY DAY to be given at the club, Tenth street sirlerably damaged, though not beyond survey of conditions in the various communities in the township and also Rally Day will be observed in the and Greenleaf avenue, every Wednes~ repair. on land which is not in any village. church and Sunday school of the First day evening beginning October 6, at Steps will be taken to eliminate the Congregational church Sunday, OctoBOARD MEETS TUESDAY 8 :15 o'clock. The Wilmette Viltage board wilt hold thistles wherever found and owners of ber 3. There will be special observ- ~ All persons interested in such instruction are welcome to attend. There will its first ·october meeting Tuesday eve- property on which they are found will ances in the school and the theme at be a veq small registration fee, it is ning, October 5, in the council cham- be reques~ed to htttve th~fll rern~ved the morning service will bear upon the from . their .gr<?unds: · · ' · Rally Day .spirit. .. bers . at the Village halt. . e~plained . . HEAVY RAIN FLOODS STREETS, BASEMENTS. . PLAN JUNIOR CHURCH I , .

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