Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Oct 1926, p. 44

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,WI L M E T T E · L I F E October 1, 1926 out" down Tenth street, and was within one-half block of the Withers mette, Tells of Calamitous Transfer and Storage company's buildm the report of Warden Zimmer of 619; French, 293; Galicians, 5; Greeks, Florida Hurricane ing when it went Jown. Sheet metal the county hospital, which was sub- 207; Hindu, 3; Hungarian, 154; 1 and roofing was flying through the air mitted to President Anton ]. Cermak Indians, N. A., 2; Indians, East, 11; like leaves, he said, but he pressed on, of the county board recently and Indians, West, 13; Icelanders, 1 ; Irish, W. R. Simonds, of Rock Island, was with the Dolfin hotel, an eight-story which shows the operations of the 847; Jamaicans, 8; Japanese, 11; J ugo"greatest charity hospital in the Slavs, 219; Koreans, 2; Lithuanians, in Wilmette for a while Wednesday, concrete building, as his objective. United States" for the past year. 567; Malays, 2; Mexicans, 187; on his way home from Miami, where Every window in this building was Mr. M?re than ~05,041 applications for Montenegrans, 2; New Zealan?ers, 2; he has been engaged in relief work blown out, but it stood un. since the recent hurricane. Simonds said he found bot\. ambumedtcal attention were made to the Newfoundlanders, 5; Pana~amans, 1; Mr. Simonds has been living in lances, but they were on their sides, coun.ty hospital in 1925 as against 99,- Persians, 17.; Poles, 995; Por~o Ricans, 794.m 1924. The daily average of 3; Rumamans, 46; Ru~sta,. 1,297; Miami for the past three years. He disabled, and he then set out on repatients for the year was 1,764. The Scot~h, 184; Serbs, 64; Stbert~ns, 2; has been engaged in the real estate lief work, in which he was continureport of Warden Zimmer shows, al- Spa!ltards, 10; Swedes, 389; Sw1ss, 22; business· ·and is also a deputy sheriff. ously engaged until his departure for though food stuffs increased and there Synans, 151 ; Turks, 14; Welch, 11; He ·is a personal friend of Mr. and home this week. . Mrs. Paul Schroeder, and upon his arIn this regard, he said, it is truly were a larger number of patients dur- Unknown, 39. ing 1925, that the daily percapita ex"I am pleased to say that through rival in Chicago, Wednesday morning, wonderful what has been accomplished. pense was reduced from $3.13 in 1924 the co-operation of President Cermak came out to Wilmette to spend a few Women and children, as far as pasto $2.99 in 1925. and board of commissioners, the new hours with them, at their home in the sible, have bee~ sent away and every man who was able to work sought to The record of nationalities attend. build_ing pro~r~m of the chitdre.n's Lindencrest. ed at the Cook county hospital gives ~ospttal, receLvmg ward, ward. butld- · From Mr. Simonds much first-hand do his utmost for those who were less a pretty fair idea of the many nation- mg for adults and morgue, whtch we information was gleaned relative to fortunate. Legion Buildinr Hoapital alities that go to make up the great hope to have . completed be~ore an- the · storm. Mr. Schroeder learned other year, wtll greatly reheve lhe from him that the floor is the only part He said the American Legion's new present very troublesome situ~tion," of the Schroeder real estate office re- building had been converted into a declared Warden Zimmer in his report maining in Biscayne park. Both the temporary hospital, where, on the to President Cermak, "and we will be Schroeders and Mrs. Schroeder's sis- second floor, there were 58 patients able to take care of the poor sick peo- ter, Mrs. Alfred P. Huey, · and family, when he left Miami. Tenants, who ple of our county very much better were in Wilmette at the time of the had just moved into the building, 1 with these new added buildings." storm, the Huey family and Miss Mar- moved out, that the entire floor area guerite Schroeder, having planned to might be devoted to relief work. The CHICAGOANS LEASE HOMES depart for Miami about the time 0~ American Legion, as an organization, the storm. is doing great service in relief work, George W. Lomax, of Chicago, has Mr. Simonds also told of the damage Mr. Simonds said, as are also many leased the Frank J. Conrad home at 1141 Sheridan road and Glen H. Pick- to a fine new apartment building in other societies, including the Salvation ard, also of Chicago, has leased the Biscayne park in which Nfr. Schroeder Army, the Masons, the Knights of Christian Science Raymond C. Hawley residence at 430 also is interested. It is a two-story, Columbu s, the Eighth street, it was announced by four apartment building, and was to church and other kindred societies, be Miss C. ]. Hoey of the North Shore have been ready for occupancy Octo- sides the great worlr of the Red Cross. Real Estate company this week. She her 1. The upper story is a wn:ck, Mr. Simonds saici he delivered numer acted as broker in both transactions. and, it is probable, it is said, it will ous pictures to the Red Cross head have to be rebuilt from the ground up. quarters upon his arrival in Chicago There was only $5,000 tornado in- to aid in the ir campaign here. Money 0 m a t t e r how surancc on it. is the great need there at present, he slight o~ great Braves Storm's Fury says. Mr. Simonds said when the storm \fr . Sin1nnds said the newspaper acthe trouble with your hroke he was in hi s little cottage at counts of the storm have heen in no automobile may be, 22nd street and 26th avenue, North- wise exaggerated. It is impossible to we'll repair it satisfacwest. He heard a little porch in front do that, he declares. ~ Painting torily - at the lowest his. house r!ppcd awa( and de - , Following- tlH' ;torm, tlH·rf' w('rr possible cost and i~ the ctded tt wa~ ttme for hlln to go- eight or ten large barges left high ~ecorating whe~e, he d19 not know. He ru c; hccl and dry on the old causewav. least time. · · out m~o the fury o~ the. st~;m, w.~ere A "rum-chaser" was tossed far in"Emerso~,,s is always a good the wmc! wa~ commg 111 "puff~, a s land and depo sited in hack of an auto~u.to su.ggcs!ion." . Estih1ates :give·n \vithout h.e descnhe~ tt, and rvery puff. car- mob ile which was standing on the ned somethmg awa>:· By .droppm~ to car as it sailed over the top of the " ,the ground and dodgmg flymg parttcles auto obligation of roofs and buildings, he managed to · get across the street where he took Huge barges and ships \verc dri,·cn refuge in a doorway of a two-story far inlan(l and lrft high and dry as Phone Wilmette 2764 building. In fifteen minutes time, he the waters receded. 1030 Green~leaf Ave. said, his y~rd was full of roofs from About fift y feet of the east corner nearby hou ses, and from the bright of the famous old Royal Palm hotel WILMETTE flashes of lightning he said he could \vas ripped off. Mocks. Man's Ingenuity' see other roo·fs and timbers in countle ss I . numbers, being whisked through the Stately palms were left strewn air seeking other places as it were to about everywhere, in a fashion mocking rour clothes washed alight. To make the experience n;orc the thrift and ingenuity of man in his fne if you Vacu.um Etectri~ riDI Ul thrilling, Mr. Simonds said about that work of landscaping and aiding in the time a huge piece of rock came t:rash- natural beauties which nature so Electrical Repairins ing do·wn from the front of the build- lavishly provided in the tropics. Radio Sets and Suppliet ing in front of which he was tempoBut Mr. Simonds says the spirit of Eveready "8" Batter1et rarity sheltered, missing him only by the citizens is good, and that Miami Music Master Loud SDeaken Base Pluas Installed inches. Across the street, where a will come back, bigger and better than 1 Fine Li~ of Liptins Fixtures house had been unroofed, was a very ever. sick man, and the first relief work Adams Electric Shop which Mr. Simonds did. was at th<!t Wilmette Girl Married ~'-1 Fourth Street · Phone Wilmette IO.W time when he and' another man, who r~--.-.-.~.-.-.-.-.-.~.-.-.-.-.~.-.-.-.-.~.-.-.-.-.~.-.-.-.-.~.-.-.-.-.-.~.-.-.-.-.-.--.-.-.-.-.~.-.-.-.-~- had abo rought shelter in ilie same in ~onolulu Last Mon~ doorway, rushed over and carried the The marriage of Miss Jess ie McClun Eltabliahed ,J854 · sick man to the · partial shelter of the Gay of 929 Twelfth street to John doorway. Nairn Campbell of Perth, Scotland, Crushed Like Etrahell took place in the First Methodist Then came the temporary lull in the Eniscopal Church of Honolulu on Sepstorm, and Mr. Simonds again started tember 18. Funeral Director· for 1Z Ytc~ta · out, and had gone as far as Second I The romance had 'its origin at PaauJordan Funeral Service plan reduces the cost. of ·funerab avenue and Tenth street, Northwest, hua Sugar Plantation, where Miss ·d bJ . when the second and more furious Gay was empt,yed as secretary to t CO~Sl ·ra .Y · blow came. He was seek!ng an the manager, F. M. Anderson, and I 612 Davis St. , . , ..Phone Uninnity 449 ambula~ce, but had. to ag~m seek where Mr. Campbell is overseer. I Wibntttr Ot&cc Phone· ·Wilmette 33541 shelter 111 a doorwa.y, 111 wh3:t ts. known After a honeymoon at Honolulu, 1 . ., . , . a~ the color~d section of Mtamt. From , Oahu, Mr. and Mrs C b 11 ·11 : CHICAGO ~ hts shelter m the doorway of the make their home 0 · p alp e 1 ~~ lo.~:E.. J!.ri~:S_~· . :·~ ~; . . r; -~ r, ... ,~-.,._ Pbws . .~~r 1?091'7lO . a. :C~~red Ba.nk ~lld S.avi~$s ~ompany, ~e j·tion, where Mr. Ander$~~u 1~! b:iltla~ 1 ~---~····················.·········ll!t·················· saw the httle shacks · all 'about htm charming bungalow. · ·· ,. . A record of the cosmopolitanism of 29; Croatians, 47; Cubans, 21; Czechs ~hicago and Cook county is contained 648; Dutch, 181 ; Egyptians, 1 ; English: Rockford Man, V1s1tmg m county Hospital · Ifrom county of Cook.· The figures taken · the social service record of the Btggest C hartty county show the following: · d Americans, 31,878; Austrians, 407; V en tUTe 0I K tn Belgians, 149; Canadians, 46; Chinese, RISKS LIFE TO HELP ~:~~~el1~.rough the air like so many that time someon~ sh~ute~ .IG STORM to About him, "Took out, the ban)< s gomg, OTHERS IN B and Mr. Simonds said he again "lit 1 --. · · · w·t I · N M. · Portenhauser o! "f" A!i E . 1 . WASHER ~ C. H. JORDAN & CO. I

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