WI~METTE LIFE October 1, 1926 - THERMO LINE · Floqds Boost Typhoid Prevalence in Illinois I Heating Oils-A Grade for Eve~y Burner Courteous and Efficient Service HUGHES 6 COMPANY General Offices, 844 Rush St. North Shore plant, Howard at McCormick Blvd. T elepbones: Niles Center 217 Superior ~1-2-3-4 Rogers Park 0982 Greenleaf 3456 Comes Climbing seventy-nine ,per cent since September 1, typhoid fever. prevalence in Illinois reached the htghest level of the year last week when seventy-two cases were reported, according to Dr. Isaac D. Rawlings, state health director. Only forty-one cases were reported during the first week of this month. "While the situation is by no means alarming," saiq Dr. Rawlings,. "the su~ den and decided increase tn typhOid prevalent since the first ~ee~ in S~p tember is unusual and indtcahons pomt toward · a · continued rise for several weeks unless rigid sanitary precautions are employed. Evidence at hand signifies that unsanitary conditions l~ft in the path of floods and excesstve · rainfall have contributed materially to the spread of this disease. Local Gridders Battle Roseland Cardinals ·Next Giving every man on the squad a taste of combat in the opening game of the season last Sunday against the Oaktons of Evanston, Coaches Cole and Bayne of the Wilmette Athletic association football team were prepared this week to round into shape some first class material for the impending encounter with the Roseland Cardinals of Chicago, Sunday afternoon, October 3. , . . F·e aturing last Sundays practice tdt were the remarkable flashes of speed displayed by "Half-pint" Flint, w~o managed to negotiate a 70. yard gam. and several other conspicuous advances. . . Last week's affair termmated 111 a 6 to 6 tic though \Vilmcttc might readilY have 'won, had the lineup no~ been constantly changing. However, t.t w~~ a practice game and meant nothmg 111 the club's standing. It showed the coaches just what the individual men could do under actual fire. Local fans arc urged to get out for Sunday's tilt, which pro1~1ises to provide some pleasant surpnses. ANNOUNCE CONCERT Ambrose \Veyrick, popular tenor, will give a concert at Orchestra hall October 14 at 8:15 o'clock in the eve' n ing, sponsored hy the \iV oman 's .H o~11c Missionary society, northern d1stnct, of the Methodist church. He will be accompanied by Albert Heilman. t&e per Ask Our Drivers Or Phone Wilmette 3029Greenleaf 820. The cream ta~en c·an from this milk will whip Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Leis of Ridge ayenue are receiving the congratulations of their friends upon the birth of Robert Edward Leis, September 21, at , the Evanston hospital. Bournique's Dancing Classes Open Oct. 20 Alvar L. Bournique this week announced the early opening of the 192627 season of his clas~cs in dancing deportment. \Vith studios in Chicago. ~f r. Bournique also personatly conducts private classes on the north shore with headquarters at both Evanston and \Vinnetka. His season in \\'innctka begins October 20, while the in truction at E\'anston starts October 18. Bournique's has been establi shed since 1867. -o-=- 1Ir. and Mrs. ] . H. Dyon and their son have returned to their home at 1310 Ashland avenue after a fortnight's stay in Logansport. Ind. -0- What ..dependable" really means Ponder the basic elements underlying Dodge Brothers remarkable success and one simple fact stands boldly out: The public not o~ly believe in the goodness of Dodge Brothers Motor Car, they believe in the men who build it and the men who sell it. That is why the word DEPENDABLE is associated the world over with Dodge Brothers name. It goes beyond the product ,.and embraces every department in Dodge Brothers great organization. Touring Car Coupe Sedan Sport Roadster S86o.oo 9 I 2.00 .Mrs. Gordon Coleman of Smethport. Pa., is visiting her parents, 11r. and Mrs. Lea ]. Orr of 1002 Greenleaf avenue. 1906? 1' · 1926? 20th Anniversary ?' · ?Oriental Rug Sale? 1 · 1 ? Cartozian Says' We a~e sacrificing rugs at unheard pnces. The "cream" of our stocks to be sold. Everybody can have oriental at the great discount we offeringHulg 0. Cartozlan · · · 1 · of are an arc ? ? · g6s.oo g6o.oo 1 · ? Make your. selection nolL'! 1 · Delivered · SA\.TE ON RUG CLEANING AND REPAIRING Nobody can equal Carto~ian' s work-all done by hand, by na~iye experts, in our own plant, under personal su pervtston. ? · 1 · ? C. M. McDONALD 1019 Davis Street Evanston Univ. 224 ? · DCD6E- BROTHERS MDTDR C:ARS ·II II 1 · Baig 0. Cartozian, lne. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings Till 10 · 1 · 1417 SHERMAN AVENUE PHONE · UNIVERSITY ~ 522.6 1 · 1926? What Does It Mean 1906?