Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Oct 1926, p. 35

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October 1, .1926 WILMETTE LIFE The marriage of Miss Cornelia Keith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Keith, 310 Warwick road, Kenilworth, to Cleon Larson of Appleton, Wis., will take place at 8 :30 o'clock Saturday evening, October 9, at the Church of the Holy Comforter. The ReY. Leland H. Danforth will perform the ceremony. Miss Keith will be attended · by her sister, Miss Margaret Keith, as maid of honor, and .the bridesmaids will be Miss Elizabeth Hannah, Miss Jeannette Cherry, Miss Verna Larson, sister of the groom, and Miss Muriel Badger of Detroit. Miss Keith's brother, Tom, will act as ring bearer. The best man will be Si Larson, brother of the groom. The ushers will be Cameron ·MacNeil, John Koith brother of the bride, Walter P. Vaugh,; and Leslie Buckman. Mrs. Fred Bulley, 220 Sheridan road entertained at a kitchen shower fo~ Miss Keith on Monday. A personal shower was given in her honor on Thursday, September 30, by the Misse s Elizabeth and Alice Shipman, 432 \Varwick road. Saturday, October 2, Mis,<; Jeannette Cherry, 422 Abbottsford road, will give a luncheon and bridge at the College club. Mrs. R. B. Stolp, 336 \Varwick road, and her daughter, ~1r s. 0. L. Heath, will entertain at a linen shower on \Vednesday, October 6. in honor of the bride. \Vedne sdav C\'ening, Mi ss Elizabeth Hannah \~· ill be hostess at a dinner dance at the Edgewater Beach hotel. Thursday, Octoher 7, . 1[ is s ~f uric! Badger is giving a hridge at the Orrington hotel, Evanston. ~fr. and ~[r s . Carl Keith are gi,·ing the bridal dinner at their home on Friday evening, October R. ~[ r. Larson will ha\·c the bachel or dinnc·r at the Palmer Hou se Thursday evening. Complete Plans Young Mothers' Porter G. Fox Buys for Wedding of . Kenilworth Home Site · Club Will Hear Porter Fox, of the firm of CarCornelia Keith Edna Dean Baker man Fox G. and Snyder, of 208 South La The Young Mothers' club of Wilmette has been fortunate in securing Miss Edna Dean Baker, president of the National Kindergarten and Elementary college, to speak at its regular monthly meeting Monday evening, October 4, at 8 o'clock. The meeting, sponsored bv the local Parent-Teacher groups, wili be held in the Byron Stolp auditorium, Tenth street and Central avenue. Salle street, Chicago, has purchased through R. M. Johnston and company, 340 Linden avenue, Wilmette, the southwest corner of Warwick and Essex roads, Kenilworth, on which he is planning to erect a beautiful home, this fall. This is one of the prettiest building sites in Kennilworth, having a frontage of 180 feet on Warwick and 221 on Essex. · "It is such a privilege and tre?.t to hear Miss Baker that the Young Moth- . ers' club extends cordial invitation to every mother of pre-school age chi!dren to attend Monday's meeting/' reads an advance notice of the meeting. "If you have never heard Miss Baker speak, you should not miss this opportunity.. She has a thorough understanding of child problems and can give all mothers much helpful information. :Mrs. ' William Mason of 1111 Sheridan road will entertain twenty-eight guests at dinner at the Nort~ Shore Golf club Saturday evening, October 9. . DEMO~STRATE ~AKERY Vtllagers. mtereste~ !n the n~west bakery deltcacy are mv1ted to wttness the demonstrati~n of toasted cheese br~ad at the Wtlson Bakery at 1162 Wtlmette avenue, Thursday, October 7, from 11. to 5. o:clock. "Come in ,~nd taste. t~1s .deltctous new ba~ery, is If you want to take prizes with your the mvttahon to the househotders. peonies at next year's garden shows plant Northbrook Peonies now. They're prize )Vinners. They are scientificat!r Sl/2S MONEY Have funds to loan on choice Imgrown in our own North Shore sou. proved North Shore Suburban resSpecial care in cultivation make .; espeidP.nce property at 5%% interest. cially fine blooms. Se~ us on renewals. · Here's a prize winning group selectE. G. Pauling & Co. ed especially for North Shore gardens. 5 N. . LaSalle St. Main 0250 Every one is a winner-every one a beautiful flower you wi!l be proud to have in your garden. 1'hey ar~ the foundation of every good collection. A Prize Garden of PEONIES North Shore Special Foundation Quality Group All rating 85 or over out ·.'f possible 100 points-American Peonv. Society Rating-column at left of ltst shows exact rating. Whit es . ......................... $0.75 .Jules F.lie, immense glossy Pink .......................... , .. 1.00 9.0 Sarah Bernhardt, Apple Blossom Pink ............................ 2.50 8.9 -:\Iarie Crousse, Salmon Pink .... 2.00 8.8 Karl Rosefield, rich velvety Crin1son ......................... 1.50 8. 7 R eine Hortense, soft flesh Pink 2.00 8. 7 Claire Dubois, deep Violet Rose, large flower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 8.6· Eugen.ie Verdier, beautiful baby Pink , ........................... 1.00 8.5 La P erl e, Lilac, center-flecked Critnson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 8.5 Octavie Demay, delicate shell Pink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 9.2 l\L $13.7ft 9.3 F'estiva Maxima, one of the finest Alumnae of N. U. Plan Autumn Social Events A tea at Willard hall October 15, a dance at the Orrington hotel HomeComi'hg day, November 6, and a luncheon in the ballroom of the Orrington the day of the dedication of the Northwestern stadium, Nov. 13, are high spots in the early autumn social calendar of the Associate Alumnae of Northwestern university. Plans for these events were made when board members were entertained at a tea Friday by their new president, Mrs. Carleton Pendleton, 629. Haven street. The Home-Coming day d.ance will he open to other alumni of the university and the luncheon of November 13 will be a reunion of alumni. Special Price $9.00 If you would rather make your own selec tions let us send you a copy of The Master List This dignified Colonial resid e n c e in Lincolnwood, North Evanston, occupies an eighty foot corner lot. There are five bedrooms and three baths. Two car garage. An exceptional offering at a very r e a s o n. a b 1 e price. Shown b y appointment. Full details from exclusive agents. America's Blue Book of Fine Peonies. There vou will find all of the best varieti es arranged for an. intelligent and easy choice. . ThP. Peony is the flower of the north. It is easy to grow. You can leave it undisturbed from year to year . and each year have attractive blooms. Get acquainted with peonies-learn to know them-they will repay your interest with a wealth of bE-auty. A Real Estate Bond secured by N o r t h Shore property represents the utmost in safety - safety with attractive e a r n 1 n g power. Come and See Us Just five· miles west of Glencoe on the Dundee Road are Northbrook Gardens. Drive out and choose your own peony roots or we can mail them to you by parcel post prepaid. If you can't come and see us send for your copy of The Master List. We will be glad to mall it to you. HOKANS2~ JEN~~North Shore Properties Telephone Greenleaf 1617 Northbrook Gardens Box J. I. Gleacoe, 10. 15'4 Sherman Avenue Evanston 500 Davis Streot EVANSTON ,,

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