Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Oct 1926, p. 28

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' WI L ME l'T E LIFE October 1, 1926 - .. · · - · ·· -1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIUIUnllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli!IIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Social Events Open .Women S Clubs 41111111111111111111111111111111UIIIIIIItiiiiiiiiiiii;III'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11fllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!ll ll' ' lllllll ; Opening Club Days Mantferud Wedding to uromans Club Dance Is ·soft Color .Hues Offer Sociai Hours Take Place Tomorrow on Tomorrow's Calendar Prevail at Recent Wh'en Miss Marion Ethel Mannerud The first affair ·given by the Wpman's as well as Programs becomes the bride of Alvin Gaylord club. of Wilmette entirely social in Wilmette Weddin.g By JEAN TEN BROECk In this new year season for the hundreds of north shore boys and girls who have le . ft for school, for autumn debutantes, and for the young men d an women of the north shore entering matrimony, and their number increases, the opening again of the women's clubs along the shore will inaugurate a season offering more varied interest to the greatest number of women than perhaps, any other one activity. It seems fitting, too, that the opening days in our five north shore federated women's clubs be of social ntaure, as they will be, with the first day of the new year introduced either with luncheon or a reception for new offic'ers and members, and a program, either musical or literary, or both, following. The Woman's club of Wilmette will ooen its doors officially Wednesday, October 6, at 2 o'clock, 'vith a reception to its officers, Mrs. N. P. Colwell, president: Mrs. Hayes McKinney, first vice-president; Mrs. A. W. Strong, second vice-president: Mrs. I. R. Adk. 'd . d Vlce-presrc . . 1ent; M rs. D av 1 ms, tl ur Bowe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. nature, and· one · h in which · d men t may th Bowe · of St. Paul, tomorrow evening, participate, 1s t e opemng · ance ta 8 30 e 1 bl she lf wdl be (E attended by Mrs. : W A hi f E Thomas c ' u1 10use k M tomorrow b f evenmg th 1b a t' o e. Jr.. f h'thel s d ey o M vanston) o ·c oc ers 0 e c ·u d are d · d em b b o ne as matron o 0on·or, by 1 iss Y n A f' h · an h £ Eloise 1 vtte t an may e accompame frms w· o t e Mrrmgton H 1 ote A , ormer y £ gues Th . h d h t f th e o tlmette, rs.· C aro d nderson o osts os esses e the veE (V' · 1 d f 1 ..· e 'II · an 1 d th h i or n of vanston 1rgmta ope an , ormer y mng wt tnc u e e c a rma of Wilmette), and Miss Mary Louise dattce committee and her husband, Mr. Scheidenhelm of Wilmette, as brides- and Mrs. G. E. Walk, and Mr. and maids. Mrs. R. D. Burtner, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Bowe, twin ; brother of the Myron B. West, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. ·bridegroom, will serve as best man, and Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. DenWarren Hamburg of Minneapolis and man, Mr. an'J Mrs. C. D. Ewer and Dr. Thomas Wolfe, Jr., and John Ashley and Mrs. G. H . Webster. of Evanston will be ushers. The first subscription of the series to Dr. Ernest Fremont Tittle will read he ~iven during the season occurs the wedding service at 8 :30 o'clock in October 16. . 1111111 111111111111111111111111111 11111 1 1111111 the First Methodist Church of Evanston, and following the ceremony, a small Bear Gifts to Econnom.y reception will be held at the hom e of S ,.,., (J b JJ 1 ea the bride's fath~r and mother, Mr. and .'CfO er Mrs. John Christian Mannerud, 811 One of the always delightful events Ridge avenue, Evanston. Out-of-town · of the early autumn which has its guests arriving for the festivities are appeal to many women of the village, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Bowe of St. is the Economy Shop tea, which this Paul and Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. seas on occurs Wednesday. October 13, Sellars of Indianapoli s. at the Woman's club. The occasion Miss Mary Louise Scheidenhclm was affords not only pleasure and social in hostess at a luncheon in Miss Man- tercourse, but the opportunity of connerud's honor and this evetributing will to charity. person nitig Mr. andTuesday, Mrs. Manncrud are tending bear her Each gift for sale atat The wedding of Miss Margaret MeCue, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCue, 631 Washington ave . nue, to Perry W 1 '11iam Lieber, son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice H. Lieber, 468 Ridge 'nnetka, was solemnized " enue, W 1 1 .. Saturday, September 25, at the home of the bride's parents. At 8 o'clock, as the strains of Mendelssohn's wedding march began, two little pages, Beckwith Bronson, son of Mr. and M..rs. R. W. Bronson of Lake Forest, an<t Edward A. Biery, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Biery of Los Angeles, dressed in black velveteen, bolero suits. with white satin sashes, formed a pathway for the hride and her party from the foot of the stairway to the rose embanked altar before the fireplace. Little three-year old Patsy Crossley, daughter of . Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Crossley of \Vheaton, Ill., acted as flower girl, scattering rose petals from a tinv ha. ket encased in rose buds. She ~ore a frock of nink taffeta, with tig-ht horlice and bouffant skirt edged with pink tulle. Her hair was catwht with a bandeau of pink ribbon. Miss Perr . trorlrr, , ... ttrrlttnr , tld " Arrns ,. ., d " "' '- of 'Mr .... " hop L. Anderson, treasurer: Mrs. Frederick giving the bridal dinner at the Edge- the Economy Shop, and "A Travesty :\f rs. Fred Armstronl! of the Ecll!e0. Ebeling, corresponding secretary; water Beach hotel. on Cluh Conference" featuring some water Beach hotrl. followe-d, "·caring Mrs. J. W. F_isher. recording secretary. The Manne· uds " ·ere res idents of of our best home talent, will precede a gown fa shioned similar to :Yfic:;s Mrs. William F. Farrell, president of \Vilmette for manv vears, and Mrs. the tea. Pat sy's. hut of a rleencr shadr of pink. the Tenth district, will be guest of Mannerud was at o;1e ·t ime president of Proceeds from the sale of these She also scattered rose petals. ).fi ss honor. the \Voman's club of \Vilmette. go to the building fund of the cluh. Betty Armstron£!' followed lwr sis tPr, After the reception a musicale will ' ~111111 111111111111:: 11111 11111111111111 1111111 w h'l t e tl1e pro fit s f rom th e th n'ft d e part - as junior maid of honor, gowned the be given by the Civic String quartet, ment go to charity, it is announced. same way, hut carrvinQ' a shower houconsisting of Bertha Kribben, first Announce Lectures ·mm 111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111 nuet of rose huds a-nd lilies-of-the-valviolin; Almada Jones, se cond violin: A series of lectures on parliamentary 0 m Sho~"" ley. Sarg Polak, viola: Beulah Rosine, eel- law accessible to all women of the vilC · 1. Yf Mi ss Dorothy Hall. <l,"'tt"'hter of '.' fr . w·It h ma k'mg 1Y E " ·· 1 list. Kathryn Witwer, soprano, ac- lage, will be conducted by Mrs . .Mauarttc es dor t le '.cono"net : Mrc: HPnrv H~ll. 500 Central · aveSh · 11 companied hy Helen Leefelt, will I':> rrive rice H. Lieber of \Vinnetka, commenc- my h op Its purpose to ay, as we as nue, Wilmette, actt'nrr as ,,,, ... ,·cl of · 11 f "" " solo selections. A word about these ing 0 ctober 12, and occurring each w·1 at t e next 1 meetm~, a women ° honor, was gowned t'n chartreuse green h 1b h mustctans. The quartet is sponsored Tuesday for ten weeks. The course I mette. w 1et er c u mem ers or velvet, fashioned over a silver rlrop. by the Ci,,ic Music association, and will be given at the home of Mrs. not, are invited to gather at the Wil- ~lw rarri,..rl yellow rose buds and liliesevery participant is a menll)er of ti1e mette Woman's clubhouse at 10:30 f th 11 ev. 1201· Greenwood aveMusicians' Club of Women. Mi. ss Wit- Frank Oelerich, d 1 f h · · ·o'clock for a day of ·Se\\rt'ncr. ,... Luncheon M' e-va M -C h f 1 nue, un er t 1e ausptces o t e ctv1cs will bese rved at 12 :30. It is honed that tss c .ue, on t e arm o 1 1cr wer. as winner of a contest, has ap- d t f th c th 1· father approacl d tl lt epar ment o e oman s a o IC more work will he accomplishrd this , ,e 1e a ar, w 1Cre peared with the Chicago Symphony or- · club of Wilmette, of which Mrs. A. W. new year than ever ha s been before. they were joined by her mother, hnth chestra in a popular concert. B 1 · h · ar'vt'ncr tl1e' 1 1t · · TJ oy ston ts · c atrman. 1111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111 ,... ,... tr f aug-1 ~"r 1n marna~e . 1e 1111111 111111111111111111111111111111111 On October 8, the fine arts depart 1111111 The home of Mrs. John Boylston at hride wore ivorv chiffon velvet, in the tnt>nt of the Woman's Catholic club of 1302 Chestnut avenue is open today for rohe de style mo(ie, with slee\'CS, Wilmette has arranged the club pro- Plan. Rummage Sale the sale of articles made by dis;J.bled tinv pearls forminP' the onlv flecoragram which will be g-iven in the afterThe St. Francis ·Xavier parish is war vetf'rans at Great Lakes. The dis- tion t1f the tirrht fitting hod ice. Her noon at thf' home of Mrs. John Boyls- planning for a rummage sale from play will disclose many attractive ex- veil of flrsh tulle, was cauvht with a ton, 1302 Chestnut avenue. Mrs. Wal- October 4 to October 9, inclusive, at a amples of handiwork which will make coronrt of twin,..d oranP"e hlossoms, and 1ace Miller will read a paper of cur- store located at 2006 Central street, pretty and suitable Christmas gifts, it was hf'fore her face until the rent events. "The Great Valley" by Evanston. Anyone having articles to is announced. completion of the cercmonv. She carMary Johnston will be reviewed by donate is asked to leave them at the 1111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111 rif'rl a hounuf't of lavender -and vcllow Mrs . J. E. T;Jrleton, and Mrs. Tohn store on receiving day, Saturday, OcThe Cozy Corner circle of the First orchids, and lilies-of-the-valtey. · Boylston wilt give an informal talk on tober 2. Furniture or large articles Cong-regational church of Wilmette. is Rev. Stenhen A. Lloycl, pastor of "Making a Rock Garden." The opera will be called for if the donor will no- holding an all-clay meeting Thursday, th,. First Cong-rel!ational church of "Cavallf'ria Rusticana" will be reviewed tify Mrs. B. F. Patterson, 918 Linden October 7. Mrs. W. A. Richardson is Wilmette, officiatecl. Frrderick Fisher with Mrs. E. E. Lamkey giving the avenue, Mrs. P. ]. Joyce, 423 Tenth in charge of the luncheon· and there of Ottawa. Ill.. artf'd ::ts hf'st man. The story and Mrs. Charles Broad. Mrs. street, Wilmette, or Mrs. John Pahl- witt be sewing for the bazaar. , t'Shf'r" w<>re Frf'cleric:k Armstrong of Joseph Joyce, Mrs. Hollis G. Gleason, man, 2655 Asbury avenue, Evan:,ton. ,..... ,. """"'""'"""""""'"'" 111111t the Eclg-ew:J.ter Bearh hotel, Sumner Mrs. Frank Rothing, Mrs. John G. 1111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111 A reception will be given at the home Cro"slev. Wheaton, Ill., both of whom Downell,N Mrs. Robert Mrs. of Mrs. F. L. Millington, 126 Oxford are brothers-in-law of the hrioe .· Kenc d M Fontham, F The Crescent circle of the Congred K ·r th b h d d' k K harles orman an rs. ran aye roa , en1 wor , y t e secon 1- m~th Cox, Chicago, and Keith Davis, illustrating the score. Mrs. A. W. gational church will hold an all day vision of the Ladies' Aid society of Chil"aP"o, a fraternity brother of Mr. Boylston and Mrs. A. J. Ruby will as- meeting at the home of Mrs. H. E. the Wilmette Parish Methodist churcht Lieber's. sist the hostess. Osborn, 715 Linden avenue, Tuesday, .Thursday afternoon, Octot c.r 7, at 2 . Potlowing the ceremony, the wedding The opening meeting of The Neigh- October 5. Luncheon will be served. o'clock. All women of the congrega- party formed a reception line, together bors, the Kenilworth woman's club, will This will be the first meetinl{ of the tion, it is announced, are cordially in- with the groom'~ Parents to receive be a reception tt') new officers on Oc- vear. The hostesses witl be Mrs. H. B. vited to come and hear the very in- the guests. Mrs. McCue, mother of tober 5, on the club's new meeting day, Pruden. Mrs. H. W. Caldwell, Mrs. teresting program which has been ar- the bride, was gowned in rose chiffon, Tuesday. A.]. Coburn and Mrs. G. L. IIJiff ranged. · (Continued on Page 4) ~?ifts S fi E ew or no °- w ' Jon~ rlr;:~ncd .... ·

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