W I L M E T T E L I F'E October 1, 1926 ~ ~- ~~~~-BRO~N~UM1 Imported French Chait with solid walnut hand carved frame and covered in a b e a u t if u I wool t a p e s t r y. A s m a r t chair that will add a touch of refinement to your room. 1-567 Sherman Ave. Telephone Uni~ FURNI1 .... UPHOLSTERED FURNIT~U $59.00 Comfortable Coxwell Chair with a solid mahogany frame and a seltction of tapestries. A very comfortable lounging chair. In order to obtain something that would be different from the in and around Chicago, we purchased two carloads from New elusive fabrics, direct from the looms in Europe: hand · carved and new improv~d methods of construction, which assure a Jife few of the many pieces being shown on our 1loors at ·the p quoted on upholstered furniture. O.pen Thursday and 1 $38.50 ~ well any cushi4 very Solid Mahogany Suite with dainty hand carving. The lines are very refined and pleasing. It can be had in a variety of mohairs, tapestries and friezes. The two . pteces are $215.00 Two Piece Suite with solid mahogany-. frame. It is covered with a verv fine plain tapestry and the r~verse si.de of the cushions are in brocatelle. Can also be ha·d in other coverings. The two pieces· are $167.00 Kidney Shaped Suite with a solid mahogany frame and a hand . carved top rail. It is covered with fine mohair and brocatelle. The two pieces are $229.00