October 1, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE :19 "AMERICA'S GREATEST CAR" -Tommy Milton , '. "" . ·. veteran automobile race driver, former international champion-the only man who ever twice won the 500-mile Indianapolis Speedway race. of the improved Packard Eight T carsfirst was bought by Tommy Milton,. HE Milton knows automobiles. Racing drivers, gambling their lives in the crucible of grueling speed, must learn the meaning of mechanica~ perfection down to the last cotter pin. And Miltoll-:}VaS not only a racing driver but one of the greatest in the history of the sport. He still holds the official record for having traveled faster than any other man has ever traveled on wheels. What is more natural than that such a man should test his car's performance en the Speedway? Milton tried his Packard Eight runabout at Indianapolis. He drove it 88 miles per hour- faster thaii the grand average of the speeds which won the Indianapolis Speedway races since 1911. Milton won the 500-mile race of 1921, b the fastest racing car of the year, with an average speed but a mile and a h~lhm hour ·greaier than he reached in his Packard Eight~a standard car~ No one knows better than Milton what ·· hard work it is to pilot a car at high speed .. But he found restful ease in his Packard Eight at speeds second · only to those of specially designed racing cars. Is it any wonder then that Milton has called the Improved Packar(l Eight "America's greatest car"?·He means great in performance, great in design and beauty, great in ease and comfort. · Nor is Milton the only famous racing driver to give the improved Packard cars the distinction of his preference. Harry Hartz, one of the most consistent winners on the "Rsaring Road",' who this ·year leads in points in the race for the championship crown, was one cf the first buyers of the new Packard Six. Have you experienced the thrill of driving one of the improved Packard cars? You are weicome to take the ,~heel of either Six or Eight at your convenience. Despitetheirnew beauty ,comfort and performance prices have not been increast. :1. · The improved Packard Six Runabout with complete accessories costs but $286o delivered at your door. On the Packard payment plan you pay $7 4 7 on delivery and $ 1 9 6 a month. The value of your present cat is deducted from the first and monthly payments. PACKARD MOTOR CAR COMPANY OF CHICAGO EVANSTON BRANCH 1735 E. Railroad Avenue Greenleaf 1200 ASK THE MAN WHO 0 W N S O· NE