Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Oct 1926, p. 15

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· October 1, 1926 \\'ILMETTE LIFE Pres~yterian Church Methodist Church There were nearly four hundred presDr. Stansell wilt' return from Conferent for our Rally and Promotion Day ence at Freeport and will conduct the program last Sunday. The promotions service Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. totaled ninety-nin~ and, by deJ)arLments, Everyon~ heartily Invited. were as follows: Cradle Roll, 11; Beginners, 28; Primary, 36: Junior, 24. Church school, 9 :30 a. m. I Epworth League, 6:15 p. m. ::\lidweek service, Wednesday, 8 p. m. We have taken up the Parables of Jesus for our study course for the midA reception \vill be given at the home week service each Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The Parables have had their of 1\Irs. F. L. Millington, 126 Oxford road, Kenilworth, by the me.mbers of the Secshare of modern discussion and application and it is, thert>forf', (>XW'Clf:'ll t ll'lt ond division of the Ladies' Aid society 2 o'clock. A many will be intf'rested in following this Thursday afternoon at very intE>resting program has been precourse. pared. All the women of the parish are After the summer-time SPJUl rn.tlons we cordially invited. always anticipate ·our fall Communion . . service with real inter('st . Wto ar·· 111 ·kThe Phtlathea class will hold Its ing forward to this service next Sunday monthly meeting Tuesday evening at the morning as a reunion of our church fam-~ home of Mrs. Haskins, 1465 ·wilmette ily and shall therefore expect a large at- avenue. tendance. . --·Our musical program · will be 1especially appropriate to the day. That Old Upright has been in your living-room for years. Don't you think it has served its purpose? What an improvement a Grand Piano-a Brewster · for instance, would make in your room 1 A payment of $75.00 with the balance spread over a period of years will place this charming instrument in your home. Why not inquire about our liberal e~change plan? ~ckerint & ~ons· · & tiiendell · i>rews1.:r THB AMPICO W. C. T. U. TO MEET The Wilmette and Winnetka W. C. T. U. will meet at the home of Mrs. Organ Prelude-"Communlon in A. Pearson, 1340 . Bryn Mawr avenue, ll Minor" .................·.. Batiste Rogers Park, Monday, October 4, at A · 11· .,, _ . 'Vh<>'l I Survey tht-· \Vondrous Cros ·" .. .. ...... Scb.pPcker 2 o'clock. Mrs. Rose Varley, the presiAnthem-"0 Lamb of God" .... Gounod dent, will speak on departmental work. DUt·t-"Love Divine All Love -oExcelling" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stainer Mrs. Heaps and Mr. l\lillPr ~Iiss Elizabeth DeBerard, who is atOrgan. Postlude-"Adoratlon" .. Lemmens tending the University of Illinois as a The Chirstian Endeavor society is inviting all the young people to attend a dinnPr to be followf'd by a rt=>c-rf:'atJOnal ~\·ening at the chu~rh Thur~dBY. OrtohPr 7. The dinner will be served promptly at 6 ::!0 o'clock. Some new "pep" songs, many novel "stunts." merstu-11 freshman, has been pledged to the Kappa Gamma sorority. -o~1 iss ~enticbring~fubios tJ'a,/.toll Kaum:e'l·' PIADO~ Sl1 IJAvu St,.a · 6wnstm 11/J~&oll ~-o-.J.fitJI Frances Howard and Miss Eleanor Thayer of Wilmette and Virginia Heidman of Glencoe are fresrmen at the Unh·ersity of Illinois who .-\ ····'tl ,, . ,..,~·. with Nl 1 ~ l"l'H1 !'YC·r'thilll!, has bPf'n plannPd for the boyH and girls arc pledged to the Alpha Phi sorority. · ": tlw iu·1ior nnrl intt·rm t>diatf' dt=>part-onwnts of t lw Run rlny school this aft f' r~[iss Helen Southward of Kenilworth noon at ~ :~0 o'rlo<'k in the ~ymnaslum. Plans for tlw org-anization of n. . Junior has been pledged , to the Alpha Chi C'hur<·h nnd Girl SC'out troop will be pre- Omq!a at the University of Illinois. :-;- ·ntdl. Parf'nts ar(' a~ked to remind the -ohoys nnd g-irls th ··t this party is this Aihert Kramer and Nathan Pancoast, Friday aftf' rnoon at ~ :30 o'clock. We are optn Tuesday, Thursdav qnd Saturday evenings. H··!!·ul :u· rlinnPr rn~'t-tin~ of tlw Cuild Illinois this Rpr·kf' Ttwsday, Ol'tolwr :i, at tlH· church . Kappa Psi. fi :30 p. m. who have entered the University of fall, arc pledged to · Phi Th(' fir~t Junim· l'hUt'<·h !'H ·n ·iC'P will h r> The Ficlelis sororit\' entertained at a ht·lrl m·xt Run<lay morning- at 11 o'clock "rushin~(' luncheon the Old Haylofte in thr· Junior rt~om . A r< ·gular serYi('f· prog-ram ndaptPd to boys n.ncl girls of in EYanston last Saturda,·. Two new members were pledged that time . .T1i11ior and Intermediate age. -o- at Tane Baudauinc and Tiny Scouts, :\lo n<lay, 7 :~0 p. m. Bowlin!! anrl h 'tskdha"l for nwn and olrler Elias,· of \Vilmette. b~ys TuPsdny ~~iss at ~I iss ~[arian nig-ht. Prayf'r me<>ting \VNln('sday nig-ht. Thursday ni~ht, Young pr·oplc's rf'ereation. Boy TiangE>rs, Friday, :! ::!0 p. m. The Prf'~hytf'rian church is located at tht· ('orm·r of ~inth stref't and Greenleaf aYenue. ~1rs. Joseph Pitts has returned to her home in Bloomington after a vis\t at the home of her father and mother, Mr. and ).frs. C. JI. Leach of 521 Elennth street·. 1867 Bournique's 1926 Dan<'ing Dt·partmcnt Priyate classes personally con· · du ·t<:d by E'Jiidently thousands awaited this final achie'Vement The ALV AR L. BOURNIQUE EYanston Chicago \Vinnetka Oet. 18 Oct. 1V Oct. 20 Xl' W families accorded member~hip Wh(·n )1rest-nting sa. t isfactory references. OFFICE and STUDIO 113! ~. Dearborn Street, Chlfngn Silent Nokol Automatic Oil Burner -oM rs. C. G. Smith, 1325 Greem,·ood avenue, was· hostess to a group of Chicago friends at a luncheon at her home Tuesday of this week. With lightning swiftness the new Silent NOKOL has won America! In the first 60 days following its introduction, home owners, large and small, invested $3,127,461 in thie new NOKOL-a p~enomenat sales record. Consider for a moment, what the new Silent NOKOL would mean in your home. The first chilly hour this autumn yo:.t would set your thermostat for the desired temperature. From that time on-in crisp weather, zero nights or damp days-you would have the right warmth for comfort and health-automatically. No dust, no dirt. no ashes. NOKOL provides low-cost heat without using low-grade · fuel oil. There is no oil-burning odor-inside or outside. It costs no more than hard coal, usually less. You will want to learn more about the new Sil.ent NOK.OL Come in-it takes only 10 to 15 minutes to tell you the whole story. First Walking Shoes SPECIAL·IZE in the WE fitting of Infants' First Walking Shoes for the most important time in the baby's life, when correct shoes will juet as surely aid in the development of healthy 'feet as incorrect shoes will ruin them. Sizes 4 to 8 :0~~~ $4.50 :.~~ea:~"T::ny $3.95 Telephone U niv·r·ity 91J NEW PCDL & PIPER .,NC· CHILDneN·s SHOE SPECIALISTS 1608 Chica1o Avenue EvanitOD, Illiaola Silent 0 COl Rl&.lt.S .,AT. orr. AUTOMATIC OIL HEAnNG fOR HOMES OIL BEATING CO. ZlS N. Micbicaa Avenue, Chicaco, Ill. Ceatral 7832 1311 CIUca1o -Avenue, £yaaeton ... · "' Uninnity 7421 .·

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