Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Oct 1926, p. 13

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October 1, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE .,. I I Greenleaf and Seventh Streets. DL ARTHUR H. TUTl .;..,a The Junior chotr will be organized next William Guise, pastor. Saturday, October 2, at 11 o'clock. DR. ALICE D TUTTLE , Services for October 3 : 'rhe boys and girls of the main school · . 1 T~e Holy Communion and Pre~aratory are eligible. O.t.opatiUc Pla~aiciaaa This Frtday the Central avenue Circle se:vtees will be held at the worshtp hour, will be entertained at 1 o'clock luncheon ll o'clock. All members are requested Beginning October lO, the pastor will Reeldence and Olftce at the home of Mrs. Fred · A. Smith 729 to be present for the complete service. deliver a series of sermons on the Pareta Ceatral A.~ea.. Plaeae Eighth street. . ' l"That in everything ye are enriched in ables of Jesus. _ Hi~"fromilieEp~~furilie18lli~~ ~~~~~----------~~===============~ T~~aSoo~~me~lli~Frl~yn~~dQ aftH Trln~y. ~11 ~ llie hrt fur~---------------------------------~ ning at 7 :15. Ewart Cook, flkipper. our communion meditation. MINISTERS Stephen A. Lloyd William E. McCormack Sunday morning is Rally Day In this Bible school at ~ :45. The adult class church. The entire Church school will will continue the splendid series of lesreturn to the 9 :30 meeting hour. This : suns in the bovk of Numbers. The atis the time for everyone to rally for that I tendance of many parents and friends as 10.0 percent attendance to start the Fall . well as members on last Sunday, our work off right. Each department will : H.allr Day, was most gratifying. The · have a special service in keeping with the mustc by the school and Luther league spirit of Rally Day. was well rendered and the pageant given _ by the Missionary society made a very ThP. Junior Congregation will rally for · favorable impression. its first meeting since the summer vacation Sunday morning at 10 :30 o'clock. The church council will meet in reguEach member of the Junior choir will be lar monthly session next Wednesday in his place to help lead the -singing, Mr. ~vening at 8 o·clock. McCormack will preside, and Dr. Lloyd will speak on "Off to a Flying Start." 1.'he Mi~sionary society wlll meet Thursday, October 7, at 2:30. ImportThe Sunday morning service of wor- 1 ant business p-ertaining to the autumn ship at 11 o'clock will partake of the dinner will be transacted. spirit of Rally Day. Dr. Lloyd will give a Communion address at this Fall ComThe Luther league will hold its next munion service, and new members wlll · be mt~eting at the parsonage, 521 Seventh received into the fellowship of the church. street, Friday, October 8. All the young Congregational Church English Lutheran people of th.e pariah are lnvttecL - ' . - I T ~lepbone ·your order._Wilmec:te 649 No Toll We Deliver . . . .J 15 57 SHERMAN Evanston The Wilmette Sunday Evening club will opan its eleventh season in thls church at 7:30 p. m. Bishop Edwin Holt Hughes will speak, and Madame Edith Normelli will sing. On Monday, ~lrR . M. H. WE>st, 916 Greenleaf aYt-nttP, \Vill entt>rtain the East End Circle, l\Trs. H . C'. Hall, chairman, at a 12 :'30 o'clock luncheon at her home. The Wilmette and 'VinnPtka w·. C. T. 'C. will meet at tht· home of ~lrs. A. Pf'arscm, 1340 Bryn :\[awr aw·nut·, Chi.cago, on l\londay at 2 ]>. m. Presideut l\Jrs. Farley will S]Wak <m "De11artmental ""ork." Th e Cresc(-nt Circle, :\Irs. F . E. Parry, chairman, will hold an ali-day meeting at the home of :\lrs. H . E. Oshc>rn, 715 Linden avenue. 'Those assisting ~Irs. Osborn as hostt-sses an· ~Irs. H. ll. PruOt>n, :M rs. H . ""· Caldwell, ~frs . . A . J . · Coburn, and ~Irs . n. F. Iliff. Roosevelt Troop )lo. 2 mPt-ts on TU<·srtny eYening at i :15 at headquarter s. Dr. Charles B. BlakP, scoutmaster. Th e Junior choit· nwPt: on \\"t·dn('sday aftf'rnoon at 4 o·c!ock for r elH·arsal unclt>r tlw clirection of :\fr. :\[<·f'ormack and :\Trs. L . F. Gates. fall S('ri,·s of Church Family Xights will lw inaugurated next \Ved\Wsday . nimH·r at (i :~0, and a fine program c losing with n .. gt·t-acquaint~d hour.'· Thf' Auto Painting & Trimming Authorized duPont DUCO. Refinishing Station I I I ·~: tl!'~-----.:. THAT old bird Decay is always perched in the vicinity your home ready to attack wear integrity and the value your home. There is only of the of one Robt. W. Melntyre 1209 Washington St. Gasoline Alley I 1 I I Telephone Wilmette 684 thing he is afraid of-it's plint. _ B~autify and save. I Wilmette Window Shade I ~.: & faint Works ALFRED EVERS, Proprietor t Paint's the foe of all decay. Save the surface while you may. nn Thursday tlw f'ozy C'orner C'i··clP, A. K Klunrh···. chnirnllUl, will ha,·e its all day m eH ing at the church, wh ere tlw nH' lnb<'rs will sew for the bazaar. Mrs. ,V. A. Richardson is the chairman of the lunch eo n committee. ~rn;, hear~al MOTORS SERVICE ~~--------------------------------------·«----------------------~ EVER.VTHING Jb·tfle Incorporaeed The Young Pt·opl<"s choir m eets for reon Thursday t-Yt>ning at 7 :Hi. Porter '"-'· Heaps, ~ir · ·c tor. The :Neighborhood f'ircle will hold an ull-day Rummag-e Sale at G:n Main stre~ t. next Thu rsda)'. I and Art Materials. I 3 3 C~ntral Avenue I Phone Wilmette 3493 i ....,..._...._...._...._.,.._.. .... 11 i Glass. Picturt Framing, and Mirror Resilvering. Wallpapc~· Mirrors AUTOMOBILE .._.~,~·~··~.._, · ·.. NEVER.. Tenth Street and Central Avenue CLOSED uraess ·e tter atteries SERVICES Radio Subject ef the Le.aon Sermon 11 A" and 11B" Dry Cells October 3--'~UNREALITY" The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy an.d all other authorized Christian Selene~ Literature may be read, borrowed or purchased. ~lt MAIN STREET Wilmette The Public ia cOrcliall~ invited ·to attend tlae· Cluarcla Serncee and Yiait tlae Readina Room J.C.Siown ~B. VanDeuacn.

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