IZ WILMETTE LIFE October I, 1926 s Jeweler to Show His Handicraft ~.wrfllij ~ Where East Meets West HE AGE-OLD EAST~ bearing its gift of mystical insight~ of patient hand labor; and the West, with its contribution of modern method~ adequate equipment and proper organization. Either alone is not enough. Here at Kashian Brothers they meet. The inevitable result , is a high peak in rug cleaning and repairing difficult to attain~ impossible to surpass. Pla~e your rugs in our care- once! "Once" will be Halways." T One of this country~s most interesting and historic arts has been enriched 1145 Greenleaf Avenue by the enrollment of a noted European Wilmette, Ill. silverware artist and craftsman, Erik Magnusscn, who has decided to assume Telephone Wilmette 1200 American citizenship. · Mr. Magnussen, whose interesting - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _____ J(aShian)jros. Coming soon -cool nights and Chilly mornings. Be ready with exhibit in New York was attended by thousands of art lc·,ers, will exhibi t many of his fine pieces and the method of making them, in the Silverware Gal lery of Spaulding and cornpany on Michigan avenue, October 5 to 9 in elusive. , A native of Denmark. his work , have been a feature of the Saloll d'Automnc at Paris, the Danish Salon . · and Danish Art Museum. Magnussen, with his classical an d European background and his re ccp tiveness to impressions of vigorou <; America, has already created man y new forms, styles, and motifs-all, a" he says, ~~merican inspiration. The clean fuel of economy, for all heating plants and all seasons.. .Fill your bin now, while you can still profit by reduced ·s ummer prices. Right now is a good time to send for our Servic: Man. His suggestions can save you money on vour season's fuel bill. ' lor Hoarse, Tickling Throats and Husky Voice Try tilles medtcated sufficiently to produce re.. aults. Huskeys dissolve in the mouth slowly bu~ surely, thus affording prolonged medi.. CattOn. Smokers, singers, actors and speakers recommend Huskeys for keeping the tbroa t fit. The package is convenient in size for deak. pocket or handbag. ~ey are pleasant tasting throat relief pas; NYAL HUSKEYS KUTTEN BROS. Everything in Fuel Telephone Wi1mette I 711 Main St., Wilmette, Illinots T~mt"V-tive Cenu Ridge Ave. Pharmacy C. C. ltENN:E CKAR Opposite St. Joseph Church Phone 116