Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Sep 1926, p. 51

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September 17, 1926 wa'ip ·- . ·--- Inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directery or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE L~FE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE ·NEWS. 15 cents a linP. in one paper. 25 cents a line in any two papers es- 30 cents a lin<:! In all three papers. 1\liNBlUM CHABGE 50 cents" AvP.rage <>!' nve words to thP. line. No black face type used. 10'-1e~ discount 0 ~ all cash with orae.r aavertlsement.s ~vhen brought to our office at 12!! Central Ave., Wilmette, or it-& Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. CLASSIFIED ADVE~TISEMENTS eneral Notices- Classified advertisements will be charged only to G residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe l REAL ESTATE ,. . FOR RENT-ROOMS FOR SALE WILL SACRIFIC~ MY FOR RENT-PLEASANT FURNISHED bea\ltlful 6 room stucco home, hot waroom for two employed. Hot and cold ter heat, breakfast nook and large sunwater. Tel. 776-M. 4L51-ltp room, and garage. 3 years old. Southeast Winnetka. Must be seen to ap- FOR RENT - FURNISHED FRONT preciate same. Call Winn; 882. room in private home near lake. Phone 1LTN51-tfc Winn. 1381. 4LTN51-ltc FOR SALF..-IN WILMETTE, LOTS ON !<'OR RENT -FURNISHED ROOM, Chestnut, Ashland, 7th avenue and central location ; with or without board. Sheridan road with riparian rights and Tel. Wilmette 801. 4LTN51-ltc pi e rs; cash or time. Phone P . Gage, 602 Maple avenue, Wilmette, Ill. FOR RENT LARGE FRONT ROOM 1L51-tfc for two. Hot water ; reasonable. Winn. 1920. 4LTN51-:lto FOR SALE - WILL . ACCEPT REduced price for my 7 room frame home !<'OR RENT 2 DESIRABLE FRONI on large lot in S. ~. Winnetka, If sold rooms, single or suite. East side. Te.j . b efore Oct. 1st. Want offer. Owne r. Wilmette 1940. 4L51-1tc Winnetka Talk B-46. 1LTN51-ltc FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED FOR SALE 7 ROOM COLONIAL room. Near all transportation. Tel. house ; fram e ; hot water heat. T e rms. Winn. 1404. 4LTN51-ltc Winn. 481 1LT51-ltp FOR RENT ROOM WITH · BOARD FOR SALE AT NORTHBROOK. at 607 Main St .· Wilmette. 4LTN51-ltc Very attractive new five room housP. Tel. ~orthbrook lt:l . 1LT~!ll-2tn 5 FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES FOR RENT-HOUSES FOR RENT STORE AND SHOPS. FOR RENT - $150.00, OCT. 1ST. EAST Telephone Winnetka 62. 5LTN51-tfc side r esid ence. 8 rooms; sleeping porch ; 3 fireplaces; No-Kol oil burne r: H . U FOR RENT-GARAGES W. H eat. Large lot. Convenient schools. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - transportation . 814 Linde n Ave. \\"il. FOR RENT NEW 3 CAR BRICK 982R. 2L51-1tr garage; light and heated. Phone Wilmette 573 or 1334. 1466 Lake Ave. FOR RE~T - UNFURN. 7 Rl\I. BRICK 6L51-ltc home; 2 baths; H. W. heat; lge. sun rm. ; gar. ; beaut. view of SkokiP. in 6A WA~TED TO RENT-GARAGES ex ct-p. nice neighborhood. $210 mo. Address Wilmette Life B-47. WANTED TO RENT GARAGE IN general vicinity Chestnut and Tenth. FOR RENT - $62. 6 ROOM HOUSE. t Tel. Wil. 1822. 6AL51-ltc bedrooms, bath, breakfast nook. 2-car garage. Lot 80x200. West of Glencot'. WANTED TO RENT GARAGE IN For information call Winn. 1030 or vicinitv of Tenth and Forest. Call Xorthbrook, 215-J-1. 2LT~51-ltc Wil. 3062. 6A-L51-ltp 7 WAN'f'ED '1'0 RENT-HOUSES Rat Classified advertisements wlll be acc~pted Deadline for Insertions- up to Wednesday 5 p. m. for the WILMETTE LIFE or ah three papers; Thursday 5 p. m . for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 p. m. for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. --------------------------NORTHBROOK HF:I<iHTS SPBDIVISA'ITRDA Y SP:!';DAY Come nut and H<··· for yoursl"lf. \\"p an· oJWning a tract with one-half and three-quarter acr(· lotH. Pric(·s fa r b f'low actual valu(·. Full grown, high trees, woods. golf course, rapid transportation, schools, and a dP('Jl Healtl1 Watf'r Spring giving clear, cold, h <'a lthful wate r all tlw year 'round, locatN1 right in th e Yillag-e limits, not miles o ut in th{' country. Xo big adwrtising campaign to pay for. want to ·sell this prope rty and han· priet"d it so you can compare It with any prope rty on the ~orth Shore for in V t'~ tment and hom<·-sit es. \Viii lw OJH'I1 this Saturday aft t> rnoon and Sunday, all next w et-k and th(· following- Haturda~· afh·rnoon and Sunda~·. Dri\·p oul and be convinced. This is a chnn(··· you ha,·e long look ed for and hoped for. Very easy terms, . 1-5 caHh. At Northbrook turn to right off "·auk<·gan Road on Sh<.'rmPr An·mw, dri,·<· t>ast two blocks: or DundPc· Road and turn at Illinois Golf grounds on Dundee Road toward \Yaukega n Road on Sht>rmer AYe . AFTJ·:R~OO~ A~D ltf:AI. ESTATE ~EXT I 1 REAL ES'l'ATE SION OPEXS FOR RENT A LDllTED ~t":\fBER OF $ 5.1JO to $200.00 a month. H l'SES FOR SALE 7 R00:\1 ; H Ol"SB EAST SIDE. GOOD <'Ondition and location, $12, 500. Easy terms. i ""e 1213 Wilm(' ttP A.\·e. ' Tt-l. \Vil. 225 1LTN51- ltc ----------------- XE\Y COLONIALS J("f-\T Paul Schroeder & Co. 407 Linden A vt- nue. Phon e. ".il. 6!'1S 1L~l-lt c CO:\IPLETED. IG07 AXD 1513 r.rHnwond . A \'f'., \Vilmette, one block from K t> nilworth station·, in restri ct ed di st rict, whPre r ea l estate valu es are on the incr ea!ie. Each house ha" six rooms and bath with extra toilet in basement. Hot "·ate r lwat. Lot s 50x 12ii ff·et with alley. Large liY,ing rooms and three large bedrooms. Hardwood FOR RENT ATTRACTIVE HOUSE ftonrH throughout. Ready for occuin Hubbard Woods, furnished or unpanC'y. PricC'd nry low at $16,500, furnished . Hot water heat Conveniwith easy terms. Owner on premisE's. ent transportation. Tel. Whin. 18 74. . 2LTN51-ltc 1L51-ltc FOR RENT-FURN. HOUSE. OCT. 1 TO WIXXETKA'S BEST Bl"Y April or May. 4 bedrooms; bath; 2 liv. WELL Bl'ILT !'I Rl\1. HSE., XEWLY rms. ; din . rm. and kitchen ; oil burner ; d C'corated inside and out; unu s ually large yard. 731 Tenth St. Tel. Wil. fine ftrs .; lge. llv. rm . ; l1td . sun-rm.; 992-J 2LTN51-ltc large din . rm.: com·. kitch. ; bkfst. rm.: m:tid's rm .: toi.-lav.-l"howt-r on 1st; 4 \Viln1ettc bdrms : 2 fin *' til e baths and slp. pch. FOR RENT - UNFURNISHED 12-RM. 5-room, brick bungalow, hot wat e r heat house in Winnetka, 3 baths, 2 Jav. ; H. 2nd: nice attic; oil ht.; 2-ear garage. til bath, 2-car garage. \V. Heat. 2 blocks from station. 2lot 7~ ft. frontag e ; b*'aut. landsc. and $16 ,000.00 car garage. TeJ. Winn. 2765. con ,.. to transp., $21 ,0 00. 8-room, Colonial, 4 bedrooms, l- ea r gar2LTN51-tfc age. Heinsen Kroll, Inc. $13,ii00 .00 :FOR RENT DESIRABLE 8 ROO::\f Exclusive Agents. furnished residence and 4 room servWinn. 254. 720 Elm St., Winnetka, Ill. Glenyie\v ants' quarters with garage. $400 per 5-room. brick bungalow, on concn·te F OR SALE - XEW 7 Rl\1. ATTRACT. month. Tt>l. Kenil 2304. 2LTN51-ltc state highway. Ilrivk f'nlonial: 2 baths; H . · w . h£·at; 3 FOR RENT-APARTMENTS $16,tOO.tO gar.; lge sun-rm.; fine master bdrm.: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - beaut. Pl~<'. fixtures; parti<'ularly nice, F'OR RENT _ 4 ROOM APARTMENT, n e w sPc. with fine neighbors. Permanh t d i d h d 625 11th t t · an(1 ea e ·Wilmette n-a- or 2399. e · s ree . t-nt unobstruct ed view of Sk 0 k Je Phone 3L51-tfc 831 Ridge Avf'. Phonf' Wilmette 364 golf coursfl. Owner selling at "acriWilmette, Illinois fle e; immediate occupancy. $26,000. FOR RI4~NT-ROOHS 4 1LT~51-ltc WANTED A FIVE OR SIX ROOM bungalow or house, reasonable distance froin Evanston "L" in Wilmette, to rent with option of buying or will contract to buy. Phone Wilmette 308. 7L51-ltc WA~TED - FOR SA.LE with bath pay Box 7 OR 8 ROOM HOME 4 bedrooms. Prefer 2 baths or 1 and extra lavatory and toilet. Will from $18,000 to $20,000. Address 37, Wilmette. 7LTN51-ltc 5-6 ROOM Address Heat. 7L51-ltp W~NTED TO & RENT bungalow. Furnace Wilmette Life B-44. 9 FOR RENT-FURNISHED APARTMEN'I'S WANTED FOUR ROOM UNFURnished apartment, October 1st. Woman and two grown-up daughters. Address Wilmette Life B-40. 9L51-ltp liELP '·'ANTED-FEMALE l:t n ----------------"":"" TELEPHONE OPERATING- IS A DEsirable occupation for young women ; the work is permanent, interesting, and ~ar home. kOur operators · k are d well paid; they li e thetr wor an asso· ciates; :vacations with pay are glven each year ; a liberal benefit plan ls provided. Come . to the Telephone Office and talk it over with the Chiet Operator, Wilmette, Ill. 12L51-tfc y ·o uR A OPPORTUNJ1~Y -, 20 Elm St., ,,~ 1·nn e tka, Ill. _ " H einsen & Krol l ' I nc. BEAUTIFl:iL EAST SIDE HOllE with large well landscaped lot at a bargain price. This should suit a particular homeseeker. Also several low-priced homes in choice 6 ROO:\T FRA::\1 E : REC"E~TLY REmodt>led; largt· li,·ing room and h eat{'d FOR RENT- FURNISHED ROOl\l ON neighborhoods In 'Wilmette and North 1st fioor. Also furnished room with Jiving poreh ; rt>a ~ fire place: oak .floor~.; Evanston. light housekeeping privilege!'. For whitt> pnanwl tnm; furnac e w1th 011 Let us present for your inspection sevadult. Convenient to village. Tt>l. Wilburner; garag-<'. Choicfl East Ct"ntral eral nice pieces of income property in mette 992-l\I. 726 11th St., Wilmette. location, offered at $16,500. Terms. Evanston and the north side of Chi4LT51-ltc cago. , ... inn . '1.;4 ,, v 1LTX i:i 1-ltc FOR QlJICK SALE FOR RENT 2 MODERN, CLT<~AN, light, wt>ll-heated rooms. One su i ta bl e for counle and one single. Reasonable rent. Gentlement preferred or people in business. 602 Maple Ave. Wilmette 3587. 4L5l-ltc EXPERIENCED M /\ I D 1IID® JMI~IL~ITil® FOR Si\LE CC©o 1LT~lil-1tc 1157 Wilme tte Aw. (We Know Real Estate Ya.lue!';.) 525 4th St. Tel. Wil. 2818 HUBBARD 'VOODS-NE'V 7 R00:\1 Spanish home, tile roof, 2 baths, attaeh~>d garagE', large lot Price $25,000. Southeast \\T innetka Solid brick, 7 room, 4 bt>droomH, ope n porch, front and rear, hardwood trim throughout. tile garage. Lot 64xlri0. Price $18,000. E. E. Stults Realty Co. Winn. 1800 1LTN51-1tc 4i0 Winnetka Ave. BEAUtl'IFUL HONlE IN EAST KENILWORTH, BRICK Dutch Col. design with 4 master bedrooms, 2 haths, maid's rm. and bath on 1st floor, very large llv. rm., open por., att., gar., beautiful trees on lot 100x175. Open for Inspection, 306 Cumberland Ave., or call E. E. Stults ·Realty Co. OWNERS' AGTS. 460 Winnetka Ave. Winn. 1800 1LTN51-ltc NICELY FURNISHED Phone Wil. 640 FOR RENT room in private family suitable for 1LTX51-1tr couple emplo~·ed : two g'entlemen. One 12LTN51-ltc block from Hubbard Woods station. Phone Winn. 2725. 4LTN51-ltc HELP WANTED-COMPETENT MAID, For ~nle--6 room house with 2-car white, for general housework. 3 in gnrnge. Easy terms. FOR RENT -LARGE, COMFORTABLE family. Help with care of child. Good front room with lavatory. Suitable for 1st and 2nd Mortgages wages. Own room and bath. Te~. Wilcouple t>mployed. Convenient to "L" mette 3083. 47 Indian Hill Rd. Winand North Shore. Private family. Wil Charles Brethold netka. 12L51-ltp 721-1\1. 4L51-ltc INSURANCE Tel. 65 WANTED-'VHITE MAID THOROUGH!i45 !\fain St.. Wilmette FOR RENT NF.WLY FURNISHED 1 L51-tfc ly experienced. General housework; room. Close to transportation. Suit plain cooking; have laundress; family able for business lady or school teach of 4. $16.00-$18.00 week. 826 Elmwood er. Protestant. Address Winnetka BARGAIN AYe., 'Vilmette. Tel. Wil. 2588 Talk B-42. 4LTN51-ltc THE C H 0 T C E S 1' L 9 T IX E.AST 12LTN51-ltc Ul<'ncoe; 100x200; hea\'tlY wooded. located on short privatE> street 3 blocks LARGE ROOM NEWLY DECORATED HELP 'VANTED- NEAT, RELIABLE for two gentlemen . or employed couple to main station and 1 block to lake. girl for general housework. Good dinnerR optional. Garage. Tel. Wil Pric~ $20.00 p{·r foot under. market home home and good wages for right mette 2699. 4L51-tfc price. Act quickly, price $12a.OO per person. Phone .Winn; 1946. 12LTN51-ltc foot. Phone "'inn. 1801. 1LTN51-ltc CENTRAL HOTEL . - LIGHT OUTSIDE wANTED - YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST rooms for transients and residents. 62~ FOR SALE WILMETTE HOME. with housework and care of children. Main Street. Phone Wilmette 1080. Ideal location. 'Vonderful outlook. Must go home nights. $10.00. 1325 4LT51-tfc R room:-; 2 baths; sun-parl?r; sleepGregory Ave. Tel. Wil 3775. . g porch : hot water heat; otl burner; 12L51-ltc RENT - NICELY FURN. ROOM ~~rge lawn; trees; garage; by ~wner. FOR suitable for couple. Kitchen priv. if ~~---------------------------1Lo 1 -ltP Phone Wil. 2064. wANTED WHITE MAID BETWEEN desired. Protestant. Glencoe 97fl. .23 and 35 for general housework; · 2 .{LTN51-ltc FOR SALB-HUBBJ\RD. WOODS DISyear old child. Private room· and bath. trict Almo~t new brtck and stucc.o Near transportation. 379 Ridge Ave. LARGE FURNISHED hou;e 4 bedrooms; 2 bathrooms, tOI- FOR RENT Phone Winn. 1379. 12LTN51-ltc room ; private bath ; third ~oor. Priva~d lavatory. Close to scho(1l and t le ate home. Space for car. Tel. Wil. t' ~~ 700 Phone nlencoe tran~porta wn. "", . 1LT~51-1tc 1253. 4LTN51-lte MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE SZ 1225. F. Cole111an Burroughs ----------------------------------- for general housework. Refe,rences required. Call Glencoe 909. H.

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