Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Sep 1926, p. 50

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WILMETTE LIFE September 17, 1926 being constructed through the . middle ·proper courts and code of laws. The A cran.kcase ventilator iF nokl~ reg· of our church property. At the end of :fine things about it all is that the bet- ular equtpment on every ran m c~r week the V~ce. Consul and called 1ter class of !he Chinese have no .ll?ore that l~a-yes the factory. Its ~~r~~sei~! on the Commtsstoner of Foretgn Af-j sympathy With present-day condtttons ·to ehmmate water from t . hg 1c --fairs. He made numerous excuses for than you or I. j base and thereby do a:vay Wit ~1 (Continu~d from page 49) not having taken action , a.nd promised This case has taken days and days cause of rust and corro swn of beanng It will be one of the feeders for our to do something within the next few of my time in the hottest time of the s=.:u::.:r..:.f. :. a. :. ce_s_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ high schoo! ..This building cost us only Idays. K~owing frofl'\ experience that ! year, my life has been threatened, and $13,000 Me:':ocan ~urrency, .but could th.Is official could not b.e. trus!ed, the the strain has told on nie a great deal VILLAGE OF WILMETTE not be dupltcated 111 the Untted Sta~es Vtce Consul asked for tmmedtate ac- physically. The whole case could have Special Ass('ssment Notice for less than $30,~00. I e!1c!ose a pic- tion. Us?ally su~h cases are handled been settled long ago by the payment ture of the ~nfims!1ed bUtldmg. . by the CitY. Magtstrate, but v.:e must of a sum of $4,000. It was simply a Wilmette Special A!'sessm('nt No. li'J. In connectiOn wtth the erectwn of approach htm through the oretgn Of- case of blackmail. Even in the law IN THE MATTER OF THE SP~·:C TAL this building I have had one of the fice. The Consul on this day finally suit of this week the underlings in the ASSESSME~T of the- Villa ge of Wilmett e n~ost trying ex~erien~es of my whole asked the Commissioner to give him a Magistrate's offi~c have hounded the for the improvement of 'Vilm et t P Avt-etghteen years m Chma. We bought tetter to the Magistrate asking the tat- life out of our church members and nu e from th (' south curb line of Lake the property in 1919 and have collected ter to take immediate action to get pastor for bribes to insure that the Avenue to }hfc eatsa t cA ur'~"nlui~e f~~m P~~~ 'J · J fI Avenue, anc1 t>n rc 1 ' case would be decided in our favor. west curb line of EJeyenth Street to ~h cre!1ts f rom tenants untt m anuary o these people off the property. thts year, when we tore down the Arm"cl wi·h this letter the Vice Con Well in spite of all the hardships east curb line of Park Avf:'nue, ex<"i'J)tmg buildings in order to cut stone for the sul and I went at once to call on the and di~couragements there are things the right-of-~ay of thedChic<~~o a t!'ld Notrltl: . f h 1 D · · I ' W estern Ratlway an exu·p mg 1c erec t ton o our new sc oo · urmg Magistrate. He was most cordial and that bring us joy. I think that I told right-of-way of th e C'hicago North ShorP all t~se years ther:e has been no promised to take up the case as soon you in my la~t letter of the action and l\filwaukc-P Rail:vay by wid eni~~ thf' question of boundartes. as possible The Consul was for im- some time ago of the ChunO'king pavPment and pavmg the additwnal After we had been · at work four · ·· d k d h Magts· Chamber of ~ommerce tn . refusmg .t. width with r· ·i nforc('d ··oiwr!'te a nd oth~'.r . medtate actiO~ an as e t e to wiRe improving thP l"ame, nil in tlw. \ ~l!11?n.ths an adobe wall belongmg to ad- trate to go ·wtth us that afternoon and employ graduates of government Iag·e of ·wilJm·ttt\ C'oo)< C'ounty, Ilhn°Is. JOmmg property ~wner. fell, probabl,r m::~kt> : ~. nrrson;~l 1nvestigation, and or- Ischools, but of their willingness to ~O'TTC'B is hC' reby g-n·pn t o all llc· rsons because of our excavatiOns, though lt der the men off the property. He re- grant positions to Mi ss ion sc hool interE>stNl that th; n~.ard of L<.w nl ~m did not have a proper foundation W · . ·· · provemel"!ts, of s~ucl \ Illn g-t·, has hert toff d · b 'ld h · e plted that tt was too late and that he graduates who were P.roprrh· rccom - fore fil c· d in said Court, in Rairl <'alls<'_. a 11 0 ere . to :e ttl t e wa at on~e at was very busy. It was then only 4 mended. They are carrying this out in certifiC'atc- showing- thP ('o!<t. ?f tlw 1;nour 0\\ 11 expense. The owner clatmed o'clock and the Consul declared that earnest and it has· had a d ecid ed effect provement, the amount . rf:'sP I ' rd for m that two mghts after the wan fell . Th M . t erf'St and that tlw r e IR th(· sum · ·f ' there vv'as plenty of tune. h' · d . d e ag1s- for good. $'i 'i 4ri 1 s to b.., ahntc-d in r('(luction <·f 1 ! t:vts, eniere t 0 1 ts prope[t:y af sto1e trate compromised by se nding a repreRecently we had a wedding in our ~~~~1 ·~;Rsessm<'nt , ancl nlRo that s~1it1 im1e va ue 0 Jewe r~ · e. c.,. t.1 over sentative with us. . Chunrrking church. The groom who prowm!'nt hns he<· n ('ompl<·t<·d . m l"uh$10,000, th1s 111 sptte of the fact that ·. n C . . . . ' ll"tantial conformity to tlw r t·Q Uin·nwnts 1 k t I Th Use MJhtary Force was a hnsttan. "a::. marrymg a non- l f the originnl ordinanC'P tlw n ·for and 1 e .was ·nown )de a poo; ma~. . e . nrh . d t tl t Christian girl. Thev were having a ~nR ap 11 !it·d to' said <·o~Jrt tn <'OnRidP~ nnrl po1tee at once ma e an mvesttgatwn n en we arnve a 1e proper Y Ch . t' dd' · t t tl d, t' ' . t.l "r or not th P fnC'ts o::t:1 tt ·d . · 1 h f 1 k f · h B S t t' d t th t ns tan we mg, 1 JU . a 1e c1 osc, f' f'rmm<' w 1w "" , .. , . an d d ISmiSSe< t e case or ac o ev1- t P oys conts s a tOne a e ga .es tl f tl1 r 0 f th 'rl . nt d a t of in said <'<·rtifi<'atP arc· trw·. a nd that saul dence. Irefused to let us enter. The Magts- 1 le a e e gl wa e P r C'ourt has flxt·rl :\Toncla~·. tht· Hh clay of 'ffi 1 · trate's representative stated that we · the pagan cerel?ony t? be oh~ervcd. OC'tohf'r. A. n. 1!l2fi. at tf·n n'clnr~ .A. :.r.. E ncounter D 1 cu lies . . k . . . The church offictals, Chtnese. saHl that or af> soon thrrt>nftrr al" th P bustn<'S!'; of The owner then sued the M1sston had come to ma e an rnvesttgatton. · th' · · t t f All th , C'ourt will 1wrmit ·1t tht · rc· nm of but the case was dismissed for want of They still refused to allow us to enter 1 /st was ~~onsts ~n anc1 re t~se<1· f - t Rnid C'onnty f'ourt in 'th.<· \'ount~· P.nilcl1 eYidence the court declaring that even and so we brushed them aside, went ? 1 leseCh . 111 t~s gtve uks grea er t aih 1 ing, in tlw C'ity o~ \'hiNHd!To, in !'aif·l _rrt' 0 k 1 .' · · · 1 · d b d · d 111 our ns tans an< "eep us a t c countY a:-; tlw tinw a n pia<'·· m 1 1<' 1 1ad thetr been a robbery the Mtsston 111 anc pomte out our oun anes an I k 111 · 't 0 f t 1 d'ffi It' · ·' 0 11 sni d .1 ppli <'·ttio n ,\11 1wr..;nn!-: 1 1 was in no way responsible. The 1;1an showed our deeds. The official with Iwor · spt e le cu tes. r~~~~~;\~1~~ m~;. ni .. oh.ic·<'tio·n~ · in ·l'ai~1 then brought suit against us in higher u swas satisfied with the justice of our . Takes on Added Tasks C'ourt bc·fon: sa id <l ay an(l m.n.y ap]H·:!r court and this time also made the claim and said that a written order ~ Th1s year we have not gone to the on tlw hc·an ng- an·l mak,. thf·Jt clc ·f··n!'P. charge that we had trespassed on his would be given to these men before mountains as in past. \\'c arc ,itt. t J >ntt··l , Sc·ptpmlwr 111, lll 2 fi . property and '"ere cutting stone he- dark to dear out. hack from furlough, and thought that E.\Hf; t·;. nR~EP. . -:1 · Tl 1e h'l ·co u lima g to ge t th r?t~ ~-> 0'11 tl 1c· .ToR;.; CLARh. R\hLn 1ongmg to 1' 11111: 1g 1er court upThe order was given late the next "e ( ~1 a e F.L~T.ER n. TIE\'T\:En held the decision of the lower court da,· hut the answer of Mr. Shih our hot weather !n someway. LlVmg ex \YTLFOn.n 11t·REfL\ HP and claimed that it had no jurisdiction · '11 r 1 tl. a t' fore'rrn so.ct'etv penses have mcreased so greatlv that C'L\ H.l·:X( 'E E. lH L\ YEn . · 11Ctg1)0. ann 1e 111I I."> · · t... l J h P\l ' f \ HOFF"\T\X m boundary dispute s.. According to was to increase the number of work·- ' tt ts _auso ute Y nc~cssary to count t e .l()J-Ti F. ··wn~DLTX. . treaty agreement the se cases should men double the number of Bovs penntes. Then, w!th tlle hraYy . work nonrcl of 1.1>(':11 Tmprm·t mr · nt ~ of tlw have gone before the American <:;on~ut Scot;t s. t=~ ncl arnt tllem ,,·ith kn;,:,_ 5 !hat I. have had tt would haYc hcen Village of -~~i lm<·ttP. __ ., . . . O}l account of our extra-te~nton~l three feet in length. regular swords. tmpos s thle for me to lea,·c. T haYe had 1.,,1 -t' nghts. I left th e .matter, enttrely m !This w?s a clirect defiance of the ~fa- to take o"ver the work of the Rev. \V. n A 'f C 1 1 f 1t t yn,J, H:Y.: OF Wll,)fl-:TTF. th~ 1 1an d.s. o f t 1 1e Cl ltne.se, now~ver. 0 n gistrate of a city of SOO,OOO people. He . -~ c nrc y, w 10 \\'as . orccc o go .o thts dec1ston we constde:ed the case ~as powerless to enforce his order, 1 Fekmg for an operatiOn for gastnc s 1 ~t···lal .\ss··:oosmrnt ~otlrr closed and went ahead wtth our work. ' howe er ulcers . .v · . , Our sons, Chester. ancl T Harold. arWilm··tt·· SpHial .\s~("'"'m<·nt ~o. Hi:i. . Nothing happened again until late m June when one afternoon a force Thts made the Magtstrate angr) and ' nved from Shan g hat on J nne 2J, and ·1~ TJ-n, :.L\ TTT·:n OF· TTTE ~PB\'l:\ L of stone masons, supported by a troop I' th~ next day he called 011 Gener~1 once more we arc a united family. AS~F~SS:\TE:'\T (,r th· · Yi ~ l a!!,·c · of \\'ilm..tt,· of twenty Boys Scouts broke open one \\ ang F ~·n(T lhn,,·, tlH' comntalldt>r 111 While only fifteen and t\\·elvc thev ar c I for th.<' imn,., ,.PnH·nt ,,f t!J{· ('(·ntral of our gates and })egan cuttt.tlCT stotle charge of C'hutwking citY ancl district, I almost as tall as I am' Ch-ester I f'lghctc-Pn (llS) fN· t of tlw fil~"t alflioy !'f·ttilth 1."> 1 1 1 A · C 1 · · · of entra A\'f' l1U P PXt PrH mg- rom H' on the plac.e, and to erect a wall right am reque stec t le me:tcan onsu !0 \\·eighs 167, more than I . have ever. eru.;t Prly linP of Wilnwtt P "\ \ ···ntH· to thP through the middle of our property do the sa~1e. The ~Iagt~trate called ll1 weighed. They wlll return to Sha.ng- v.·es~ e rly Ji!lP ·~,f th f' ri.ght-nf-wn)· nf t:w bought from three different parties the morntng, hut no artton w::ts taken. hai the first of September and we' arc ~:1m.t a ry DIRtnet .of C'luc~go (ex<'ept t~nt 11 the last piece having been bought onl~ ~eeing this the Consul called. a~ f?ur rroing. to send Miriam with them. ~~~;~~~ ;~u:~~ Sti~;.;;:R~· :~;~\tr~·~·t, ~ i ~~;~ last year from the Police department 111 the af~\rnoon. Thro~gh hts mstst - While only cl..even. Miriam · is as large: S~rPf't, S<·n·nth StrPf·t. Eig-hth ~tn·l't, itself, which is still next door on that ence a mtlttfln· officer \\'t1 h a squad of I as a girl of 18, and is too large to live ~· ~mth St~"'~'~· .Tvnth Rtr.c·l't an<l ,E~t · Y··.nt~ 'd · men went to the property at 4:45 and 1 f ~tre<'t. h<h" f'f !'l tlw f':1:-;t ~n<l " :!'t lm<·., . · )Oar d'mg of Sl e. 1 on t 1e campus o a 1 )0~ s 1 each of Raid strf·<'tl" w1th ~a 1cl nllry . . The pastor called in the police and a ordered t~le masons and Boys Scouts school, especially in China. The 1~st wh~:h arP. alrf'ady 1~a n·d) hy grad·i·n~ ~ncl heutenant sent to make an investiga- off. The:y went. half vear she has been attcndmg pa' mg with C'OnC'n t P a.ncl other~~" Jl"C nn. · · · · ., Tl 1 1 1 Sh'l · d 1 11 ,, · proving the- snnw. all m tlw '\ Illag(· of tton. To hts lnJUtry the masons and 1re.e ( ays. ater t.1e man , 11. tr~e ~~ 100 acros.;; t 1e 1 angtsc nver, a ,Vilmette, Cook C'ounty , Tllinoil". Boys Scouts replied that they rep~e- to b~mg smt agamst the ~tsston 1 nde of three hc;>Urs. She.had some un- . NOTICE' i!'> hc·rf·bY giw~n to all pl" rsnns sented the Soctety to Secure Justtce chargmg that we were responsthlc for 1 pleasant expcnences gotng hack and mterested that th: B~~nl of Local Imfr~m. Westerners: that they were his being robbed of iewelry, etc., to forth, so that we do not feel it s~fe to F~~;eg;ggt~~ ~~ida~~,~~~~;~~'\a~cts('~~~=~o~ butldtng a monument to Unequal the value of over $10,000, and that we keep her here longer. Then agatn she certificatP Rhowing th e <'ORt of th<' 1mTreaties, and that our neighbor had had trespassed on his property. Be- was the only girl in her grade and had provement, thf' amount ~·PsP rvf'<l for indonated stone from this quarrv pro- cause of treatv rights he rould not no competition in her work. It is tere~t, ~r.d that tlwre I.s th<' su;n of · b rmg · · · · · a 1 · gomg · . mean a b' · gomg . $7,6.18.0<> to bP abnted m rpductJOn of vt'd'mg t h ey wou ld come and ~cut It. act10n agamst us m oca 1 Cl11tg expense an d ts said aRseRsment, and also that said imThe lieutenant inspected our property nese court. Finding that such a case to be a tremendous pull on our heart- prov~ment has bPf'n complPtN'I in l"llbdeeds told these people that they were would have to I!O to the American 1 strings to have the three children 1 500 stantial conformity to the l'l"flUirC>nwnts ' · d, 1 d h 1 Court m · Sh ang h ai· h e gave up 1 · 1 1111 'I es f rom us tn · a stran~e 1 ' · of the original ofc1inancf' and tre~passmg an ore ere t em to eave. 11s an d , t.. Dtlt tt has applied to Raid court t 0 thPrefnr. ('onsicl<'r nnd Thts they refused to do. There had case. seems to he the only thmg to do. determine whf'thC'r or not the faC't!'; RtatNT been a complete change in city officials, So long ::~s ·we had g-ottf'n the men off Yours most sincrrelv. in s~ld certlficatP are truP. and that said including the courts, and thev · hoped ·he propertv we were not willing to C. B. Pape. court has fixed Monday, the. 4th day of · d gmen t tn · t h e1r ·. f avor. OrOSf'CUte M r. Sh'h Tl1e M afZlS · t ra t e, OC'tobf:'r, A. D., l!l2G, at tf'n o <'lock A. 1\f.. t 0 ge t a new JU I . nr :'!!'; soon t'flen·n ftl"r as thl" bURlnc-ss of Up to this time the Mission had re- however. was not wming to lPt him off the court will permit, at the room of said fused to appeal to its extra-territorial and so he was tried in the local ChiC'ount.v C'ourt .in the. f'ou':'tY Build in~. in · h Th · · h · f '1 f · tl"'P f'It~· of Chwal!'o, m RaJd C'ook County, rt.g. ts. e ctty wa~ m a c aottc con- nese court, ound gut ty o ~respassmg as the time and plaC'e for the hearing on dttton, however, owmg to a complete on our property, and heavtly fined. HChandler remains the undisputed said appliC'ation. All perl"ons desiring · change in administration for the worse, The above recital goes to show the hill climbing champion of th~ world," m~y fil e objPctionR In said Court bpfore and something had to be done. Finallv satd and day make and their rna~ appear . . chaotic condition of things in . this states Mr. Meyer, manager of Tom lng defense on the hearat the request of the Chmese church countrv. I have r1lw<~vs champwned Hay and Son, north shore Chandler Dated Septembe 16 1920· memhers the!11selves, we took the case the. C~inese in all .their legitimate representatives. ' EARL ; ORNER · to the Amencan Consul. asptrattnns. and w~ w1sht>rl to see ex"Chandler's phenomenal record.JOHN CLARK RAKER The consul wrote immediately to the tra-territoriat privileg-es for Western- smashing performance of 17 minutes, F.T,MER D. BECKER Commissioner · of Foreie"n Affairs lav- Pp; aholi~hed. I am sti11 in favor of 48 2-5 seconds in the 1925 racing WILFORD W. DPBERARD · th e w ho 1 . h ut tt . . · evt'd ent t hat f or a c 1 . on t he s 1 .. CLARENCE E. DRAYER mg e case b e f ore h' Im, b u t a t l11s, IS qUite asstc opes o f P'k 1 e ' s p ea k , PATTT~ A. HOFFMAN week passed without any action; all tim~" We&terners will suffer many in- 1 the world's highest motor mountain JOHN F. WIEDLIN the time stone was being cut, some of justices until the time comes when the climb is still the best time on this Board of I.ocal Improv~ments of the it carried off the pla('e; and a waft was country :has a ~tab'le government with 'owe;ing mountain. Village of Wilmette. LSl- 2tc CHAOS IN CHINA IS · TOLD BY MISSIONARY Ia · I I ! I I I I I I ° ' 1 l "r· I I. I I Chandler's Pike's Peak Record Sti.ll Untouched I

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