Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Sep 1926, p. 49

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September 17, 1926 the river, only half a dozen men fin- WIL·METTE LIFE illY escaping. In Ranl'e of Guna At once the river became the firing line and guards were placed all along the river front. This drew the fire our wav . .The firing was ince ssant for two days . and nights. Our house was struck again and again. and we had to pull our mattres ses off the beds and sleep in corners in order to escape bullets. As it wa Mrs. Rape had . one very narrow escape. She wa s sittin~ in the living room one aft~rnoon in " ·hat we thought to h e a safe place when a shot misse d her b,- onlv two inches. Fortunately. of ti1e s.e veral hundred students anrl teach e rs on our ~ ampu~. no one ,,·as hurt. \ Yc are certainly thankful t o God for hi s protection and ca re during thi s te rrific. nervous s train. Of course it wa s hard · rst on the children and it is most lin fortunate that they should ha\'e to pa:- :-. tl1rough s uch things. New Regime Rules General \Vang Fang Chow i no\\· in charge of our city an,d all is quiet. ~J'he Szechueneese soldiers treat the people with a great deal more consideration. and consequently busine ss. which had been at a standstill for moriths. i:-; much better. \\'ould that " ·e could look forward to permanent peace! But how can \Ye with over 300.000 soldiers in thi s one pro\'ince. and se\'eral ri,·al generals. ~f ilitari sm is certainly thr . cur~e oi China toda\'. The work ha s Ill a de 5 plendid pn.Jgress during the pa st few month ~ in s pite of the a(herse co nditio ns und er which ,,. ~ are forced to work. Earh· in the year when sc hool oprned man~· <,f our 0wn . tudents were more or lc<s hostile. but by the time school close d late in June there wa s an entirelv dif frrent ~pirit. l\fost of the anti-foreign and anti-Christian feeling is due to mi sundentanding. \Ye ha\-l' made an earnest effort to · di scuss all ques tion s frank!~· and clear up am· misunders tandings. T am sati~fiecl that if one trie s to b~ ju st and reasonable in his treatment of the Chinesr. and earnestly tries to lead a Christlike life among them, he will . ucceed in win ning their goodwill. In June \\'e graduat~d a class of thirty-se\'en boys from the Senior High school. the largest cl a:;s in the history of the institution. The\· \':e ~e =t mighty fine hunch and \Yill - h e a credit to us \\·herever they go. About half of them wi11 enter college this fall and the others go to wor 1 ~. some · of them for the ~fission . Feel Anti-Chriatian Influence All of our schools in the Chungking and Yungchwan districts. over which I am superintendent, closed this week. \Yhile the enrollment has been smr:dler than usual ov;ing to the anti-Christi<ln movement, they have been doing good work. I am now husy organizing school boards in all these places .and turning over the management to them. This will be a great aid in our ide::tl of establishing an indigenous church. ~reviously I have appointed all prinCipals and teachers, carried the fina,lcial responsibility and settled all their disputes. Now i am to be relieved of. all this an(l will devote my tinH' t('l teacher-training. the holding of in:-;titutes ~tc. The Chinese Christians arc. resp?nding by g-etting under this hurden m a splendid wav. and demonstrating- that they are able and willing to carry such burdens. Nothing that we have done during the last twentY vea! s is going to mean more to the progress of the church in West China. While I was at home on furloug-h the Mission sold our Chungking- Hig-lwr Primary school property to the W. F. M. S. for a little over $13,000. During the last six months I have erected a new boarding school for boys with this money on the same site where the Bishop· Lewis Memorial church is to ~e built. This building is three stories tn hei~ht and will provide dormitories and c!ass rooms for seventy-five boys. (Continued on page 50) fiowY,OU caJ1 . be Sure OltON . , . TAAI SO !1··o, MEDIUM ·Au.ss "'"'"~ Ewrg drop supet refmed P.UrrPeunsylviUJia Naw JQU can be sure! No need to worry any more about the quality of oil you put in your motor. · Fo. r HyViS oll is guaranteed to be the highest type of motor lubricant it is possibie to produce. HyViS is super-refined from the world's finest stock, the famous Pennsylvania crude. Every drop of HyViS is tested to proven standards. These tests are certified on every HyViS container. They are your positive guarantee of uniform, dependable quality. . Let your dealer drain your crank-case t~ day · and refill with HyViS. You'll notice the difference! Village Filling Station 531 Main Street Distributor · · McSIOR OIL

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