Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Sep 1926, p. 47

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September 17, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE The first employe publication of thi s company was known as !he Public Service Lumen and was echtcd by Mr. Lester from 1916 to 1921. The name of the publication then was changed to the News, Mr. Le ster contin"tting in the capacity of editor in addition to i1is duties as advertising manager. ~fr . Lester \\"a s one of three sun·iving men)bers in Chicago of the Order of Cincinnati, a soc iety made up of the ddcst ~ons in the families of Revoln · tionar\' \\'ar officers. He wa s a grancl "on. s.cven generations rem oved, of Jonathon Ed\\'ards. Sttr\'iving are t hr \Yicln\\'. a daughtrr an d t\\'? grand children. LAUREL PLAYGROUND tion of the Publtc Servtce con1pan y tn ... ~~~~~~y~~o~g~~ - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1911. Funeral. services· for Frar:k ~· L~ster 71, edttor of the Pub~tc . >:>ervtce Compa!lY of Northern Illmots News, who dted .Satur?ay, September 11, at hi s home m Chtcago, were held Monday afternoon., Mr. Lester was very . w_ell kn<;>wn throu~hout northern_ Ilhn01s, parttcuJarlv m newspaper ctrcles. For seven· years h e was a \~'ftter · · teen on t1 1e s~a ff hicago Tnbunc hecommg C tl f le o cfil' . . . ' tndustry . . t l tth the uttlttv 111 31' ta ec w. . . · h . northern Ilhnots ynor t? t e organtz~- Veteran Newspaper Man Harrington Writes About Buried in Chicago Monday ; School In Kiwanis Book I A~ article entitled "Schools of Journalism" and dealing in part with an outline of the plan and policies of the Medill School of Journalism of Northwestern university, written by H. F. Harrington, director of the local school, appears hi the current issue of The Kiwanis Magazine. Th t' 1 d' "Th Ed ar p tc e tscusses ucation e and t' f Je . , . r~para 10P o a ourna 1 tst. Among tts mterestmg · ite ms ts · d es· · crtptwn of the course tn Problems of Contemporar Th u ht Telephone your orders-Wilmette 649 No Toll . We Deliver --J(if.BJ!tJIM~Nf 1557 SHERMAN AVENUE Evanston ., Tlw Laun·l Rllmnwr playgTountl <'losf·<l Fri<la~· . St·pt<·mlH·I· 1 (t, with a ])arty . ·-\11 a rt il'ks ma(]l' this summ<·r Wt·rt· g-in ·n out anrl also · prizt ·s fnr p oints and atf ·· IHlan c·r·. Tht ·rt · wa H a (']liSt· J'H ('t' for points, norr·th\' Rtic·nr·r ro ming- in first: EI Pa nor C'ul, .,.r; ~wf'nnrl: .-\]i f'·· Ht ·in. third: f"athr·rinP lht Ys, f fl urth. ·i·host· winningin atU·n<'lt>nN· wr re EJ, ·n nor ('uh···r fir s t : Chnrh ·s l~ipJ..~·. ~;o< · - · ttlHl: Tft.lt ·n ('()nrlit, tllir<l . E·tf'h t·hilcl hn·UC"ht a JH·iz,. for th<> L:"ra h-h:tg- . Tnl· n · fn· ~·;Jmwnt.· Wt ·r·· ;r···"~"···tm. <'HI\t·. anrl <':tn(ly . Tht· frdi11Wing:tttt· tHl r·rl 111· · ll<ll't~·:: l ·~l··a nor ( 'ul\·, ·r. nillit · P nJll.l. \ ·irt:"inia lf ·tYs . . \ lir··· JJ, ·in . C't ·r· ili :l :\l··~·t"l·. H t·lt·ll t ·,,ll;rlit. I lr·rt·thy Stit ·nt·r . . \l a rj t· tT ~~ it ·nt·r. 1 'h :tr!t-s llipl· ·.\·, l:arl.ara Hiplt ·~·. Kat h., r ino· 1~ :1\"S, Eilr ·t ·ll nutlt-r . . \'.\ TT:\T .\X P .·\ HK Tho· foollowiw.: :lt t ··nrl r·rl tlw clnsingp:trt\· :tl \ 'at tnwn l';~rk : :\T~tn· \\'hit· ·. 1:1:~tln< \\'!lit· ·. P r,riH \\'!til t·. Lu ,:ill· · lloft'mnn." l;t ·r a ltlitH · n, ,ffman, T!ita H an··r. \lHn· .l:tnd f,t ·: u·d1, .T· ·rt n P··rrill. ])nrnthy fh\·i s. Flls:1 llt ·ll·· Fit7.p:ttrio·k . :\Tarjnry T : I ~· lor , En ·l \')) Ta : ··1 (1 1'. Ekilll!ll' St o· (·Jl, L11rdta ~tt·ff, · n:-;, Edith llr<~n<lt , Jan·· J ~r·:tn rlt. Hil1h Ft ·llows , PliYilli !' llrr· <·l<s. \ ·inf'· ·nt \\.hit··. Hrllph \Yiiit P. Xnrman lf,ffrnan. n,,n n lrl Hoffm n n . 11ill l.t· :l rf'h. Hudrly P· ·rrill. St<·piH·n Ht·otoks, l!ic·hnrrl T··ylnr. f'h:~rl· ·~: ·T<tyl o r, .Jnhn Hr:1nr1t, :\l a tth r- \\· Harn ·r, Tiillir· Fitzpatrick . .l:tm t·~ C'hnmht·rs. nohhif' S t·r· <lalwrg-. Tlw prizt·s 'fm-' attPIHh·IH't· ancl points W· ·r· · g-i\'t·n out. \Yinn f' rs of noint s Wl'l't ·: :\l :·ry \\.hitP, first: Ltwill r Hoffman , ~cc ontl: :\Tarjory Tayl o r, third . \\·inn1·rs of att<·n<lan('t' Wt·n· : :\Tan· \\ 'hi((·, first : Halph \\. hitt·, RP<'OJHl; Doris \\.hitP. thirrl. E< wh f'hilcl broug-ht a g-ift for thf' g-rabhn g-. "C'old dog-s" :1 nd <'and~· Wt ·n · the r efr·, ·shnwnts. Don't ever bet you can beat a Chandler up a hill! You realize the vivid difference between Chandler performance and ordinary performance when you take a Chandler over the road ... When you meet some skyscraper hills . the ta1ler the better. and skim swiftly up them "in high" ~right past other cars growling along "in second" ... When you feel the car's instantaneous surge of smooth. soundless power every time you tickle ·the accelerator! Steering is marve!ously easy. Safe stops in any weather are assured by Chandler's perfect action 4-wheel brakes. Ana due to inherent engine design t plus an oil purifier and an atr cleaner draining the oil in the crankcase is now necessary only a few times a year. What's more-all you have to do to lubricate the entire chassis is press your heel on the little plunger of Chandler· s " One Shot" system of (:entralized lubrication. t ~r rs. F. ~f. Braden of Pa s11 dena spent this week-end as the guest of Mrs. G. M. Culver of 910 Elmwood avenue. -o- There are nineteen brilliant models to choose from-all lower than ever in price- and every one a distinct credit to a company that occupies one of the strongest positions in the industry - a company with no bonded indebtedness~ rio mortgages or liens, no bank loanst no outstanding notes- a company with assets 20 to 1 over liabilities. 19 Finer, New Models-$945 to $1795 M. Portenhauser Painting Decorating Estimates given without obligation PhoP~ Wilmette 2764 CHANDLER ToM JLy & SoK, Inc. 1R38 Ridge Avenue CHANDLER Evanston, Ill. 1030 Greenleaf A··· Chandler-Cleveland Motors Corporation-Cleveland WILME1TE ·

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