Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Sep 1926, p. 1

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; . ·· · ·.·· o.- ._ .. -~ · ' .. t "" : :~ -~· · I\ .. · ... ... ·· ..--·.., ~ . ' · . ~: ·· . ' '!. · · ' 'I ·· '\ ~ : - · ., WILMETTE ' VOL. XV, NO. 51 WILMETTE. IILINOTS, SEPTEMBER 17, 1926 L ·, I I F.E I . A Weekly News-Maga%ine for Wilmette· and Kenilworth PRICE FIVE CENT3 Dollar Days in Wilmette Monday and Tuesday· ,. BUSINESS FOLK TALK OVER CIVIC MATTERS Chamber of Commerce Urges Action on Tenth Street Paving; Organizes Glee Club The initial autumn meeting of the \\"ilmcttc Chamber of Commerce at the Central Caieteria Tuescla,· of this week. proved one of the mo~t enthusias tic gatherings oi business and profe:->:' illnal people in the history of that t~r~a n iza tion. Perhap;o; much of the ('llthusiasm was :1 ttrihuted to the unprecedcnt success ·)i the recent \\"ilmctte da,·. as indicated in the rq}()rt on the community holiday a:-> presented hy General Chairman Dr. Charles B. Blake. Actual statistics sho\\'ed. it ,,·as lmmght out. tbat this Year's \\'ilmette cia,· \\"as easilY the ;nost successiul ,.e;1turc of its· \incl in the biston· oi the \"illag-e . Having its beginning in thL· annual 1\ew Trier da\· of other year:-.. ,,·hen the other Yill~~ges oi the tm\· t~:>hip co-opera ted, \\"ilmette cia,· ha-; now b~come a genuine communit;· affair quite · :-;imilar in man~· respects t o ou r F 0 urtl,t o f July celebrations. The .-.urccs .~ of the Yenture in other \'ears ha., been eclipsed in eYCr~· particular. it \\·a:-; stated. this year's holiday pro\'ing that it is really a gala day inr parl'nts and children as indicated ln· thl· actiYit\· in the field eYents and children's i)arade. The street proces:-.ion also " ·as declared the niost elahura te spectacle of its character eYer ,,·it nessed in this con1munit\·. ).fatters relating to \\"iimett e da~: having been duly recorded, the attention of the Chamber of Commerce tllt'lll he rs wa;; directed to the propo;;ir io n oi ha,·ing Tenth street paYecl from l'hl':'tnut street northerh· to Sheridan r t1ad. Tl-¥is proposed - improvement, which \\'O ttld open a natural arten· int·1 the Yillage from the northeast. w;i:-: un~·erl ln· the Chamber of Commerce :-.en.· raJ 1~10111 hs ago and has he en gin'n emphatic approYal by Village President Orner. \Yho recentlY referred to the project as one dcnianding immediate fa,·orahle action. The Chamber of Commerce Tuesdav authorized its ci,v ics committee to con fer with officials nf \\"ilmette. Kenilworth and the to\vnship, as \veil as \\'ith objecting propert~· O\\'ners, in the interest of di:-;:;ipating any possible hindrances to the early consummation of thr improYcmen t. Sub;;;criptillns for the outfitting of the \\'ilmette Athletic club football team-sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce-establishment of MondaY and Tuesday. September 20 and 21 a·s semi-annual Dollar DaYs in the business places of the village, appointment of a reception committee \Yith Carl E. Sterner as chairman, and action to organize a Chamber of Commerce Gll'c club, with Dr. Charles B. Blake a3 organization chairman, were other matters transacted at Tuesday!s ses.;ion. Following the business meetinR". the members enjoyed an · entertainment provided from within the membership, · anti enga~ed in a fetlowship fest at hich refr.e shments Wctfe served. Fifty Thousand . Gains High Post Use Our Bathing Beach .This Season·;...___ _ __ Fiity thousand people have used the \\"ilmettc bathing beach this year, it \\"a:; announced this week. The beach closed officially September 15. From July 17 to 2-l, all \\·eekly records were hr0ken ""hen 8,300 people used the beach and \nnt in swimming. This \\·as exclusi\'C of picnics and visitors. Sen?ral Boy Scout groups from Chicag0 and industrial concerns have had picnics and sports at the beach. The \\"estern Electric Accounting department brought to the beach about 1,000 people. The American Legion used the ground:; eYery Thur · day evening. The biggest e,·ent' thiii season was the \\"ilmette \Vater carnival which dre\\' several thou.;and. A feature of. the beach on e\·en· Frida,· has been ~\\· imming exercises and competitions. The \ \"ilmette Bureau ·of Recreation . Ita=- co-operated in the athletics and other \York on the beach. \\'hile there ha-; been no fatalities, there have been :'e,·eral persons taken irom the \\'ater ,,·lw "·ere in imminent danger. The success of the beach is due to the board of directors and the personnel of the beach. The board consists oi Louis K. Gilson, Henry ]. Haack, Floyd L. Bateman, Charles K. Roberts. Harry \V. Hopp. Frank ]. Scheidenhclm, George \V. Hess. C. D. \Vagstaff. and Henry Fo,\"ler. The personnel of the beach consists of Joyce B. ~mith. heachmaster: ).f rs. Belle Hilt·m. matron: ~frs. Agnes Borgfelt. -.ecretan·: ).[rs. hv Stone. refrecton· head: Archer Ket{nedy and J ame·~ ).fadison Stifler, ]r: guards: Paul Fisher. beach man: \\'illiam Barth. James \f eehan and J. \V. B. Smith. policelllen: Francis Kennedy and Joseph Berol. in charge of checkroom. WILMETTE STORES PLAN BIG FALL BUYING EVENT Employ Dollar Days to Demon·. strate to Public Advantages of Shopping at Home How quickly the months roll by. lt "eems but a very short time ago that Wilmette's buying public strolled into the various shops and stores in response to the early spring Dollar Days, hut here we are with the autumn Dollar Days just in the offing. In fact the Chamber of Commerce, which sponsors these attractive ba··gain events has designated Monday and Tuesday, September 20 and 21, as the semi-annual Dollar Days, and at this writing, local retailers are busying themselves in preparing their shelves and counters for the anticipated onrush of the hosts of custome:.-s. who never fail to take advantage of ~ this unusual opportunity to "stretch": the well known greenbacks. . . Dollar Days. originated in Wilmette several years ago at the instance oi the Chamber of Commerce, have a purpose that is far broader than the· mere bars-ain counter idea, one ·is !nformed. Back of the bargain counter. one· learns. stands the merchant who is also our neighbor, friend, ieltow-citizen and taxpayer who is truly anxious to serve our needs and desires in the' most ·friendlv and neig-hhoriy r.lanner. The institution of Dollar Days, then, is just another novel way of encouraging and foste_ring a sense of confidence, friendliness and neighborliness as · bet"·een the buyer and the seller in the community. · · Lincoln C. Torrey, 1341 Elmwood avenue. \Yilmette, has been named secretary and treasurer of the Chicago, Korth Sl10re a.nd ).[ihYaukee railway. ).[ r. Torrey, \\·ho is 36 years of age, ha:; ri:-;en from the station of engineer auditor to his present high position ""ith the company. He is a graduate of Hanard college. JVilmette Schools· Open With Large Enrollment _Monday Show Spirit Pupils of the \Vilmette schools answered the caJl of the school hell last ).l"onday morning approximately 1,575 strong, according to school authorities. Because of the number of children who enter late, during the first week Althotwh active in manY affairs of' or two . .no accurate check of the figa ci,·ic n~ture, the \Yilmette Chamber lures can he made for some time. · It of Commerce this week entered upon was. said. that a large nUI_uber of new an entireh- new venture and that in puptls enrolled, not countmg the newthe field o.f music. Puttin'g it different- comers in the kindergarten. .ly. the m erchants and business men's The house n()rth of the Byron Stolp organization has decided upon concen- school was being moYed off the lot this trating its \'Ocal talent in what is to week and this land, which was recently appear before the ·public sometime in . purchased by the Board of Education the future as the \Vilmette Chamber for playground purposes. \Yilt be levof Commerce Glee club. elled off. and put in u se in the near Tuesda,· of this week the Chamber future it ·was announced. appointed Dr. Charles B. Blake as orNine new teachers ha,·e been added ganization chairman of the newest to the staff of the public schools so civic enterprise and was more or less that the increased number of pupils astonished to enumerate eighteen or will be handled with ease. New eqttintwenty ,·olunteers from among its ment has been installed in the schools membership who are happy to etiter and they have heen thoroughly cleaned the singing ranks. and renovated during the summer Talent for the ·proposed glee club months. has been asserting itself for some time For the first time the public schools in the t\vo luncheon clubs in the com- will have a librarian. Miss Alice F. munity. the Rotary and Optimist clubs, Stevens of the State Normal college and the merchants and professional at Oshkosh Wis., has been engaged for people who make up the roll of the this position. She will organize. libraChamber of Commerce are optumstic ries in each of the public schools and concerning the future of this newest will arrange and catalogue books in child of the organization. Ithe various rooms. - Glee Club N eu)esf Enterprise of Our Commerce Chanzber Dollar Dars aff~rd the business folk an unsual opportunity to demonstr~.te in a verv critical way that spirit of · senice "·l1ich one hears so much about \n this age.' In offering the puhlic this attractive inducement to visit the various :.;~1ops and stores, the merchants also have in mind the pri,·ilege afforded them to convince the hm·ing public of the distinct advantages of shopoing at home amid convenient. comfortable and generally pleasant surroundings. Wilmette merchants believe they can med the needs of the villagers right here in thejr own community and they a~e anxious to demonstrate that fact on Dollar Day. of s ·ervice Construct F ootways on Village Hall Parkways Workmen this week were completing the task of laying concrete footways . on the parkway along the curb li~es of Wilmette and Central avenues skirting the Village hall. They are ~lso constructing apprpaches froqt the stdewalk. The footways are for t~e ac· commodation of villagers in gettmg to their cars parked on th~ Vi!lage hall side of the streets durmg mclement we-ather. · · .... · · ·- --~·· ·-:-i.; I

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