Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Sep 1926, p. 37

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September 17, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE Work preparatory to the erection of the new business block which M. K. Meyer, Winnetk!J. banker, will erect at the northwest corner of Elm and Chestnut streets, Winnetka. is underway. The M. K. Meyer residence which has occupied this corner for many years is being moved to Chestnut and Cherry stre. e ts and on its former site will rise orie of Winnetka's finest business blocks. The new building will be three stories in height. having a frontage of 187 feet on Elm street and ISO feet on Chestnut. The first floor will be devoted to store rooms, · the second storv to offices and apartments and the third story to apartments exclusively. The building will cost approximately $180,000 and Mr. Mever savs he hones to have it completed by May 1, ·1927. Begin Work on New Stacey Company Acquires I S"ELL WILMETTE HO~E D. V. Ferguson Business . Mr. a!ld M.rs. Sam S. Davtd have Business Structure sold thetr restdence at 611 Lake aveW~ G. Stacey and company, 336 nue, Wilmette, and will move to the in Winnetka Area Linden avenue, Wilmette, have taken North Shore .hotel, Evanston. The over the real estate office of Donald V. Ferguson and company . 309 Howard . ' . street, Chtcago, where they wtll condu~t . a ge,neral brokera~e business. Wtlham Melbye and D. V. Smith will continue to be associated with the \Vilmette office and :Mr. Stacey will divide his time between the two offices. Miss Hel~ Evans of 616 Gregory avenue has gone to Champaign to visit Mrs. Clark. .She will remain for the "rushing" activities at the University of Illinois, and then will go to Missouri to visit her aunt, Mrs. G. N. McClure, who was recently married. Miss Evans expects to be away about a month. sale was made by E. C. · Phillips, who says the purchaser's name is not being revealed at present, but that he expects to occupy the property and to do some remodeling later. Miss Isabelle Pope has returned to her home at 910 Lake avenue, from the East, where she attended summer school at Columbia university and visited friends in Boston and on Cape Cod. The exceptional resources of 'the Smarr ~ Golee organization are of inestimable val.ue to those who seek a new North Shore h o m e for fall occupancy. 5%~ Have funds to loan on choice improved North Shore Suburban residPnC"e property at 51,.2% interest. See us on renewals. MONEY 1564 Sherman Avenue Evanston E. G. Pauling & Co. S N. LaSalle St. Main 0250 Nelson Laundry Company Builds Broad Sidewalk The comnletion of the street " ·iden ing along Central avenue west of ~fain street has been followed ln· the laYing of new side"·alks that- extend ·to the new curb line, at the instance of the Nelson Laundry company. The walk was laid in record time hv the . James Wigginton company of Evanston, \vhich has laid many blocks of sidewalk in Wilmette. In addition to the new walk. the Nelson company has improved its office entrance with new cement steps set back from the building line. COOPER -if you want the best . Careful culture and unceasing attention during all stages of growing assures the purchaser of Cooper's Peonies that he will .receive strong, healthy roots-true to natne. Write for PEONIES }N'(O)Iml ~- IBkoJim ko Builders of Better Homes WILMETTE. ILL. Chicago Office· First National Bank Bldg. · Phones Wilmet(( 1~ .. 7- Randolph ·43& ForYoa · .' WILLIAM H. DeWITT DIES \Villiam Henry De\Vitt passed a\\·ay \Vednesday, September 8. at the home of his son. James A. De \Vitt of Schiller street. 'Mr. De \Vitt was 68 years old and had . been in failing health for some time. The remains were sent to Oak Hills. Kansas. Mr. De \Vitt's former home. for hurial. :\fiss ·H arrirt and 1fiss Helen !'\ewe,·. daughters of ~f r. and Mrs. F. ]. Newe;·. 436 Lake an'nue. are amon~ the \Yilmette girls who will he students at the Cniversitv of Tllinois this vear. · ~~liss Harriet aiready has gone to. Champaign and ~fiss Helen is leaving this week. Unvarnished FactsTips and Pointers For Beginners with -3,127,461 in 60 days invested by home · owners tn The PEONIES 25 CENTS Or FREE with order for Collection No. 30 Coutonne d'Ot. Late; yellowish .....·. $0.75 Delachei. Midseason ; red ·.. · .. · · · 7 5 Duchesse de Nemours. Yellowish; early .... · · · 75 Festiua Maxima. Early; white ....... · · · 7 5 Felix Crousse. Midseason; red .... · · · · 7 5 Edulis Superba. Dark pink; early .·.. ·. ·75 Karl Rosenfield. Late; red ........... 2.oo Mons. Charles Leveque . Midseason ; flesh .·.. · . · 7 5 Madam Calot. Early; hydrangea-pink . . x.oo Mme. de Vemeuille. Early; white . . . . . . . . . · 7 5 Philomele. Midseason: yellowi.ih . . . 1.00 Midnight. · Red, dark: early .·.... I.oo Baroness Schroeder. Midseason; flesh . · . . . . . I. 5o Grandiflota. Vtry bte; pink . . . . . . . 1.00 $IJ.50 -oF red Farmer, his four daughters, and his mother, Mrs. A. A. Farmer, of 915 Elmwood avenue, ha,;e just returned from an outir1g at Coltimhia Lake, Waupaca, Wis. Silent Nokol J 1r~eA \'ersonn ., '/ . ,~ e1 .. Selling North Shore properties and homes of the better type requires a trained personnel. Particularly experienced and accustomed to handling select properties, this organization has a reputation for exacting and trustworthy standards in every transaction. Negotiations are conducted in a dignified and confidential manner, satisfactory alike to both buyer and seller. AMERICAN home owners are now investir1g in the new Silent NOKOL at the amazing rate of $1,500,000 monthly$3,127,461 in 60 days. To· NOKOL efficiency and economy has been added the final development in oil heat-Silence. Noise. has been cut to the vanishing fxTLnt. Comfort almost unhoped for has at last become C:I reality. Investigate the new Silent NOKOL now. Don't regard it as a high-cost luxury. NOKOL is the lowest-cost, full automatic oil heat known. Set your thermostat for the desired heat- NOKOL does the rest. You get comfortable, healthful heat, automatically -and you get it without dirt or dust or trouble. There is no odor! NOKOL provides low-cost heat without using a low-grade fuel oil. You can find out all about the new Silent NOKOL in 10 or 15 minutes at our showroom. $10.00 Send for 1926 Price Li!t NEW NO HOKANSQtl JE~~ Ntrlll Sh·" Proptrlfll Ttltphollt Cinctlleaf 1617 COOPER PEONY GARDENS R. E. Bell Kenosha ·wisconsin Silent 0 ltl·· U.S.P"T. OFP: AUTOMATIC OIL HEATING FOR HOMES 0 I L B E AT IN G C 0. 215 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Ill. 500 Daft~ Street EVANSTON Central 783Z 1311 Chicago Avenue, Evanston Uni!eraity 7420

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